Their Naughty Student

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Their Naughty Student Page 37

by Nicole Edwards

  “Oh, precious girl,” I whispered, sliding my hands into her hair and tugging her mouth toward mine. I groaned as sweet ecstasy consumed me. “You feel so good.”

  Jamie kissed me back, a heated melding of mouths. She began rocking against me, taking her pleasure. Wanting to watch Cav, I used the fist in her hair to pull her mouth from mine.

  “Ride me,” I ordered.

  Jamie began a slow, steady pace as I watched Cav lube his condom-sheathed cock. Our eyes met, held. A silent conversation ensued:

  Me: She’s still a virgin.

  Cav: She is.

  Me: It’s time we claim her together.

  Cav: Trust me, I know.

  “I had the pleasure of taking your pussy for the first time,” I whispered to Jamie. “Cav’s going to have the pleasure of your ass.”

  Her body tensed, but she nodded.

  “Relax, sweetness.” I pulled her down so that her chest was against mine. “Kiss me. And don’t stop.”

  Jamie tilted her head to the side, and I slid my lips against hers. I made her work for it, wanting her attention on me while Cav used his fingers to tease her asshole. She moaned and sighed, grinding against my cock still lodged deep inside her.

  Soft hums turned to eager moans as she ground against me, desperate for more.

  When Cav took position behind her, guiding his cock against her ass, I nipped her lower lip, then thrust my tongue against hers, kissing her hard as Cav pushed inside her. Soft whimpers sounded as he took his time.

  “Relax, baby,” I ordered. “Feel us inside you.”

  I felt the ridge of Cav’s cock as he eased deeper. He took his time, his body trembling from the exertion. I alternated between kissing her and watching him, needing to see as the three of us became one.

  Cav growled low and deep in his throat. “So tight.”

  His hands curled over her hips, and when they did, Cav started a rhythm that would take the three of us right over the edge into the most beautiful oblivion I’d ever had the pleasure of experiencing.


  THAT NIGHT, I ENDED UP AT EDGE’S apartment, sleeping between them in Edge’s big bed.

  Exhaustion had pulled me under quickly, my body and mind sated after the events of the night. When I woke, it was before the sun, a symphony of their raspy breaths drawing me awake. I thought for sure they were still asleep, but the gentle movement of the bed was the first giveaway.

  When I forced my lids open, I didn’t move, not wanting them to stop on my account. I watched as Cav leaned over Edge, their mouths melded together as Cav’s hips pumped slow and easy.

  Cav was buried deep inside Edge, their bodies one.

  I wasn’t sure what I’d expected when I thought about two men making love, but this wasn’t it. It seemed so sensual, so passionate. There were no rough thrusts, no dominant growls. This was a pairing and a claiming at the same time.

  “Christ, Edge,” Cav moaned. “You feel so fucking good.”

  Edge groaned, his hands roaming over Cav’s back. My body heated, my pussy warm and soft. I wanted to join them, but I fought the urge, needing to see them together like this. I’d felt the tension between them, knew there was a powerful chemistry that had likely been what kept them together for so long. And though they’d said they’d always been friends, it was easy to tell there had been something deeper. Perhaps they hadn’t acted on it, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t there.

  “I’m gonna come,” Cav announced.

  “Come for me,” Edge urged, still in control.

  Cav groaned, a deep, rough sound that echoed in the otherwise silent room. I shifted, unable to help myself, and they both turned to look my way. I met their gazes, first Edge’s, then Cav’s. Silently, I willed him to come, to give himself over to the pleasure.

  With a muted roar, Cav closed his eyes, his head falling back as his body went taut.

  Seconds later, he dislodged from Edge’s body, falling to the other side. In a move that was completely out of character for me, I took his place over Edge.

  “I need to feel you,” I whispered harshly, staring down into Edge’s glowing blue eyes. “Please.”

  I fisted his steely length, then guided him inside me, sinking down on him.

  “Fuck, baby,” Edge cried out, jerking me onto him, his cock bottoming out inside me.

  He didn’t allow me to be in control for long, flipping our positions. Under him, I gave myself over to the pleasure. Edge drove into me, deep, frantic thrusts that had us both crying out as the pleasure took over.

  My head tilted back when Cav’s hand curled around my breast, squeezing roughly as Edge drove me closer and closer to the brink. The pleasure was overwhelming, but I didn’t want it to end. Not yet.

  “Jamie … baby … I won’t last. I need you to come for me, baby.”

  His hips shot forward again and again, impaling me, driving me higher and higher.

  “Edge … Cav … oh, God!” I screamed as my orgasm sent warm tingles through my body. I felt as though I was floating, every nerve sparking with an inexplicable feeling of satiation. It was more than I’d ever imagined, more than I ever thought I would experience.

  It was then I realized it was more than merely sex.

  It was everything.

  It was … love.

  Several hours later, I was sitting in class, staring at the professor currently standing at a podium while discussing human sexuality. I was smiling, pretending to listen when the only thing I could think about was everything that had happened last night.

  It was like a revelation had taken place and not merely my own. I’d seen a change in Cav and Edge, too. The three of us, having spent the past few weeks going back and forth, seemed to have been on the same page for the first time. I wasn’t sure what had happened, or if it was simply meant to be, but all the tension had fled from my body.

  I was sated for the first time and it wasn’t sex that had done it.

  Okay, maybe the sex got a little credit. Last night and this morning had been incredible, there was no denying that.

  However, it didn’t compare to the feelings that coursed through me. I felt lighter, more at peace, and I had to think that was because I’d finally accepted what I felt for Cav and Edge.

  “Earth to Jamie.”

  I cleared the fog from my brain and glanced over to see Jonah staring at me, a goofy grin on his face.

  “Class is dismissed,” he chuckled. “You wanna grab lunch?”

  “Sure.” Feeling somewhat silly for having been caught up in my own thoughts, I packed my laptop into my bag, grabbed my cell phone, and followed Jonah out of the room.

  “I am so ready for some time away from this place,” he grumbled as we headed toward the doors. “Did I mention I’ve got a date?”

  I peered over at him. “Really?”

  He chuckled. “Not with two hot Doms, but yeah. His name’s Charles. Tall, dark, and handsome.” Jonah swooned. “Met him at the gym.”

  “Good for you,” I said, trying to bring my focus back to my friend.

  “So, what’s got you drifting off into space today?”

  I smiled. “Nothing.”

  He fluttered his fingers. “You are the worst liar in the history of liars.”

  “I am not.”

  “You are.” He pushed the door open, held it for me. “Spill it, sista. What happened to put that glow on your face?”

  I stared at my best friend. “I’m in love,” I blurted.

  His eyes widened and a slow smile spread across his face seconds before he threw his arms around me, jerking me toward him. “That is so fabulous!” Jonah pulled back, kept his hands on my arms. “The two Doms?”

  “Of course.” I moved away, heading for the parking lot. “Who else would it be?”

  “This is great!” he said as though it had happened to him. “Have you told Tiff yet?”

  “Not yet.”

  “We have to have a girls’ night.”

  I laughed, the sa
me as I always did when he called it that.

  “Maybe we should go to dinner to celebrate,” he rambled. “Fancy restaurant.”

  “Not necessary,” I said when we reached my car.

  “Have you told them?”

  “Told them what?” I asked as I started the engine.

  “That you love them.”

  I shook my head. “Of course not.”

  “What?” He sounded appalled. “Why not?”

  “It’s too soon.”

  “Soon? Pfft. There’s no such thing as too soon. When you love someone, you have to shout it to the heavens.”

  Deciding on tacos, I drove us to the restaurant near campus. “What if they don’t love me back? Wouldn’t I sound stupid?”

  Jonah shifted to face me as I drove. “Why wouldn’t they love you back? You’re sweet, smart, funny. Not to mention beautiful.”

  I blushed at the praise.

  “Don’t you dare wait for them to tell you first,” he said with a huff.

  I parked the car, peered over at him. “Why not?”

  He shrugged but didn’t move to get out. “Because they could be waiting for you. Then you’ll all be putting off the inevitable. Just tell them. Rip off the Band-Aid quickly. Once it’s out there, you’ll feel better.”

  For some reason, I got the feeling Jonah was talking more to himself than me. I’d known he had been in love with his last boyfriend. As in love as Jonah could be, anyway. He seemed to fall fast and often. But that was part of his charm.

  I, on the other hand, had never been in love before. I hadn’t even had a crush. So this was completely foreign to me.

  “Let’s call Tiff,” Jonah suggested with a grin. “See what she thinks you should do.” He pulled out his cell phone.

  I put my hand on his arm. “How about we get through the day, make plans for our girls’ night, and I’ll tell her then.”

  Jonah pouted but met my gaze. “Why?”

  I shrugged. “Doesn’t feel the right time to tell her.”

  His frown turned upside down. “You want to tell them first, huh?”

  A smile formed and I nodded, not even realizing until that moment that I did. I wanted Edge and Cav to know how I felt before the rest of the world did.

  Which meant I had until this weekend to share the news.

  For whatever reason, the thought made my stomach churn.

  And not in a good way.


  Wednesday, November 14, 2018

  “WHAT’S UP?” I SAID BY WAY OF greeting when Edge called me late Wednesday night.

  “You at your hotel?”

  “Yeah. Flipping through channels,” I admitted, “bored clean outta my mind.”

  “I’m coming over.”

  “You bringing dinner?” I asked, still staring at the toothpaste commercial on the screen. “’Cause there’s no way I can cook.”

  “Chinese,” he said.

  “What’re you waitin’ for then?” I joked.

  A knock sounded and I laughed, disconnecting the call and opening the door.

  There, in all his handsome glory, was Edge, carrying a plastic bag and a six-pack of beer.

  He stepped inside, paused, his eyes scanning the small room. It was just as the housekeepers had left it, in perfect order. “Jesus, Cav. Couldn’t clean up for company?”

  I gave him a light shove, closed the door behind him. “I have to get my own place.”

  “Well, why don’t we eat, and we’ll figure it out.”

  My eyebrows rose as he moved toward the small round table near the window. “Seriously? You wanna help me look for a place?”

  He set the food down, glanced back at the bed over his shoulder. “No, not really. But I’m here. So, why not?”

  “Glutton for punishment,” I told him as I joined him.

  For the next few minutes, we ate dinner while perched on the edge of the mattress, eyes fixed on some cop drama on the television. I was so deep in thought, trying to figure out where I should put down roots, I didn’t hear Edge’s question.

  “What was that?” I asked, turning toward him.

  “I love you.”

  Okay, so that wasn’t a question.

  Unable to form words, I set my food down on the dresser, stared at him. “Repeat that.”

  His expression was stony, a hint of fear glittering in his eyes. “I love you.”

  I inhaled sharply, realizing I’d been holding my breath.

  “Cav?” Edge’s voice dropped low. “Say something. Please.”

  I couldn’t say anything. Words still wouldn’t form, so I took his food from his hand, set it on the dresser beside mine, then reached for him. I took his mouth roughly, my emotions coalescing in that one kiss.

  His arms came around me, a signal for my body to soften, my chest to expand. My heart slammed hard against my ribs. I didn’t stop kissing him, even as he took over, controlling my mouth as he backed me against the dresser.

  Edge pulled back, his hands cupping my face as he stared into my eyes. “You don’t have to say it back,” he finally said. “I just needed you to know how I felt.”

  “I love you, too,” I whispered. “Always have. Always will.”

  He visibly relaxed then, his hands becoming gentler as he pulled me into him again. My arms went around his neck as we fell into one another, physically and emotionally.

  The firestorm of emotion took a little time to settle as we feasted on one another. When it did, I didn’t feel as though I was standing. More like walking on a cloud.

  Reality sank back in when I caught sight of the hotel room.

  “It’s still here,” I told him.

  “What’s that?”

  “This crappy hotel room.”

  Edge laughed. “Yes. It’s still here.”

  We both reached for our beers, took long pulls from the bottle. My mind whirled with new sensations, peace, love. Belonging.

  I sighed. “I guess—”

  “Move in with me,” Edge blurted.

  Peering over at him, I grinned. “I mean, I get that it’s nothing fancy, but…”

  Edge laughed. “I’m serious. Move in with me. We’ll get a bigger apartment. There’s a penthouse available.”

  His words were said in such a rush, I could tell he wasn’t thinking as he spoke.

  “A penthouse?”

  “For sale in my building,” he clarified. “We can buy it, have it redone.”


  “Yeah.” He smiled sheepishly. “I figure if Jamie’s gonna move in with us, we’ll need more closet space. Maybe an office for her to study in.”

  My heart damn near came out of my throat. “The three of us? Move in together?”

  Edge’s eyes dropped to the dresser. “You’re right. It’s impulsive. Stupid suggestion. Forget I—”

  I reached for him then, jerked him close, and held on. “It’s a brilliant idea,” I whispered against his ear. “Let’s buy a penthouse apartment, move in together.”

  Edge hugged me, his cheek against mine, and I felt his sigh, the weight that fell from his shoulders. The man was being spontaneous, and I realized how much it was costing him.

  When we released one another, the silence settled between us. It wasn’t uncomfortable though. More like acceptance that didn’t need words to clarify it.

  “I love her, too,” Edge admitted. “Haven’t told her yet.” He cut his gaze to mine. “I want to, but I needed to tell you first. Because…” He swallowed. “Even if Jamie doesn’t love me back, it doesn’t change what this is. You and me. I love you, Cav. Want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “I want the same thing,” I admitted. Although, even as I said it, I knew Jamie would be a part of this. She was meant to be here, with us. “When do you plan on tellin’ her?” I asked, picking up my beer.

  Edge did the same, moved over to the window, stared out into the darkness. “Tomorrow night.”

  I nodded.

  “I need to talk to
Zeke,” he finally said.

  Ah. Once again, Edge was worried about what Zeke would say.

  “And if he pitches a fit?” I asked.

  Edge grinned. “Let him. It won’t change a damn thing.”

  I returned his smile. “No. I guess it won’t.”

  Edge straightened. “Now, what do you say we relocate to my apartment. It’s … bigger.”

  There was no denying that. “The bed’s not all that bad.”

  Those blue eyes sparkled. “Your point?”

  “Maybe we should get some use out of it in the meantime.”

  Before we could fall onto the bed, there was a knock on the door.

  “Expecting someone?” Edge asked, frowning.


  I crossed the room in a second. Not bothering to look through the security hole, I opened it.

  And there, standing in the hallway was the most beautiful woman in the world.

  “Hey,” I greeted, stepping back out of the way. “I thought you were havin’ dinner with your friend.”

  She smiled sweetly as she walked inside. Her eyes shot over to Edge and she grinned. “I cancelled.”


  Jamie nodded, her gaze swinging around the room. “You really do need to find a permanent place.” She smiled at Edge. “Hey.”

  “Hey back.”

  Jamie waited until I was standing in front of her, her expression serious. “I have to say something. I need to get it off my chest. And I want you both to know, your reactions won’t matter. I mean, they will, but they won’t. I still need to tell you both—”

  “I love you,” Edge and I said at the exact same time.

  Jamie’s dark eyes widened the size of saucers, then she shook her head, grinning. “No. No, no. You weren’t supposed… That’s my line. I came over to tell you that… Wait … what are you doing?”

  I stalked her, Edge moving with me.

  “I love you,” I repeated.

  “I love you,” Edge stated.

  “I love you,” Jamie giggled. “Both of you. That’s what I mean. I…”

  Curling my hand over her cheek, I leaned in and kissed her, loving the soft moan that escaped. Reluctantly, I released her, giving Edge a chance to taste her, too.


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