Rising Sun (New Moon Series Book 3)

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Rising Sun (New Moon Series Book 3) Page 9

by Belle Harper

  He started to pace my room; I was actually surprised to see him so worked up. We didn’t really talk about girls before, and now here we were. I had a mate, a girlfriend, the most amazing, beautiful... stubborn Lexi.

  I would never officially claim her—to do so meant I had to bite her and she would become a shifter. Something I was glad wouldn’t even be considered now that we knew that she couldn’t. But I had claimed her, even without the ceremony.

  Well... not fully claimed all of her. There were few things I would love to do with her, but I heard from Rafferty that my brother was doing that now, so I had stayed here to paint. One day it would be the right time, and she would be mine... Galen too. A vision on Galen and Lexi on their knees flashed before me. I quickly shifted on my chair and tried to ignore the blood rushing to my cock at the thought. Fuck, Saint would be able to tell I was aroused.

  But when I looked up, Saint had moved back to pacing again, too caught up in his head to have noticed my scent change. Mr untouchable. All the girls chasing him, wanting him. And he never settled down or chased them back. He was just happy to have a night, then move onto the next one.

  “You like her?” I questioned, he stopped and snorted at that. Like it was a joke. I rolled my eyes and continued with my painting. If he can’t figure out if he likes her... then I have no idea why he was still in my room, pacing and looking like he wished he had longer hair to pull out.

  “Fuck, you’re my best mate. You gotta help me here, Mav.” I shook my head, not even looking up. He growled low, challenging me to a fight. I wasn’t in the mood, I was already upset with myself before he came in, and now I was just pissed off at him for putting me in a position where Lexi’s only friend was getting fucked over by my best friend. Just because he had no idea if he liked the girl or not.

  “Fuck, I like her okay. I do. She is so... ugh.” I sat back again and watched him as he just looked to the ceiling. “She isn’t what I thought I would have in a mate. Okay? She is different to the girls I normally hook up with. I don’t know if I want her or if it’s because I don’t want Rawlins to have her.”

  I was glad he admitted it, even though it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to hear. But he needs to think, I need to as well. I got up and marched over to him and punched his shoulder. His head snapped back at me, his eyes glowed as he growled at me. My wolf responding to his.

  “Let’s go for a run.”

  We sat down on the grass overlocking the cliff; I didn’t know if I wanted to be back here, but I almost felt it was important for me. My wolf needed to see it was the same cliff as it had always been. Lexi was safe at home... with Ranger. I was glad Galen’s house was set up so we couldn’t hear what was going on inside. I loved Lexi and was glad to have Ranger as my packmate. But I also didn’t want to hear him having sex with her either. Well, not yet, I know it was unavoidable, but I didn’t want to listen in on their first time.

  Like with Raff. That was something private, a special bond they were making with each other. I knew I didn’t want others hearing us when we had our first time together. I wished that I had never been with Olivia; I had been wishing lately that I could have had my first time with Lexi. Saved myself for my mate.

  “Hey, so do you think I should go see Ada?” I hung my head down between my legs and let out a deep breath. Fuck, the guy was giving me whiplash.

  “Are you gonna say sorry?” I really wish he would pick someone else to date... because he was my best friend. He was closer to me than anyone, and I didn’t want to find a day that I had to choose. Lexi or Saint. Not that Lexi would make me choose, just it would be awkward and uncomfortable and I didn’t want that. When he didn’t answer my question I added.

  “You need to think this through. Do you want her in the long run, is she someone you see as a mate? If she is just someone you want to hook up with then pick someone else. Ada deserves better than that..

  “If you want her as a mate, then look at getting a packmate. Noah, I guess, would be the best option there. I already saw the way the two of you work together around her. I know she has a thing about the age, but he is almost sixteen. That is the legal age of consent here in Washington. So the two of you ask her out. On a date, a real one. No sex, just a date. See how things go. And if you think she is the one, then tell Huxley that you are with Ada, you are going to put a claim on her, don’t go shifting and attacking him, she likes him. So I would be careful around that. She might pick him over you, she seemed to really like him.”

  Saint just blinked, and I pushed his arm and he caught himself before he fell.

  “That’s it? You have changed. Not in a bad way, but that didn’t sound like the old Mav. I’ll go talk to Noah, I think... you know first to make sure he’s onboard with me.”

  I nodded, didn’t think Noah would say no to that. It was probably the only way Ada might give him the time of day if he was Saint’s packmate. But then, look what happened to Callum, maybe it won't work out. I didn’t want to overthink it.

  “To be honest, I would go see Huxley, explain what you did. Apologise, get his number. Go to Ada, tell her you are sorry, give her the number and then walk away. Think about it. Truly think, and if you can’t live without her. Go ask her on a date.”

  He stood up; he was naked. We didn’t bring our clothes out here. Not when we were going for a run.

  “If I ask her on a date, maybe its best if we double dated. You and Lexi, Me and Ada.”

  I threw my hands up, “why not?” I would soon find out if I would regret it or not when I asked Lexi.

  “This is gonna be great.” Saint shifted and took off into the woods behind me, and I sat there. The sun had gone down, and the stars were out.

  I heard the call of a wolf; it was Nash. He was out on patrol; he was just reaching out. Letting us know all was safe.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Sleepyhead, time to wake up.” I felt the bed dip and the covers being pulled away, I quickly snatched them and heard the throaty chuckle of Galen.

  “Ugh...” I groaned. “I don’t wanna get up, I have nothing to do.” I made whiny sounds to annoy him. “You won't let me go to school. I feel like you all bubble wrapped me. But you have forgotten, I don’t need that. I can kick your ass, Galen.”

  I felt the weight of him over the blanket as he lowered it from my face. I opened a sleepy eye and saw his beautiful smiling face. I couldn’t help the grin that spread across mine.

  “I know you can kick my ass, and I’m not the one who bubble wrapped you. That was Alaric. And we have a meeting with him, and Tobias. So maybe you should go get dressed and you can go kick his ass. My little ass kicker.”

  He pressed a warm kiss to my forehead and in a blink he was gone. Fuck, I didn’t mentally prepare myself for seeing Tobias today. But I was going to tell Alaric what I thought of this home prison thing. The school is full of shifters. What bad could happen?

  There were a lot more people in Alaric’s office. It was a huge office, so it was meant to hold a lot of people, but I wasn’t expecting it. He didn’t say anything to me when I entered, he just pointed to some chairs and I took Galen’s hands and led him over there. I wasn’t sitting by myself while they spoke about me. I assumed that’s what this meeting was about. Me.

  You could tell when Tobias entered the room, it was like a powerful feeling washed over the room. His whole body turned to me, he knew exactly where I was in the room and I sucked in a small breath.

  “Lexi, how are you, my child?” I was almost jarring. This guy was my father, spoke like an old man, but he looked more like my brother. When I didn’t speak fast enough he said, “I hope you are well.”

  Oh wow, yeah. He could do that—talk in my head. I nodded and smiled, but tried to keep my thought to myself. I felt Galen stiffen slightly beside me then nod. I shuffled on my chair. What did Tobias say to him for that reaction? My fight or flight was kicking in, and I hadn’t really had this feeling in a while. What was going on in this meeting?
My heart started to pick up a little, Galen grabbed my hand and stroked it lightly.

  This wasn’t like when I ran to the cliff, that was me trying to protect everyone. No, this feeling was like when I ran from the police back in Seattle. When I tried to run from Jack and Grayson’s house because I had learnt about boys who turn into wolves was a real thing, and I couldn’t fight that. If I knew I couldn’t fight it, I ran. I was not like those heroines from the books who stay and slay the monster. I was the one who preferred to slink away, hoping someone else would slay it and I wouldn’t get caught up in the crosshairs. That was how I always dealt with danger.

  “What’s wrong?” Galen whispered. Everyone still looked over to us. I was tense, on the edge of my seat.

  “Okay, now we are all here. Could we all be seated? We have a long list of items we must address. I want to thank, Tobias for coming to this meeting. Also to the other packs, thank you to Erick, Alpha of Rawlins. And Mackenzie, Alpha from Kenneally for joining us here today. It is a tragic event that has brought us all closer. And I wish for our packs to be united together and help us all to heal.”

  Alaric stood behind his desk. He started to talk about stuff I had no idea about, and my mind wandered a little. Nash was there beside him, nodding. Watching. I guess he was learning from his father. He looked a lot like his father. The genes in the Lovell boys did not take after their mother. They all looked like different versions of Alaric. When Nash’s eyes met mine, I quickly looked away. How embarrassing, to be caught staring at him.

  “Lexi,” I blinked and looked over to Alaric. Huh? Oh, shit, I wasn’t listening. Did he ask me a question?

  “We want to thank you for everything you did for the packs, and to Tobias for your help in ending all the carnage.”

  Tobias stood up. He didn’t have his wings again. Actually, I didn’t really look at him properly when he came in. He wore a dark blue suit, a black shirt with a yellow tie. It really made his eyes pop.

  “Thank you all for having me here today, as you all know. I have come to learn I have a daughter. Alexis Turner. Her mother was a lover of mine, vampire. I have spent time with the Bardoul pack yesterday trying to find out why and how Elizabeth turned human.

  “The warlock who lead me to find my daughter will be here in a few minutes. He will help with her... “Calling” to your shifter sons.”

  Oh wow, I looked around the room, then to the door. I was so excited. This was why I was here. To meet this warlock. My knee started to jiggle a little. I was excited now. Then I could go anywhere and just smell human. And no more weirdos sniffing me everywhere I go.

  “Then I can go back to school. This is great, thank you,” I said, a huge grin on my face. As much as what had happened only a few nights ago, I didn’t want to live like that. Dwelling on it, depressed. I had my moment, and it was time to live again, like all the others around here. No one had stopped, they had buried the dead and mourned. But I noticed here that this was how they were. It was time to move on, remember them, but also keep on living. The reason why we fought in the first place. For freedom, because if they had my blood. All the supernatural would be controlled by them.

  I needed to start really living, instead of being home all day, had already taken enough time off and I was itching to get back. I felt Galen rub my back; I didn’t realize that I had almost jiggled off the seat. I was just so excited to be back to my... normal. And so close to being “mate” scent free.

  “You will not be returning to school, Lexi. Not until we deem it as safe.” I looked over to Alaric, he was seated now at his desk, I felt everyone’s eyes on me. Say what?

  “Yes, I am. I will go tomorrow. There is no more threat and when the warlock comes, I won't even smell. This is perfect.”

  Alaric shook his head. He had that scary look on his face. But Tobias nodded his head from where he was standing beside me.

  “No,” Alaric said at the same time Tobias said, “yes.” I stopped moving as the air prickled my skin.

  Oh fuck, was Tobias mad? Or was this Alaric and Tobias just using their power to show the other they were in charge?

  “Lexi will be free to go to school tomorrow. There is no threat to her.”

  I heard chair legs scrap against the wooden floor as Alaric stood.

  “She is pack Kiba, she is my pack. My son's mate. I say when she will or won't attend school.”

  That feeling you get when your wool sweater becomes static, and clings to your body. Zapping you as you move. And your hairs all raising off your body to the sky. That was how I felt in that room, the two of them, their powers fighting each other. Tobias much stronger than Alaric, and you could see that from the way Alaric took a step back when the intensity was turned up. This was a standoff. One that Alaric wasn’t going to win.

  A bright white light flickered from the corner of the room and I blinked at the sudden area where there was nothing now stood a man. Wait, that can't be right... wow yes, purple eyes. He had amazing eyes; they went straight to Tobias, and I watched as he rolled them. Then I just realized what had happened.

  “Just in time to see you messing with the wolves, brother. I’m here now, put away the powers.” The feel in the room dropped heavy, like a blanket being dropped and I could tell everyone felt it from the sounds they made.

  “Oh my god, you can teleport?” I blurted out just as I realized what he had done. He was the bright light. Galen chuckled as I stood up, I was... this... oh my god. This guy had already gone above and beyond what I was thinking he could do. This was amazing.

  “I am her father; I say she will attend school.” I turned to see Alaric and Tobias still arguing as the warlock approached me. He was slim, the same height and build as Galen. His hair was jet black, shorter on the sides, long on the top. But the top had been dyed a deep purple. He rocked that purple so hard. He wore a black leather jacket, with a dark purple shirt. No tie. And a pair of black faded jeans.

  “Hello, you must be Alexis? I’m Eiji. I will be your warlock today.” He cocked a funny smile my way. My mouth just dropped open. No words... I had no words as he shook my hand, and I could feel his power run up my arm and tickle me. Like little fireworks beneath the skin.

  “Hi,” I squeaked out. He gestured with his free hand to walk with him, his other hand still holding mine as he led us past two very angry men, and out the door of the office. Holy crap, Eiji was so gorgeous. And he really liked purple. He rocked it. Galen was hot on my heels. He wasn’t just letting me walk away with this warlock. I was glad, after the fact he can teleport, he could just zap me somewhere if he wanted to very easily.

  “Let’s go to the living area, shall we? Leave the men to do their... business.” But I couldn’t hear them once the door had closed. I was glad because I didn’t care, I was going to school and not because Tobias said so, but because I said so.

  I couldn’t pick his accent it was different. He seated himself down opposite to me. Galen hovered nearby.

  “Where do you live?” I asked, that’s a reasonable question to ask, right?

  “I’m from all over the world. I age a lot slower than a human, I can prolong my life. But I am not immortal like your mate, Galen. You are very much like your father in that way. Taking a vampire as your mate. Except you are not as strong as Tobias.”

  “You do realize that he could kill you, yes?” I nodded. Yes, I knew he could, but he wouldn’t. I trusted him with my life. I looked over to Galen, his eyes didn’t meet mine as he gave me a weak smile.

  “I bet you have a lot of questions; I will help for as long as I can. Feel free to ask away why I work my magic on that delicious scent of yours.”

  That had Galen hiss out a warning, I couldn’t help the smile on my face. Was Galen a little jealous?

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I watched as Eiji moved his hands over me. At first I wasn’t sure what he was doing, I didn’t feel anything but when a small pink glow appeared on his palm, like a smoke. He bent forward and blew
on it.

  Immediately the smoke surrounded me, I tensed up. “What is this?” I hoped it was safe because it was now all gone. Galen moved closer and held my hand.

  “This doesn’t last forever unfortunately; I haven’t mastered that yet. But then I don’t often need spells to mask scents. You and your aunt are the only two I have done this for. When it starts to wear off, your mates will know ask Tobias to summon me.”

  I looked around the room; I wanted a shifter to come and tell me he can't smell me. But for the first time the house seemed quiet. Except for all the shifters in Alaric’s office, and I didn’t want to go back in there. But there was something Eiji said that had me bubbling full of questions.

  “What is my aunt like? What is her name?” I had only just learnt about her, and that she was hiding from my grandfather. I didn’t need to know why, it seemed pretty serious the way Tobias was happy I didn’t have strong angel blood. But I wanted to know more about her.

  “Oh, your aunt was very excited to learn about your existence. She goes by many names. But those she is closest to, call her Cate. She is one-of-a-kind, that is for certain. Beautiful… strong. Like yourself. But she is your grandfather’s most favorite creation, this is why she couldn’t come be with you here today. She wanted to meet you so desperately.”

  I nodded, it felt nice to hear she wanted to meet me. Aunt Cate… that sounded strange. I had never had an aunt before. I wish I could have met her too.

  “She gave me a gift, to give to you.”

  He put his hand in his leather jacket and produced a silver chain. When he opened his closed hand a purple stone, the size of a quarter was attached to the end of it. It was amazing. I reached out and gently cupped the stone in my hand.


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