Rising Sun (New Moon Series Book 3)

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Rising Sun (New Moon Series Book 3) Page 12

by Belle Harper

  “I assume that’s the reason you needed me here earlier.” Ada raised her brows, and me then looped her arm through mine.

  “Maybe… let’s go. School just got better now you’re back.”

  I had noticed that none of the shifters sniffed me, looked at me even. A few did double takes like they weren’t sure it was me. I recognized a lot of them, some Kiba, Rawlins… ugh, that asshole Parker Tolson from Kenneally. I saw the bright pink banners in the halls and in big silver writing Prom. Oh wow… fuck. I missed a bit while I was away. Ugh the dreaded prom.

  “So… do you take one or all of them to pr—? Ada asked me before I cut her off.

  “No, no… prom. Like totally forgot about prom, and like I’m busy then and I can’t go.” Her eyes widened and mouth dropped open.

  “Lexi. They already got their tickets and yours. Even Galen.” I froze, they what? They already got the tickets? Galen bought a ticket to the prom, like how was that even going to work? He can’t be at prom with me and not have everyone on his case about the fact he was in a relationship with a student, even being an ex-teacher of the school, pretty sure that will turn heads and have the gossip mill running wild.

  “We are gonna be late, hurry. English is boring, but it’s gonna be fun now you’re here.”

  She wasn’t joking about class being boring. Turns out Galen didn’t just compel the teachers to pass me, but he did it for Ada too. And this meant the teacher didn’t ask us to do anything and didn’t give us work. She said we had already passed. I was going to speak to Galen; I want to at least feel like I spent the last four years trying to pass and get into college. Exams… my birthday. College. Well, community college, and I don’t care what Alaric says. I was going to study on campus. If anything, to say about it. So far I was in school, just need to enrol with Ada and we can be together. I just didn’t know what I wanted to study still. Maybe I should look into healing…

  “Look, I don’t mind he did that, it’s given me heaps more time to organize the prom.” I turned in my chair to face her.

  “You’re on the prom committee?” She gave a “well duh” shrug. And really, I should have known. Ada lived for extra curricula activities when I first met her, I didn’t expect that to change at all. Just… ugh prom.

  “So, it was a hard choice, but we went with the masquerade ball. But only because I was thinking about you when the time came to vote.” Me? Why was I the reason behind the theme?

  “Oh, wow. Thanks?” I wasn’t sure if I wanted to thank her, but I still didn’t get it.

  “For Galen? This way everyone is hidden, mysterious. Well, I’m pretty sure you will still be about to tell most, but I thought he could wear a mask that way all your mates can come. You can celebrate together without worrying about the one left behind.”

  I stuttered. I couldn’t form words, I just hugged her. And she laughed a little as she hugged me back.

  “You are truly the best friend ever.” I got all teary from that, man. She was good.

  “Okay, well, if I’m the bestest friend, would you come to dinner at my house tonight? Mom and Dad keep asking about you and when you’re gonna come over to meet them? I can drive you home after?”

  “Of course I will. I will tell the guys.” I could tell this was important to her, so it was important to me. I hugged her again. Wow, I was a little emotional today but in a good way… ugh maybe I was getting my period. Oh, crap, it was due soon, I was a regular twenty-eight days’ girl. I just had to count back the days…one, two… twenty-nine. Fuck… thirty? Nope, wait, that can’t be right?

  Oh my god.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I felt better today with Lexi being alone. Well alone as she thought she was, the pack were watching her. Protecting her. She just didn’t know. It was the only way Alaric was going to let her come today. But I loved how happy she was when she woke up, all bright and cheerful.

  The day went smoothly, which really shocked me, I could still smell Lexi. Her scent didn’t change at all for me, Mav and Ranger said the same thing. It’s a little different for Galen. But he said nothing had changed, yet every shifter I had seen told us the same thing. They can't smell her anymore, she smells human to them.

  That made the stress of her being here lessen. We all scent marked her once she was out of the shower and dressed this morning. I loved that; we had been doing it for a while now, but not like that. All three of us at the same time. I was getting so close to my packmates, our own bond growing between us. Knowing when to give space, when to join in, who gets the bed that nice. It was like how I had been told it was something Pack Russet did things, how I had seen the families in Kiba. Especially Noah’s family. I had wanted to speak with one of his fathers, just to get some advice on how to navigate this new world. Because this truly was a new world.

  “Okay, so Noah and Saint are gonna watch our girl, while we go pick our little brother boys.” Ranger clapped me on the back.

  This was Galen’s plan, why he drove us. He wanted to come with us, help us after school to get the little assholes that had been pushing Josh around at school. He was just like me, an outsider trying to fit in with a new pack. And they just wouldn’t let him be, well they were gonna learn today.

  “Why are Noah and Saint going? Seriously?” Maverick rolled his eyes, I heard all about that conversation and I even thought the same thing. If they get caught there, well all hell will break loose and Saint will have to watch more than just his balls. I would be there watching… wouldn’t miss it for a moment. My girl kicking his ass. Hell yeah, we might be a pack and friends now, but I won't forget that night he attacked me. That was a wound too deep to fully heal, but we have both moved on. I didn’t know if I was rooting for him to get the girl, or rooting for Ada to kick his ass with Lexi.

  When the growling rumble of an engine got closer most the students out the front of the school were looking in the direction it was coming from. I had heard it coming, but I wasn’t sure if that was Galen, because that was different to the chevy this morning.

  “Fuck yeah, oh hell yeah.” Ranger ran down the stairs and towards the sound. Maverick just shook his head.

  “Galen ain’t gonna let him touch that. That’s his baby… well, after the Cobra. It is beautiful, you’re going to love it.”

  Oh hell yeah, Mustang. I cannot believe the cars Galen has. I feel like I won the lottery having him as my packmate. Old vamps were loaded, who would have known… not me. I didn’t really know any but Shelly.

  “I wonder if he would buy me one?” I mused as Mav chuckled.

  “Sugar daddy?” he asked. We both cracked up. Oh fuck, that was too funny.

  “Maybe if you called him that, but that wouldn’t work for me.” Mav just winked at me as I watched the deep green Mustang with bronze stripes come to a stop with Ranger bouncing around to get in the driver's door.

  “Okay, so here’s the deal. We don’t want to be arrested, not that it would make much difference, but still. Let’s avoid that. Just a little scare, you know, to let them know we are waiting for them if they hurt him again. And then we are gonna take Josh out for ice-cream and drive him home for dinner.”

  Galen had it all planned, and sucker Ranger got kicked to the backseat for trying to drive. Why he was arguing his case of being this amazing driver and how it was only one time he messed up… a costly mess up. I slipped into the passenger seat and stretched my legs out. Of course, Ranger had a little hissy fit that he was taller than me and needed the leg room.

  “You snooze you lose,” I whipped back at him as he slid into the back next to his twin. He grumbled something and Galen clicked his fingers as we took off to the elementary school in Kiba.

  “I told you, I would think about it. I did and decided that you weren’t going to drive her.” I could see the wheels turning in his head. He was about to say something when we arrived at the school. Galen parked right out the front. Like he had prepared an empty spot to be there when we arrived
. Hell, maybe he did organise it.

  We all piled out of the car and stood in front of the school, the four of us. We leant against the mustang—gently— waiting for the bell to ring and to scare some little kids.

  When the bell finally rang, we had a crowd around us… moms. They were looking at us, some reeked of concern, some looked as if they were mentally stripping us and others… well, you didn’t want to know what scent they were giving off.

  “There he is.” Ranger pushed up from the car and made his way towards Josh, I could see now five boys coming up behind him, they didn’t look like they wanted to be his friend.

  “Show is on,” Mav said and I followed him and Galen to Josh and were these boys were about to have the shock of their life.

  “Hey, Josh,” I said as I eyed the largest boy in the group. He stopped and looked at us. Mav was on his own mission, his finger pointed at the big kid as he stormed right past us and to him.

  “Fuck,” Galen hissed, chasing after him. I followed as back-up… like we needed back-up from a ten-year-old. I heard Ranger tell Josh that we were busy and would he like to come sit in Galen’s car. That he can sit in the front seat.

  “You little fucker. You know who I am?” The kid looked up with big eyes. Was he a shifter? I think I had seen him before.

  “You are gonna leave Josh alone, you go near him, speak to him or touch him. Hell, if you even breathe on him I will be back. I know where you live and we are all Josh’s brothers. We will destroy you.” Mav’s approach was very to the point. A little scary, but still, should be highly effective.

  “That goes for all of you, you see something happening, you see him being bullied and don’t stand up for him. We will know, we will be back.” I totally wanted to say that last bit in the Terminator voice, but was worried it wouldn’t hold the same warning if I did.

  The kids ran away, nodding. God, I hoped this helped. I couldn’t stomach the thought that he had been bullied for so long, suffering without anyone but Jack and Grayson to talk to.

  We head back to the car and the little dude was in my seat.

  “Let’s get ice-cream. What’s your favorite flavor, Josh?”

  He smiled and cheered as the car jerked forward with a loud rumble.

  “It’s chocolate.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  As soon as we got into Ada’s car I freaked out. Like I swear I got this shit wrong, I was never late with my period. And I had used protection.

  “Hey, do you remember how long ago it was that Ranger asked you for things to buy me when I got my period?” I could see her brow scrunch and her lips purse.

  “Um… like a month ago?” my heart started to hammer and my mouth went dry. I swear I was messed up. So much had happened in such a short time. It was hard to keep track of the days.

  “Oh fuck, wait, do you think that you—oh shit. Wait, let me think back. That was the day you weren’t at school, because of your period. Like three weeks? Not a month. Like twenty-three days? Maybe twenty-four?”

  I let out a deep breath, “oh man. I think you’re right, I just… every day has been something huge that I just lost track of time. Wow, I think I deserve a treat after all of this.”

  Ada reached over and patted my leg. “You really should use your iPhone more. You can then track when it was last, set an alarm for when it’s due. That’s what I do. And as for a treat… go to prom!” I laughed, anyway, to get me to prom. She was so organized. That was a good idea, though. And I will figure that out later when I was home. I really should use the iPhone more. Then I wouldn’t end up with mini heart attacks.

  “Yes, okay. I will go… if they ask me. But you know they haven’t asked me yet or I would have known about the prom. Plus, I saw Olivia hanging around Ranger again. He tried to brush her off, but she is very… persistent.” I ground that last word out between my teeth. I trusted them, I knew they wouldn’t cheat or do anything to hurt me. But it doesn’t make it any easier when other girls were touching them. Flirting with them. I guess these were all the feelings that came with being in a relationship.

  “You know she doesn’t just do it to Ranger, I saw her flirting with Noah.” That had my attention.

  “Noah, huh? So is he taking her to the prom?”

  “No,” she snapped back. I tried to hide the smile from my face, but I couldn’t.

  “Don’t you even start… I have no idea what is going on between us. Wait… not us. Like I mean with him and with me. And there is no us.” Her shoulders lowered and she let out a small huff. She tapped a few times on the steering wheel before asking.

  “Is it weird he invited me to his sixteenth birthday dinner, with his family next week?” He did what? Oh my gosh, that’s too adorable.

  “Oh, it’s weird. I knew it.” I shook my head and turned to her, her cheeks were pink, she was blushing. I knew deep down she liked him, she was just hung up on the age… maybe his immaturity as well. Can never forget Noah playing fetch with her.

  “It’s not weird. Nothing is if you’re happy and he makes you happy. I was just thinking how sweet it was. Like you’re going to dinner with his family? That’s a big move. But he didn’t ask you to prom? Well… actually. Maybe he is waiting for you to ask him? Or are you waiting for Huxley?”

  She didn’t speak as we turned into a residential street and she drove into the driveway of a nice little suburban home. Very similar to Jack and Grayson’s. except this one was more brown and cream colored.

  “Let’s not talk about what happened at Kiba, school or boys, let’s pretend they don’t exist for today and go paint our nails and watch trashy shows. Girl time, no stress.” I couldn’t agree with that more. Hell yeah, no boy problems. Not that I had any, really. Finally, I have the freedom I needed and if it meant painting nails, I was in. I needed some pamper time, slow down and chill for a while.

  When Ada’s parents came home, I could see where she got her looks from. She looked so much like her mom, Michelle. Her dad, Graham, was a little older than I thought he would be with a full head of gray hair. He was very friendly; he wore a dark suit and had taken the tie off when he sat down. He asked me some questions about school, what I might like to do. He chuckled when I said I didn’t really know. Said I was just like Ada.

  As the meal went on, I could see Ada had grown up in a very loving home. Both her parents asked questions about her day, she asked them about theirs, laughed and joked. It was better than I imagined it would be. She had this amazing family.

  “Ada tells me you were invited to Kiara’s wedding next weekend. Destiny is flying in on Thursday, for it. Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Only six more days till I can see my girl.”

  I nodded, I almost forgot that they had to postpone the wedding… well ceremony. I was surprised they allowed outsiders like that in now knowing what it was really for, but then maybe they didn’t bite the female in front of everyone. Maybe that was done privately. I just… didn’t want to see it. I already experienced it, bad effects of it anyway.

  “Well, we will have to have you over again for dinner, when Destiny is here so you can meet Ada’s big sister.”

  “Mom, she is only a year older than me, not that big.” Ada smiled and shook her head. Her mom got up and kissed her hair. Then started to clean up the table.

  “Oh, I can help.” I grabbed a few plates and her mom was over to me, asking me to please put them down. She has it. And for us to go have fun.

  On the drive back we blasted some songs, some I had never heard of before, but Ada told me they were a K-pop band called BTS. I was having such a great time; I didn’t want it to end.

  “Hey, like I don’t want to freak you out. But there is a car that had been following us and they are still following us.” I looked up ahead, and we were really close to Kiba court.

  “It’s okay, just keep going. If they follow us down, then I will call Galen.”

  Her hands were a little shaky on the wheel. Shit, I didn’t know how badly af
fected she was. Shit. I kept looking, trying to say positive things. But as I felt the car turn, I watched the car follow us too. Fuck.

  My hands were now shaking as I reached into the pocket on my bag and pulled out my iPhone. I quickly hit Galen’s name, and he picked up on the first ring.

  “Are you okay?” His voice made me feel so much better. He will come. He was fast.

  “There is a car following us, we are almost at the gate, I don’t know who it is.” I could hear him yelling out something, he must be with the guys. As the gate got closer, I could see Jett and Nash there, the gate was open and they were ready for us.

  “Just drive straight in, you’re safe. Okay?” Huh? My heart was hammering. There shouldn’t be anymore of this. It was over, we won. They were all gone. Did Galen’s compelling not work? Did it wear off after a while? These were things we didn’t experiment with.

  “What about who is in the car, they can just drive through the gates.”

  I heard some more background noise. Someone saying “don’t.”

  “Ah. Love. Please don’t yell… but that is Saint and Noah following you.”

  What the fuck?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “Stop the car, Ada. It’s Saint and Noah. I’m gonna go ask them why they are stalking us tonight.” Like that wasn’t creepy. As soon as the car door opened Galen was standing in front of me, his hands up defensively.

  “Look, I can explain, please let me explain.”

  I held onto the car door and cocked my hip, pretty sure there was no explaining needed. They had them watching us. Then they followed us back here and made us believe we were going to be attacked again. After what had happened, after everything. They thought it was okay to do that and not tell me. Instead, poor Ada was a mess, I was still shaking. But I think was more mad now than frightened.


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