Just One Kiss

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Just One Kiss Page 5

by Baker, Tory

  “That’s the plan,” I say, but she doesn’t hear me. I’m okay with that, for now.



  3 weeks later

  When I left Rome at the airport, tears were threatening to come down my cheeks. He held me until I got myself together, leaving me with a lingering kiss, one that was so powerful. I knew he meant every word he’s said the whole way here.

  We made a pact to talk to each other every single day. What we didn’t account for is this shoot to take this long. I absolutely hate it, living out of a suitcase is not for me, not being home is another tick in the negative category, and being away from Rome is really getting me down.

  Sure, we’re still new, I shouldn’t want to be around him twenty-four-seven, but I do. And, the best part is so does he.

  Rome grumbled on the phone today, if I wasn’t home by this weekend, he’d be on the next plane to Atlanta and would come to me. That was yesterday, today I’m giving him the shock of his life. We finished around two o’clock this morning. I rushed back to the hotel, booked my flight and am leaving in the next hour. I barely had time to shower and pack.

  Since, my father knew so much about Rome’s mom, I did the next best thing, I called my mom asking for her phone number. It was different at first talking to Mrs. Carter, but she put my mind at ease when I called her. She said, “Thank goodness, you’re coming home. I don’t think Rome could take much more, not to mention his secretary is ready to pull him down by his earlobe and wallop him a couple of times.” I laughed. I couldn’t imagine anyone doing that to Rome or Rome being that much of a grouch.

  But I was glad I wasn’t the only one affected. As much as I would try and rush the shoot along, the director was having none of that. He was even having me edit each and every photo at the end of the day, leaving me with a minimal amount of time to correspond with Rome, let alone sleep.

  I grab my bags off of the conveyor belt in the airport and walk out the door to meet Tina. She wouldn’t allow me to call her Mrs. Carter and stated, “That’s my mother in law, bless her soul. I loved her, but girl, I am nothing like her.”

  We were fast friends after that first phone call, she would check in on me from time to time during this trip and even help me put everything into place.

  “Summer!” I hear my name being called as I exit the airport. There she is, her hair is blonde and in a classic bob style. What sets her apart though is how she carries herself. She’s in jeans, a basic teal shirt, and shoes that have jewels on them. Her and I will get along seamlessly.

  “Hi, Tina!” I say, dropping my bags into her truck and then she’s swooping me in a hug.

  “Summer, it’s so good to finally meet you in the flesh, girl,” she states.

  “The feeling is likewise,” I reply and then we get into the car and start in on our real surprise.



  I’m pacing the fucking floor, running my hands through my hair, and mumbling to myself, “I’m this close to saying screw it and booking the first flight out of here.”

  “Well, I hope you don’t do that since I’m home now,” I hear the woman that my soul needs. I spin around and it’s then that I see she’s at the threshold to my office.

  “God, baby. You’re a sight for sore eyes,” I tell her as I rush towards her, scooping her up in my arms. I kick my door shut, her legs wrap around my waist, and then my lips are on hers.

  We’re standing in the middle of my office and she’s finally back in my arms, where she belongs.

  “I missed you so much, Rome. So, freaking much,” she tells me in between kisses.

  “Please tell me you aren’t traveling again for a while. Because if not, I’ll be taking off of work to follow you,” I tell her as she slides down the length of my body. I know she can feel what she does to me.

  “Nope, I have nothing booked that requires traveling for the next six months,” I see her body shiver and I bring her in closer to my body. I’m not sure I’ll let her out of my sight for the next week.

  “Good, who brought you here? Please don’t tell me you took an uber when I could have picked you up?” I grunt out. Knowing my bullheaded woman, she would too.

  “Nope, no uber. Your mom brought me here. It was our little plan we devised together. She dropped me off here and took my luggage to your house. I hope you don’t mind,” she says.

  “You’re lucky I didn’t move you into my place while you were away,” I respond.

  “I’m shocked myself, especially after you threatened it daily. Are you sure you didn’t already?” she questions in a teasing tone.

  “I probably should have. I told Mason and Heath, they talked me out of it. They have a soft spot for you. Already calling you their baby sister or some such shit,” I wave my hand and go to sit in my chair behind my desk.

  I beckon Summer to follow me and thank fuck that she’s wearing a skirt. I want inside her with every depth of my being, and I know I won’t make it until we’re back at home.

  “Why Mister Carter, are you trying to have an afternoon romp in your office?” she asks with a sassy tone.

  “Miss. Jones, if you have to ask then I’m doing something wrong.” I grab her by the waist and sit her on my desk.

  “Can you keep quiet?” I ask her, my eyebrow quirking up in a questioning way.

  “Maybe, I guess you won’t know unless you try?” God, I love this woman. I glide my hands up along her thighs, moving her skirt as I go along, and imagine my surprise when I find her bare underneath.

  “I should spank your ass for being bare in public without me,” I grouse.

  “Maybe you should,” her hands travel the length of her bare pussy teasing me with wanting my hands and mouth.

  I knock her hands away from what is mine, only mine, and get my first taste of her in weeks.



  “Best surprise ever?” I ask Rome once we’re back at his place. We’re sitting on the back porch, both of us snuggled in close with a blanket draped across our bodies and the fire pit roaring.

  Florida’s colder months are definitely starting to show now, “Fuck yeah, it is. As soon as the first week turned into more, I was ready to haul ass up there to you.”

  “I’m home now though,” I reply.

  “Not technically, but you will be soon enough,” he says under his breath as if I can’t hear him. The shock is going to be on him come Monday. I found a girl who wants to rent my condo and I’m going to move my things over while Rome is at work. Between Tina, Mason, and even my mom. I’ll be moved in, in no time.

  I let out a yawn, I’m exhausted from all the work I’ve been doing and traveling. I don’t really want to leave from the cozy spot we’re in, but I am so tired if I don’t go to bed soon, I’ll be asleep, and Rome knows how I sleep like the dead.

  “I’m going up to bed, handsome. I’m ready to collapse,” I tell him getting up.

  “Know you are baby, let me turn this off and I’ll go on up to bed with you,” he replies.

  While he’s doing that, I pick up his empty beer bottle and my half full glass of wine. I didn’t even finish it, that’s how tired I am.

  I grab the blanket with my other hand, then Rome is done and he’s opening the sliding glass door, allowing me to step inside first.

  Sighing out loud. I drop the blanket on the couch, throw the beer bottle in the recycling bin, and put my glass in the sink.

  My eyes are drooping so badly now, I don’t think I’ll make it to bed.

  “Rome,” I mutter as I feel my body being lifted, I snuggle deeper into the crook of his neck allowing my eyes to close.

  “Not going to let you walk when you can barely keep your eyes open, not when there’s something I can do for the woman I love,” he admits.

  “I love you too, Rome,” my eyes popping open, so he knows I mean it.

  “Thank fuck, baby,” he responds. Rome only lets me down so he can toss the blankets out of the way. I strip out of m
y clothes ready to feel him skin to skin without the hindrance of clothes.

  “Come sleep with me?” I ask him.

  “Right behind you, scoot over baby,” his voice is raspy and if I weren’t so tired, I’d have my hands all over Rome.

  He slides in beside me and I feel the warmth radiating from his body, lulling me to sleep.



  Waking up with Summer on top of me seems like a dream. A dream that is nothing like the reality it is now, especially when she was away for three weeks.

  My fingers thread through the curls that I love so much. Her in this natural state is the best feeling, her body is plastered to mine, and even though my brothers were begging to get up and surf this morning, I know I’m not going anywhere.

  I reach for my phone, shooting them a quick text.

  Me: I’m out for the day.

  Ready to hear the response and the ribbing. I wait for it to come.

  Mason: Figured, Mom said Sum was home.

  Heath: We won’t come knocking when the bed is a rocking.

  Tossing my phone back on the nightstand and curling into Summer, she lets out a moan of contentment.

  “Rome,” she sinks into me, as if she can’t get close enough and boy do, I understand that statement.

  Her leg hitches up on my hip and as much as I want to slide into her warm slick heat, I hold back. Barely.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “I need you,” she murmurs. Fuck, I was trying to be a gentleman, let her sleep in. Maybe get up and make breakfast. But the way she was moaning my name and practically begging for me, I can’t deny her what we both want.

  “Open those pretty eyes, show me what you want.”

  She rolls over to her back, kicks the covers off, opens those eyes that reel me in, each and every time.

  My eyes take in her whole body, the way she’s put her body on display for me. She’s perfect, from her smooth skin, to the dusky red nipples that are hard and begging me to taste them.

  When her hand dips down between her spread legs, I let out a growl, and I’m on her in mere seconds.



  We spent our weekend doing nothing, and it was the best ever. It’s Monday now, and my surprise is going into effect.

  Rome was complaining the whole time he was getting ready for work. I loved and hated seeing him getting dressed. The way he wears a suit, like it’s his second skin. It’s something that had me licking my lips. I watched him unabashedly. His shirt is buttoned up, leaving one open at the base of his throat, a throat that I had my lips on all weekend. It’s white in color, highlighting his tan skin. The belt he paired with it, I watched how his hands effortlessly buckled it, all while thinking I can’t wait to undress him later today.

  “I’m not ready to leave you yet, I should just take the week off,” he was grumbling. That spurred me into action.

  “I have to get back to my place and run a few errands. It won’t be that long of a day, right?”

  “I fucking guess.”

  “It’s settled then, I’ll do what I need to get done. I’ll be home when you get here,” I cajole.

  “Love that you call this your home, baby,” he breathed out while he dropped a kiss to my mouth. I wanted him to deepen it, yet I knew if he did, neither one of us would leave the house.

  “See you tonight,” I told him.

  We pulled apart and he said, “Yeah, you will.”

  Now, it’s operation move time. I rushed to throw on a pair of jeans, shirt, sneakers, rushing to brush my hair and teeth before I need to head to my old place where everyone is meeting.

  When I pull into my condo complex, I see Mason is here already with boxes and his pick-up truck.

  “Hey, little sis,” he engulfs me in a hug. I like both Mason and Heath, but Mason and I just seem to mesh together better.

  “Hi, brother bear. You ready to get started?” I ask him.

  “Yep, I have Heath on Rome duty in case this takes all day,”

  “Sounds good, I’ll start packing up some things while we wait for our moms to get here.” I’m still astonished my mother called me after the scene father created. Apparently, all is not well in the marital bliss world they created and she’s trying to mend the fences between her and I.

  Sure, it’s nice, but it also has me apprehensive. It takes a lot for a person to want to change and keep on that same path.

  I get to packing while Mason loads up some of the furniture I want to take, not to mention my plethora of books, he grumbles as he packs those, “Geez woman, how many books do you need?”

  “Hush your mouth Mason Allen Carter,” I hear Tina say to him as I come out of my room.

  I laugh at him while she gives him the riot act. I’ve loved books ever since I was a child.

  My mother comes in shortly after and we all pack and load up Mason’s truck, and all of our vehicles, not realizing I had so much stuff in a tiny one-bedroom condo.

  Taking one last look around before we leave. I’m leaving the place mostly furnished and only taking what I want or need.

  “All that’s left is to clean the place,” my mom comes up beside me and interrupting my thoughts.

  “Yeah, I don’t have to for another week though. That’s when Quinn will be moving in,” I reply.

  “That’s good, I’ll come help you clean too,” she offers. I’m taken aback, but if she’s trying to mend the divide, the least I can attempt to do is meet her in the middle.

  “I’d like that, thank you.”

  “Thank you, Momma Tina and Mason too. Without your help I wouldn’t have been able to pull this off,” I say to our group before we all load up into our cars and head home.



  Today was fucking exhausting, I walk in the door and hear Summer, “Mason was right, I have too many damn books. I should donate some of these to the nursing home.”

  Going further into the house, I see stacks on top of stacks of boxes. My eyes almost bulge out of my eyes. This was the last thing I was expecting.

  “Oh, you’re home. Surprise?” Summer questions with a bright smile on her face, one that’s matching my own.

  “I’m never going to top these surprises, you know?” It’s all I can say, emotion clogging my throat.

  “Good, I’ll keep you on your toes that way,” she walks toward me, her hands instantly going around my neck. I dip my head down to hers and slide my nose along hers, before I take her mouth in a searing kiss.

  Trying to show just how thankful I am, that she’s here now and forever. We pull apart, “Keep being you, baby. I love you just the way you are.”

  “And, I love you.”

  I unbutton the sleeves of my shirt and cuff them to my forearms before saying, “Want a glass of wine? I’m grabbing a beer and then I’ll help you unpack.”

  “Huh? What?” she mumbles, as I catch her staring at what I’m doing.

  “Wine?” I ask again with a chuckle.

  “Yes, I’d love that. Rome?”

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “Thank you,” she responds.

  “I’m just getting you a glass of wine, Summer,” I reply.

  “Nope, you’re giving me so much more,” she leans up and kisses the underside of my jaw. A place I notice she loves to kiss when it’s just the two of us.

  “Right back at you,” I respond, then grab our drinks so we can get all of her things unpacked. It might make me sound like a sap, but I love seeing her things meshed with mine, it’s going to make this house actually feel like a home.



  It took us most of the week to unpack and place everything where we both agreed it should go. We even had our first, well almost argument. I was beyond irritated and it was coming up on that time of the month where mother nature decides to rear her ugly head.

  I wanted a chair to go one way and all Rome said was, “Baby, you can’t see the television from there. You know as well a
s I do, you’ll end up moving it again when I’m at work.”

  It took me two seconds to drop down into a pile of tears, overly emotional but wanting to nitpick too. Rome being Rome, just came and sat down beside me, holding me while I bawled my eyes out over nothing.

  Today is a new day and thank goodness my hormones are finally back to normal, especially since I’m meeting Momma Tina and my mom at my old place to scrub it top to bottom.

  I met Quinn at my last photo shoot. She was quiet and solemn, looking like she could use a friend.

  She’s a clothing line model but is ready to retire. Apparently, she’s been doing it for over ten years and is ready to call it quits. I don’t blame her, I’ve seen the behind the scenes nobody wants you to see while at shoots.

  Models basically don’t own their bodies, they belong to their managers.

  When I mentioned where I lived and how I’d be looking to rent out my condo, she had hopeful eyes, we hit it off and even hung out a few times between sets.

  I asked her if she’s looking for a place to lay low for a while, knowing I was moving into Rome’s. She jumped on the chance and in the next few days, she’ll be slowly moving in. The only thing she wanted to bring was her necessities.

  With my condo only being miles away from home, it takes no time to get there.

  “Am I imagining this or is my mother getting along with everyone lately?” I murmur to myself as I walk in the door to my house. I guess Mom used her key and get this, my mother who is always dressed to impress is in a pair of what looks like old ratty jeans, a tee shirt, and white canvas shoes. I swear we’re all in an alternate universe.


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