Baby Bargain

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Baby Bargain Page 4

by Stacey Lewis

  She was pregnant. Like ready to pop at any moment pregnant. Averting my eyes from her stomach, I moved my attention back to her face and smiled, “Yes I’m the new intern, Ava. I’m not really sure where I’m supposed to be going right now…” I swallowed around the nervous fear in my throat.

  “And I’m also late and it’s my first day and…” I huff out a breath knowing I had already said way to much, and yet the woman in front of me did nothing but smile. No worries marred her brow, and she didn’t even seem to care that I had told her I was late.

  “Fallon Winston, but you can call me Fal, and please don’t worry I’ve been right where you are. Just take a couple calming breaths and get yourself together…” I nod in understanding, doing as she tells me. I can feel my nerves calming, my body relaxing slightly with each breath I take. She gives me a few moments, and when she realizes I’ve finally calmed down she points towards the doors in front of us.

  “The Winston men are waiting for you inside. Good luck.” My eyes go wide, and my heart beats up into my throat, making it hard to swallow. I knew when I applied for the job I would be working for or with one of the owners of Winston industries but I never expected to be working for more than one.

  “As in more than one?” I whisper under my breath, sweat forming against my brow. My hands are clammy and my stomach is in knots.

  I’d known then that I signed up for more than I could handle. I wanted to close my eyes and, open them back up just to see if this was all a dream.

  “Yes,” she says with a chuckle, “as in more than one. Three to be exact. Though one of them is my husband so you have no worries with him, but the others…” She snickers louder, and I can’t tell if she’s joking or being serious with me. Air enters my lungs so fast I don’t even feel like I’m actually breathing, and I contemplate running from the building right then. I’m not really sure why I’m so frazzled. Actually it could have something to do with the fact that I’m late, on the first day, that parking was shit, and I can’t get the thoughts of Mr. Serious out of my head.

  I exhale, face forward, and straighten my shoulders readying myself to go inside. Fallon gives me a sad smile as I take a step forward and then another… my hand grasping for the door, when suddenly it opens.

  Everything seems to happen so fast. One moment I’m standing there all alone trying to gather my wits and the next I’m colliding with a very firm chest. I stumble backwards, my legs wobbling like a fawn’s when it’s first learning to walk.

  The air is shoved from my lungs, and my confidence hits the floor, and bounces away from me. I can feel the power that radiates from the person, there entire presence literally and figuratively slamming into me.

  “Oh my God,” Fallon whispers under her breath as the chest that smacked into me moves. Firm hands grip onto my arms and hold me in place, stopping me from falling to floor. The moment is anything but romantic and I try my best to stand without wobbling. Air refuses to enter my lungs, and a wave of nausea slams into me at the same time. Fucking christ could today get any worse?

  I force air into my lungs in the next second, and wet my dry lips with my tongue before lifting my eyes up to the man, who is holding me in place. As soon as my eyes clash with his stormy blue’s I regret it.

  Shock, fear, excitement, anger..there aren’t enough emotional words to describe how I feel seeing the man from my one night stand standing in front of me. My eyes go wide with shock, and my entire body feels as if it’s going to combust at any moment. I take him in, his angular jaw, his messy brown hair that looks as if he just got fucked. He was devilishly handsome the night we met, but today, in the light, and awake, he looks even more delicious… In fact he looks bigger in the suit, tougher, meaner and…

  “You good to stand or do I need to hold onto you?” The annoyance in his voice isn’t missed and I furrow my brow trying to determine if this is really the man I gave my virginity too or if it’s just a carbon copy of him. I was so excited to possibly meet him again, regretting that I had left before leaving my number, but now, not so much.

  Maybe he has a twin. I think to myself trying to remain hopeful. I have to be with all I’ve been through in my life.

  “Seriously, Ryker. Don’t be rude. This is your new assistant.” Fallon scolds giving him a dirty look. I take in her words digesting them without fully realizing what she says. He releases me a second later, the heat of his touch leaving me cold. I don’t dare say a word. I’m too consumed with the idea that I slept with this man, this man, Ryker Winston without even knowing it. Couldn’t I have chosen anyone else to sleep with? Anyone but my boss, to a fucking job I really, really needed? I wanted to hold my head in my hands, and pray this was some horribly bad dream.

  Ryker, the man who I previously called Mr. Serious eyed me closely, his orbs narrowing to slits as if he was angry with the idea of me being his assistant.. “If you’re Ava you’d better get your ass into that boardroom right now. You’re late, and tardiness leads to getting fired, so you better go.” There was sick smile forming against his lips, one that made my insides churn.

  Still anger flared deep inside me as I took a step back away from him. This isn’t the same man I met at the bar, it can’t be. I mean he doesn’t even recognize me.

  He’s crude. He’s cold. He’s menacing and…

  He leans into me, and I swear I can see him scenting me, taking my smell into his nostrils… Watching him do so turns me on, but the moments go as soon as he opens his damn mouth.“I said go… or maybe you don’t want the job after all? It’s not like you’ll last more than a couple days with me. No one does.” He bullies, making my blood pressure rise.

  “Ryker, stop, you’re being an asshole. She’s an intern, not a piece of garbage.” Fallon shoves him causing more space to form between us, before giving me a soft smile that all but says sorry he’s being an ass. Her shove does nothing to Rykers brick wall form. He’s still staring me down like a hawk ready to swoop in and attack its prey, though he does manage to move out of the way so I can get around him and into the room he calls the boardroom.

  I don’t waste another second standing next to the ass. Instead, I scurry through the door damn near tripping over the threshold, my eyes taking in the floor to ceiling glass windows that overlooks the city skyline. The air is cooler in here, and my cheeks seem to lessen with heat as I take in the entire city skyline, the sun shining brightly through the glass.

  “Beautiful isn’t it?” A man that looks similar to Ryker though, less edge cutting, speaks, causing me to pull my eyes away from the view and to him instead. After all I didn’t come here to gaze out the window.

  “It… Ummm, yes it’s beautiful. Though I doubt the reason I’m here has anything to do with the view.” I quip, smiling softly. I try and let the tension ease out of me. Another man sits at the huge table that looks more like something you’d eat Thanksgiving on then have a board meeting on.

  “Correct.” The man grins slightly, and I wonder if this is the Reed man I was to ask for when I got here. As if he’s reading my mind he continues, “I’m Reed, and this is my brother Remy, and I see you’ve met Ryker already.” I bite the inside my cheek and nod my head yes.

  I’ve more than met him dude. I’ve let him get inside me.

  A mistake I won’t be letting happen again.

  “It’s nice to meet you both. I’m truly sorry for being late. Traffic was worse than usual today, and…” Reed puts a hand up silencing any future words. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing so I remain silent.

  “No worries. Being late happens. Even more so when you live in the city. We’re just glad you showed up, and stayed after seeing just how difficult Ryker will be to work with.” Remy, the other brother snickers, covering his laughter with a fake cough. Reed’s gaze darkens and I get the feeling these three brother’s do a whole lot of needling each other.

  “Am I really going to be his assistant?” I squeak, seriously wondering if after t
he way he treated me they’ll let him work with me.

  Reed nods his head, “Yes, though I promise you he isn’t always this way. He’s just going through some life changes, and I’m sure when he bounces back he’ll be a much more enjoyable person to work for.” Reed smiles gently, but Remy doesn’t, if anything he gives me a sorry-not-sorry look and I know then that probably isn’t true either.

  Ryker won’t be a very good boss, or even person to deal with, and if that’s the case, pay is going to need to be renegotiated.

  “Your brother’s face says otherwise, and while I’m not usually this straightforward about things, I really need this job…” I pause briefly taking in the death glare Reed gives his brother Remy. It almost causes me to laugh. Remy looks as if he’s barely containing his laughter, and when Reed rolls his eyes he lets a smidge of it slip from his mouth.

  “Ryker, is a pain in the ass, like…” He ponders for a moment before speaking again, “Like every day since the day he was born, but we need you, we need the help now more than ever.” Remy’s eyes plead with me, and when I swing my gaze back to Reed’s I can see Remy isn’t lying.

  “I’ll take the job, but I want better pay.” I announce feeling as if I might have just earned myself a swift kick out the door. When neither of them say anything I slowly creep backwards.

  Way to fucking go Ava. Getting your ass canned on the first day? Marie and Gabby are going to laugh all the way too…

  “Whatever you want it’s yours… but we need you...That means no quitting. At least for the next six weeks.” His eyes skirt away from mine, and I look to Reed.

  “Then we have a deal. No quitting, and anything else you want to include?” I lick my lips nervously. I’ve never negotiated a job before but doing so builds my confidence up just enough for me to think that I might be able to face Ryker in a weeks time.

  “Yes.” Reed replies, his voice soft, and completely unlike any other bosses I’ve ever heard. “I want you to keep him in line. I’m having a baby any day now, and I cannot be worried about how the company is doing and if he is handling things when I should be enjoying time with my baby, and wife.”

  I nod my head in agreement, his blue eyes piercing mine, sadness flickering in his deep depths. It makes sense now. Fallon, and Reed. They’re probably the Barbie and Ken of the company. Ryker’s lost his brother because he’s finally found someone to be with. The thought that maybe something far worse is going on with him crosses my mind then.

  “Is he okay?” I question, knowing it’s not really any of my business and yet still feeling this compelling need to care for him, even without really knowing him.

  Reed releases a frustrated sigh, and Remy stares off into the distance. “He’s not okay, but he will be I promise you. Just get through these next couple of weeks with him and I’ll make sure you have more than just an internship at Winston Industries.” Excitement and fear zinged through me all at once.

  I wanted to jump up and down, but I also wanted to scream in agony.

  I was officially Ryker Winston’s assistant and even though I wanted to know the mystery man’s name who I had given my virginity too… I didn’t want it to happen under these circumstances.

  “Great, where do I sign?” I smiled, my smile also making both Reed and Remy smile too. I didn’t know it then, when I signed the papers but I was in for a whole lot more than just inter work.

  Chapter Six


  Why does she have to wear those tight ass pencil skirts, and blouses that make me want to pop the buttons and take a peek inside? I growl to myself, waiting for my assistant Ava. The assistant I didn’t want, or ask for to enter my office.

  Since meeting her the other day my body has been more than fully aware of her presence. Her sweet floral scent is maddening, and even when I don’t want to look at her, I find my gaze slipping from the task I’m working on to where she is standing in the office.

  Her blonde hair reminds me of sunshine, and her smile radiates warmth, though it’s never geared towards me. I’m an asshole. To her, to my brothers, hell, even to myself.

  But when I look at her, when I watch her, I have this strange feeling in my gut. This intuition that we’ve met before. I know it’s ludicrous to think something like that, and is probably the reason I’m meaner to her than I really should be.

  “Good Afternoon, Mr. Winston.” Her voice is silk, and I want to ask her to keep talking, so I can wrap myself up in her softness, but that would be weird, right?

  Instead I crack my knuckles and look up at her over my computer screen. God, why does she have to be so fucking beautiful. It’s like god hates me, making me lust after a woman I don’t even know the name of in my dreams, while making me want a woman I want nothing to do with in my present life.

  “I’d say good afternoon as well, but it isn’t. Ya see…” I watch as her face falls, a sadness lingering in her eyes as she waits for me to deliver some shitty blow. “My coffee is low…” I point to the mug, that Fallon got me that says “World’s greatest Uncle.”

  “Is there anything else I could do to help make your day better?” Her eyes remind me of whiskey, so deep and intoxicating I could get lost in their depths. I almost hate myself for what I’m about to say.

  “Well of course there is…” I smile, like an asshole, feasting off the sadness that radiates out of her pores. I wonder if she’s asked people around the office if I’ve always been this way? If anyone knows how close I am to falling off the bandwagon.

  I miss him. I miss him so fucking much, and it kills me. I blink away the pitiful thought and blink back to reality.

  Ava smiles, really smiles, and walks further into the office, looking as if she’s truly entertained with the idea of making me happy, which unfortunately for her only makes me more irritated. The thought of anyone trying to make me happy, my brothers, her, it pisses me off.

  “Go on. What can I do for you?” She’s so soft, so perfect, so… Suddenly my thoughts shift from shoving her out of the office to seeing if she’ll let me fuck her against the desk.

  “That depends on what you’re willing to do…” I lick my lips, and move away from my desk and closer to her. Her eyes twinkle, and her throat bobs up and down as she swallows.

  Is she nervous? Afraid of me? I can’t tell. Her body seems to shake as I get closer.

  “Close the door, and then the blinds.” I rest against the desk undoing my dress shirt, watching as her eyes go wide, and fear trickles into her eyes. I’d never take a woman against her will, that’s below me, but even I know when a woman’s attracted to me, and Ava, well, she’s just like any other blood hot female in this office.

  “I’m not...I wasn’t offering to…” She starts stammering.

  “You asked what you could to do for me that would make me feel better. I’m about to show you.” My voice rises a smidge higher than it should but I get my point across, watching as she scurries across the floor in her heels, closing the door, and shutting the blinds, so that the rest of the office can’t see our little escapade of fun.

  Ava turns back to face me, and I can see the conflict on her face. She’s attracted to me, but I know she thinks doing this is wrong … and she’s probably right, hell I fucking know she’s right. I just can’t bring myself to care right now.

  Stalking over to her, I don’t stop moving until her back is pressed against the door and there’s nowhere for her to go. She’s trapped, my prey, at my mercy, and will and nothing gets my cock harder than having a woman at my mercy.

  Ava’s looking up at me, trepidation clear in her eyes. I keep my eyes on her as I lean closer, watching as her eyes turn glassy with tears, ignoring the guilt that fills my chest. She smells so good, and the closer I get to her, the more her scent fills my nostrils. I swear, it’s like we’ve been in this exact position before, even though I know we haven’t. Deja vu is such a strange feeling.

  My eyes fall closed as my lips ghost against, hers. They’
re so soft against mine, and I sink further into the way kissing her makes me feel. Everything fades away. My grief, all the anger I’m carrying around inside, all the resentment I feel towards my brothers. I’m reveling in the absence of all that negativity, so focused on it I don’t notice she’s moving until her hand strikes my cheek.

  She smacks me so hard I don’t immediately feel the pain. Even the sound of her hand slapping me takes a few seconds to register in my mind, but when it finally does, I jerk back to stare down at her in disbelief. My cheek stings, and my egos more wounded than my face ever will be.

  Her eyes are just as wide as I’m sure mine are as we stare at each other. Ava’s looking up at me like she can’t believe she just smacked me, like her hand moved without her permission. She quickly recovers though, and her hands come up to shove me back. Her hands against my chest are something I never expected to feel and I’m so shocked I let it happen, and the minute we’re no longer touching she moves further away, putting as much space between us as she can without getting far from the door.

  “I...I can’t…” she’s so upset she can’t get the words out, but when I take a step towards her, not sure if I’m going to apologize or try to kiss her again, her spine straightens and she holds out a hand to stop me. The tears in her eyes overflow, and if looks could kill, I’d be buried beside my dad right now. “You’re such an asshole,” she hisses, pain filling her voice. “I can’t believe I ever thought you were different.”

  My brow furrows in confusion. She hasn’t known me long enough to think I’m different. I’m the same person I’ve been since the day we met. I don’t get the chance to ask what she means though. As soon as she says the words, she spins around on her heels, grabbing the doorknob tightly and yanking it open. I’m frozen in time, unable to speak, or move and it’s all because of her.


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