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Rax Page 9

by Maia Starr

  "Yes, that is incredible. You are getting laid, congrats. Be that as it may, you know, and I know, that you require more than that. You require sentiment and being on the same page, as I do. Much the same as we all do. I'm not saying you should quit having sex with him; however, quit giving him such an extensive amount of your time and vitality. He doesn't deserve it. Call him over to your apartment, do your business, and after that, tell him to clear out. That is my advice," she said.

  "Yes, I am extremely mindful that that particular routine of kicking men out after sex is your method for things. I will think about it. In any case, he asked to take me to dinner tonight," I said. “Not that you can actually have a fancy dinner at the one diner that is left here.”

  "Dinner? Doesn't he have that awful characteristic of asking you to dinner and afterward concocting some reason for you to pay for it?"

  "Could we get back to work now? I have a lot to do," I said feeling irritated that I had disclosed to her such a great amount of information about Sergeant Richard Banks. There was such a concept as giving somebody too much information, and as a communications and information examiner, I should know that.

  An hour later, I was sitting at that diner with Sergeant Richard Banks.

  I had my dark hair high on my head in an untidy bun. I wore heaps of mascara to highlight my blue eyes and went with a bare lipstick. I felt exceptionally hot in my tightly fitted jeans and low-cut tight tank top. It wasn’t exactly a dinner dress, but it was military hot wear. He sat opposite me eating. He barely surfaced for oxygen. He wore an army jacket and army pants on his extraordinarily fit body. He was the always working out sort.

  I attempted to make some kind of discussion, " This diner is an awesome pick. How did you catch wind of it?” I said sarcastically. I knew it was the only place to eat out in the area.

  "One of my soldiers recommended it to me," he said.

  “Really?” I said laughing at his joke.

  “No. Come on? We’re not going to make stupid small talk like that,” he said.

  "Okay, I see… " I said.

  "About the check. You wouldn't fret about going half on this one with me, right? I knew it would be costly. However, I wasn't anticipating that it should be this costly. You requested the second most expensivedish on the menu, and I ordered the cheapest. You're chugging down that wine like you've never had wine in your life. I believe it's reasonable that you pay for your half," he said.

  My face turned a brilliant red.

  "Sure, I guess… " I said.

  "Extraordinary; so don't get dessert. We need to leave and go to your place. I must be up at an early hour in the morning for a meeting," he said as he waved the server over. I took a look at my plate; it was still for the most part full. I ate at an ordinary pace, not like a pig. He ate his whole dish in sixty seconds. I would eat at the pace that I wanted. I started to eat and didn't waste time with discussion. There was no good reason for it.

  The following day at work I was sitting at my work area, in the steel and glass tower. I was taking a look at information on the screens from the two satellites we had out in space. We were expecting a new ship today, a Grantsion Zenkian ship. It would be carrying one of the greatest Zenkian soldiers, or so we were told. He would be coming with his superior to have meetings with us. This was part of the Grantsion and Earth army pact.

  “There she is. We have contact. Zenkian Grantsion ship is coming in,” Commander Eriks said.

  “Receiving communication?” I asked the communications specialist.

  “Yes, message coming in. Take a look,” he said.

  I looked at the message. It was exactly what I had expected to see.

  “Good. Send them a message saying they are confirmed,” I said.

  A few minutes later, a dark triangle-shaped ship hovered in front of the tower.

  Then Private Martinez ran over to me. "Nicole! Nicole! Commander Eriks needs you in his office. The president needs to talk with you," he said.

  "With me?" I said.

  "Rush! Go!" he said as he snatched my arm and ran with me the distance to Commander Eriks's office. Commander Eriks held up his hand to me and after that addressed the telephone, which was on speaker.

  "Mr. President, I have our information and communication specialist Nicole Plimoc here."

  "Hi, Nicole Plimoc. I praise you for your fantastic work. This recent arrival is an important one. I will be coming to the base to meet with these particular Grantsions as well.”

  "Yes, Mr. President, and thank you for the compliment. Just doing my job, sir.”

  “Nicole, I want you to be the one to meet with these Grantsions. I know there are tensions on the base already between the Earth army soldiers and the Grantsion soldiers and I cannot have that tension with these new arrivals. I want you to stay with them closely and diffuse any tensions,” he said.

  “Yes sir, I understand,” I said, excited that I was getting a direct order from the president.

  Chapter Two


  I had been a soldier in the Grantsion regiments for a long time now. I had been on the most hazardous missions. What's more, due to this I was regularly searched out as the soldier that a leader desired next to him, his commander. I was dependably up for a decent test. In any case, when Leader Nizok requested that I go along with him on his most recent and most imperative mission in Grantsion history, I was not ready for what he asked of me. It was a shock because I despised the humans.

  "You wished to see me, Leader?" I said as I walked into the hall in the Grantsion village on our planet of Anvin.

  "Yes, Commander Vycon Dase. I have recently been requested by the Council to leave on an imperative and hazardous mission. It is an essential mission. Also, we are to leave inside the hour," the Leader said.

  "No opportunity to plan. Are we under assault?" I asked exceptionally concerned.

  "No, we are not under assault, not on our planet. Be that as it may, there is an invasion of the Waysaw going to happen. This invasion could mean the annihilation of our race the Grantsions," he said.

  "I am listening, Leader," I said as I prepared for action.

  "It has gone to the consideration of the Council that the Waysaw intend to attack Earth. We don't know whether it will be a hard and fast invasion on the people, or on the resources," the Leader said.

  "The Council believes that this report of their invasion to visit Earth is to steal copper. They have been after it for a while now. They were successful a few years before, if you remember.”

  “Yes, they built laser weapons with it unlike any we had ever seen. We bombed those weapons,” I said proudly.

  “Yes, we destroyed the weapons, but they still have the knowledge to build them again. That is why we must go to Earth and help the humans stop the Waysaw from getting the copper.”

  "I see. That bodes well," I said. "So, what are we to do? What is this mission that the Council wishes for us to do? Are we to battle the Waysaw in space and keep them from getting the opportunity to invade Earth?"

  "No, we have thought of that. In any case, the Council believes that regardless of what number of ships we take out, they will, in the long run, figure out how to get the opportunity to invade Earth," the Leader said.

  "That is valid. Reveal to me the arrangement, Leader. I am with you," I said.

  "We will go to Earth. We should leave now and arrive before the Waysaw do."

  "What? What will we do on Earth?" I asked, astounded that this was the arrangement from the Council.

  "We will meet with them and help devise a plan to help them protect their mines better. We will go to a Grantsion base that is already established in a place they call Houston,” he said.

  "I acknowledge this mission, and I am prepared for my orders," I said.

  "I will meet you at the port in thirty minutes," he said, and I went to work. I was not happy about this. I hated the humans. They were the reason the Waysaw were stronger and stronger every year. They
were so weak that they could not defend their own planet and resources. They were nothing but frail beings. It was easy to see why the Waysaw were able to defeat them over and over again. Soon the Waysaw would defeat their entire planet. This was bad for us. The stronger the Waysaw got, the more they would try to defeat us rebels. I would not have it.

  An entire week later, we landed on Earth. I remained on the flight deck of our ship with the Leader. We gazed out the windshield over the military base. I hoped that I would be able to stay on the ship for most of my nights here and not have to mingle with the humans.

  We communicated with the tower in front of us, and they instructed us to land on the roof. We landed and disembarked. There were human soldiers waiting for us, and one human female.

  Her dark hair was pulled back. She was petite, though all humans were to us, really.

  Be that as it may, this female was around five-feet, and a tight uniform highlighted her hips.

  She was trembling a bit, and I could see that her pink lips were quivering. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I had seen numerous human females, yet there was something about her that attracted me to her more than any that I had ever met in all my years. She carried a pen and board with her. I realized that I was having an attraction to her and that disgusted me. No, I could not think of any human in that way. I hated them.

  "Welcome. I am Commander Eriks," the soldier said standing next to her. "You are welcomed here in peace," the man said.

  "Much thanks to you, Commander Eriks. We are happy to acknowledge your welcome. Much obliged to you for meeting with us," the Leader said. “My name is Leader Nizok, and this is Commander Vycon Dase.”

  "This is my associate, Nicole Plimoc; she will be your main contact while you are with us, " Commander Eriks said. She gestured her hand toward us.

  "It is an honor to meet you both," she said.

  "We don't wish to squander your time. We have a message for your leaders; are we ready to meet and talk with them and convey this imperative message?" the Leader inquired.

  "Yes. Will you accompany us? We will take you to the meeting with our leaders.”

  "Please lead the way," the Leader said. The man named Commander Eriks anxiously led us into the entryway. We took the elevator, and soon we were within a meeting room. There was a substantial projection on the divider, and there were a few men within the room. They all stood wearing suits. They welcomed each of us.

  "On the screen is correspondence with our leader that we call the President. He supervises and drives this city, and also our nation," he said.

  The Leader spoke to the screen. "Leader of Earth, my name is Leader Nizok. We have come to bring you an imperative message of intel. We come in peace and intend no mischief and will honor our pact. Our lone mission is to convey this message to you and to help you prepare," the Leader said.

  "Leader Nizok, it is my honor to meet with you. I should apologize for not being there in person. Security limits would not permit it, and we are extremely distant from the city that you are in. We desired to meet as quickly as time allowed. I am trying to get security together so that I can come to you and meet face to face very soon," the President said.

  "Yes, President," the Leader said as he remained before the screen. “We have intel on Anvin that the Waysaw are planning a very big invasion of your copper mines. We do not know which ones. We want to help in stopping this from happening. We do not want the Waysaw to have more copper. They are able to build weapons of mass destruction with it.”

  There was a commotion in the room. The humans looked at each other, but not in too much shock. They were always expecting an invasion from the Waysaw.

  "This message you bring us is overwhelming news. We require time to talk about it among our leaders of Earth. We are exceptionally appreciative to you for conveying this message. We see how unsafe that it is for you to do this. It is risky in light of the fact that you confront your own particular adversary,” the President said.

  "It was our obligation to come and convey this message to you with the goal that you may see that we do intend to help," the Leader said.

  "How long do you think we have before this visit from the Waysaw?" the President inquired.

  "We have no indication of them being on their way here, however, if they left after us, that would just give a twenty-four-hour head start."

  "We will issue a request to empty towns near mines and to add more soldiers to the mines, for now, until we have a better plan."

  "That is a good idea," the Leader said.

  "Leader, will you meet with your regiments at this base and ours? We have to talk about this message you bring and how to get ready. We will meet again with you tomorrow to accumulate all the data we require on the Waysaw?"

  "Yes. We acknowledge that need. You can send messages to our ship through your individual here, Nicole Plimoc. We will be waiting and ready," the Leader said.

  I saw Nicole wince a bit. She was startled by this.

  "Great. We will remain in contact. Much thanks to you, Leader. Commander Eriks, please escort the Leader and commander down to the regiments and then back to their ship later if they wish,” the President said.

  "Yes sir," Commander Eriks said. "Right in this direction."

  As I took after Commander Eriks out of the meeting room, I took a look at Nicole. She was gazing specifically at me. Her blue eyes locked with mine. She was breathing in quick rapid breaths. I gave her a slight smile. She immediately pulled her eyes far from me and took a look at the floor. I realized that we would talk once more. I awaited it, even if I did hate her kind.

  Chapter Three


  This was inconceivable. I had been transferred from a base at a copper mine only to find out that the Waysaw were going to target a copper mine on their next invasion!

  I was not prepared to hear that bit of news, nor was I prepared to see the commander they called Vycon Dase. The Zenkians always stunned me when I saw them. Even the blue-skinned Grantsions that I saw daily that were stationed on this base still caught me off guard when I saw them. But nothing prepared me for seeing Commander Vycon Dase.

  The Zenkians looked like normal men from Earth with the exception of a few refinements. They were a great degree taller, no less than nine feet tall. Their skin was made of a splendid hue of blue. It was shocking and intriguing to take a look at.

  They wore tight gray uniforms that left little to the imagination.

  Commander Vycon Dase eyes were a dynamic yellow that nearly appeared to gleam. His hair was a silver color, and it was down to his jawline. Both of the aliens had amazingly conditioned bodies.

  In any case, there was something about the commander that made me uneasy. I didn't know what it was, however, every time he took a look at me, I felt like he could see through my garments. He made me feel extremely hot everywhere. It was a reaction that I was not anticipating.

  After the aliens met with the President by video feed, I found the commander gazing at me while he exited. He gave me a dashing smile, and I realized that my breathing had gone from stable to fast. It was humiliating, thus I pulled my eyes away as quickly as I could. That was precisely an hour ago, and I was attempting to keep occupied with the work. There was a ton to do. Everything was going to change.

  "What is the word, Commander Eriks?" I asked as I sat at my work area.

  "We are on hold. We are sitting tight for orders on what to do next," he said. “Back to work for now, but you will be escorting the commander and Leader around the regiments where they will meet with the Grantsion Captain Bidu, but not yet.

  "I understand," I said as I sat down at my work area and started to take a look at information yet again. I was grateful for the work. I was happy for anything that would occupy me from seeing a dream of Commander Vycon smiling at me. I couldn't stop thinking of it.

  “It is time, Nicole,” Private Martinez said to me an hour later. “The Grantsions are ready for you to take them down to the base and
introduce them to the Earth military command.”

  “I understand. I am ready, Private Martinez,” I said as I stood up and took a deep breath. This was it. I was going to have to be with Commander Vycon Dase and Leader Nizok, and that made me nervous. This was my job; why did I feel this way? I had done it many times before, only this time I knew that I would be able to feel the commander's eyes on me. Plus, the tensions were high between the Earth military and the Grantsions in the base below the tower; this was not going to be easy, but my position was crucial because of this. The two regiments desired to get along in order to work together against our common adversary.


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