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Rax Page 17

by Maia Starr

  Chapter Seventeen


  I was so incredibly happy. I could not believe how well life had turned out after all. I was now married to Commander Vycon Dase, and I carried his child. Sergeant Banks was transferred to another base in another state. We did not have to deal with him any longer. Commander Vycon Dase was doing very well training the soldiers. He was very popular around the base, and everyone seemed to love him. I loved him.

  We had our child and two years went by very swiftly. But when the two years were up, we had to decide.

  “What are you thinking, Nicole?” he asked me.

  “I think we should go to Anvin,” I said.

  “Are you sure? You want to leave Earth and your work behind?”

  “I think I have to for one very specific reason,” I said.

  “What is that?” He asked.

  “Our child. He is now two-years-old, and he is starting to understand that he is not like everyone else here. He is a hybrid. Sure, he has the Grantsion soldiers to look at and he knows he is like them, but there are no children like him. I want him to have children to play with. I believe there are families in your village, correct?”

  “Of course. There are thousands of Grantsions in our village; it is a vast city. We only call it the village because it started small at first. But I think you are right. Our child will have a richer life away from the prejudice of a hybrid alien child like here. There is no place for him on Earth.”

  “Yes, that is the conclusion that I have come to. Because of that, I will sacrifice leaving Earth. It will be hard for me, but I know that I can do it. I can do anything for our child, for us,” I said.

  He put his arms around me and kissed me.

  “Over and over again, you have proven to me that humans have a very big heart. I will never stop being surprised by your kindness and your sacrifice,” he said.

  “So, it is set then. We will be leaving Earth for Anvin?” I asked.

  “Yes, let me get started on that. I will report to our leaders, and we will be departing on the next mission.”

  “I will report to my boss and the president as well. I might as well make this a work mission. I am sure that they will have work for me to do and to be in contact from Anvin. Just because I am leaving Earth does not mean that I have to leave my job,” I said.

  “That is a good point. You would be a great asset to our military base on Anvin and to your own people as well.”

  “Let us get started then,” he said.

  A month later, we were on a long-distance Grantsion ship headed for Anvin. I had never been in space before, and I knew the moment that I got out into the blackness that it was the right choice. I was only thinking about our child when we made this decision to leave Earth, but now that I was out there, I realized I had forgotten one massive thing: adventure. I was headed to an alien planet! I was journeying across the galaxy through space! It was more than I could have ever imagined. This was not something that happened to everyone, and I was doing it with the ones I loved: my family.

  “I cannot believe how beautiful this is!” I said to my husband as we sat near a large window looking out into space. He held our child on his lap, pointing out at the stars.

  “Yes, I have seen it many times, and yet every time it is beautiful to me. Beautiful things are like that,” he said as he stroked my cheek.

  “That is beautiful,” I said with a giggle.

  “Our son will also be able to pilot ships like this. He will be able to be a soldier and journey across the stars,” he said.

  “Don't make me worry before I have to,” I said.

  “Apologies, my wife, my human life,” he said with a smile.

  I pushed his silver hair off of his face and leaned in and kissed his blue lips. He was such a beautiful creature, and I was astounded every time I saw him at just how exotic he was. Every time I saw him, I felt a stirring between my thighs. He constantly turned me on with just one look or the sound of his voice. I could not get enough of him. I considered myself a very lucky human female.

  “You are going to like Anvin,” he said to me. Then he picked up our son and sort of tickled him and said, “And you are too. You are going to have so many children to play with.”

  I laughed.

  “I know that I will like it because I will have you two to be with,” I said.

  “But more than that., you will love the village, and you will have other females to speak with, more than you had at the base, that's for sure,” he said.

  “Well, Grantsion females. I don't know if they will like me,” I said.

  “There are a couple of human females as well; actually more than a couple,” he said restraining a smile.

  “What? Why do I not know this? Does Earth know this?”

  “No, we keep it a secret considering that we are not supposed to be like the Waysaw. But it is not what you think,” he said.

  “What do you mean? What are you talking about? Is this a secret? I thought there were no secrets between us,” I said, starting to feel a little panic.

  “This is not a secret; I am telling you now. I couldn't tell you on the base and risk getting that information out there. It would ruin the pact that we have with Earth. But you must understand these are not humans that we took from Earth. They are human females that the Waysaw took from Earth. Every now and then a few of them escape and make their way to our village. They know that it is a sanctuary. We have rescued quite a few. We couldn't just leave them out in the desert to starve or die; they had been through so much already.”

  “So, you take them in, and you keep them?” I asked putting my hands on my hips.

  “No, not at all. We take them in and restore them to health. Then they are given a choice: to return to Earth or stay. We have brought many back to Earth, without the humans knowing. When we have a mission, we just drop them off where they want to be left, before we meet up with the human military. It has been going on for years, Nicole,” he said.

  “Why do some stay?”

  “They all have their own reasons for staying; some of them think it is amazing to live on an alien planet, as long as they are not a slave to the Waysaw. You will be able to ask them yourself. They will be able to tell you that they are not being held against their will and they still have the option to go back to Earth whenever they want to,” he said.

  “That is fascinating,” I said, understanding the full scale of what he was saying.

  “So, I will have human females to talk to and make friends with? I am so excited!” I said.

  “I thought you would be. We are getting close. There it is,” he said as he pointed out the window. Before I knew it, a large planet appeared. It looked so much like Earth.

  “It is beautiful. I cannot believe how beautiful it is. No wonder the Waysaw want Earth; Anvin looks exactly like Earth.”

  An hour later we were entering the sky over the Grantsion village. I was astounded by the beauty of the place. We were approaching a very large mountain range, and as we got closer, I could see that the dwellings were etched into the side of the mountain. There were many terraces and long walkways all down the side of the mountains. It was beautiful, and I could see just how good this would be as a defense in military terms. They picked a very good place to house their kind.

  The ship landed in a place that looked very familiar: a military base. The door opened, and we stepped out hand-in-hand, one family with our crew. As soon as we walked out of the ship, there were many Grantsions turning to look. I felt like a freak show. But it was going to get worse.

  Once we got out of the base into the center of the village, I saw female Grantsions for the first time. They were beautiful. They were almost as tall as the men, only about a foot shorter. They were blue-skinned and exotic-looking. Most of them were lanky and slender. They stared at me. I didn't sense any apathy or hatred, and that was a good thing. But you never knew; women were the same everywhere I assumed. I tried to smile, but not arrogantly,
as my husband let us through the village toward the rock wall of the mountain.

  Soon we were mixed in with the crowds, and I was glad for it. I could hear and see children running around and playing then I was glad for it. Our child really would have playmates, and that was the most important thing. I could withstand the jealous looks of female Grantsions if it meant my child could play with others.

  I walked into a long corridor that was lit. Then we came to a large door, and Vycon entered a passcode and pressed his hand against the wall.

  “I will have to add your handprint to that, and our child's in time. Come in,” he said.

  “This is it; this is my home. What do you think?” he said as he led me into a very large dwelling inside the mountain. I was shocked. I was not expecting something so beautiful.

  “This is amazing! I can't believe this is your home,” I said to him.

  There was a large glass wall that was the opening of the mountainside. There was a ledge outside of the glass where a small landspeeder was parked. The inside of the dwelling was luxuriously furnished with fine fabrics end furniture. There was a very high-tech kitchen area. He put our child down on a rug, and he immediately begins to waddle around, touching and exploring things. It was moving to watch him in his new home.

  “This is perfect. We are going to make a very happy home here,” I said.

  “Yes, I have everything that I want. I left here a single Zenkian with a bad attitude toward humans. Now I have returned, and I am in love with the humans and have brought home a human wife and a half-human child. I think it is safe to say that I have changed,” he laughed.

  “I think it is safe to say that I am so happy here,” I said.

  He pulled me to him and kissed me. This was the start of an epic adventure together. I was living on an alien planet with my alien husband and alien child; what could be more adventurous than that?

  The End

  Zenkian Warriors (Complete Box Set)

  Read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited or purchase for only 99 cents in the kindle store! Continue reading the amazing standalones in this Box set by Maia Starr

  Cerik-Dragons Of Kelon

  (Dragons Of Kelon)

  By Maia Starr



  “How about that!” I said as I slammed the shot glass onto the patio table.

  “Good, now have another one,” Claudia said as she poured tequila into the two shot glasses in front of us. We were sitting poolside in the desert of California, in Joshua Tree. It was early evening, and the sun was just giving its last rays of light after sundown. Claudia was trying to cheer me up.

  I was laughing along with her and happy for this getaway in the desert, but inside, I was hurting. I knew that Claudia could see right through me; she knew that I was faking having a good time, that I could not shake the fact that I had been cheated on by my boyfriend of two years, Steven. To make it worse, he cheated on me with a very skinny girl, only making me feel insecure about my size-sixteen body.

  “Come on; let's go for a swim!” Claudia said as she pulled off her swimsuit cover-up.

  “Hell yeah; even at night it is still hot in the desert,” I said as I stood up and took off my cover-up as well. I was wearing my yellow bikini that looked good against my tan skin.

  Splash! We both jumped in. The cold water of the sparkling pool felt good against my body. I was glad that we decided to rent a small cottage in the desert, far away from my small town and any neighbors. It was very isolated. There was no light pollution, and because of that, the stars looked like glitter in the sky. It was the perfect place to escape to in order to have a girl’s weekend and not be around any men. I was sick of men at the moment. Steven had really broken my heart. He had been cheating for five months, and I didn't even know it. It was a lot to process.

  “Stop it,” Claudia said. I looked at her as we both leaned on the cement of the pool resting our heads on our arms as our feet kicked the water.

  “What?” I said.

  “I can tell that you are thinking about him. You have to stop,” she said.

  “It is that obvious?”

  “Yes, you get a little scowl on your face. It's cute, but it's going to give you wrinkles. Stop thinking about that jerk. He doesn't deserve you. He is a lying cheat, and you don't want someone like that. You don't want someone that can hold a secret for that long; such a liar,” she said.

  “Yes, you are right. I don't want him. It was just so shocking is all, and of course it hurts. But I will try to push it out of my mind. That skinny brat can have him. I am sure that he will eventually do the same thing that he did to me to her,” I said as I pushed off the wall and floated on my back looking up at the beautiful inky sky.

  “Exactly!” Claudia said.

  We swam around in silence for fifteen minutes or so. We had a good buzz going from the tequila, and the desert sun had made us very tired. It was nice to cool off with the moon coming up over the horizon.

  The next night we went into the small desert town to a dance hall. It was a very quaint country environment, and I liked it instantly. There was a small country band playing, and people were actually dancing. Claudia and I sat at the bar doing more shots of tequila.

  “Have some fun. Let’s get on the dance floor and dance,” she said.

  I looked at the dance floor. “It’s all couples. They are doing actual country dancing, like the two step and stuff. We need partners to go dance,” I said.

  “So we’ll get some gentlemen to ask us out. These are actual small town men. I am sure that they are courteous. Look how cute they are with their hats and boots,” she said looking over the men.

  “Yes, very cute and very different. It is refreshing,” I said.

  “Ahem…” Claudia coughed at me and directed her eyes to three guys that were taking the seats next to her. She smiled at me and lifted her brows up and down. They were cute. I laughed and shook my head at her. I really didn’t care if we danced with men or not. In fact, I did not want to be around men at all, but she had convinced me to come to this dance hall for a greasy burger and fries. I didn’t know there would be an actual bar-like atmosphere on a Tuesday night. Then the guys began to speak to each other, and we could hear them.

  “What about this one? They probably want to dance. They look like they’re from the city.”

  “Yeah, you know how women are on vacation: easy,” they whispered to each other.

  I looked at Claudia with wide eyes, and she was restraining a smile as we pretended not to pay attention.

  “Fine, I’m going to ask the one in the red dress to dance. I call dibs on that one,” one of the men said.

  “Oh great. So I get the fat one? I always get the fat one; not this time. You get the fat one, and I get the skinny one in the red dress,” the other guy whispered.

  My heart dropped. The smile on my face faded. I was mortified. I grabbed the glass full of tequila and shot it down. I looked at Claudia. I could tell that she was seething. She grabbed my arm and pulled me off the stool to leave. We both stood up.

  “Wait,” she said as she stopped.

  I looked at her confused. She took a few steps and grabbed the full beer glass in front of the obnoxious guy. Then she dumped it on his head.

  “There; maybe that will teach you some manners,” she said. The other two guys were laughing hard at him.

  “Let’s go,” Claudia said to me. I looked at the guy covered in beer and narrowed my eyes at him. I was not going to let his words get to me. He was a jerk, and he wasn’t exactly a looker. He was plain and had a beer belly himself. He was one of those men that expected women to be perfect but did not put any effort into making himself look good. He was a disgusting hypocrite.

  “Don’t let that guy ruin your night,” Claudia said as we got in the car.

  “I am not. He’s just a jerk like all the rest of them,” I said.

  “True. Come on we’ll go back to the house and take a swim and do
some shots. It’s what we came out here for,” she said.


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