Leaving Dreamland

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Leaving Dreamland Page 3

by Jessica Jarman

  “Statistically, yes. With her being a hybrid, the group relationship seems quite natural to her, despite being raised as human.” Ross nodded.

  “If we keep the information from her and lock her up more than she already has been, she’ll rebel and try to escape. You won’t be able to hide any of this at that point.” Curtis’ tone was pragmatic and calm.

  Hastings sighed. “Let me think about it. I don’t want to shock and upset her when there is nothing we can do right now. We’re working on a new deployment strategy for the biological weapons. If Shannon knows she might be a target, it’s only going to make the situation worse for her.”

  “I understand that, however, not knowing might trigger more anxiety compared to letting her learn about the Keelons. That would at least occupy her time. We need her to trust us and feel she’s safe here. There is no need for escape attempts if she knows we’re being honest with her. Looking out for her isn’t enough. She deserves to know the truth about herself,” Curtis said.

  “This is a delicate matter. You need to let me handle that meeting. Don’t tell her anything until we do it properly. I think you four have spilled enough information today! Keep it to sex for now.” Hastings shook his head. “That’s crazy, but it’s the best distraction tactic in your arsenal for now.”

  “You want us to occupy her with sex?” Ross had learned from Hastings’ daughter, Bonnie, that the hybrid was in fact her half-sister. They shared a father. Still, it was odd for a human father to encourage sexual activity with his daughter—especially group sexual activity.

  However, Shannon had been raised by adoptive parents and had no clued about Hastings’ or Bonnie being blood relations. Ross had no idea how Hastings had convinced Bonnie to keep quiet. That woman had a lot of her father in her. She expected to get her way and had tried to escape. She’d raise hell and a half after only a few days at Dreamland.

  “I want you to distract her with whatever works. I don’t need the details. I need her safe and not escaping until I have the weapons and the delivery system in place. After that, I can think about how to explain this to her.” Hastings rested his head in his hands.

  Curtis nodded. “We’ll do our best, Sir.”

  “Good. Go. Try and keep your mouths shut for a while.” Hastings waved them away.

  Chapter Three

  The relationship was a wonderful new thing. Of course, it didn’t stop the men from wanting to be sure Shannon was safe and the Keelons would leave them alone.

  While the other three were on their normal job of sticking with Shannon, Gavin headed to the lab. Dr. Megan Lyle was the brains behind the biological weapon that could cripple the Keelons. A powder that was harmless to humans but got in between the shifting skin cells of the aliens was pure genius. He entered her office and sat.

  “So what’s the latest?” he asked.

  Meg took off her glasses. “I hear your group and Shannon is the latest news at Dreamland. I’m surprised you came up for air.”

  He knew she’d been one of the first human women to tame a group of alien lovers. She’d stood up to Hastings and showed no fear. “I need to make sure she’s safe” Gavin said. “The aliens are coming closer, and she has no clue she’s a hybrid. I want to volunteer for whatever plan you have. I’ll destroy an alien ship. I’m willing to do anything to send them the message that Earth isn’t worth the battle.”

  “I’m still working on the deployment of the deadly biological weapon. I’ve got engineers modifying a couple small drones. It’s the best idea we’ve got to deliver the weapon, but it could hurt you too. Your involvement is not advisable.” Meg shrugged.

  “Is this a private meeting?” Bonnie leaned on the doorframe.

  Gavin tensed. “No, I was just volunteering for anything I can do to help fight the Keelons.”

  “Sure, now that you’re involved with Shannon you’ll volunteer for the most dangerous jobs? Forget it. The weapon is made to hurt Keelons. It’s dangerous to you and doesn’t do a thing to humans. Your best work is protecting my sister and keeping her happy.” Bonnie eyed him.

  “You’re sure?” Bonnie had a way of knowing almost everything that went on in Dreamland, especially when it came to Shannon. He knew that Shannon was Hastings’ biological daughter. A female Keelon and human male mating on Earth. Talk about rare! There were no other female Keelons that Gavin was aware of. Bonnie was the purely human big sister Shannon didn’t even know she had. But Bonnie sure as hell knew it.

  “If you hurt my sister in any way, I’ll douse all four of you in that powder and watch you suffer. Meg probably won’t let you die because she’s worked so hard on that antidote. I’ll enjoy the torture though.” Bonnie smirked and looked over to Meg. “Would that weapon hurt Shannon?”

  “No idea. I certainly am not going to test it on her. I’d need a live skin graft, and I won’t do that to her unless it’s absolutely necessary. Zero exposure is the key for that whole group,” Meg said.

  “Then we’ll keep her as far from the weapon and the drones as we can. All of it is dangerous. I must say, Bonnie, you’re more like your father than you want to admit.” Gavin nodded.

  Meg chuckled. “Keep it civil.”

  “He apparently doesn’t want me on his side.” Bonnie folded her arms. “She knows she’s my friend even if she doesn’t know we’re sisters. I can make it harder or easier for things to remain good for you guys. You can’t change blood, but you can dump boyfriends.”

  Meg rocked in her chair. “Let’s not stress out Shannon. We don’t know what the future holds. The sooner Hastings brings Shannon into the world of the fully informed, the better. Bonnie, if I were you, I’d push him on that score so you can blame Hastings for keeping your secret. If it was you, you’d want to know the whole truth. Otherwise, I don’t need any help. I’m just trying to get the weapon into an alien ship and exploding into their venting system so we can kill as many Keelons as possible. We have all the pilots and powder that we need. We have the ships that can keep pace with Keelon vessels as well. It’s all about the drones and timing. We’re very close.”

  Bonnie shook her head. “Obviously, the aliens want women. They don’t abduct men that often. If a hybrid is possible, that’ll be a big deal. All known hybrids on Earth have been contained. Maybe the alien experiments aren’t producing offspring, but we know hybrids do exist. I’ll push my father, but that won’t stop what’s coming or when. Shannon deserves some happy quiet time.”

  “I don’t think she’s going to get that. Everyone else knows something about her that she doesn’t. Plus she’s stuck here under guard. None of it is fair or happy.” Meg nodded to Gavin. “You guys are going to be in the doghouse before you get comfy in her bed.”

  Bonnie smiled. “That’s some consolation. I’ll go rattle Dad’s cage. See if I can annoy my father sufficiently.”

  “I’m sure you can. Bye,” Meg called as Bonnie left.

  “She doesn’t like her sister having a relationship?” Gavin asked.

  Meg laughed. “You don’t get siblings, do you?”

  “Not in this instance. They weren’t raised together. They are friends now, but Bonnie is disapproving of something in her sister’s life that Bonnie is doing herself.” Gavin’s area was fighting, not socializing.

  “She doesn’t disapprove. It’s her job as the big sister to make sure you treat her little sister well. No one is ever good enough for our family, no matter how much that family annoys us. That’s what sucks about your Keelon ways. Ripping little boys from their parents to train them in war means you don’t know who your siblings are. You want to protect your group, and no one else matters.” Meg checked her computer. “I have a big crazy family I can’t stand half the time, but if anyone hurt them, I’d be out for blood or torture. Probably both.”

  “So it’s a good thing?” Gavin shook his head.

  “It’s very good for them as sisters. Don’t worry about it. Keep Shannon happy, and it’ll be fine with Bonnie, in the end at least. I hop
e Hastings clears the air of these secrets soon so we can all work on the goals without the drama, but there’s no way you’re getting on an attack plane with the weapon. It’d be far too dangerous.”

  “I understand the danger involved. We all take risks in our careers.” Gavin didn’t want to lose any of his lovers, but in the military, you look risks every day.

  “I’m sorry, but Hastings made it clear. If you were on an attack fighter and the weapon malfunctioned, you’d be disabled. The aliens could capture you, the weapon and our ships. That risk is too big. I’m sure you’ll be part of ground control or security. From what I know, we have qualified human pilots who won’t be incapacitated if one of the drones malfunctions and explodes inside the fighter jet. Once we get the drones to detonate with enough force and yet be small enough to sneak in the opening hatches on the Keelon vessels… It’ll be a go as soon as we can get them to show up and open up a hatch.”

  Gavin stood up. There was no point debating that point. Humans wouldn’t be incapacitated by the powder. Hastings was doing what was best for the mission to succeed. Gavin and the other alien men didn’t have to like it but they had to follow orders and not endanger other lives just to get in the action. “I understand. Well, please keep me informed on the progress. I’ll definitely be involved with the efforts on the ground. We don’t want to worry Shannon yet, but I’ll be the contact for the attack side of things.”

  “No problem. I’m sure there will be the usual briefings as we get closer. My guys want in the fight as well, and they’re grounded too. Relax. Enjoy the relationship before all hell breaks loose. We’ll need everyone’s help in some way for this battle.” Meg nodded.

  * * * *

  Shannon sat in the big conference room and wondered exactly what was going on. Her guys were there along with Bonnie and Commander Hastings. A black file folder rested in front of Hastings. If this was about her relationship with the four men, maybe Bonnie was there on her behalf?

  It’d been three days of amazing sex, and no one had gotten in trouble over it so far. She loved the guys more as they talked and spent time together. Now, she saw the tension in her guys. Something big was coming, and odds were she wouldn’t like it.

  She decided to go the other direction. “Does this mean I get to leave?”

  Bonnie smiled. “I wish we all could.”

  Shannon stared at Hastings. The tyrannical Commander of Area 51 wasn’t his usual blustery self. She hadn’t seen that much of him, but quiet was a side she’d never seen.

  Hastings cleared his throat. “I want to thank you for your cooperation, Ms. Madison. The past few months haven’t been easy on you, and we needed to be sure you were safe.”

  “Safe from the aliens? Why would they be interested in me?” Shannon asked.

  “That’s more or less what we’re here to discuss. You know that you were raised by adoptive parents?” He nodded.

  “Of course. I was never able to find anything on my biological parents.” She shrugged it off. She’d tried in college just to see if they’d looked her up. However, the parents who’d raised her had been so nervous about it she’d shut it all down.

  “Well, we do have that information.” Hastings opened the black file folder. “This may be hard to hear.”

  She frowned. “If you say I was fathered by an alien, I might faint.”

  Bonnie smiled at Shannon from across the table. “Not your father.”

  Shannon’s fingers and toes tingled as the information sank in. “So my birth mother?”

  “Was an alien? Yes.” Hastings nodded. “She passed on a few years back.”

  On either side, strong masculine hands rubbed her shoulders. Bonnie’s concerned look helped, but Shannon felt dizzy. “So I’m half alien? Keelon?”

  “It doesn’t change who you are.” Curtis rubbed her hand with his.

  She pressed for warmth but shivered as the reality set in.

  “You knew?” She looked him in the eye and yanked her hand away. “Who is my birth father?”

  “Does it really matter?” Milton asked.

  “Hastings knows. I can tell.” Shannon stared at Hastings. “You did all these tests on me. Made me wait. You were checking me out. Maybe you just want the alien information, but I need it all. You found my records or information. You know who he is. Is he alive?”

  “Oh yes, he’s alive.” Bonnie nodded.

  “I appreciate you being here as a friend. I’m sorry to drag you into my drama.” Shannon ran her hands over her skin. It’d never changed once as she’d seen her men’s skin change at will. “I am half Keelon or is it another type of alien?”

  “No, it’s Keelon. Your skin won’t change unless your life is in danger. That was part of our tests, as well. It’d take extreme cold or heat to trigger the defensive nature of the epidermis on a hybrid.” Hastings shuffled papers.

  “So who’s my father?” Shannon asked.

  The room was silent and tense.

  “Fine!” Bonnie glared at Hastings. “Shannon, your dad is my dad. Him. The big guy who runs this whole operation. He had you brought here, kept it all a secret, and he still can’t admit it.”

  Shannon looked at the Commander and shook her head in disbelief. “How is that possible? You have a mother, Bonnie. Were they divorced?”

  “No, no, they weren’t.” Bonnie folded her arms and sat back. “Dad had alien fever.”

  “That’s enough!” Hastings roared. “I’m sorry, Shannon. I had no idea how to break this to you. A baby wasn’t planned. Hell, I didn’t even think it was possible. Earth has only had a single female refugee from the Keelon home world.”

  Her stomach knotted. “Was I some sort of experiment?”

  “Of course not! Your mother didn’t want you raised by me or the government, like the boys who crashed to Earth. She wanted a normal life for you.”

  “So you took me away from her? I can’t believe she wanted that.” Shannon’s throat went dry, and her stomach ached.

  “It was for the best. You were safer,” Hastings said.

  Shaking her head, she pushed back from the table and ran from the room.

  Her quarters were too obvious. That would only make her feel as if she were hiding. She headed for the observation room and locked the door behind her. She slid the emergency metal bar across the door. No amount of pass codes and overrides could beat metal. They’d have to break it down. She did the same to the access door on the opposite side of the room.

  Pressing a few buttons, she sat on the table and looked up at the sky. Her phone rang and she checked it. Her guys wanted to check on her. Then a text came in from Bonnie. Her sister? She had a sister.

  She called Bonnie.

  “We’re really sisters?” Shannon asked.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. Dad’s a jerk. He wouldn’t let us tell you. I need to come in and talk,” Bonnie said.

  “Are you part alien?” Shannon asked.

  “No. My mom is human. There’s more you need to know and understand. Please, let me in.”

  “Just you,” Shannon said.

  “Just me. I’ll kick any guy who tries to sneak in square in the nuts. It works, alien or human.” Bonnie chuckled.

  “Okay, just you. The north door.” Shannon pulled the metal bar away and watched carefully as Bonnie slipped in.

  The men called in after her, but Bonnie slammed the door and slid the metal bar in. “Sorry, they’re really worried about you.”

  “They love me. I just can’t deal with them right now. What else do I need to know?” Shannon looked at her sister and saw the similarities in the bone structure, height, and even their hair. Bonnie’s was more of a reddish brown, but they both had too much wavy hair.

  “You were brought here for your protection. This place is run by men who don’t know how to do anything but follow orders. Like we’re not due an explanation.” Bonnie sat next to her sister.

  “Protection from what? I bet Hastings just wanted to check me out, and it was easier then
telling me the truth.” Shannon couldn’t believe she was related to him. Tears pooled in her eyes. “How can I be half alien and not know?”

  Bonnie shrugged. “Keelons and humans aren’t that different. Area 51 has had geneticists trying to unlock it for years. Are we descended from each other? Offshoots? Does that matter?”

  “Does anything matter anymore? Why bring me here and study me? After a while they decide if I’m worthy to know about my biological reality and who my birth parents are? Bastards.” Shannon wanted to hit something, but breaking this equipment was against her nature.

  “Now, you’re sounding like a Hastings. The problem is hybrids seem to be of interest to the Keelons. We’re not sure if abducted women are used for breeding hybrids or not.”

  Shannon nodded. “The guys said something about not having enough women to go around for a warring planet. The men shared a woman.”

  “Right, if they can take human women and make hybrid children from them…it’s dangerous. Of course hybrid males might not be up to the fighting standards of a pure Keelon, but it’s more muscle to throw at the enemy. Not that we’re engineering anything that I know of. We just don’t really know what we’re facing with the Keelons and no one wants earth to be taken over. If you’re worried about being vulnerable, our scientists could do some more tests on your skin to see exactly when it’ll trigger the skin change. Liz is a great doctor!” Bonnie shrugged.

  “The aliens would still need to find that out for themselves, right?” Shannon asked.

  “Sure. They’ve grabbed a lot of human women. Everyone in Dreamland has been working on a weapon to try to discourage the Keelons. They want to protect our guys and you. I know the methods are foolish, but the intentions are good. I’ll do whatever I can to keep my guys safe and help you and yours. Once the shock of this wears off, maybe we can work together on it? Go get our nails done and compare notes on our men? We were both cheated out of a sister while growing up.”


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