Raging Moon

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Raging Moon Page 7

by Lea Jade

  “So... that’s why you were loitering outside?”

  “You got me. It wasn’t hard to track down the bear after that.” Disbelief must still show on my face because she rolls her eyes and sighs, lowering the flame. “Look, you think you know my brothers, but you don’t know our family. There are five of us who will inherit a share of my parents’ wealth, each Lexington will also get a stake in any enterprise founded from the family fortune. A few of us suspect the twins are, or at least one of them is, selling us out. Trading fighters with large debts at the black-market auction in return for something greater. Unfortunately, I don’t know what that is or have enough details to take action. Suspecting isn’t enough in a family where no one trusts the other. When I heard you were looking for your brother, I thought he might be one of the fighters sold. If you help me, we might find your brother, or at least find out what happened to him.”

  I take a second to digest what she’s saying. “Wait, you think my brother was sold?” The very thought makes my blood run cold.

  She nods. “It’s a possibility.”

  “But you don't know for certain?”

  She shakes her head. “All I want is to know which brother of mine is double-crossing our family.”

  She might be lying, even so this is the first real lead I've got. I can't ignore it. I don’t believe how she found out about my true intentions for being here, but the fact that she knows now can’t be changed.

  “Okay, why are you telling me this? You said need my help? What do you need me to do that you can’t?” I indicate to the fire in her hands and her obvious ability to wield magic.

  “You can get close to Eric in a way a sister can’t.”

  I frown at her. “I’m not close to Eric.”

  “No, but he likes you. It’s easy to manipulate someone who has a little crush, no?”

  I think of Jake. “Maybe. Surely there’s a better way? Can’t you just listen to their thoughts some more, or ask to see the books?”

  “No, I’ve tried. I have no authority to see the books and they are much too careful at keeping their psychic shields up around me. And when they’re not, Eric and Xavi won’t even let me in the club. I’m not even meant to be here.”

  “They let you into their apartment last night.”

  “Eventually, after I stalked them outside for two hours. Their apartment is as far as I’m officially allowed and only at their grace. Regardless, I need hard evidence. Eric keeps a copy of the office key around his neck. If you can get me the key…”

  My shoulders tense and my heart stutters. “No. No way am I stealing from a dragon.”

  “Not even to save your brother?”

  “You don’t even know if my brother is mixed up in this.”

  “I know that fighters are missing, no bodies, no funeral, and the company is expected to pay out damages. Those damages are supposed to part of my inheritance.”

  “My family didn’t get damages.”

  She raises her eyebrows. “Oh? Seems like my family isn’t the only one double-crossing each other.”

  “You’re saying my family got paid off?” This just keeps getting worse.

  “I can send you evidence that the Pit paid for and wiped your father’s debt. If I do that will you consider my offer?”

  “You want me to somehow get a key from around Eric’s neck?” At the thought of it, my heart pounds and my wolf whimpers inside my head. She doesn’t like Eric either.

  “You don't have to steal it. All I’m asking is that you get me an imprint of the key. I can take it from there.”

  “What about Xavier? Doesn’t he have a key?”

  She cocks her head. “Oh, you prefer Xavi, do you?”

  “No, but he must have a key. Where does he keep his?” Not that stealing from Xavier is any better…

  “I’ve no idea. Xavier is a secretive little shit. Eric on the other hand…” She sighs. “Look, if I didn’t need you, I wouldn’t ask. But I swear that if you do this and we find out absolutely nothing, I’ll still help you and your wolf leave here without retribution.”

  “And how on earth would you manage that?”

  The fire seems to flare in her hand, and she purses her lips. “It might not be my club, but I’m still a Lexington darling.”

  “I’ll… need to think about it,” I say, finally. There’s no way I’m helping her. What she’s talking about is suicide.

  But what if this is the only way to find out what happened to Dylan?

  The corner of her mouth curls up and she snaps her fingers. All at once the flame is gone, plunging us into darkness. I feel something shoved into my hand. A card.

  “Here is my number. Call me when you’re ready.”

  A waft of cold air breezes over me as she opens the door, flooding the small cupboard with light. She looks over her shoulder at me, framed in the illuminated doorway.

  “Although, don't think on it too long. I hear a fight is to be held sooner than you think.”

  And with that, she stalks off down the tunnel, leaving the door to slam shut, enveloping me in her citrus scent as I’m surrounded by dust and darkness.

  Chapter 8


  After two full days of healing, I can't wait to get to the gym. I'm halfway through my extended workout, heaving myself up on the pull-up bars, feeling my stomach burn like hell as my muscles tear and reform, when my phone dings.

  I fall to the floor, panting, allowing my muscles to ache for a gratifying moment before springing to my feet.

  It's a message from Jess saying she needs to meet right now, no excuses. I grin. For an omega she sure is bossy. She’d make one hell of a pack partner.

  Dare I let myself imagine it?

  No more fights. No more killing. The possibility of a life outside these concrete walls. Jess beside me with a litter of unruly pups in tow.

  Fates, I can’t let myself get wrapped up in fairytales. Happy endings don’t exist, at least not for me. Having any weakness in this world is a dangerous thing, and Jess is fast becoming my Achilles’ Heel.

  Not that I care about what happens to me. I half believed it when I told her that I would survive the fight against both twins. For a moment, I allowed myself the luxury of thinking there could be something after, a life with Jess if she would even consider me after all the things I’ve done.

  But I’ll be damned if my blood didn't turn to ice the moment Jess showed me the screen of her phone. I hadn’t lied to her; told her I didn’t remember her brother. My messed-up memory didn’t recalled at first, but something inside of me couldn’t forget the submissive wolf with steel and determination in his eyes.

  He was graceful but massively under-trained. I’ve no clue how he ended up as part of the undercard for a big fight, a submissive like him shouldn’t have been recruited in the first place. But he was keen and when I faced him, I remember admiring his tenacity and reserve. After a few rounds in, when it looked like he couldn’t take anymore, I knocked him clean out.

  I don’t know what happened to Hunter afterwards or if he even survived. I was on to my next fight trying not to die at the time. But when I didn’t see him backstage, in the clinic or in the changing room area, at the end of the night I just assumed he didn’t make it.

  And now that I know he’s Jess’s brother, I need to be sure.

  Now I know, I should tell her, but my first and worst thought was… what if it was me that killed him? I need to know what happened to him before I break the news to her.

  Really? How does that change anything? Surely, she has a right to know now even if it was me who killed him?

  Before my thoughts can spiral any further, the gym door swings open, bringing me back to my senses. My spirit picks up thinking it must be Jess, but plummets as soon as Eric strides in. I know it’s Eric because he has an extra lick in his hair on the right side, and he’s wearing the brightest waistcoat known to man.

  He’s all smiles as he comes over, but his eyes are viper sharp and full of d
arkness, not unlike mine.

  “You spoke to my brother, about the fight?”

  “I did.”

  “Interesting caveat to throw in there, asking for a rematch. Who is this Hunter to you, anyway?”

  His furtive, grey eyes try to stare me down but I just return the look and then grab my towel off the bench next to me.

  “Who knows, I picked him out of a hat.”

  “Interesting choice, do you know him or something? Is he friend of yours?”

  I stop toweling and glance over at Eric, frowning. “Was that before or after you screwed me every way from Sunday?”

  Eric smirks, recognizing our usual pattern of banter. “Memory still a bit fuzzy, Archer? Maybe you killed him already?”

  “I think I’d remember killing a submissive. Scraping the barrel with challengers for me lately, aren’t you?”

  “Just pick someone else so we can get one with real business of making money. That one isn’t available.”

  I stop toweling myself. “Is he dead?”

  “That’s what I’m telling you.”

  “That's not what Xavier told me. He checked the lists and said it wouldn’t be a problem.” Xavier said nothing of the sort, only that he’d consider my request. But he didn’t bat an eyelid when I mentioned Hunter’s name. He just stared at me with that dead look in his eyes, as though I was already six feet under ground and then signed the request.

  Like I say, Xavier is the one to worry about.

  “Well, my brother is wrong on this.”

  My nostrils flare as his scent spikes, filling the room with an essence of burnt embers. He’s lying. I've no idea why, but he is. He’s also nervous, which is the only reason I press forward.

  That and he’s Eric, not Xavier.

  “I'm surprised you even remember him to know that. Anyway, my terms still stand. I’ll fight in your circus on one condition, and one condition only—I also fight Hunter as undercard before the match. Your brother saw sense and is making it official as we speak.”

  “Is that your dying wish?”

  I nod, letting my wolf show in my eyes.

  “You’re in way over your head, you know that?”

  “Seems like you’re looking to lose yours,” I retort like some chump. What can I say, I’m a fighter and my brain is tired, witty comebacks are not my forte.

  Heat simmers behind his usual mask of arrogance, with a shadow of fear that I’ve never seen before.

  What could scare a dragon?

  The fear is fleeting though, and after a pause he carries on. “Jess seems awfully quiet after her date the other day, don't you think? I might take her out this evening to cheer her up.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck prickle and I growl a warning. “Don’t you dare.” The words come out thick in my throat and I can’t help but take a step forward.

  “Oh, you’re threatening me now? Good to know how you feel about our little white wolf. She’s a pure white lupine, as white as snow, did you know that? A gorgeous beast. An angel. Selected her myself out of all the applicants. One has to wonder if she’s a firecracker in the bedroom as well as the cage. She’d make quite the headline, if you’re not interested in fighting anymore?”

  “If you touch a hair on her head, I’ll kill you.”

  He shrugs. “That’s all we’re asking for. Fight’s in three days. Don’t let us down.” I watch him walk away, my wolf bristling with rage. It takes all I have to sit down on the bench wringing the towel in my hands, letting the all air leave my lungs before taking a deeper breath. I’m close to shifting, tearing his throat out. He’s goading me and it’s working.

  Eric isn’t usually this much of dick.

  Either Jess is really important to him or he’s spooked. My instinct says it’s the latter.

  I need to fight. If I don’t, it’ll be obvious what they’ll do to Jess and even more obvious now how I really feel about her.

  Fuck, I just majorly screwed up. So much for pretending nothing happened.

  What I do know is that Hunter isn’t dead. They’re making a huge fuss over me re-matching with him.

  With a sigh, I stand and rub my aching shoulders. The wound from the other day throbs a little, reminding me it’s not yet healed. Several thin, pink and tender scars show where the bear slashed my side. I’ve still no idea why I’m not healing as fast as I should. Maybe all these fights, all these years, have damaged my wolf.

  I hope not. I’m going to have to rip the shit out of two dragons soon. The whole night will be a battle of wills more than anything. Two fights; one I have to win without killing, and the other I have to win no matter what.

  I need to see Jess and tell her everything. I said I’d fight but only half explained why, and played down the severity of the situation. Even if she hates me, I want to see the look in her eyes when I tell her that her brother might be alive.

  Hot water strips me clean of sweat and savage thoughts. I stay in the shower longer than I usually do, enjoying the sensation of the powerful spray beating down on my neck and backs of my shoulders.

  I’m just turning off the tap when a clear, melodious voice resounds throughout the changing rooms, one that shouldn’t be here.

  “Jake? Are you in here?”

  “Just a minute! I’ll be out in a sec.”

  I reach for the towel hanging on the back and rub the water off my face, before opening the cubicle door. I do a double take when I see Jess, dark blue-grey eyes trying not to take all of me in. She gives me a warm look, sending tingles up and down my spine.

  The sight of her wakes my soul to the very core.

  I can think of one thousand and one things to say to her, but “You’re not meant to be in here,” is what comes stuttering out.

  “No fights today so I figured it would be empty in here, save for you,“ she says, as she twiddles her long, black hair between her fingers. I have a primal urge to wind her silky locks through my own fingers, while kissing her slowly, until she’s as addicted to me as I seem to be to her. “There’s no one here, right?” she says, looking around wildly.

  I nod as my mouth runs dry and my heart races off into oblivion.

  Fates, I want her so badly. The more I’m around her, the harder it is to say no. I can feel my body already reacting to that unique floral scent of hers. An essence, tinged with earth and jasmine, assailing every one of my senses. Even our wolves seem more attracted, more connected to each other with every passing day… if she pushes me, I won’t be able to stop.

  Not this time.

  “We have to stop meeting like this…” I start. I’m too aware that this is the second time she’s caught me dripping wet without any clothes on.

  “Maybe…” she says, and bites her lip, recapturing me with her eyes, daring to take the whole view of me in this time. Her gaze draws over me from top to toe like an inferno igniting every cell and synapse, sparking me into life. If I was dead before, I’m reborn with just one lick of attention from her and her wolf.

  The growl coming from my throat makes her sigh and I sense the wolf in her on the brink of submission. I take a step and before I know it, I’m standing in front of her looking down. All I can see and scent on the air around us is her. As her eyes turn brighter to a pale blue, a sign of her beast surfacing, my own wolf pushes me forward.


  As if hearing my inner thoughts, she places a hand on my stomach tracing the pink scars there. I close my eyes, feeling her hands move gently, exploring.

  “You need to leave,” is all I manage to say in a gruff voice.

  When she doesn’t move, I reopen my eyes and look down to see her staring up at me with wide orbs and a frown marring her sweet face. “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  Fuck. This omega will be the death of me.

  “If you stay, I won’t be able to control myself.”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t care.”

  As she stands on her tiptoes and leans in, her breath blows over me gently. She’s w
arm as her lips graze mine. Unable to hold back any longer, I fall into her kiss and the world melts away into nothing.

  Everything is Jess.

  Chapter 9


  His embrace is like a dream, drawing me awake from the dark. Every caress of his tongue soothes me, softens me. His scent filling my head and heart with sweet promises. He smells like pack, my pack. Which is crazy as Jake left us long ago. Even if he did lose his memory, he left our pack to become this—a killer.

  Breathless, I pull away. Somehow, he’s tangled in my hair and my clothes are in disarray. His towel has already fallen to the floor. I stare at him, a god before me, and I want to worship him until my body breaks and heart becomes whole again.

  A part of me fears what will happen if I do, and if I was human I would have probably left by now. But I'm not human, I'm a wolf. This won't break me. I won't wither away from heartbreak. Instead, it will make me stronger, harder to kill. This is what it means to be a wolf. What my dad meant when he said ‘we seek the battle to become ever more victorious.’

  Seconds pass and he’s just staring at me, drinking me in like a man dying of hunger and I’m his last meal. If this is the last time, I want it to be a memory I’ll never forget.

  “Take me, Jake, before I change my mind.” I soften my words with a smile, while inside my heart has already shattered in two.

  “Are you sure you want this?” he asks in a low voice.

  “I’ve never been more certain in my life.”

  He nods, eyes practically glowing.

  “Clothes off... I want to see all of you,” he says, his words sending quivers throughout my body. Even my wolf is trembling.

  I start to strip off, teasing each item until I’m in my underwear, and then that comes off too. Eventually I’m wearing nothing but my heart on my sleeve, open and vulnerable for all to see. He pulls me into his arms, drawing me onto him so I can feel his body heat. When every part of him is pressed against me he kisses me slowly, warming me from the inside out with his lips and tongue.


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