The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate)

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The Fourth Realm (Realms Gate) Page 24

by Juliet Anderson

  “Yes. I want to see where they’re heading.”

  Unsurprisingly, they made their way to the Castle, but not to the Great Hall. Instead they entered via a side gate.

  “Whoever it is, they are known to the guards,” Arianna murmured. They waited a few moments before following.

  Kat gasped as they found the two guards dead. Arianna hissed and drew her sword. “They’ll pay heavily for this.”

  “A sword is so old school,” Kat rolled her eyes. “You’re forgetting you can kill someone a damn sight quicker with one zap from your hand than swinging a sword.”

  “Old habits die hard,” Arianna grunted.

  “Now you’re starting to sound like Dad.”

  “Get moving, Sis.”

  The two girls hurried towards the Royal Quarters to protect their family, although with Erin and Damon there, it was unlikely the intruders would get close to their father. They didn’t want anyone else hurt in the cross-fire. They caught up with the small band just outside the entrance to the Royal Quarters as they’d slain the guards.

  “I would advise you not to move,” Arianna barked at the group, her sword levelled at the man closest to her.

  “Go home, lad. This does not concern you,” one man turned halfway to face her.

  “I think it does,” she slid back her hood. “Now drop your weapons.”

  “I think not, little girl,” the man snorted.

  Kat vaporised him with a bolt of fire. “Anyone else want to insult their Princess?”

  The four remaining men glanced briefly at each other before rushing towards them with swords raised. Why couldn’t people ever just give up, Kat thought.

  Kat vaporised two before they even got near them. Arianna, surprisingly, froze another. “We need one alive,” Arianna raised her sword and disarmed the last man quickly.

  “What the hell is going on out here?” The doors to the Royal Quarters flew open and Wilhelm stepped out.

  “I believe a few misguided individuals wanted an audience with you, Father,” Arianna prodded the man in front of her with her sword.

  Wilhelm glanced at the bodies of his guards and snarled. The piles of ash and ice on the floor indicated his daughters had been at work. “Well, you have my full attention,” he barked at the surviving man.

  “We were here to persuade you to seal the gateway to this third rate realm. We don’t need their scum flooding over here.”

  “By persuade, I take you were planning to threaten?”

  “We do not want to see our realm suffer.”

  “I am responsible for this Realm’s security, not lower members of the Council or random citizens.” Wilhelm thundered for the Palace guard. “Take this intruder to the jail. I will interrogate him later.” He waited for Erik to show before continuing his tirade. “I find it incredible that this is the second time intruders have made it to the Royal Quarters with ease. Unless the Palace Guard want to be replaced, I suggest you instruct them on how to do their job.”

  Wilhelm glared at his two daughters. “Dare I ask why you are dressed like that?”

  “We wanted to pass unnoticed around the city to see what the mood was like on the street,” Arianna thought on her feet.

  “Really?” her father scowled.

  “Of course,” Kat smiled brightly. “Now have you finished giving Ulrik the third degree?”

  “The boy was responsible for your safety.”

  “And he came to our rescue,” Arianna stuck up for him.

  “After you’d been abducted.”

  “But he protected us well out in the wild and helped us find Arianna’s moon stone.”

  Wilhelm let out a snort. “Inside.”

  Damon gave Arianna a curious glance as she swept across the living room, tossing her cloak off. “Have you been out fighting?”

  “Just keeping my Realm safe.”

  Erin stood up and went to Wilhelm, exchanging a few heated words. “Why don’t you children have dinner. Wilhelm and I need to see to a few things.”

  Arianna knew exactly what that was. Once they were seated around the table, Damon continued his interrogation. “What was that all about?”

  “Some people are unhappy we now have an official gateway.” Arianna glanced over at Ulrik. “I imagine your father might be having the same issues in Mallenvaar.”

  “Probably. I should return home tomorrow to help him make some informed choices.”

  Arianna saw him reach for Kat’s hand. It would be hard for her sister to be parted from Ulrik; she was due back at Sixth Form soon for one more year, so some kind of separation was inevitable.

  “Wilhelm has sent him a message to meet us at Arranfest Falls tomorrow morning so we can all agree on the way forward.”

  “Cool, I look forward to seeing your father again. I hope Drago is with him. We did part rather suddenly,” Arianna grinned, even more so when she heard Damon hiss.

  “I do believe you and Kat weren’t included in our outing,” Damon retorted.

  “Oh really?” Arianna glanced at Kat. If there was going to be trouble, it would be centred around the new gateway on both sides and although Damon and their mother was more than capable of handling most eventualities, she herself did head up the army.

  Kat nodded; she was in agreement with Arianna that they would be providing extra protection, whether her father wanted it or not.

  “Can I borrow you after dinner?” Arianna whispered to her sister.

  “What for?”

  “I’ve not had the benefit of training in my new powers like you. Whilst I’m sure I can figure a lot of it out like you and Mum did, I don’t have the luxury of time.”

  “Sure. We’ll sneak down to the training hall when the boys hit the wine hard. And if you end up trashing it, we’ll just say the twins must have got loose.” A wicked thought entered Kat’s mind. “In the meantime, if you want a laugh, touch Damon’s tankard with your index figure and try to emit just a tiny burst of ice.”

  “Bloody hell,” Damon grunted as a block of iced wine fell out the tankard. He glared at Arianna. “So amusing, my dear.”

  “I thought so,” she snickered. For once it was nice to get one back at Damon.

  Before heading to the training room, Kat managed to get some time alone with Ulrik out on the terrace. "I forgot to say welcome to Lokranor,” she smiled shyly.

  “It did take me a while to realise I was actually here,” he took hold of her hands and kissed them.

  “I wished I had more time to show you around.”

  “There is plenty of time to see it later.” He wrapped his arms around her. “From what I have seen, it is impressive.”

  Kat reached up and kissed him. “You will take care tomorrow?”

  “Always,” he brushed his mouth across hers. “I will return to Mallenvaar, but can I see you again in Muirhead?”

  “Of course. You only have to drop by the house.”

  Ulrik proceeded to rise her heart rate a great deal more before her mother’s voice made them jump.

  “Kat, your father requires another word with Ulrik.”

  Kat rested her forehead on Ulrik’s. “As long as he’s pleasant.”

  “I’m always pleasant, Katya,” her father’s voice rang out.

  Ulrik stepped away from Kat immediately. Wilhelm really did make the scariest of fathers. “I’ll see you in a few days.”


  Arianna and Kat, in their male guises, rode out from Lokranor early before the rest of the Royal household was up. Both girls had an uneasy feeling about the gateway, they were expecting an ambush of some sort.

  “You know Dad is going to be seriously pissed if he finds us,” Kat looked across at her sister.

  “As leader of the army, it is my job to protect the realm.”

  “Yeah but you don’t have the army with you.”

  “I thought taking half the army with me might ruin the element of surprise.”

  “Whatever the case, Dad will give us grief no doub

  “We’re Vikings,” Arianna grinned. “We’re supposed to break the rules.”

  “True. Now the question I really need to ask is are you secretly hoping Drago will be with King Sigfried?”

  “I would hope so as he is one of the army’s best warriors.”

  “On the other hand, he did lose two Lokranor princesses and the Mallenvaar heir.”

  “Not strictly his fault.”

  “But he was assigned to protect us.”

  “And no harm did occur.”

  “Only down to your sister’s amazing skills.”

  Arianna let one of her hands spark blue. “Watch it, Sis. I can retaliate now.”

  “I’m just waiting to see you turn Damon into a popsicle next time he pisses you off.”

  “Tempting. But he can do a lot more damage to me than I to him.”

  “You think so? You’ve been inflicting pain on Damon for most of your life.”

  “Hey, the last time I slung mud at his head was many years ago.”

  “I don’t mean just physical pain. The guy has the major hots for you.”

  “Damon has the major hots for any female so I don’t take it to heart.”

  Kat waved her hand. “It’s you who he’s holding out for.”

  “Make that the Lokranor throne. It would be good to meet someone who does not know my background, someone who can just see me and not the throne of Lokranor.”

  “I think Damon can see past that.”

  “No, it’s what he truly wants. He can’t help it, it’s in his blood. But he’s laid back about it because if I don’t pick him, he will be strong enough to take it by force someday.”

  “That might have been the case before you and I got our stones. Now he might have a bit more of a fight.”

  “And we love a good scrap,” Arianna beamed. Sometimes it was good to let one’s Viking side loose.

  Luckily the entrance to the gateway tunnel was not far from the Lokranor border, not that either of them had any trouble crossing Vasmaar. A short while later, they saw the guard outside the exit from the tunnel.

  “Without Damon, do you think they’ll let us through?” Kat asked.

  “It’s all about how you ask,” Arianna smiled. “Watch your first lesson in diplomacy 101.”

  Kat let out a muffled snort. “Your definition of diplomacy is to knock out anyone who stands in your way.”

  “And your problem with that is?” Arianna fixed her sister with a hard stare.

  “Me, I’ve no problem with it. However, you might want to hold back on making your application for a posting with the Foreign Office.”

  Arianna rode up to the guards with purpose. “Damon is bringing King Wilhelm and Prince Ulrik to the gateway shortly to meet with King Sigfried on the other side. He asked us to ride on ahead to make sure there were no nasty surprises lurking in the tunnel that could hurt my father or Ulrik.”

  “Did he tell you much about the tunnel?” the guard asked cautiously.

  “I doubt he knows very much at all. My sister, Ulrik and I were the ones who discovered it which is why he wants us to check it out.”

  The guard had a quick word with his companion. “Damon was quite specific with his orders that no-one should go through the gateway. But as you’re not just anyone and you ladies discovered it, I see no harm. Especially as King Wilhelm will be going through.”

  “Thank you,” Arianna nodded. “Please don’t mention this in front of my father, he is not to know we are scouting for his security.”

  “Understood,” the guard smiled.

  “You really are quite good,” Kat puffed out her cheeks as they dismounted and tied up their horses as short distance from the entrance.

  “It’s all about posture and self-belief. If I had sounded nervous or jumpy, they would automatically assume I was lying.”

  “I’ll try and remember that next time Mum or Dad interrogate me.”

  “Mum can cheat by getting inside your head.”

  “Yeah. Bet that kept Dad from straying.”

  “Useful though to find out what someone has bought you for Christmas or your birthday. And if it’s not what you want, you can drop not so subtle hints in their mind.”

  The torches in the tunnel were already lit as Arianna and Kat made their way along it. Before too long they were in the central room.

  “All seems quiet,” Kat murmured.

  “Yeah too quiet.” Arianna steered her towards a side tunnel. “This might be a good place to hide.”

  “Perhaps we might check it out first?” Kat suggested. God knows what could be lurking down there. She produced an orb of fire in her hand to light the way. Ahead of them were a set of steps, unusual in a tunnel. Curious, Kat headed up. They soon found themselves at a small opening looking down on the circular room. “I guess this makes a better spot.”

  “Show off,” Arianna muttered.

  “Where do you think trouble will come from?”

  “The Mallenvaar side. I don’t think Ulrik’s cousin is going to disappear without a fight. He’ll be desperate to show Sigfried and also my father that he is heir material.”

  “Time to put the little rodent back in his place,” Kat smirked.

  They waited patiently, well as patiently as teenagers could, for any sign of activity. Eventually they detected some movement on the Mallenvaar side. Kat prodded Arianna and pointed. They never stepped out the shadows far enough but they were lurking in the dark recesses of the room.

  “What do you want to do?” Kat whispered.

  “Wait for Dad and Damon to show. There’s no point doing anything now as all those guys below are guilty of is skulking in the shadows. Just like we are.”

  “They could be there for Sigfried’s protection.”

  “Unlikely. They seemed to have too good an idea of where to hide.”

  “Hurry up, Dad,” Kat moaned. She was keen to get back to Muirhead. Much as she liked being with Ulrik, she missed her twenty-first century luxuries. Chocolate and Coke being top of the list. And a good Cappuccino.

  “Stop fidgeting,” Arianna hissed in her ear.

  “I’ve got cramp in my leg,” Kat grunted.

  “Think of something else.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t’ know. Getting Ulrik into bed.”

  “As if that would keep me still,” Kat shifted uncomfortably.

  “Quiet, I think I hear something.”

  Both girls picked up a faint noise. The footsteps and voices slowly became more audible. They made sure they were on each side of the small opening, their eyes focused on those in the shadows. Damon’s voice reached them first.

  “Sigfried is due to meet us in the circular room.”

  “Fine. We will wait for him there. I have to say Ulrik, you have my admiration. You found this tunnel when many have tried for centuries.”

  “Actually I think it was your daughter who found the tunnel. At least she found the stone which opened the tunnel.”

  “Yes,” he chuckled. “Both my daughters are rather unique.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” Kat snickered softly.

  They watched their father, Damon and Ulrik entered the circular room.

  “I can see why this was a popular trade exchange,” Wilhelm walked around the table. “At least we will be doing everything above board in the future. There will be open trade routes.”

  “I am delighted that our Realms are finally joined once more for the first time since the rift.” Ulrik spoke up.

  “They could be joined in more ways than trade,” Wilhelm announced with warmth.

  Ulrik laughed. “I would like that very much but I think Katya might need a little more persuading. She had not yet fully embraced her Viking side.”

  Arianna hissed at her sister to not to voice her opinion and give their location away.

  “I’m fine,” Kat muttered. “But if Dad whips out some paper and draws up a marriage contract, I might just have to vaporise him.”

p; “He wouldn’t dare risk the wrath of Mum by agreeing a marriage without her approval. He might be Viking but he’s not stupid.”


  Their eyes were firmly fixed on the three men below them and the figures hiding in the shadows; it was tense waiting for them to strike.


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