The Space Merchants of Arachne

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The Space Merchants of Arachne Page 15

by Wendie Nordgren

  "Thank you, Lady Alaric."

  "I will be sure to tell my cousin Eric how fabulous you have been." I put on a fake pouty face. "There are only a few things I miss from home." I knew I had him when he bent down to me.

  "What might those be, my lady?" I sighed.

  "Well, Stewart knows how to make this big fancy cup of coffee that is sweet and has swirls of whipped cream on top." He turned.

  "Please, have a seat. I'll be right back."

  Thunderdrop chittered at me. I scowled at him. The cook returned with what he called a cappuccino. I took a sip.

  "Yum! This is even better than Stewart's!" I gave him my sweetest smile. He beamed at me.

  "What else would you like?"

  With my fingers crossed, I said, "Steak, well-done, and some pancakes?"

  "Would you be okay with warm honeyed fruit on your pancakes, rather than the syrup they don't want you to have?" I blushed and nodded. He chuckled and went to the kitchen.

  "Chirp chirp chirp."

  "Whatever." I sipped my coffee. I ate the pancakes first. He had heated sliced bananas with honey and cinnamon and doused the pancakes with them. I chewed each bite with my eyes closed, enraptured. Then, I ate all of the steak. I had to wipe away tears of joy for finally getting to eat what I wanted. He brought me juice. He agreed to sneak me one cappuccino a day, since coffee was the forbidden beverage.

  Gram had actually gone for a walk with Gina, so Thunderdrop and I curled up in bed with my vid-screen and Captain Ice Bear and read about embarking a fighter ship. It was a short easy chapter. I quickly finished it and earned a perfect score on the test. As I swiped to the next page, the message, "Congratulations! You have completed the Fighter Ship Pilot Training Course and are approved for Flight Simulator Training," appeared on the screen. "Yea! Now, the fun part finally begins."

  Yukihyo entered our quarters followed by Eric. "Did you two have fun?"

  "Yes, and we have come to bring you to lunch. Gina and Gram await us."

  "Eric, in all of the excitement, I forgot to ask about my friends on Scipio."

  Eric's shark grin spread across his face. "Felicia married a man named Soren and is very happy with him. The Malta deal is making her richer. I checked in on your friends at the baths. Then, I took them to dinner and afterwards, I repeatedly showed them my appreciation for their kindness toward my cousin."

  "What do you mean with you showed them your appreciation?" I asked frowning. Yukihyo placed his hand under my chin.

  "Lady wife, my repeated appreciation helped to create your current condition. However, if you require further explanation, we can skip lunch."

  "I'm not skipping lunch. Both of them, Eric?" I shook my head and frowned at him. Yukihyo and Eric chuckled as I went to the dining room.

  During dinner Eric gave Gram, Gina, and me gift boxes. "Forgive me for being presumptuous, Gram, but I predicted your company on this trip to be highly probable." Gram opened the box and found a gold pendant with an odd arrangement of diamonds suspended from a gold chain. "The diamonds are arranged into a star map of your first galactic voyage," Eric explained.

  "Oh! That is nice! I see it now. I am on a voyage, aren't I?" Gram blushed with pleasure, and Eric moved to fasten the necklace around his grandmother's neck. Eric had given Gina a torc of thick gold with large diamonds on each end.

  "This is something the Parvacs will respect," she said.

  "Why?" I asked.

  "The larger the diamonds, the more respect they bestow on females," Eric answered.

  "That seems messed up," I said.

  "There are many cultural differences between our peoples," Yukihyo said.

  I looked at my bracelet and looked up at Eric. He inclined his head to me. My box contained a thumb sized diamond ring to match my bracelet and medallion. "Thank you, Eric!" I put it on the index finger of my right hand and watched it sparkle.

  After my nap the light above our door alerted us to a visitor. Yukihyo answered the door to find Commander Bosh on the other side. "Lord Alaric, may I deliver this to your wife?" Yukihyo nodded and moved aside. "Please, stay as you are, Lady Alaric," Commander Bosh said as I began to rise from where Yukihyo had tucked me into bed. "This is a gift to you from the bridge. We are impressed with your Fighter Ship Pilot Training Course evaluative scores. You rank in the top ten of the cadets."

  I smiled and blushed. "Thank you, but there can't be many cadets on board."

  "No, however there are forty others in the fleet who, like you, have recently completed this course. It will change next month. You placed in the top ten of those forty."

  "Well, thank you. It's very nice of you to tell me that, especially when I'm very much aware that they were accepted into the militia and I wasn't." I opened the box and found hand controls for the flight simulation program. I clapped my hands. "Oh, thank you! This will be so much fun!" Commander Bosh saluted me, nodded to Yukihyo, and took his leave.

  In the middle of the night, I woke up. Yukihyo slept deeply at my side. I tried and failed to go back to sleep, so I went to the bathroom which I had begun to do with greater frequency. I tried again to fall asleep. I realized I was hungry. I crept from our quarters and into the dining area. No one was there, so I peeked into the kitchen and in the dim lighting spotted the cold storage unit. I began rummaging through the contents. I found olives and cheese. I had all I wanted of them with a glass of milk. Then, I searched again and found a container of smoked chicken. I popped it in the heating unit, found a fork, and got another glass of milk. I decided the chicken was best with the olives. I heard movement and looked up to find Yukihyo standing in the entrance with his arms crossed.

  "I woke up to find you gone."

  "I couldn't sleep," I explained around a mouthful.

  "Did you have a bad dream?"

  "No, I was hungry."

  Yukihyo cleaned the kitchen, while I finished off the chicken. He sat up with me in the meeting room watching the stars until I felt ready to try to go back to sleep. "Look. Do you see that?" he asked. I nodded. "That is Malta."

  "We are almost there then."

  "Yes, in a day and a half or so, you will meet your grandmother. When so many starship battle cruisers travel together, they move at a faster momentum. That was the reason Tora got to Arachne ahead of schedule, by traveling in the Hadrian's wake."

  Chapter Ten

  The day arrived, and I felt both excited and nervous. However, fear added into the mix of my emotions when I learned that none of the militia wives were permitted to disembark any of the ships. Neither Yukihyo nor I was allowed weapons of any kind. The governments had agreed to a cease fire. Amphictyon had been decreed weapons free for the duration of the diplomatic meetings.

  Gina looked amazing. She wore a beautiful long silk dress in a deep dark blue, the necklace Eric had given her, and several diamond rings and bracelets that were assuredly gifts from Sherman and Simon. Gram wore a dark grey silk dress with the necklace Eric had given her and the locket Eliot, Simon, and I had given her. Yukihyo wore an expensive silk suit that had been a gift from Ethan. His soft grey hair had been trimmed and his dark lashes drew my attention to the almond shape of his eyes, his straight nose, and beautiful lips. He grinned at me with mischief and winked at me. I had dressed much differently for this meeting than for the first. I wore yet another of the empire waist gowns in a pale blue. Yukihyo had insisted I wear a shawl. I wore the medallion, bracelet, diamond ring, and pink and blue diamond necklace. My hair fell in soft curls down my back, and Thunderdrop adorned my shoulder.

  Eric led us to his transport where a driver took us all to the diplomatic assembly. A full contingent of militia provided our escort. For Gram's first off world trip, Amphictyon provided little enjoyable scenery, but then of the planets I had visited, I found Arachne to be the most beautiful with Scipio coming in second. Amphictyon boasted its industrialization and supplied the expanse with technological advancements. "This is where Phillip first let me drive his transport, Gram. I do kn
ow of a nice cafe here, too." Gram smiled and patted me.

  "Don't worry about me. I came here for you and to see my sister, not the view."

  The view contained militia and enforcers. As the transport closed in on the location, large numbers of Parvac soldiers came into view as well. I felt Yukihyo grow tense and hostile. Gram and Eric noticed as well. Eric made eye contact with Yukihyo and held his gaze. I reached over Yukihyo's lap and captured his hand. I pulled it over to me, opened his palm, and placed it over our bump. He looked down at me, and I kissed his nose. Yukihyo melted. "I know this must be very difficult. You have tried to put all of your justified feelings aside for my sake. Our child is fortunate to have you for a father. Hopefully, after this is all over, no other Laconian will ever have to endure what you have endured."

  When the transport stopped in a garage underneath a large building that had been adorned with banners of both the Galaxic government and Parvac Empire, a wall of militia soldiers lined our exit from the transport and into the lift. Gina and an official led the way, followed by Yukihyo and me, and then Gram on the arm of her handsome grandson, Captain Alaric. I knew she was proud of him and so did he. The gifts Gram and I had brought were to remain in the transport until after lunch when we would be allowed a private audience with the Valens. Until then, we had to be satisfied with looking at each other from across the room.

  Eric, Gram, Yukihyo, and I were seated in an area with a couch, comfortable chairs, and a few small tables. Across the large room, I saw my grandmother, Ettie Montgomery Valen, Mrs. Valen, and Kane in an identical area. We stared at each other. We lifted our hands to each other at the same time. Gram had her hands to her mouth and cried gently. "I'm in the same room with my sister," she said. I lost my temper, and Yukihyo, Eric, and Gram knew it. I straightened myself up to my full five feet and three inches and lifted my chin defiantly, a little. I couldn't take Gram crying.

  "Come on, Gram. We aren't waiting until lunch. The two of us can walk over there. They can try and stop us." Gram looked at me through her tears from pale blue determined eyes. Yukihyo and Eric groaned but did not attempt to interfere. Arm in arm Gram and I politely excused ourselves through looming soldiers, dignitaries, and government officials on each side as we made our way to Ettie Valen. She met us halfway. I reached out for her as she reached for me. I felt Gram's arms wrap around both of us. I breathed her in. These were the arms that had held my mother, whose arms I didn't remember. Then, all of the kisses began, and I was giggling and laughing until she released all but my hand to do the same to Gram. I felt Yukihyo behind me and watched as he, Eric, and Kane introduced themselves to each other and shook hands.

  "Well, ladies and gentlemen, that broke the tension in the room," said a man standing behind a large podium. His voice filled the room from hidden speakers. "If we could all return to our seats, we may commence our talks."

  Grandmother rested her hand on my little bump and kissed and hugged me a few more times before completely releasing me. When I held my arms out to Kane, he hugged and kissed me as well. Mrs. Valen hugged me, Gram, Yukihyo, and Eric. Then, we all behaved and returned to our seats. The four of us sat quietly in our box and listened as ambassadors took turns talking. I paid attention when Gina discussed the importance of foreign embassies in each major capitol. "Had a Parvac foreign embassy existed on Earth, Neema Valen would have had a chance to escape her imprisonment, and much tragedy could have been avoided. Embassies for foreign ambassadors would also facilitate treaty accordance and cultural sociological understandings between our peoples."

  After Gina had finished her speech and been applauded, I whispered to Yukihyo, "I really have to go." A Galaxic Militia and Parvac soldier stood at attention at the back of each sitting area and at each exit. Yukihyo turned and quietly asked to which restroom he was to escort me. I blushed bright red as an even mixture of soldiers surrounded us on our way to the restroom. Thunderdrop observed them all from atop my head.

  Out of habit, as the restroom door opened, I asked Gary if it appeared safe. I heard a barely audible, "Yes, princess, but I'm not leaving this time." I rolled my eyes and whispered back.

  "Where are you?"

  "Up in the corner, above the sink." Briefly, he shimmered into view and then vanished.

  "Don't you dare listen."

  I turned on the water in the sink for noise. Thunderdrop perched on the counter and sipped from the faucet. I took care of my bladder issue, washed my hands, and met Yukihyo outside along with the ten guards who had followed. They made sure we were safely seated and then dispersed. Another hour passed and the ambassadors were still talking. I kept shifting in my seat. Gram made me move to the couch, made sure my shawl was around my shoulders, and insisted I put my feet up for a while. I tucked them under my dress and managed to relieve the ache in my back by leaning my side against the pillows resting on the couch's arm.

  When an ambassador with a soft monotone started his speech about regulations and restrictions, my eyes drifted down as my thoughts drifted away. The sound of the ambassador softly laughing over the speakers, along with laughter from around the assembly, woke me. I sat up with a little help from Yukihyo. My grandmother smiled at us from across the large room. "Teagan, we are taking a break for lunch. Let Yukihyo help you up," Gram said.

  I tried to stifle a yawn. The guards led us to a well-appointed room with a large dining table. Gina joined us along with Grandmother, Kane, Mrs. Valen, and Uncle Kagan. Grandmother embraced me again and sat on my left. Yukihyo sat to my right. Gina sat next to him, with Eric to her other side. Gram sat next to Grandmother. Lunch consisted of grilled meats and several different vegetables. One dish, comprised of olives, cucumbers, and tomatoes, had my full attention and once all of mine was gone, Yukihyo gave me his. Rather than enjoying the coffee and dessert everyone else was served, I was placated with a small banana milkshake.

  Some of the guards had brought in our bags from the transport. While Grandmother and Mrs. Valen continued to open their boxes, I brought a bag over to Kane and Uncle Kagan. "These are for you," I said handing them each a box. "I know they aren't pretty, but I hope you will wear them under your uniforms." As they opened their boxes, Eric and Yukihyo explained to them what I had don and what the fabric could withstand. Uncle Kagan listened with critical intent. "At my husband's suggestion, I brought you a few yards for target practice." Uncle Kagan hugged me.

  "Thank you for the thoughtful gift. You have given me something to keep me safe." I picked up the medallion from my chest.

  "You did the same for me." I smiled and wandered back over to my grandmother. They loved the dresses we had made for them. We helped to pack them all back into their boxes and bags. The talks would begin again soon, and we would need to return to our seats. Uncle Kagan, Eric, Yukihyo, and Kane had been discussing manly things and all shook hands as we were led away. I felt a great deal of pride in my husband. Gram had never been happier. The sadness that had formed an early mold around her heart had broken and freed the love within her. Emma and Ettie had found their way back to each other, and each of them had allowed love to conquer their fear of space travel. Smiling at them both I said, "Now, see? Space travel isn't scary. You both like it now. Don't you?" They both looked at me as though I was insane. Then, they began discussing different sedatives.

  Three trips to the restroom later and the talks ended for the day. During the moments when I had paid attention, I had noticed Uncle Kagan seated with other high ranking Parvac dignitaries. We returned to the dining room and enjoyed dinner together. Grandmother rested her hand on my stomach and kissed me all over my face. We were supposed to attend a small meet-and-greet party after dinner. Exhausted, I begged for a cappuccino and got my way. I could have it at the party. Uncle Kagan placed my hand on his arm and introduced me to people with names I couldn't hope to remember. Yukihyo escorted Mrs. Valen on his arm. Gram and Grandmother sat on a small couch together and paid no one else any mind.

  Finally, I got my cappuccino. Uncle Kaga
n sat me in a chair by a small table next to a frightening dark eyed man with medals covering his uniform. I placed a protective hand over my stomach. Yukihyo and Mrs. Valen sat across from us. When Uncle Kagan introduced me to the man, and I learned he was the ruler of the Parvac Empire, I almost choked on my coffee. Uncle Kagan patted my back. Yukihyo stared at me. I managed small nods to his questions but was too frightened to form any words. I knew my cheeks were flames.

  "I liked what you did this morning. I watched determination change your features, and resolve guide your steps as you crossed the room, against protocol, to meet your grandmother," Emperor Probus said.

  I managed to turn and look him in the eye. "Gram and Grandmother traveled for a week through space that terrifies them to see each other, and I wasn't going to sit and watch them cry for each other for hours from across a room."

  "Weren't you frightened?"

  "It didn't matter. They can't shoot me without any guns, and I've seen my husband in hand to hand combat. I even had Eric and Kane nearby. They wouldn't have let any harm come to us."

  "Chitter chitter chitter!"

  "Forgive me, baby. Of course, I have you, too." I rubbed his leg.

  He smiled at me and said, "I see more clearly now your resemblance to Admiral Valen and his son."

  "Yes, it is in the eyes. Is it not?" Uncle Kagan asked. The evening finally ended.

  I curled up next to Yukihyo and drifted off to the sound of his heartbeat. Yukihyo woke me up with a cup of coffee and a stack of pancakes. "Yukihyo!" I said with my hands to my cheeks. "Is this for me?"

  He placed a tray on my lap. "After the way you extolled my combat skills to the Emperor of Parvac, I must express my gratitude." I enjoyed my breakfast. I also enjoyed the other ways my husband chose to express his gratitude. Unfortunately, we had to return and listen to the peace talks again.

  Once we were safely ensconced in our assigned area, Yukihyo used words to point out to me the Laconian delegates of the Galaxic government. A few of them had the solid white eyes Yukihyo had, some had black eyes like those of Commander Bosh, but others had barely discernable irises. "Why are some of their eyes a little like mine?"


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