The Space Merchants of Arachne

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The Space Merchants of Arachne Page 34

by Wendie Nordgren

  One night while Tora was on Earth, I woke up with pains. Yukihyo panicked and woke Nico up to come help with me. Yukihyo called Phillip who was in bed with a sleeping woman whose naked butt he pulled a blanket over. “When did this begin? Calm down. Call Dr. Perry. I’m sure they are just practice contractions. Neema isn’t due for another four weeks. I’ll be there the entire last week. Well, what are you waiting for? Use the intercom by the door, Yukihyo.” He rushed over and called her. Nico held me against his chest and whispered to me. “Calm down, Yukihyo.”

  “How am I supposed to calm down? She is in pain! I can feel it.” Dr. Perry arrived and assured Yukihyo that I was not in labor. “You and Hiroshi need to conclude your business and come home immediately. Teagan needs you.” Yukihyo angrily ended the call.

  “If you want to help her, rub her back and feet and run her a bath in a little while,” Dr. Perry suggested. She gave me a sympathetic smile. Yukihyo looked at my stomach and puzzled how to rub my back. “Prop pillows under her and help her onto her side,” Dr. Perry told him. Yukihyo nodded. She put her scanner in her jacket’s pocket and sat in a chair. Thunderdrop chirped at us and stayed in his new web. Yukihyo rubbed my back, and Nico rubbed my feet. I went to sleep. The two of them took turns watching me and slept in shifts.

  Yukihyo brought me breakfast in bed. While he showered Gram and Sydney came to check on me. I convinced them to help Auria go through my closet and take everything she thought would fit her. I recommended all of the empire waist dresses. At lunch when I had two men feeding as though I was too weak to lift a fork, and Auria dealt with Eliot who behaved in the same way, we made eye contact and had a fit of giggles. Unfortunately, the top portion of my dress became wet. I couldn’t figure out what I had spilled on it. “Come with me, Teagan,” Sydney said. Yukihyo and Nico trailed us. “Yukihyo, could you please call Dr. Perry?” He panicked and ran to the infirmary instead. Nico picked me up and carried me to my room. “She’s fine, Nico,” Sydney said. Sydney helped me change. Nico paced. Sydney and Dr. Perry couldn’t resist laughing.

  “Your milk is coming in. It’s nothing to worry about.” Dr. Perry sent Yukihyo and Nico to a store to purchase breast pads. We had a good laugh imagining that trip. Dr. Perry called Phillip in tears from laughing so hard and told him about their errand. Auria, Sydney, and I were relaxing in the pool when they finally returned.

  Dr. Perry began making Yukihyo and Nico attend daily birthing classes. During that hour and a half each day, Auria and I relaxed in the pool under the watchful eyes of Eliot, ZeeZee, and Thunderdrop, all eighteen of them. Ethan and Sherman were enjoying the new fathers’ torment immensely. Dr. Perry’s classes greatly improved the quality of my backrubs. However, after she made them watch a live birth, they began sleeping to either side of me which made my frequent nightly bathroom visits even more troublesome.

  Phillip finally returned with Hiroshi and Simon. Simon and Hiroshi looked at me with surprised expressions. “Yes, I’m huge. I can’t see my feet unless I lie down on my back and lift them one at a time to check that they are there.”

  Phillip said, “She’s fine, Yukihyo. Everything is normal.”

  A few nights later, I got up during the middle of the night to pee, and water went all over the bathroom floor. I panicked. “Yukihyo!” He appeared in the doorway with wild eyes. Nico ran for Phillip. Gram and Ethan appeared minutes later. Phillip helped me clean up and change.

  “You won’t be needing those, Cupcake,” Phillip said as he handed my clean undies back to Nico to put away. “You have lots of time. Try to get some sleep.”

  I dozed for a while until a sharp pain across my back had me crying out. Phillip suggested propping pillows behind me. As the hours came and went, the pains came sooner and with greater strength. Panicked, Yukihyo called his mother who spoke to him rapidly and in a soothing voice. I cried out in pain. “The stupid pain patches aren’t working, Phillip,” I snarled.

  “Oh, yes, they are, Cupcake.”

  Nico called my Papa. He held the vid-screen toward me. I panted, “Not in the mood to talk.”

  Phillip suggested Yukihyo sit behind me and support my back. I felt him trying to sooth me through his own out of control emotions. Gram wiped at my forehead with damp clothes and fed me bits of ice. Hiroshi and Simon stepped in once, their faces turned ashen, and they left. Afterwards, Gina and Sydney kept everyone in the sitting room. Gram, Yukihyo, Nico, and Phillip stayed with me. ZeeZee had taken Thunderdrop with him. Dr. Perry was in the nursery with some of their equipment. I was in agony and completely exhausted. Phillip said, “Teagan, it’s time to push.” Several painful minutes later, I heard crying. “Yukihyo, come and cut the cord.”

  Carefully, Yukihyo and Nico switched places. Gram was crying and calling my grandmother. Yukihyo was crying. I was too tired to cry. Phillip placed a tiny bundle on my chest. She had a tiny little scrunched up face and tiny little ears. “Hello, Neema. Mommy has been waiting to hold you.” I put my face down to hers and kissed her tiny forehead.

  “Teagan, Yukihyo is going to take Neema into the next room to Dr. Perry while I get you cleaned up.” Yukihyo kissed me and carefully picked Neema up. I slumped against Nico. Gram followed Yukihyo with the vid-screen.

  “Ow, Phillip. Ow.”

  “You did a great job. You and Yukihyo have a perfect little girl.”

  I squeezed Nico’s hand as another pain hit me. “I thought it was over.”

  “It is. Don’t worry.”

  Dr. Perry brought Neema back to me, moved my gown aside, and put her to my breast. Her tiny mouth closed over my nipple and pulled at me. I was mesmerized. After a short time, she stopped and slept with her mouth open. Dr. Perry smiled at me and handed her back to Yukihyo. “Would you like to introduce your daughter to the family?” Yukihyo nodded. Tears ran down his face. Dr. Perry went with them. Phillip had Nico pick me up. Jorge and Stewart quickly changed the bedlinens. They had new protective padding and Arachnean Silk bedding back in place in seconds. Nico helped Phillip change me into a clean gown. Then, I fell into an exhausted stupor.

  I heard my baby crying and woke. Phillip was placing Neema at my other breast. I stroked her face with my fingers. “Hello, little one.” She fell asleep, and Phillip handed her back to Yukihyo. I slept again, too. Each time she cried, I woke up, and someone handed her to me to feed.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I woke up to a quiet house with Nico curled around me and snoring softly. I scooted out of bed and into the bathroom. Lady supplies were there, and I cleaned myself up. I went to the nursery and found Yukihyo asleep on the floor with a pillow under his head. Phillip slept on the bed. I looked into the crib. Neema’s tiny eyes were the barest slits. I felt joy fill my heart. Carefully, I picked her up and sat in a chair by her crib. I fed her and rocked her. I smelled her neck and looked at her tiny fingers. Entranced, I held her and rocked in the chair as I watched her sleep. She was mine, and she was beautiful. I took a diaper and some wipes to my room. I sat with her on my bed and unwrapped her. I touched her arms, legs, hands, and feet. I kissed her all over. I changed my baby’s tiny diaper. Then, I kissed her all over again. I wrapped her in her blanket, held her, and watched her sleep. When her little mouth moved, I fed her again.

  I looked up and saw Yukihyo watching us from the doorway. “Isn’t she perfect?” I whispered.

  “You both are, lady wife. You have given me indescribable joy.”

  “You don’t have to describe it. I feel it, too. Did you see her feet and her toes?”

  Careful not to wake Nico, Yukihyo got into bed beside me, and we just looked at her together. Eventually, he returned her to her bed, and I slept again. The next time I woke, I saw Gram taking the diaper I had changed to the waste unit. Then, I went in and took care of my lady problems. Gram brought Neema to me, we changed her, and I fed her. Nico woke up and watched us. “Gram, I really want to take a shower.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll hold her.” Gram sat in the bed by Nico, and they both cooed s
oftly to Neema.

  I used the shower attachment above the huge tub. I washed my hair twice and then wrapped it in a towel. I dried off and went to my closet. I brought undies back with me to the bathroom and took care of things. My stomach looked terrible. I looked like I was still pregnant. I kept myself covered with the towel on my way back to the closet. I found a soft loose dress from a few months earlier and found it fit comfortably. I dried and braided my hair.

  Nico showered. Gram walked with me as I carefully carried Neema down to the sunroom. Ethan and Sydney stood when they saw us. Ethan pulled out my chair. Jorge brought me a huge breakfast. Sydney held Neema while I ate. She didn’t share her with Ethan. Nico joined us and ate as much as I did. When I was full, Sydney gave Neema back to me. Sydney and I went back to my room and changed her. I dressed her in a soft pink dress and ruffled socks. Sydney handed me a pink and white blanket. We sat on the bed in silence with smiles on our faces watching her.

  Dr. Perry came and scanned us both. We all softly giggled at Phillip’s snores from the nursery. Quietly, we went down to the sitting room. Gram called Grandmother and Aunt Seyla. Nico called Papa for me and held the vid-screen, so I could show off her fingers and ruffled socks. “Where is Yukihyo? I’m surprised he has let you out of his sight.”

  I giggled, “Papa, he is sound asleep on the floor by her crib. I don’t think he has really slept since I went into labor.”

  “He hasn’t. He sleeps now from exhaustion,” Nico said.

  Neema opened her eyes a little bit. “Good morning. Do you want to say hello to your grandpapa?”

  “Aw, there she is! Hello, my little princess. You are as beautiful as your mother and her mother before her. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms.” Neema began to whimper. Nico turned and walked away with the vid-screen. I fed her.

  Yukihyo found us. I smiled at him. He sat and watched us. Gram put a cloth on my shoulder, so I could burp Neema and switch her to the other side. “Neema, daddy hasn’t seen you in your pretty dress.” We showed him. Thunderdrop and ZeeZee cautiously entered. “Neema, two of your best friends are here to meet you. It’s okay, Thunderdrop. I’m done screaming. It’s over. Our baby is right here.” Thunderdrop crawled to my shoulder and blinked at Neema. He made his special purring sound and rubbed my neck. “Neema, let’s go up to our room and rest while daddy has his shower.”

  I placed her in the center of our bed. While she slept, I pulled off her socks and touched each of her toes. Yukihyo came from the shower in a towel and crept to the closet to dress. Then, he carefully laid down beside us. “What do you think of her tiny little toes?”

  Yukihyo’s face clearly showed that he was consumed by adoration. “I have never loved any toes, as I love Neema’s toes,” he said with a goofy smile.

  “She looks like her daddy.”

  “She is tiny like her mother.”

  “You mean like her mother used to be.”

  “You still are, Teagan. However, you are far more beautiful to me now than you ever were before. You are the mother of my child. Look what you have given us.”

  “I guess all of Phillip’s tyranny was worth it. She’s perfect.”

  “What was that?” Phillip stood in the doorway scratching his belly, yawning, and needing a shave.

  “You heard me.” Yukihyo caressed her tiny little head. I kissed her foot.

  Over the next two weeks, we came out of our room for meals and short visits with the family, but mostly stayed in bed with Neema. Phillip approved of our resting. The vid-screen was always active. Yukihyo’s mother and my grandmother made him hold it still, so they could watch her sleep. Gina and Sydney replaced my wardrobe with one that made nursing easier. All of the men in the family turned to mush whenever they saw my little girl.

  Before dinner one evening, I dressed her in the peach ruffled teddy bear dress and wrapped her in a luxurious Arachnean Silk baby blanket Simon had made to match. I left her feet bare. I placed her in Uncle Hiroshi’s arms and watched as he lost his heart to her. “Neema, can you open your eyes for Uncle Hiroshi?” When she did wake up enough to open her eyes, he was rewarded with Yukihyo’s white eyes, interrupted by pale green irises devoid of pupils in their centers. The next man to succumb to her adorableness was Simon. Poor Simon didn’t have a chance even before he held her. Between Simon, Sherman, and Gina begging to hold her, we told them to share and went upstairs for an after dinner nap. Gina brought Neema to me when she became hungry.

  However, other than Yukihyo and I, the most pathetic of us all were Nico and Kaoti. For two huge and deadly Parvac soldiers, they were transformed into whispering gentle giants in her presence.

  By the time Neema was four weeks old, I was ready to leave the estate. Eliot drove Auria, Nico, Yukihyo, Neema, our spiders, and me into town. Auria and I had dressed Neema in a long pink dress with a matching bonnet. The centers of her eyes had begun to look like pale green jade. Yukihyo placed Neema in her perambulator and covered her with the most luxurious white silk baby blanket Lady Ling’s family could produce. Our procession went to the Jones’ bakery. Mrs. Jones had been to the house almost daily to check on Auria, and she had changed a few diapers. However, she was still overjoyed at our visit. Auria craved baked treats with a greater ferocity than I ever had. Since I continued to eat for two, my diet was still restricted, but Phillip permitted me two coffees a day. I enjoyed a fancy one along with a pastry. Yukihyo picked Neema up and cradled her in his big strong arms. She looked completely safe nestled against her daddy’s chest. Yukihyo grinned at me. The other children in the bakery shyly watched Thunderdrop and ZeeZee. Eliot supervised gentle spider petting while we enjoyed our treats.

  Our party continued to the toy store. Sherman had ordered five-hundred balls for our properties, but the order had not yet arrived. ZeeZee and Thunderdrop got new toys. Yukihyo bought Neema a small stuffed white ice bear with a pink bow. At that moment all of the sexual desire I had not felt for the past few months slammed through me. When he bent to place the bear in the carriage at our daughter’s feet, I wanted to rip his shirt from him. Yukihyo gave me a wicked grin. Eliot turned pale as he braced a hand against the counter. Unfortunately, the desire I had felt had the effect of making my breasts leak. Neema smelled it and began to cry. Yukihyo threw his head back and laughed. Then, he took us to quiet seating in a corner at the back of the store and guarded us as I fed her. My thoughts kept returning to Yukihyo. He looked so much bigger and stronger holding Neema.

  Auria wanted to visit the indoor market, so off we went. Eliot and ZeeZee took her around to all of the vendors. Yukihyo, Nico, and I pushed Neema over to Violet’s store. Kaoti had been helping her for the past few weeks, but the two of them had visited us several times at home.

  “How is my hero today?”

  “You honor me, Princess.”

  “Nonsense, you kept my wife and daughter alive,” Yukihyo said.

  I looked around at Violet’s new inventory. “Nico, I think this set of dishes would look nice at your house. What do you think?” They were a rich blue with a gold swirl design.

  “They would be lovely at your table, Princess.” Nico picked a plate up, and I noticed his large strong hands, wrists, and forearms. I bit my lip and wrinkled my forehead. Yukihyo patted our daughter’s back and raised an eyebrow at me. I purchased everything Violet had in the blue swirl design. Kaoti said he would pack it all up and deliver it to Tora.

  Thunderdrop sat on the top of my head and chirped. “Let me guess. You want to go play on the second floor?”

  “Chirp chirp!” We left Auria, Eliot, and ZeeZee and went up.

  Nico laughed in the swim dress shop. “No, please, dear wife. Do not buy any of these. Allow me to gift you with new ones from the Empire.”

  “Nico, I don’t want any part of myself showing.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I don’t look the same.”

  “You are a beautiful young mother to a glorious little girl. You could not be more stunning.”
br />   “Chirp chirp?”

  “Yes, you can go play.” I convinced Nico to buy gifts for all of the Cassians. By the time we journeyed up to the third floor, Yukihyo had begun chuckling to himself and speaking to Neema in his home language. His eyes twinkled with mischief. Then, I realized the situation, closed my eyes, and sighed.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, Nico.” Nico gave me his arm, and Yukihyo chuckled some more.

  “Lady Alaric Montgomery Lee, congratulations on the birth of your daughter.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Sonners. It is nice to see you.” Nico put his hand out. I could feel Yukihyo’s glee. “Mr. Sonners, allow me to introduce General Nico Cassian, my husband.”

  “Hello, Mr. Sonners. My wife has mentioned your kindness and generosity, as has my co-husband, Yukihyo.” I thought Mr. Sonners might have a stroke as his eyes traveled up the blonde giant who was my new husband. Mr. Sonners, for the first time since I had met him, was speechless. I bought pillows, blankets, napkins, and tablecloths to match the dishes I had bought for Nico’s house. “Mr. Sonners, could you please have my wife’s purchases delivered to Tora?”

  “Yes, sir.” Mr. Sonners bowed.

  Auria was full, tired, and ready to go home. Eliot and Nico laughed with Yukihyo all the way there. “I don’t think Dade will ever send you flowers again,” Auria said. “I wish I could have seen his face.” Yukihyo handed Auria his small vid-screen. He had captured a picture of Dade as he looked up at Nico. Auria joined the laughter.

  Simon had his employees working diligently to complete orders for the Parvac Empire, and Hiroshi was eager to return. The Arachnean ruling class was pleased to be profiting so well from those who had caused so much pain during the war. They looked upon our trade as a form of restitution. The Chans discovered what had become of their long ago abducted great-aunt. Unfortunately, the great lady had passed away years ago and had produced no children.


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