The Space Merchants of Arachne

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The Space Merchants of Arachne Page 39

by Wendie Nordgren

  “This was your grandmother’s favorite place. I see that it is also yours. No matter how old you are, I will not allow you to play in the water without an elder. You must always obey your father.” I laughed at him. When we decided to take her inside before she could become pink, she wailed miserably at us. However, after I fed her, she slept for four hours. Everyone present took advantage of it to catch up on our sleep.

  “I have never seen my mother happier,” Nico said.

  “Good. We’re going to need her help,” I said. Yukihyo nodded.

  We returned mother Cassian to Apellan and refueled on Parvac. Papa insisted I get a checkup with the Palace doctor who confirmed Nico as the baby’s father. We flew under Kane’s escort to Amphictyon. Papa had arranged for a Galaxic escort for Tora from there to Arachne. When we arrived on Amphictyon, Hiroshi and Simon oversaw our refueling. Phillip drove the rest of us to Flora’s. After giving us a few winks, Phillip took Neema and walked inside with her. While Flora and her sister showered Neema with attention, I enjoyed a fancy coffee. Phillip handed Neema back to Yukihyo and asked to be picked up in two hours. We found Eric with Hiroshi and Simon waiting for us. He invited us to lunch on the Hadrian.

  “Is Bosh under control?”

  Eric’s only answer was to show me his dimples. Bosh bowed to me when we stepped onto the bridge. I could tell the moment he realized I was expecting again. Nico did, too. He puffed his chest out. I hoped things would return to normal between Bosh and me since I had no romantic inclinations at all.

  Bosh caught me alone as I was exiting the restroom. “Lady Alaric, I wish to apologize to you for my previous behavior. I could not retain my control. I realize you had no provocative intentions.”

  “Truly, I didn’t. I had no idea what was wrong with me. After this baby is born, I’ll go into seclusion for a few months.”

  “It would be unfortunate for everyone who knows you if you were to do that.”

  “It would be better than risking the alienation of friends. I was so ashamed that I didn’t want to set foot on this ship ever again.”

  “You have nothing for which to be ashamed.” Bosh offered me his arm. I gave him a suspicious look before accepting it.

  Hiroshi took us from Amphictyon’s surface, and we followed the Hadrian home to Arachne. Each night I fell asleep listening to Yukihyo’s heartbeat with Nico curled against my back. I wondered as I looked at my wedding band if Nico was the passing storm, or the metal that would bind us together. Yukihyo kissed me, and ignoring Nico, pulled me under him and made love to me. I was shocked. Afterwards, my heart hammered against my chest. Yukihyo calmed me through our bond until I slept.

  Neema’s crying woke me, and I had to crawl off the end of the bed to get her. I pulled on a robe, fed her, and held her until she went to sleep. As I carefully scooted over legs and back into the middle of my bed, I saw Nico watching me. He pulled my back against his stomach and held me. As I began to relax and fall asleep, part of him woke up. He nudged against me in question, and I moved my leg in answer. He entered me while finding me with his fingers from the front. I woke the next morning in Yukihyo’s arms. Yukihyo had changed the dynamics of our marriage with his actions that night, and surprisingly it had been for the better. Nico had become a part of our marriage instead of an outsider. He began behaving as more of a true father to Neema as well.

  Simon, Cass, Thunderdrop, and I finally felt whole again when we entered the Alaric’s foyer and were welcomed by our family. Tension I didn’t realize I had felt melted away in Ethan’s arms. “Congratulations. Now, I understand Emperor Probus’ request for a military escort.”

  “After this visit I’ve agreed to remain in the empire until Nico’s child is born.”

  “That is understandable. If anything were to happen to you or the baby, it would result in a bloody war.” My eyes grew wide. “You didn’t realize this. We sense Nico is doing his best to give you your freedom, but you should know the cost.” I nodded.

  Sherman and Gina were thrilled to have Simon home. ZeeZee chittered and chirped with Thunderdrop and Cass. Gram kissed a little princess who cooed and giggled at her. Auria was round and smiling. Eliot picked me up and spun me around. I laughed and held my arms around his neck.

  Hiroshi asked, “Where would you like your gifts delivered?”

  “Sherman and Ethan, I finally found gifts worthy of you. I bought you each new Parvac weaving machines.” That grabbed their attention. Simon and Hiroshi described them and showed them the demonstration.

  “Thank you, Teagan. These are thoughtful gifts that will benefit our families. You’re a good girl,” Sherman said as he hugged me. I wished I could stay on Arachne with my family and never leave. Sherman looked into my eyes with his ice blue ones, and I knew he had read my feelings. “One day you will have a house on your land and will spend half the year here and the other half on Parvac. Be patient.” Sherman kissed the top of my head.

  As the days passed, Nico became increasingly worried. “Teagan, I know we have only been here for a week. However, I fear enemies who would seize you. The peace we have is still new. If word spreads you carry the heir and you are taken, it would cause panic and war. Consent to return home. There are worlds there you have not seen. You will have anything you desire.”

  I stared at nothing. In resignation, I said, “Talk to Yukihyo.” Nico nodded.

  Kaoti had persuaded Violet to come with us to Parvac. Having a Galaxic Embassy there eased her fears. Simon planned to stay on Arachne. During the week, Hiroshi had won both the heart of Ling and the approval of her father. They had married. The Hadrian would be taking Thunderdrop, Nico, Yukihyo, Neema, Phillip, Kaoti, Violet, and me to Amphictyon where Kane would be waiting to take us home to Parvac. Bitter sadness filled my heart as I said goodbye to most of my family. I did my best to hide my heartbreak, but they knew.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Eric gave us the ambassadorial staterooms. As I enjoyed the small pool with Yukihyo and Neema, I asked, “Why doesn’t Papa get a new wife and give me a brother? That would solve all of my problems.”

  “I asked him that question on our unfortunate trip to Naxa. He is sterile. Having you with Neema Valen was a miracle. One of your Aunt Seyla’s husbands had the same condition.” Yukihyo chuckled.

  “That’s not funny.”

  “No, but it is that your father required Nico and Fitz to have their sperm tested before they were allowed to speak to you.” The blood drained from my face. “Several suitors have been refused because of their low numbers.” Yukihyo winked at me. Neema hit her fists against the water and laughed at her splashes.

  “So, what if I give Nico a son? What then? I won’t abandon my child and go home.”

  “Lady wife, your empire is lovely. I suggest we explore it, purchase our own warehouse, and have it prepared for Hiroshi when he visits. Keeping him wealthy will keep Ling’s father happy.”

  I laughed and kissed him. “You are a brilliant man, Yukihyo Lee. I did well marrying you.” Neema let out a happy shriek. Yukihyo had made my heart ten times lighter.

  “Lady wife, remember. Our Arachnean family is a vid-screen away. No matter where we are, we are family. Neema and I will never leave you. We three are bound together. Your father fully understands the nature of our symbiotic relationship. He feels that had he better protected your mother, you would not have been emotionally brutalized by the torturer who stole you both. He will do anything to protect you. Furthermore, even though he feels you have every right to hate him for failing to protect you, you married the man of his choosing and carry a possible heir. Your father adores you and will do anything to please you.”

  “He does love me. It feels surreal at times.”

  “You know the love Neema and I feel for you. You have not allowed yourself to accept Nico into your heart. His love for you is strong, fierce, and steady. Returning his love does not lesson what we share. Once you are able to truly love him, I will attempt to bond with him as a clan brother.”<
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  “What if I can’t?” Neema let out a gleeful shriek.

  “When you were living in the housing community, did you imagine loving someone and being loved in return?”

  “No, never.”

  “Our princess begins to shrivel, lady wife.” We got out and found clean dry clothes.

  During one of our dinners with Eric, I asked, “When will the Hadrian be permitted to land on Parvac?” That quieted the entire room.

  “I’m not sure,” Eric said.

  “I would love for you to come and stay with us. Papa gave me my own wing in the palace, so there’s plenty of room. We could go to Thalassa. You would love it there. Phillip does.”

  “Spectacular beaches, Eric. Cupcake is one of the only women who wears anything into the water.” I scowled at him. “Neema even goes naked,” Phillip said. Yukihyo laughed.

  “Phillip, you will wear shorts. Anyway, you don’t want burned beans, do you?” Phillip laughed. “Eric, Yukihyo and Nico could take you hunting on Apellan. Nico has a castle there.”

  “You have a castle there, my love. I gave it to you.”

  “We talked about that,” I said. “Anyway, Ambassador Stine is on Parvac. Will you at least think about it? I’ll ask Papa.”

  “I will think about it. However, I would have to receive permission from my superiors.” I clapped my hands together, got up, went to Eric, hugged him, and kissed his cheek.

  “If I had visits from you to look forward to, I wouldn’t feel so isolated from home.” My eyes teared up and began to drip.

  “Oh, no, Teagan. Don’t cry. Teagan, stop.” Eric blotted at my face with his napkin.

  “I can’t help it. What if it’s years before I get to go home.”

  Eric said, “You can go home anytime you want.”

  “You know that’s not true. It’s not like you to sugar coat the facts.” I saw his jaw clench. I kissed it and returned to my seat.

  Commander Bosh remained polite and cordial during the trip, but Yukihyo chuckled to himself each time he saw him.

  “Why do you find Commander Bosh so amusing?”

  “Remember the insatiable lust you felt not so long ago?”

  “Yes, that’s the reason for my current condition.”

  “Bosh still feels it for you.” I paled.

  Kane’s ship was ready to depart as soon as we arrived. Neema demanded to be fed, so he had to wait. The schedules of starship captains meant nothing to her. Once we were getting inside of a transport to be driven over to my other cousin’s ship, Commander Bosh appeared. He held out to me a large fancy coffee from Flora’s. “Accepting my offering does not break your rule, since I am not joining you, Lady Alaric.”

  I smiled and took it. “Thank you, Commander Bosh.” He bowed to me.

  We were driven the distance of the land port to Kane’s ship. Kane nodded to Nico and gave me a relieved hug. Yukihyo carried a sleeping, soft, cuddly baby up to the Imperial suite and to her waiting crib. Phillip put his bags into his room. Kaoti got a nervous Violet settled with him into theirs. “Is she okay?” I asked Yukihyo.

  “This has been her first trip away from Arachne. Kaoti wants to take her home to visit his mother and fathers.”

  As soon as we entered Parvac space, Nico relaxed. “Nico, with the treaty in place, who are you worried might want to throw us into war?”

  He gave me a serious look. “Present company excluded, the Laconians. They have reason to hate the Parvac Empire.”

  Soon, we arrived on Parvac. Papa took Neema from Yukihyo and began talking to and smiling at her before he even greeted us. Yukihyo and I exchanged smirks. Nico placed his arm around my back and kissed the top of my head. As we waited for Papa to secure Neema in her seat, I smiled up at him and kissed his lips. Nico looked down at me with adoration and twinkling eyes. I realized Yukihyo had spoken truthfully.

  “You kissed me in front of my troops.”

  I put my hands behind his neck. “Bend down and you can have a real kiss in front of your troops.” After following through on my promise, I took my seat. Agitated claws moved behind my back from shoulder to shoulder. “Are you ready to play outside?”


  For a shopkeeper, Violet was very quiet and reserved. I had tried make her feel at home and welcome on the trip to Parvac. Yukihyo said my names and titles intimidated her. I found it really hard to believe that someone whose nickname had been Garbage Girl could be intimidating. Kaoti and Violet had been met at the land port and whisked away. I didn’t see by whom. I had made certain that Kaoti knew his room in my wing awaited them.

  The Palace physician, Dr. Fotri, approved of my health. “I recommend that you rest as much as possible. You did not have much time to recover from your previous pregnancy,” he said.

  “The Princess has assured me of her plans to remain in the Empire until our child is born.”

  Dr. Fotri said, “That is a responsible decision, Princess.”

  “What did I just hear?” Papa asked Nico. Papa rewarded my decision with a solid white eight-seater transport. “Your cousin Kane and his ship are at your disposal. He will take you anywhere you wish to go,” Papa said with a kiss to my temple. “I understand all too well how one’s duty can chafe at one’s spirit. At least I can give you the freedom of our empire.”

  Yukihyo had been searching for warehouses near the land port. The next day he said, “I have found something I think will suit our needs. Will you give me your opinion, lady wife?”

  I smiled at him and carried Neema to our new land transport. It had Imperial seals on the doors. “So much for blending in,” I said.

  Yukihyo grinned at me and drove us to the warehouse. It was located four blocks from the land port. An older man met us at the door. The building had been constructed of stone and metal. “Princess, it is a great honor to meet you. It is something I had not expected, or I would have brought my family with me.”

  I shot Yukihyo a quizzical look. “My lady wife forgets she is a person of some importance on Parvac.”

  “Some importance? You are the Imperial Princess.”

  “Um, we can look around here for a while if you want to go get your family.”

  “Thank you! I will not be long.” He bowed.

  “Be careful. There’s no need to rush.”

  “Chirp chirp.”

  “I know. That was weird. His family probably couldn’t care less that we are looking around here.”


  “Sure, but stay close.”

  Aside from the doors that we had entered, there were large doors for land transports to drive through. Metal shelving lined one wall for crate storage. In the back corner and then along the back of the warehouse, we found a cold storage unit, an office, restroom, and a small apartment. “The apartment would be perfect for hired security.”

  “We can afford to hire security?” Yukihyo smirked at me. “Neema, do you like the warehouse daddy picked out? What? It’s good enough for us to live here? I agree. It could use a rug or two, and the apartment could use some Arachnean Silk bedding, but it’s very nice. Neema wants to know how much it costs.”

  “Your wealthy daddy can afford it. The merchant selling it wants to retire and move to Naxa.”

  The merchant returned with his wife, two middle-aged sons, and their wives. We exchanged pleasantries and shook hands. They had heard of Thunderdrop and were not alarmed. Yukihyo and the older merchant made their deal.

  His wife asked, “Is it true you were a merchant before Admiral Valen rescued you and brought you home?”

  I thought about how best to answer her question. “Yes, ma’am. But, we’re still merchants.”

  “You are the Princess. Surely, there is no reason for you to work when you have husbands,” one of the younger wives said.

  “It’s fun, and I love space travel.” I shrugged.

  “The ladies in our neighborhood will never believe we met you.”

  “It’s nice you wanted to meet me. A picture
would prove it to them, though.” One of her sons fumbled out a small vid-screen and took our picture. He showed it to us. “Neema, look how pretty you are! Daddy should take us to see Grandmother, so she can give you kisses while you’re in your pretty dress.”

  “Chirp chirp chirp.”

  “Yes, you are a handsome boy, too.”


  Yukihyo and the man shook hands. We were the proud owners of our own warehouse. Yukihyo was excited to fill it up. “Husband, you may need to purchase a large land transport.”

  “Yes, but it can wait. Neema wants to get grandmother kisses.”

  Yukihyo set the warehouse to recognize our palm scans as entrance codes before we left. He drove us to the Valen Estate. Uncle Kagan welcomed us inside. Neema fussed at me until I placed her in Grandmother’s arms. Grandmother laughed in delight. “You wanted to come and see me. You sent your thoughts to your daddy. You are a smart girl. Yes, you are.” They went off to sit. Kane strolled into the room in bare feet and pajamas.

  “Well, well, well. My tiny cousin has appeared. Emperor Probus has turned me and my warship into your personal servants.” I kissed his cheek.

  “Has Nico told you why? I thought he told you on the way back.”


  “She is pregnant with Nico’s child,” Grandmother called out from the living room.

  Kane stared at me in shock and looked at my stomach. “Already? I thought it would take years.”

  I snorted. “The blonde giant has a way about him.”

  Kane grinned. Uncle Kagan didn’t look surprised. “Father, you knew?”

  “I am relieved you are home. Your cousin has been entrusted with your safety whenever you travel within the empire. Please give him a few days’ notice before you plan to leave.”

  “Yes, sir.” I saw it in his face as Kane realized his true mission of keeping Nico’s child safe. “Is there anywhere you want to go, Kane?”

  “Thalassa is nice this time of year, and I’m sure Nico will want to check on his military base on Apellan.” I agreed. After a nice day with the Valens, we went home.


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