Deceit (The Vindicated Series Book 1)

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Deceit (The Vindicated Series Book 1) Page 1

by Addison Jane




  The Vindicated Series Book One


  Copyright 2016 ADDISON JANE and K E OSBORN

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to real events, real people, and real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the authors’ imagination and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, organizations or places is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. This book is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage retrieval system, without the express written permission of the author. All songs, song titles and lyrics contained in this book are the property of the respective songwriters and copyright holders.

  ISBN: 978-0994609236

  Book design by Swish Design & Editing

  Editing by Swish Design & Editing

  Proofing by Fiona Dreaming

  Cover design by Kari at Cover to Cover Designs

  Cover Model – Burton Hughes

  Photography – Eric David Battershell

  Cover Image Copyright 2016

  All rights reserved

  Covert, stealthy, cunning—I’m trained as a weapon. A lethal killer. I do what needs to be done in order to protect those who can’t protect themselves.

  I’m never the same person twice.

  It’s never been an issue.

  But I underestimated her.

  The beautiful woman next door. There’s something sexy about the way she watches me, eyes wide with an innocent curiosity. I find myself aching for her attention. I want her to look at me, but not when I’m covered in the blood of the man I just killed.

  I live in the dark. She could be my light. I want her. And I know she feels it too.

  When what I do puts her life in danger, everything changes. And I start to realize that maybe not all is as it seems. Every part of me screams to save her...

  But what if I’m wrong.

  What if she’s the one saving me?

  We’re dedicating this book to Kaci Stewart. A great Beta, an amazing PA and a beautiful friend. (Oh, and Axel’s future wife.)



  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Connect With Us Online

  About the Authors – ADDISON JANE AND K E OSBORN

  Firstly we would like to thank Kaylene Osborn for not only being our editor extraordinaire, but for being the person who introduced us to each other. Without Kaylene, this collaboration would never have been possible, and to have a world without Kace is just something we can’t even think about. Being introduced to each other was like finding a lost friend. We connected instantly, and it was all thanks to Kay. So thank you for that, and for your work on Deceit. We both appreciate it to no end.

  To Kaci – Thank you for being an amazing BETA, PA, and friend to both of us. This process would never have been the same without you by our side, cheering us on and nagging us constantly - haha.

  To Kim L – Thank you for all your help, guidance and support with not only being a BETA and PA but also an adopted sister and friend. You’re always there for us, whenever we need you, and we love your sense of humor and a friendly ear. You’re a true friend.

  To our amazing set of BETA’s – Thank you for all your hard work and effort in making this first book of The Vindicated Series the best it can be. We love you guys hard!

  To Eric Battershell – Wow what can we say? You have done nothing but support the both of us from the beginning of our journey together. Your efforts in making this series, and our stand-alone careers magical, makes you not only uber professional but an outstanding friend. We have no words to communicate our appreciation for you and how you have helped us. Thank you!

  To Burton Hughes – When we envisage Kace Colt we only ever saw him as one man—that man was you. You’re everything Kace entails. Strength, power, confidence, and every picture we use depicting you as Kace exudes all of these things. Thank you for being our Kace Colt.

  To Tessi Conquest – Thank you for being our Lily. Just as Burton was our Kace, you are our Lily. Thank you for being so utterly lovely in the photoshoot with Burton, and we can’t wait to show off the cover with you guys to everyone!

  My footsteps beat against the concrete as I force myself down the sidewalk. The urge to look back over my shoulder is strong, but I press my body forward, knowing I don’t have much time.

  My heart is racing, the adrenaline inside my veins pumping madly throughout my body as I move quickly through the streets, ducking around innocent people who have no idea what’s about to happen. It excites me.

  I’ve never felt fear, fear is weak.

  I am not weak.

  I relish in watching strong men crumble to their knees, knowing there’s no way they can fight me.

  Just as I stop across the road from the apartment building where I’ve lived for the past month, my phone begins to vibrate in my pocket. I take it out, not bothering to look at the caller ID before holding it to my ear. “Yeah.”

  “Is it done?” they ask.

  Just then, the ground begins to rumble, and a loud burst of noise fills the streets around me, smothering the sounds of cars and prompting high-pitched screams. This time, I allow myself to look over my shoulder, watching as smoke begins to fill the air, tainting the bright blue sky an awful shade of gray.

  Alarms ring out around me, and I rush to cross the street, hurrying inside and down the corridor to my apartment. “It’s done. No one’s coming out of there alive.”

  I pull the phone from my ear and end the call, slipping it back into my pocket.

  It’s done.

  “Boring. Boring. Boring.”

  I shove my spoon into my mouth, flipping through the channels on the television as I eat my cereal. There really is nothing on in the mornings apart from the news and stupid cartoons. I look down at my PJ’s, knowing I’m probably not going to change until at least lunch time since it’s my day off.

  “Netflix it is, I guess,” I mutter to myself while reaching for the other remote.

  Just as my fingers touch it, a loud boom startles me, and my half eaten cereal flies off my lap and onto the floor as I leap into the air. My heart races and I grip the sofa cushion in my hand, wondering what the hell’s just happened.

  Do I get up and run, try to find help? Or do I stay completely still, struck with fear?

  Swallowing against the lump in my throat, I move slowly, climbing off the couch and tip-toeing over the spilled milk and Fruit Loops heading for the balcony. Before I even reach it, I see th
e smoke billowing into the air outside.

  “Oh my hell,” I whisper, moving into the small doorway.

  It’s coming from a few blocks away, and there are already sirens blaring, some sounding like building alarms, others police cars and ambulances.

  Running back inside, I dive onto the sofa and struggle to grasp the remote in my hand, my fingers failing to do their job as they shake with fear. Finally finding the right channel, the news reporter stares straight into the camera, her eyes wide, most likely reflecting my own.

  “Breaking news… some kind of explosion has just hit in downtown Washington DC. There isn’t a lot of information available, but we’ll keep you updated as it filters in.”

  “Shit!” I swear, leaping up and running out my front door, into the long hallway of my apartment building. My eyes search the hall, not even sure of what I’m doing, but looking for someone who might know something, or at least be able to keep me calm. But it’s completely deserted.

  I consider banging on doors, feeling like I really don’t want to be alone at the moment.

  On hearing the door at the end of the hall open, and my eyes immediately swing to it, my body sighing with a breath of relief. But when I see him rushing toward me, my heart starts to race again. But for a whole new reason.

  For the last month, since he moved in, he’s never offered me more than a quick hello. Never a name, and most definitely not an occupation. He’s a mystery, one that my best friend Molly is completely obsessed with. Well, more with regards to wanting to screw him, she doesn’t care if he even has a name.

  He rushes down the hall toward me, his hand tucking a cell phone into his pocket and with his head down. He’s wearing a tight black shirt and black pants, the dark look seeming to suit him perfectly.

  I must look stupid, standing outside my door in my pajamas looking disheveled and confused. I open my mouth to talk as he moves closer, wanting to ask him if he’s okay, or if he knows what the hell is going on outside, but it’s dry with nerves, and my lips won’t form the words I want them to.

  He looks up just before he reaches me, his blue eyes freezing my body as if they’re made of ice. A line of sweat runs across his brow, and his jaw looks like it’s clenched tightly. He brushes past me without a word, his heavy boots stomping against the wooden floors until he reaches his doorway. He opens it quickly, slams it behind him, the loud bang jolting me from my stunned daze.

  Shaking my body, I turn and rush back inside my apartment and close the door. I lean against it, trying to control my breathing. The sound of the news fills the room, the reporter rattling on about an explosion, a bomb, possibly terrorists, while a video of a building not far from me bursts into flames.

  “Terrorists,” I whisper. My knees beginning to shake as I slowly slip down the door to the floor. “Oh my hell.”

  I hear a raised voice through the wall and my eyes shoot up. I stare as if I can see through it, wanting to know just what he’s doing in there.

  Is he scared like I am?

  I snort. No way.

  I may not know him well, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from the few times I’ve seen him around, he won’t be scared.

  I’m flustered just thinking about him—sexy, strong, so many muscles. The way his short brown hair spikes up on his head screams at me to run my fingers through it. At first I’ve kept my distance, knowing that he doesn’t seem like a man that I want to screw with. His blue eyes always seem so intense, and the way he holds himself is with strength and power. In the month he’s been here, and the few times I’ve seen him, I’m drawn to him. There’s something about him, a presence, a pull. I don’t know what it is, but I want to know more. It’s almost an infatuation. If he’s in the hall and I see him, I can’t look away.

  Then one day downstairs I saw him carrying an older resident’s groceries to her apartment, when she thanked him and patted his arm, he’d smiled.

  And holy hell was it a smile.

  Beautiful straight teeth, and a dimple on his left cheek.

  I felt a strange feeling of excitement build in my stomach as I’d imagined it.

  Since then, I wasn’t scared.

  I was intrigued.

  I wanted to know who he was, what he did, where he was from.

  Everything about him built questions in my mind, but every time I saw him, I froze.

  Who is he?

  I had no idea, but I’m desperate to find out.

  “And what’s your name, little man?” I ask the most adorable black and white Border Collie puppy as I poke my fingers through his cage. He jumps up and down in the small space and licks my hand, making me giggle. I pull his chart from the slot below his cage and read over the information. “Peter…” I laugh, “…not quite the name I was expecting, but we’ll go with it.”

  Tucking the clipboard under my arm, I make quick work of unlatching the door, pulling it open just in time to catch the little guy as he leaps at me from inside. His tongue tickles my face, slobber everywhere.

  “Woah there, buddy. This is a first date, none of that,” I tell him, tucking him into my body and carrying him down the hallway to my examination room. “Looks like just a check-up today.”

  Peter had come from one of our reputable breeders in the city. While some dog breeders didn’t care for their dogs properly and treated them like dollar signs, our vet clinic was connected with some amazing breeders from all around the state. They always bring their puppies in for health checks before they’re adopted out. A great peace of mind for prospective owners and just simply a caring heart.

  Placing Peter on the table, I begin my exam. “All right Petey boy, let’s see those ears,” I tell him cheerfully. Checking out his ears, I have a good look inside, moving next to his eyes, verifying there’s no discharge or anything suspicious.

  “Don’t bite me now,” I jest as I use my fingers to pry open his mouth. He tries to wiggle away from me, whining softly as I take a quick peek inside at his teeth and the top of his mouth. I quickly let go, pulling his back toward me, making sure I give him a pat and some gentle praise.

  Making quick work of the rest of his check-up, or at least I try, as he wiggles around on the table, happy and excited, just like a puppy should be. This also tells me that the breeders have once again done a fantastic job at raising these little guys.

  “Time for a cuddle!” I beam, signing off on my notes, giving Peter a clean bill of health.

  I pull him into my arms and coddle and coo over him as we walk back to his cage. “You’re so excited, little man.” I laugh as he wiggles in my arms, trying to reach my face with his tongue.

  Suddenly, I feel warmth against my stomach and freeze.

  Peter seems to freeze too upon noticing my frown.

  “Really?” I know there’s dog pee all down the front of my mint green shirt. I can feel it, soaking through against my skin.

  “Thanks for that, Peter.” I sigh as I place him back in his cage. He sits and whimpers at me, obviously knowing that I’m not entirely enthused. It wasn’t his fault, though, I managed to excite him too much, and he couldn’t help it.

  Petting him on the head, I smile at him. “It’s okay.” His tail starts tapping again, and his mouth opens, tongue rolling out to the side.

  “What is that?”

  I turn my head toward the snarky voice. Steven—my boss—he runs the vet clinic. But if I’m being totally honest, he never really does anything. I’m completely confused as to why he owns a place that cares for animals when it seems like he pretty much hates them.

  “Peter got a little excited,” I tell him, looking down at the wet patch on my shirt.

  He screws up his nose, his lips pursing making him remind me of a rabbit. “Go and get cleaned up before someone sees you,” he orders in disgust before stomping away, mumbling to himself.

  I roll my eyes, giving Peter one last pat before shutting the cage door. “Pee on him next time, will you,” I whisper conspiring with Peter, who jumps at the ca
ge door panting and wagging his tale as though I’ve just come up with the best idea ever.

  I giggle to myself while weaving down the hall and into the staff room. We have lockers in there, even though there are only about nine staff members here, it’s nice to be able to keep my things locked away. I don’t particularly trust Steven not to snoop.

  I pull out a spare shirt, rolling my pee soaked one up and placing it in a plastic bag and putting it back in my locker. It doesn’t really bother me that much, I’ve had a lot worse things done than being peed on. I’ve had to search through poop for missing wedding rings, help deliver calves—which involves being elbow deep in a cow. Hell, I’ve even been sprayed by a skunk when a Good Samaritan brought one in that had been hit by a car.

  Being a vet nurse isn’t always pretty, it isn’t glamorous, but hell if it doesn’t make me smile every day.

  I have dreams, dreams of opening my own practice, one far away from Steven and his bad attitude and even further away from the city. Growing up on a farm gave me the experience of being around all kinds of different animals. Not just house pets like you find in the city, but cows and horses and deer, big beautiful animals.

  I want to treat everything. I don’t discriminate. I love my work.

  Unfortunately, that dream’s far off. I need to save money and build up my reputation. But I know one day I’ll get there.

  Once work’s finished for the day, I begin my trek home, which takes me around ten minutes to walk. Luckily, the vet clinic is in the opposite direction of the building that exploded last month. There’s still a really strong Police presence throughout the city. It still sends chills down my spine every time I see them on the normally bustling city streets. Shop owners are still cleaning the ash and dust off their windows, and everything seems to be a dusty shade of gray. Nothing seems bright anymore, and no one on the streets seems to be happy or cheerful. Instead, everyone’s faces are full of fear and unease. My feet tread the powdery concrete faster as I think about it, seeking the safety of my apartment.


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