Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6)

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Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6) Page 1

by Elle Boon

  Royally F**ked

  Royal Bastards MC 6

  Elle Boon

  By Elle Boon [email protected]

  © Copyright 2020 Elle Boon

  All cover art and logos © Copyright Jay Aheer

  All rights reserved.

  Royally F**ked

  Royal Bastards MC 6

  Copyright © 2020 Elle Boon

  First E-book Publication: 2020

  Cover design by Jay Aheer

  Edited by Tracy Roelle

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Elle Boon

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  Copyright Page

  Royal Bastards Code

  Royal Bastards MC Series


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen


  Thank You

  About Elle Boon

  Other Books by Elle Boon

  Royal Bastards Code

  PROTECT: The club and your brothers come before anything else and must be protected at all costs. CLUB is FAMILY.

  RESPECT: Earn it & Give it. Respect club law. Respect the patch. Respect your brothers. Disrespect a member and there will be hell to pay.

  HONOR: Being patched in is an honor, not a right. Your colors are sacred, not to be left alone, and NEVER let them touch the ground.

  OLE’ LADIES: Never disrespect a member’s or brother’s Ol’Lady. PERIOD.


  LOYALTY: Takes precedence overall, including well-being.

  HONESTY: Never LIE, CHEAT, or STEAL from another member or the club.

  TERRITORY: You are to respect your brother’s property and follow their Chapter’s club rules.

  TRUST: Years to earn it...seconds to lose it.

  NEVER RIDE OFF: Brothers do not abandon their family.

  Royal Bastards MC Series


  E.C. Land: Cyclone of Chaos

  Chelle C. Craze & Eli Abbot: Ghoul

  Scarlett Black: Ice

  Elizabeth Knox: Rely On Me

  J.L. Leslie: Worth the Risk

  Deja Voss: Lean In

  Khloe Wren: Blaze of Honor

  Misty Walker: Birdie’s Biker

  J. Lynn Lombard: Capone’s Chaos

  Ker Dukey: Rage

  Crimson Syn: Scarred By Pain

  M. Merin: Declan

  Elle Boon: Royally F**ked

  Rae B. Lake: Death and Paradise

  K Webster: Copper

  Glenna Maynard: Tempting the Biker

  K.L. Ramsey: Whiskey Tango

  Kristine Allen: Angel

  Nikki Landis: Devil’s Ride

  KE Osborn: Luring Light

  CM Genovese: Pipe Dreams

  Nicole James: Club Princess

  Shannon Youngblood: Leather & Chrome

  Erin Trejo: Unbreak Me

  Winter Travers: Six Gun

  Izzy Sweet & Sean Moriarty: Broken Ties

  Jax Hart: Desert Rose

  Royal Bastards MC Facebook Group-

  Links can be found in our


  First and foremost, I’d like to thank all you amazing readers for loving my Royal Sons and the Royal Bastards enough to want more. I hope you like Cosmo and Tai as much as I loved writing their stories. This story literally took on a life of its own, and I just let it flow from me. I wrote it in less than two weeks, which is wonderful and scary. So, get ready y’all, because shit is getting real as I visit Tampa and Miami with KE Osborn’s and Addison Jane’s MC, while I take my guys from California to Florida. I hope y’all take a look at each of these ladies’ books and see what I’m talking about when I mention their guys and gals. I really loved KE’s ladies, so I took a lot of liberty eep.

  To my amazing team of Beta Readers, y’all rock sooo effing hard. Thank you for all you do to make my books so amazing. And last, but certainly not least, you readers are the best ever. FLOVE y’all soo hard. And last but definitely not least to Jay Aheer for these amazing covers.



  Chapter One

  “I’ve turned a blind eye to your infidelity. I know what you do and how you’ve attained your wealth. I say nothing because you’ve protected me and my son. What I won’t allow is you to do that to him. That’s where I draw the line, Cosimo,” she snarled.

  His father tossed his head back and laughed.

  Cosmo tried to stay quiet. He was really good at staying quiet when his father yelled. His beautiful mama had taught him to stay out of the way and hide until his papa was gone. They would usually go on a walk if it was daytime or watch a movie in the home theatre if it was night. However, he had a bad feeling this time things weren’t going to go down like usual. For his seventh birthday, he’d wished they could go away forever, but wishes never came true, not for him.

  “You draw the line? Ah, Bonita, you think you can do anything that I don’t allow? That’s not how it works in my home. You do what I say, when I say, how I say. If I tell you to suck Hector’s cock, you get on your knees and you do it. If I tell you to get our son so he can suck Hector’s cock, you will do as I say. Is that clear?”

  The words his father said had him stumbling against the wall. He almost knocked a vase off the table nearest him. He was only seven, but he knew what his father said was wrong. Boys didn’t do that to others. Cosmo stayed quiet, scared if he made a move his father would hear and call for him.

  “I will do whatever you say, Cosimo. Don’t make my boy do anything. Please,” she begged.

  His father’s harsh laughter was followed by his mother’s soft cry and then Hector’s grunt. He didn’t go forward to see what was happening. The sounds were disturbing enough. A few minutes later, his father’s phone rang.

  “Yes, have my plane ready. She’s not coming with us. My son will be coming.”

  In that moment, Cosmo knew his world as he knew it would forever be changed.

  “No, you promised if I did what you asked you wouldn’t make Cosmo,” she cried.

  “I said I wouldn’t make him suck Hector. I never said anything about him not going with me to entertain my clients. It’s time he earned his keep. Don’t worry, I’ll bring him back with me.”

  He ran down the hall to his mother, wrapping his arms around her waist. “Mama, where am I going? What’s happening?”

  Her dress was ripped down the front, her lipstick smeared across her face. “My sweet Cosmo. Just do as your told and you’ll come home to me. I’ll...I’ll make it up to you.”

  His father pulled him away from his mama, her tears breaking him. “Come with us.”

  “Stop crying, Cosmo, or I’ll beat you in front of your mother. Hector, take him to the helicopt
er while I talk to his mother.”

  He didn’t want to go with Hector. What if Hector wanted him to do what his mother had? They walked out the front door. The whomp whomp sound of the helicopter in the distance could already be heard. He looked back to see his mother one more time, crying out as he saw his father lift a gun. His mother fell, her eyes locked on his, her arms reaching for him as she hit the marble floor.

  Twenty-four years later...

  Cosmo woke, the familiar nightmare making him break out in a cold sweat. “Fuck,” he cursed, hating the weakness a stupid dream could cause. He sat up, padding over to the floor to ceiling windows of his home. The home he’d taken from his bastard of a father over ten years ago. People thought he’d been born with a silver spoon in his mouth, to an extent he had.

  He scrubbed a hand through his hair, wishing it was that easy to scrub the memories of his past away. For ten fucking years, he’d been used and abused by sick fuckers like his father. His stomach clenched as he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. His MC brothers didn’t know about his past. Hell, nobody knew, and he planned to keep it that way. Money could buy you a hell of a lot, and Cosmo had more than any of them thanks to the sick fucks who he’d been brought up by.

  “What’s wrong?” He looked over his shoulder at the woman in the bed, her voice jarring in the quiet of the night.

  He couldn’t remember her name. He never remembered their names, which might’ve made him an asshole, except he never made any promises other than a night or two of pleasure.

  “Nothing. Go on back to sleep. I’m going for a jog. If I’m not back when the sun comes up, Stanley will see you home.” He walked toward his closet completely naked and unaffected by the fact.

  “I could do something to make you relax.” She pulled the cover back, exposing herself to him.

  “My heads all fucked up right now. I need to run and get it on straight. If you want to go on home now, head on down to the kitchen. My guy will give you a ride. I’m sure you’ll sleep better in your own bed,” he said, dismissing her offer. He’d had more sex in his thirty-one years than most had in an entire lifetime, he didn’t need another fuck from this woman. It wasn’t that she wasn’t good in the sack. As cliché as it sounded, it wasn’t her; it was him. He almost grinned at the thought.

  “You don’t have to be such a dick about it,” she ground out.

  “Sweetheart, if I was being a dick, I wouldn’t have offered for you to continue to sleep in my bed, now would I?” In reality, he hated this bed. This was his parent’s old bedroom, or rather his father’s. He only brought women in here he slept with. This wasn’t his home. A home was a place you cared about. In fact, he’d thought of burning the place to the ground on several occasions.

  When he walked out of the closet in a pair of shorts and his running shoes, she was dressed in the slinky outfit she’d had on at the club. “I’ll walk you down,” he offered.

  “You worried I’ll steal the silver?”

  He stared at her and the tiny clutch she carried. “Want to borrow a suitcase?”

  “Why can’t you want me for more than a night?” she asked on an exhale.

  He shrugged. “That’s just how I’m built, sweetheart. I’m not good enough for anything more than you got. Besides, one day you’ll find the man of your dreams. You don’t want a fucked-up bastard like me.”

  She stopped on a step above him. “You’re a good guy, Cosmo.”

  He didn’t correct, wasn’t going to waste his breath or her time.

  After she left, he grabbed a bottle of water, thinking he should skip the run and drown his sorrows in a bottle of whiskey. Thoughts like that kept him from going through with it. His bastard of a father had been a drunk toward the end of his worthless existence. It was how he’d been able to get the upper hand on the fucker. He chugged half the bottle of water, then set the rest on the counter and grabbed his cellphone and earbuds. His butler would clean it up like he did everything Cosmo messed up, when he returned from taking the woman home.

  Outside the humid air hit him. Taking a deep breath, he took off toward the shoreline, pounding out a rhythm while he listened to Mozart.

  The sun was rising by the time he returned, sweat soaking his body for a reason other than his dreams. Fucking-A, he’d take that any day of the week. His muscles ached, his mind no longer a jumbled mess.

  “Would you like some breakfast, sir?” Stanley asked.

  “Nah, I’m gonna shower then head up to see King.”

  Stanley made an annoyed sound. “Are you going to continue to live here and there? I feel as if I’m taking advantage of you.”

  “Stanley, you take care of the place whether I’m here or not. Besides, I like knowing someone is here to stave off burglars.” Cosmo had a place farther down the beach that he owned. It was smaller than the monstrosity of a home his father had built all those years ago, but he let his friends use it more than he did. He didn’t really have a home. Hell, he even had a place at the Royal Bastards clubhouse that he crashed at. If he were to fly to almost any corner of the country, he had a home thanks to the bastard’s portfolio. Slowly but surely, Cosmo was getting rid of the properties, giving them to some of the families they’d been rescuing. Of course, King and the others were unaware exactly how he’d procured the property. No need to tell them the truth, a truth that he’d come looking to kill their father because he’d been part of The Circle of sick fucks.

  “Remember I’m going on vacation next week for two weeks to visit my family in Texas.” Stanley tossed the half empty bottle in the trash.

  Cosmo remembered. “I got it in my calendar. I’m gonna shower then head out. If I don’t see you before you leave, have a safe trip. Your pay will be automatically uploaded like normal.” He didn’t know why he felt the need to say anything. Stanley had been working for him for three years. The routine was the same as it had been since day one.

  “You need to find you a nice woman and settle down.”

  “Hello said the kettle,” Cosmo snorted.

  Stanley held his hands up. He left the other man in the pristine kitchen while he muttered about youngsters and their lack of respect. Cosmo had hired Stanley after he’d put an ad in for a butler. The other man had been trained at a prestigious school in the UK. His wife had died from cancer six months before Cosmo hired him and he seemed a perfect fit. He’d signed the NDA without blinking an eye. He had never, since he’d began working, ever said a word or made any sort of mention that he didn’t agree with Cosmo or his way of life.

  They worked well together as long as they didn’t get personal. Cosmo gave him a good salary and didn’t ask about his life outside of his home. Stanley telling him he needed to get a wife was borderline personal. He let it slide as he entered his master bedroom. The one he used when he brought women home, instead of his suite of rooms. He wondered what Stanley thought of his use of the space.

  “What the fuck, man?” He almost stomped back down and fired the older man, as he realized Stanley was getting too close, almost personal. He changed his mind as he caught sight of the snarling man staring back at him in the mirror. His father used to glare at their employees before he’d backhand them. He’d never do anything that would resemble the fucker. Ever. Stanley going to visit his family was a good thing, giving them a much-needed break.

  His phone rang, but he ignored it. He needed a shower, then he’d deal with whoever was trying to reach him.

  After showering, he picked up his discarded shorts and saw King’s name and number were on the screen. Punching in the number for the Prez of his MC, he sat on the side of his bed, waiting for King to answer.

  “What’s up, brother?” King asked, a lazy quality to his voice that let Cosmo know he was probably still in bed with his ole lady.

  “Not my dick. You called me, so I’m returning your call.” Cosmo let his joke hang in the air.

  “That’s ‘cause you’re still out fucking any pussy that’ll lay down or drop her pant
ies for you. What you need to do is do like I did and find you a nice piece of ass and claim her as your own.”

  “How the fuck can I do that when you took the only good one? Besides, who says the women I fuck wear panties?” He was pretty sure the woman he brought home last night didn’t have any on, if his memory served him correctly.

  “Listen, I need to talk to you about a situation. Ayesha and the girls are going to head down to LA to do some shopping, so me and a couple of the brothers are going to ride down. You and Duke got any plans? Hang on a second, Cosmo, Ayesha just came back in.” The sound of fabric shifting filled the line for a couple seconds.

  Cosmo put the phone on speaker while he pulled out what he was going to wear. He may be an enforcer for the MC, but he liked to dress nice under his jeans. A pair of briefs that cost more money than most people’s entire outfits slid up his legs, then he grabbed a pair of black jeans, followed by a white T-shirt. Last, he pulled his cut out of the closet. Out of all of his belongings, his cut was his most treasured article of clothing. King had told him he had to decide if he was in or out not to long ago. It wasn’t really a choice. The brotherhood was his life. He’d rather have the guys backs in the MC and die at their sides, than sit up in the fancy mansions with nobody caring if he lived or died. If he’d been asked when he’d first started his journey, he’d never have imagined he’d be where he was. He’d lost everything, but had nothing, and then found everything. Shit didn’t make sense, but it did in a weird way.

  “I need to talk to you,” he said to King, making the decision to come clean.

  Shoving his feet into a pair of shitkickers, he checked his watch, shaking his head at the sounds coming from the speakerphone. Fucking King and his ole lady still acted as if they were in their honeymoon phase.

  “Hold on a second, Cosmo,” King grunted.

  “Yo, King, you wanna nail your ole lady and call me later? I’m meeting Duke at The Club tonight, but I’ll be around anytime you need to chitchat.” He chuckled at the squeal Ayesha made.

  “You’re a bastard, you know that, Cosmo?” King asked.


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