Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6)

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Royally F**ked (Royal Bastards MC: Royal Sons CA Book 6) Page 11

by Elle Boon

  His lips tilted up in a grin that was both charming and wicked. She loved it when he smiled. Even though he didn’t do it often, but when he did, it was like all her wishes had come true.

  “Would you like to eat?” she asked.

  Cosmo shook his head, then nodded. “Is the stove turned off?”

  She nodded, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth to keep from saying something stupid. She wished he’d come out of the doorway to his room. For the last couple weeks, he’d kept her at a distance, like they were roommates instead of potentially something else. Yet, he growled and gave angry looks to the other guys up at the Clubhouse who gave her any indication they were interested. When she told Ayesha about it, the other woman had told her she needed to take things into her own hands. Of course, she’d used some gestures, and they’d laughed like loons. Now Tai wasn’t so sure she could handle it if he rejected her.

  “Do you have any idea how crazy it drives me when you do that, Baby Girl?” Cosmo’s words came out low, almost angry.

  Tai took a deep breath and stepped backward, wondering what she’d done. “I’m sorry, I’ll just go put something on.”

  “Don’t you take one more step.” He stalked toward her, reaching behind his head with one arm and pulling his shirt off.

  It fascinated her the way men could do that. “What’re you doing?”

  He smiled, a real teasing lift of his lips that made her a little nervous and a whole lot excited. “Ah, Baby, I’m getting us on even playing fields.”

  She looked up at him as he stopped directly in front of her. “I don’t think we’ll ever be even, Cosmo.”

  “What makes you say that?” He settled his hands on her hips, lifting her onto the small island that separated the kitchen from the living space. “There, much better.”

  Tai opened her mouth to speak, but he closed his over hers, taking away her words and her sanity in a kiss that turned into more. Goodness, she could do nothing but wrap her arms and legs around his naked torso and hope he never stopped.

  She hadn’t realized how cold the counter had been until her back hit it. The gasp was again swallowed by Cosmo, yet she felt as though the rest of her was on fire. “You’re so warm,” she mumbled the words against his lips.

  “You undo me,” he bit out against her lips.

  Tai was sure that was a good thing since he totally frazzled her. She reached for him as he pulled back, but he shook his head, running kisses along her jaw, down her neck while his hands traced her ribs in a slightly teasing way, making her muscles jump. “Cosmo, please.”

  “Oh, don’t you worry, I aim to please you very well, Dai-tai. If I do anything you don’t like, you let me know. I’ll stop.” He kissed the spot between her breasts, staring up at her as he spoke.

  In her experience, which in all seriousness was limited since she’d only...nope, she wasn’t thinking about anyone but her and Cosmo. She wasn’t sure what she liked or didn’t since she’d never enjoyed sex. “I don’t know what I like,” she told him honestly.

  Cosmo stood up abruptly. “What do you mean?”

  Dang it, she hadn’t meant to admit that out loud, especially then. “Nothing, I was enjoying you and your touching me.”

  He shook his head, holding her hands in one big hand while he stared down at her. “Remember our rule of not lying?”

  She turned her face to the side, closing her eyes tightly. In the short span of time she’d been with him, she knew he was like a dog with a bone. He wouldn’t give up until he got what he wanted. “I know, enjoyed sex.” There she said it.

  “You never got off while having it?” he asked.

  Tai shook her head, keeping her eyes closed. She knew it was childish since he could see her still, but it was easier to admit the truth if she didn’t have to see his pity.

  “Have you ever gotten yourself off?”

  Her eyes shot wide at his question, her head shaking immediately. “No,” she yelled.

  His eyes were like two amber jewels as he grinned. “Did you watch me jack off in the shower earlier?”

  Tai knew her face had to be as red as an apple, but she figured if he wasn’t embarrassed then why should she be. It wasn’t like she was spying, really. “I didn’t mean to watch you. I...I was dropping off towels when I saw. And then I couldn’t look away.”

  He bent so their lips were barely touching. “I don’t mind, Baby Girl. In fact, I’ll let you help me next time. Do you know why I was jacking off? I was so fucking hard thinking of you. I knew if I didn’t take care of it, I wouldn’t be able to come out here without wanting to bend you over the nearest surface. Instead I have you lying on the counter, but that’s about to change.”

  She was trying to catch up when he picked her up, cradling her against his chest. “What do you mean?”

  “Ah, Baby Girl, the first time I make love to you, and make you come, it’s going to be on a soft bed. We’ll get to fucking on every available surface later,” he whispered wickedly.

  If she hadn’t already loved him and thought he was the sexiest man on Earth, with the biggest heart, he’d have sealed the deal right then and there. “Oh, put the lid on the spaghetti, please.”

  Cosmo spun back around, doing her bidding before going toward the bedroom she had been given. She wondered why he didn’t take her to his room. “If you decide you want to stop, or don’t like anything we’re doing, you say stop, and we’ll try something else. I only want to make you feel good.”

  Tai had a feeling absolutely everything he did was going to be amazing, but she nodded since he seemed to want her to answer.

  He stopped at the side of the bed, looking at her with an intensity she’d seen him do many times.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “I don’t want to take advantage of you,” he bit out.

  She laughed, bringing her left hand up to trace the frown line between his brows. “Cosmo, I’m naked. I was naked and waiting for you when you came out of your room. I almost walked into the shower with you when I was watching pleasure yourself. I’m pretty sure I’m the one taking advantage of you. Now, can you please stop being a gentleman and get to making me come?” She kissed him a little more forcefully than she’d ever done before. But dammit, the man was being difficult, and she wanted him.

  His laugh turned into a moan, and then he took over, tossing her down onto the bed, following her, his body blanketing hers. Goodness, she loved feeling his weight over her, pinning her, owning her.

  Cosmo was done holding back with Tai. He’d been patient like he thought she needed, which clearly, he’d been wrong. Staring down at her, he thought of all the time in the past couple of weeks he could’ve been showing her exactly how exciting and fulfilling sex could be between two people who wanted it. One couldn’t turn back time, but they could learn from their mistakes, and if there was one thing Cosmo was damn good at, it was learning. And he was a damn good teacher. “I’m gonna love showing you how to make your body come alive, Baby Girl. You let me know if you don’t like what I’m doing.”

  Although he knew women’s bodies, he wanted her to feel safe by telling him.

  Bracketing himself over her, he started out slow, kissing her lips with closed-mouth little pecks, then teased her lips with his tongue. When she opened up, he delved inside, tasting the sauce she’d been making earlier. “Mmm, you taste like spaghetti.”

  “Oh,” she mumbled around his lips.

  Cosmo sealed his mouth over hers. The time for talking was over unless it was to say stop, or I don’t like that. All he wanted was for her to feel and feel good. Nothing else was acceptable to him from that moment on.

  He would find out on his own if she liked a bite of pain, because he did. Fuck, he was a sick bastard. If she didn’t, he’d temper his needs. Sliding his mouth down her jaw, he nuzzled her throat, scraping his beard along the tender flesh, leaving red marks, his marks.

  Her body shivered with each move he made, and when he ran th
e tip of his tongue over the point of her left nipple before biting on it, she gasped, then moaned. Oh yeah, she liked a little erotic pain. Keeping his eyes on hers, he released the little bud and did the same to the other, licking before biting, getting the same moan and shiver.

  Tai’s hands went to his hair, tugging but not pulling him away from her. “You like that, Baby girl?”

  She nodded; her mouth open but no words came out.

  “Tell me, I need to hear you say it,” he growled, biting her nipple again then licking the red bit of flesh.

  “Yes, I like it.”

  “Good girl.” He peppered kisses down her torso, around her navel. As he watched, her abdominal muscles rolled, and a vision of her round with his child filled his head. Holy fuck, he’d never, ever, in his entire life, thought of bringing another life into his fucked-up world.

  Before he could get all screwed up in the what ifs, he continued down her body, stopping at the top of her mound. He’d noticed she’d either been waxed or shaved. He loved being able to enjoy her smooth pussy. “You’re so wet. You like me kissing you, biting your little nipples, Tai?”


  He ran his thumbs between her folds opening her up for his viewing pleasure. “I bet you taste better than the spaghetti.” He didn’t allow her to answer, dipping his head so he could run his tongue along her pussy. Son-of-a-bitch, she was so damn wet, and sweet, he could eat her for hours and still want more.

  Cosmo pushed first one finger inside her, then another, her arousal making it easy. Using his other hand, he kept her spread open, rubbing in a circular motion with his thumb on her clit while he watched her face, noting every reaction that she made. “You’re so tight, Baby Girl, your pussy is squeezing my fingers like a vice.”

  Her legs shifted as she bit her bottom lip, but she kept her eyes trained on him.

  Cosmo hooked his hands beneath her ass, hauling her up closer to his face. “I want to hear you scream my name when you come.”

  He sucked her clit into his mouth. Her hips jerked upward, his words clearly turning her on, or maybe it was the way he lashed her pussy with his tongue. Cosmo didn’t know or care. With skill, he worked her body, pushing his fingers in and out of her, faster and faster, picking up the pace as he heard her little moans getting louder. He felt the first little pulse of her channel, his eyes flying up to see her face. “Eyes on me, Baby Girl.”

  He didn’t want her to close her eyes, needed her to see him when he took her over the edge into that blissful place that she’d never been.

  Tai reached down, clutching a handful of his hair with one hand, the other she twisted in the bedding. “Cosmo, I...that feels,” she whispered.

  His breath was coming in pants as he stroked in and out of her and watched as she came apart, staring down at him. He drank in the moment, memorizing it for all time, relishing her expression, every spasm, every moan and shudder.

  When he felt her body relax, felt her go limp and sated, he gave one last lick before pulling his fingers out of her. He sucked each finger clean loving her taste. He eased to his feet, coming to stand over her with his dick so damn hard, a spot of precome had made a wet spot on the front of the denim.

  “What are you doing?” she asked rolling to the side.

  “Looking at you.”

  Her hand reached for him, fingers touching the fly of his pants. “Aren’t you going to?” she trailed off.

  “Ah, there’s no way in Hell I’m leaving unless you tell me no.” He popped the top button on his jeans, waiting for her to tell him to stop.

  She moved, getting to her knees, her fingers moving over his. “No isn’t in my vocabulary when it comes to you and me.”

  He stole a kiss from her, unable to help himself. She was killing him softly with her sweetness and her soft soul. “I find I don’t like that word either. How bout we make it a bad word?” he said with a smile.

  Tai nodded, like it was a real question. She kissed his chest, small little playful ones that were setting his blood on fire. Her little tongue began swirling along wherever she’d kissed, and he wondered if that was something she’d been taught, then shut that shit down. There was no room in their bedroom for anything about their pasts.

  “I love having your mouth on me,” he said, meaning it.

  Arousal swirled in the air around them. Her nipples were hard little peaks that he wanted his mouth on again, but this time he was letting her explore him.

  “Take off your pants, Cosmo,” she said, her hands tucked into the side of the denim.

  He obliged, shoving them down his hips along with his briefs. “What now?”

  She had her lip in between her teeth, staring at his cock that jerked beneath her intent gaze. Her small delicate hand reached for him, giving a little tug.

  Cosmo couldn’t help himself, he took her lips, licking over the little wound she was intent on creating every time she bit that bottom lip, grazing over it with his teeth, lapping at the seam of her lips with his, coaxing her to open her mouth for him. When she did, he slid his tongue against hers, taking her moan into his.

  She released his cock, bringing her arms up and twined them around his neck, giving a tug. He nearly laughed as she tried to pull him down, but Cosmo allowed her to do it, wanting to feel her body on top of his. At the last second, he twisted so that she landed on top of him.

  “Oh, you’re a sneaky one,” she gasped.

  “Nah, I’m bigger than you, so I know how to get my way. Now that you’re on top, what’re you gonna do with me?” He ran his hands down her back, gripped her firm ass in both his palms.

  She wiggled until she was straddling him, his dick sliding between her wet folds, passing her entrance without going inside. “I want to kiss you like you did me.”

  He would’ve told her to get on his cock and do as she pleased, but the little minx moved her body down and began kissing her way down him, licking a damp trail down the center of his chest and belly, making every damn thought leave his brain. It was all he could do to fist his hands at his sides to keep from grabbing her by the hips and shoving his dick into her little pussy.

  “Oh, it looks like somebody needs some attention,” she murmured, taking his cock into one of her hands.

  Cosmo lifted his head, eyes narrowed as she held his cock. “What’re you gonna do about it?”

  His dick leaked more precome from the tip, tension making his body ready to come at any second. Hell, he was pretty sure he’d come in ten seconds if she wrapped her lips around the head.

  She brushed her thumb over the wide crest, spreading the white fluid around it, then she took him into her mouth, sucking him like a lollipop. Cosmo couldn’t stop the groan, his hand going to the back of her head, threading through all that hair she’d left down, loving the dark silky strands.

  Tai took her time, sliding up and down his dick, slowly driving him insane, inch by fucking inch, until the head of his cock was at the back of her throat. Cosmo was sure he could last a little longer, until she swallowed around the tip, making him groan. He struggled to contain the urge to move, to thrust his hips as she drew back until just the tip of him was in her mouth. Then she did it again and again. Each time she took him to the back of her throat, swallowing around the tip, his eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head, her pace picking up. Cosmo’s fingers curled in her hair, tugging, as he moaned in pleasure. Shit, he was supposed to have been making this about her pleasure, but she’d flipped the tables on him, giving him more than he’d ever gotten in all his life.

  When he realized she was giving more than taking, he moaned, pulling her off his cock. Yes he wanted to come, but he also wanted her to come again.

  “What did I do?” she asked, her lips red and puffy.

  “Nothing. Fuck, that was the best. God. I love your mouth.” He tugged her face down to him, rolling until she was under him. “I want the first time I come with you, to be in your pussy, not your mouth. Mind you, I will fill all your holes with my come b
efore I’m done, but the first time...” He kissed her, sliding his dick between her saturated folds before continuing. “The first time, I want to be balls deep inside you.”

  She shivered, her eyes going bright with need.

  “I want that too. Can we do that now?”

  Cosmo reached to the side, snagging his jeans from the floor to get a condom out of his wallet. He ripped the packet open with his teeth, watching as Tai turned away while he did.

  “Hey, what’s the matter?”

  A tear slid down her cheek.

  “Answer me, Tai.” He used his most authoritative tone, which had her sniffing, but she looked him in the eye.

  “I’ve never had without one of those but they made us take the ss...shot for extra protection. They’d talked about us having a surgery, so we couldn’t,” she stopped and looked away.

  He turned her back to face him, his touch gentle. “They were going to make you have a surgery so you couldn’t have children?”

  She nodded.

  “When did you have the shot?” he asked, hating the thought of anything between them as well. Even if she was due for another shot and she could get pregnant, he wanted that. Fuck, he wanted everything with her, which was insane.

  “Last month.”

  Cosmo tossed the condom to the side, settling his body back over her. “I don’t want anything between us either. I’m clean. I’ve never had sex without one since I was...since I was seventeen.”

  She raised her hands, holding his face between her palms. “We’re both so broken.”

  He turned his face so that he could kiss both her hands. “I told you we’re not broken, Baby, we’re survivors.”

  Her legs shifted, parting for him. He settled between them, running his eyes down her much softer figure. She was so damn small. “If you want me to stop, you just say the word.”

  She tugged until his face was right in front of hers. “Stop talking and start making me scream, Cosmo.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He rubbed his nose against hers, then trailed his hand between their bodies, lifting enough to test her wetness. Her pussy was so fucking wet, ready. He eased one finger, then two in, fucking her a little rougher than before.


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