Training Adam [Hard Hits 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Training Adam [Hard Hits 3] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 5

by Tatum Throne

  Seth came in close behind Adam, rolling the wood of the riding crop up the front of Adam’s chest. Adam sighed back into Seth’s arms as he pressed his cock between his ass cheeks. The piercings in Seth’s nipples seared against Adam’s back. He rolled the riding crop down to Adam’s cock, smoothing it over the long length of his throbbing dick. Seth rolled the riding crop off the tip of Adam’s cock and onto the top of the island. Hot hands smoothed over Adam’s chest and down the front of his legs. Heat brushed over Adam’s ass cheeks as though Seth blew his warm breath onto his ass. Sweat gathered at Adam’s temples and slid down his face as the tips of Seth’s thumbs pulled his ass cheeks open. Heat moved over the rim of Adam’s ass as Seth blew his heated breath over his ass. The tip of Seth’s tongue snaked out, licking over his rim.

  Adam moaned through the ball gag as Seth attacked his rim with his tongue and lips. He buried his face between Adam’s ass cheeks, taking him hard. Seth’s tongue flicked up and down, licking against his rim. All of a sudden, Seth pulled away. He kissed his way over Adam’s ass. Adam heard a licking sound, followed by a smack of lips coming together. A wet finger edged over Adam’s anus. Adam arched back into Seth’s touch as he pushed his finger into his ass. He slowly pulled and pushed back inside, over and over again. Lust spiraled through Adam’s body. His body shook for release. He wanted Seth fucking him hard.

  Seth’s fingers smoothed up between Adam’s ass cheeks, rubbing over the rim of his anus. Sweet kisses were licked over Adam’s ear as Seth smoothed his hands down his chest. Seth’s hard cock pressed between his ass cheeks, but didn’t push inside. Seth’s left hand locked around his balls as his right fisted his cock. He started to stroke him tip to base. Heat seared the rim of Adam’s ass as Seth kept his cock locked between his ass cheeks.

  “Come for me.”

  Adam wanted things to last longer. He wanted more of Seth, but he knew he wasn’t the one in control. Seth cranked his hand over Adam’s cock, making his sauce fly. Adam pumped his hips hard as Seth’s palm polished his cockhead. He let go of Adam’s cock, causing it to hit the underside of the island. Seth locked his hands up under Adam’s arms and kissed his way over his shoulder. He rubbed his cock between Adam’s ass cheeks. Seth’s cock vibrated violently as his orgasm shot through his body. He groaned hard, biting down on Adam’s shoulder as he came. The feel of Seth’s love bite had Adam’s cock jerking for more. Hot spunk shot over Adam’s back as Seth pumped himself up and down between his ass cheeks until his orgasm stopped. Seth released the ball gag from his mouth and pulled him around, kissing him possessively. Adam was drunk with love and emotion when he opened his eyes. Seth unlocked the cuffs.

  “You can’t stay the night.”

  Disappointment spiraled through Adam’s heart, but he knew now wasn’t the time to argue with Seth about it. Adam opened his mouth as though he was about to protest, but he quickly closed it. He felt far from used. He felt needy. He wanted more of Seth, but he was putting the brakes on things by building big boundaries. Adam decided to play his game for now.

  “I know. I’ll see you on Monday.”

  Chapter Six

  Adam woke up with a raging hard-on. His cock throbbed against his abs. Adjusting didn’t help. Things were not going to be normal today. Adam wasn’t sure how he was going to make it through the day without thinking about how Seth had handcuffed him, flogged him, and made his cock spout off like Old Faithful. He’d never come so hard or for so long before. Adam was positive it had everything to do with how hard he’d been flogged and the man doing the flogging. Adam rubbed his ass, feeling the sensitive area. He was certain he had light bruises. That thought turned him the fuck on.

  Something woke him up. He belatedly realized it was his cell phone. Adam fumbled the phone onto the floor before he leaned out of the bed and picked it up.


  “I didn’t think you were going to answer.”

  It was his brother Troy. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Open your front door. I’ve been knocking for the last five minutes.”

  “Okay, give me a minute. I just woke up,” Adam said.

  Oh, fuck. Adam could not open the door in this state. He swung his legs out of bed and looked down at his vibrating cock, poking out of the break in his boxers. He closed his eyes as he smoothed his hand over his dick, but it didn’t help. He yanked on a pair of jeans, stuffing his cock into his pants. He pulled on a T-shirt to cover the outline of his cock in his jeans. What the heck was Troy doing here? He didn’t call or stop by unless he wanted something.

  Adam opened the door to see his brother on the other side.

  “What’s up?”

  “I need a place to stay.”

  Surprise nearly knocked Adam out. He’d been down this road with Troy before. The last time Troy spent two years living with him while he was out of work. His place was cramped as it was. “Do you have a job?”

  “I’m going back to school.”

  “What school?”

  “Law school. I passed my L-SAT. I applied to U.C. and got in.”

  “That’s great!”

  “I’ll be in student housing in a few weeks, but my lease is up now. So what do you think?”

  A few weeks wouldn’t be so bad, Adam thought. They could get along for that amount of time. “Sure. I think we can make it work.”

  Troy sat down on the couch, and he kicked up his feet. “How’s work?”

  “I started a new job in Cincinnati. I’m working with a risk assessment team out of district four.”

  “Nice.” Troy seemed to struggle. “So...are you seeing anyone?”

  The gay thing wasn’t something Troy was comfortable with. “Nothing serious you need to worry about, okay? I won’t be bring anyone home.”


  Adam was tired of the awkward silences that lingered in the room. They all started the moment after Adam came out to his family. The looks were the worst. It wasn’t like anyone was going to catch the gay. They sure as hell treated him like he was contagious. And this was why he didn’t bother with seeing his family until mandatory days of obligation. That meant two to three times a year.

  “How about you? Are you seeing anyone?” Adam asked.

  “Nothing serious. I won’t be bringing anyone home, either.”

  Troy wouldn’t meet his gaze. Something was up, but Adam knew not to push too hard. With his family, things tended to break if things were pushed to the surface. It was all about the secrets and denial. His mom was the queen of not dealing with the issues. Adam’s father left his mom for another man when he was in high school. Like father like son, Adam thought bitterly. So, Adam didn’t need to wonder why his mom didn’t like to look at him.

  There were times Adam wanted things to change. He knew he couldn’t bring Seth around his family without having him getting hurt. Disappointment moved through his heart when he thought about how cut off he was from his family. Maybe he could change things by bringing Seth around. He would have to think about it before he decided.

  “Any stuff to move in?” Adam asked.

  “Nope. I put it all in storage already.”

  Adam gave him a deadpan look. “Were you planning on moving in with me this entire time, but just didn’t tell me?”

  “Yeah. I figured the less time you had to tell me no, the less likely you would.”

  The corners of Adam’s mouth ticked up. “Just make sure you pick up after yourself.”

  Troy smiled. “I guess you’re one of those prissy gay guys.”

  The teasing comment shocked the heck out of Adam. He laughed. “You have no idea how prissy I can get.”

  Laughter shot from Troy’s lips. “I guess I will get you that apron for Christmas.”

  Chapter Seven

  Where the fuck was Adam?

  Adam didn’t show up for work Monday morning. Worry had Seth wondering if it was due to what happened between them. Had he quit? Perhaps he was just late for training with the team? The trai
ning room was full. Twenty minutes into the workshop on the new Retraining Program, Adam slipped into the back. Their eyes brushed, and Seth tried not to glower. Just because they were fucking around didn’t mean he could take advantage of the situation by coming to work late.

  Seth felt his cell phone buzz, and he checked it. It was a text from Adam.

  Flat tire.

  Seth set aside his phone without responding. He’d deal with Adam when the workshop was over. A few minutes later, TJ slipped into the back, sitting next to Adam. Adam leaned over to TJ, whispering something that made TJ chuckle. Seth wanted to throw a chair through the window. Jealousy was a new emotion for him. He didn’t normally get so jealous over the lovers he took. He grabbed his cell phone and texted Adam.


  It was Adam’s turn to ignore Seth’s text. Adam wasn’t scheduled to train with him today. That should’ve meant out of sight and out of mind, but all thoughts were on Adam like a jealous, clingy, needy lover. What the hell was wrong with him? He clearly wasn’t following his own ground rules and was getting attached to Adam. But he was already attached, wasn’t he? They’d been talking for two weeks through the damn dating website he found. He didn’t get attached to anyone. Why not? asked the psychologist sitting on the big antique chair in his brain.

  Seth didn’t like to think about why he was on the outside of his life looking in. He’d always tried to do the right thing. He didn’t grow up in a traditional Irish-American family. His father was famous for his business dealings. They traveled around the world when he was growing up. He was a wild teen who thought the rules didn’t apply to him. After his first arrest for underage drinking, his dad sent him off to boarding school. Seth was convinced that decision saved his life and gave him a new calling. Sitting in the backseat of that police cruiser was the first moment he knew he wanted to be a cop.

  TJ whispered something to Adam again, and they both giggled like high school fuck-ups who had just smoked something illegal behind the bleachers.

  The pencil in Seth’s hand snapped, flinging the tip end-over-end down the conference room table. The eraser top dove off the end of the table and went flipping off into the air. The commotion didn’t go unnoticed by anyone in the room. Adam looked down at the broken pencil in Seth’s hand and smiled.

  Seth tuned into Major Crimes Detective Brayden Temple explaining the new retraining program. He paced the front of the room.

  “I expect compliance and your cooperation,” Brayden said. “Chief Anderson makes all the referrals that cross my desk. Any questions?”

  There were none.

  When the training was over, the room cleared out. Seth didn’t bother talking with Adam. Instead, he went back to his office to cool the fuck off. He was jealous. He was aroused. He was completely out of his mind just thinking about Adam all the time. Seth sat down at his desk and got to work. A few minutes later, Adam knocked and opened the door. The urge to climb the desk like a wild animal and pin Adam to the wall was overwhelming. He wanted to kiss Adam until he forgot all about how TJ made him laugh. He couldn’t close his eyes without seeing the intimate whispers they shared. The clicking of the doorknob knocked Seth back into reality. He couldn’t go there with Adam at work, but God help him he wanted to. He was a Dom out of control. This was not good.

  “What’s up?” Seth asked.

  “I think I made a good connection with TJ. He thinks it will help if someone from RAT rides along with SWAT.”

  It was a good idea. Why hadn’t Seth ever thought about it? “Does he want you to?”

  “Sounds like.”

  “Okay, I’ll make it happen. You’ll have to go through more training.”

  “I have some SWAT training through my work with CPD.”

  “Yeah, well you haven’t been through our program yet.”

  Adam sighed. “About tonight.”

  It was the only thing on Seth’s mind, too. “Come over around eight. We can do dinner at my place first.”

  That same smile broke Adam’s lips. “Can’t wait.”

  Neither could he. Adam left the office, leaving Seth in a wake of sexual lust. What the heck was he doing?

  Chapter Eight

  Adam was nervous when he knocked on Seth’s apartment door. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gotten so anxious about seeing a guy, probably not since high school. The door opened with Seth looking freshly showered and hot as hell. There was a hard distance to Seth that wasn’t there before. Adam could only assume what put it there. Seth shut the door behind him and turned him up against the door, kissing him hard.

  A gasp of surprise escaped Adam’s mouth, giving Seth the opening to flick his tongue across his lips. Their tongues connected, and Adam sighed into the kiss, stabbing his fingers through Seth’s hair. He loved kissing Seth. Kissing was something Adam loved to do, and having a partner that loved it as much as he did heightened his arousal. Adam groaned when Seth reached down, squeezing his ass hard. His cock filled painfully fast, trapping it between his leg and pant seam. Seth reached his hand between them, rubbing his palm over Adam’s cock. Seth pulled his mouth away, breathing like he’d just sprinted three hundred yards.

  “I’ve wanted to fucking kiss you all day,” Seth said.

  Their foreheads touched. “I love the way you kiss me. I love how talented your tongue is.”

  Seth groaned, bringing his lips down upon Adam’s again in a hot, wet kiss that held nothing back. Seth pulled his lips away, kissing his way down Adam’s neck and licking his way up over his ear. Adam’s knees went weak when Seth’s teeth nipped at his ear.

  “I thought you wanted dinner,” Adam teased.

  “I do, but I’m going to have you first. I want to get to know everything about you. What you like and don’t like and what you want more of.”

  Adam knew without a doubt he was going to get past Seth’s kitchen and living room this time. Seth ran his hands down Adam’s arms, linking their hands together. He was led through the hallway to Seth’s bedroom. Floor-to-ceiling windows were throughout the apartment.

  “Undress. We’re doing a body inspection.”

  Body inspection? A flash of heat raced through Adam’s body. He never had a lover inspect what he had to offer before. The order was made on a husky note. There was something different about Seth. It was something Adam didn’t know how to define. There was something possessive and predatory about the way he was looking at Adam. Slowly, Adam reached for his belt, unbuckling it. Lights from the city created an ambient glow within the room. There was little moonlight. Seth was in the shadows across the room.

  “You’re still not undressed,” Seth said.

  Adam’s cock was rock hard. It sprang free, slapping against his abdomen from the tension in his shaft. He slipped off his jeans and shirt, folding them neatly. Every muscle within Adam’s body was tense with need.

  “Stand here.”

  He crossed the room to the spot Seth indicated. Adam trembled under Seth’s soft gaze. Seth looked at his body from head to toe, lingering a long time on his cock. He walked around Adam.

  “You’re perfect,” Seth said.

  The corner of Adam’s mouth ticked up. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t get arrogant on me, sub,” Seth warned.

  “What are you going to do, punish me?”


  Lightning splintered across the sky. The storm was miles away, but the one in the bedroom was just beginning. Sweat glistened on Adam’s skin. Cool air from the heating system blew across his shoulders. With soft touches, Seth smoothed his hands over Adam’s ass, pulling him in tight against his chest. A gasp of sensual need escaped Adam’s lips when they were skin to skin. They were eye to eye and a breath away. Seth rubbed his hands over his ass, bouncing his ass up and down.

  “Do you trust me?” Seth asked.

  “God, yes.”

  “You will need a safe word today. It can be anything you want.”

  “Let’s go with red.”

bsp; “Red it is.”

  Seth let go of Adam’s ass, walking around to stand behind Adam. He placed featherlight kisses on the nape of Adam’s neck. Sensations rippled over Adam’s skin, making him go weak. A blindfold came over Adam’s eyes. Despite his fear of having one of his senses taken away, he trusted Seth.


  Seth chuckled. “Maybe we should stop.”

  “Not yet. I just wanted to test out my word.”

  Shivers skipped over Adam’s skin and landed heavily in his cock. He sensed Seth walking around. Adam gasped and flexed his hips forward when Seth’s hand gripped his cock, stroking it base to tip, but he didn’t linger long.

  “Don’t move.”

  He heard Seth walk away. The strike of a match sounded somewhere across the room. Sulfur lingered in the air. Adam’s heart started to race. He trusted Seth completely, but he really didn’t like being in the dark.

  * * * *

  Seth could see that Adam was trembling as he waited. His gaze was locked on Adam as he undressed. Dark hair wrapped around his thick thighs, dark chest hair tapered over his abdomen muscles. Adam’s cock pounded with the steady beat of his heart, and they hadn’t yet truly begun. He was perfect. This man could ruin him. The truth of it made Seth’s knees go weak. He took two leather cuffs from the trunk by his bed and went to Adam. Seth purposely blew his heated breath across his skin, making Adam shiver in anticipation. He locked his left wrist first and then his right. Seth linked his hands together in front, locking them together.


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