Dear Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance (Forbidden First Times Book 3)

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Dear Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance (Forbidden First Times Book 3) Page 2

by Sofia T Summers

  I opened Lincoln’s bedroom door and rushed to his bedside. “Linc? Linc, Daddy needs you to get up now,” I whispered to my sleeping son as I stroked his hair gently. “You don’t want to be late for school, do you?”

  At those words, the child’s eyes widened, and he shot up in the bed. “School time! School time!” he cried excitedly.

  “Now, be a good boy and get yourself dressed, okay?” I said. “Daddy needs to go see what’s happening with Nanny Mandy.” Lincoln was already heading for his dresser and pulling out his favorite clothes before I even finished my sentence. I silently thanked God that he had given me such a wonderful kid.

  I pulled my phone out from the pocket of my slacks and began to scroll through my contacts when I heard a key twist in the door. My head flew upward and as the door opened, the nanny entered with a flustered expression and I felt my frustration rise. Mandy Temple was a fairly attractive thirty-something woman with a penchant for the color blue and taking care of children. I’d hired her on the good recommendation of one of my friends from college. Now, I was starting to wonder if I should have looked around a little more.

  “I’m so, so sorry Mr. Wendall,” Mandy began as she walked in and closed the door behind her. “Traffic was a nightmare and I—”

  “Don’t worry,” I said in a harsher tone than usual. “Just make sure Lincoln gets to kindergarten safely, okay?”

  “Yes, Mr. Wendall.”

  I strode toward the door to leave just as Lincoln emerged from his bedroom, haphazardly dressed with his shirt on backwards. “Daddy, are you going?” he asked.

  I sighed and turned. “Yes, Linc, I’ve got a lot of work to do today,” I said, crouching down to talk to him at eye level.

  “But, but… I thought you were taking me to school today,” he protested, pouting his lip adorably. “I wanted you to take me to school! You never take me anymore!” Lincoln stomped his foot on the ground and wrapped his arms around my leg.

  “I’m sorry, Lincoln, I really have to go. Nanny Mandy will take you, okay?” I used the firmer tone I reserved for Lincoln when he needed discipline. He seemed to understand as he let go of me, but tears were still pouring down his face.

  “I promise we’ll do something together soon, okay?” I told him with a smile before reaching out and cupping his small, chubby cheek. “I love you, son.” I kissed his forehead before turning and leaving before he could argue any further.

  Just another thing I feel awful about, I thought to myself as I made my way to my car. I rubbed a hand over my face and sighed. This is all a bit much for a Monday.

  As I arrived at the office, I began to wonder if I’d made a mistake letting my parents choose my newest employee. I trusted my parents, of course I did, but it felt strange to hand the reins back to them since they’d already retired and put me in charge. I wondered if they regretted the decision, but before I could dwell on that subject for too long, I shook my head and walked inside the old, rustic building.

  The inside was familiar and comforting in a way. I had yet to redecorate since my parents had left and so, it still reminded me of the place I’d grown up in. The walls were decorated with brown paint and vine patterns had been illustrated through the middle. The office was small and had only one separate room designated for the acting manager/CEO. However, I wasn’t looking at any of that as I walked inside. Instead, I was peering down at the schedule on my phone as I walked through the door.

  “Peter? Are you here yet?” I called out into the quiet office as I strode confidently toward my door.

  When I looked up, however, it wasn’t my male colleague standing there. No, it was a beautiful, curvy woman who stood there facing my office door. From behind, I could see how her tight pantsuit hugged every curve of her body and how she was wiggling her hips from side to side a little as though she was nervous about something. It was strange to see someone so similar to the women I pictured in my fantasies that it unnerved me for a moment. I stood there slack-jawed and staring for a second before I realized just how inappropriate my behavior was.

  Eventually, I shook my head and approached her since she’d obviously not heard me before.

  “Hello there, can I help you?” I asked as I reached her.

  Immediately, the stranger turned and looked at me surprised. The coffee she was holding slipped out of her hand and smacked me in the stomach. I didn’t get a good look at her face in that moment because I was distracted by the scalding hot liquid pouring down my shirt.

  “Ah! Shit!” I cried as I reached down to pat at my white shirt that was now stained brown.

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” the woman exclaimed before taking a step backward and kneeling to pick up the paper cup. “I promise, I didn’t mean to do that at all.”

  “Of course, you didn’t,” I muttered as I reached for my handkerchief in my pocket. I began to dab at my shirt with a sigh. “I hope I have a spare in my office or I’m going to have to run home…”

  The woman had taken tissues out of her bag and was mopping up the carpet floor as best she could before standing and tossing the empty paper cup into the nearest bin. “Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked in a concerned voice.

  “No, no, don’t worry about it,” I told her with a dismissive wave of my hand.

  She stood in front of me fidgeting nervously and it was terribly distracting. “I really am sorry though,” she continued, “I was told to wait here by the receptionist downstairs. Please don’t fire me, it’s my very first day.”

  Hearing those words caused me to pause my clean up and lift my head. I let myself take in her appearance properly for the first time. She had a purse and a briefcase. She was wearing office-appropriate clothes, even if they did make my pulse quicken a little, and she was twiddling her thumbs anxiously. My green eyes met her brown ones and I was taken in by just how beautiful her face was. I’d thought she was pretty much perfect for me before I’d even taken in her heart-shaped face and her rosy red cheeks. Now, I was a total goner.

  Shit, this is bad. This is really bad.

  Even though I wanted to reach out and embrace her, perhaps even kiss her, I held myself back. This was a workplace and I was a professional. Just because this woman looked exactly my type didn’t mean that I’d like her personality. I needed to keep a level-head and act like the manager I needed to be.

  So, I plastered on a polite smile and thrust my hand out to shake hers. “You must be my new accountant then,” I said, “my name is Quentin and I’ll be your boss while you work here.”



  Never before had I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole more than I did right then. Not only had I just poured coffee all down my new boss’ shirt, but I could feel my body heating once I realized just how drop dead gorgeous he was. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from his for a long moment. They were green like the lush vegetable fields I’d driven past on my way here. I didn’t think I’d ever seen someone’s eyes look so green before and I felt like I might get lost in them.

  When I realized I’d been staring and I hadn’t taken his hand, my face flamed in embarrassment. “Oh, right, I’m Billie,” I told him as I placed my own sweaty palm in his cool one and grimaced before hastily pulling it back. “Billie Nichols.”

  This was supposed to be my new start and it felt like I’d already totally ruined it. How on Earth was this guy going to take someone as nervous and clumsy as me seriously? He probably thought I was totally wrong for the job and I was going to get fired.

  Oh God, I’m going to get fired, I thought as I worried my bottom lip with my teeth. I could feel my nerves jittering under my skin. The man in front of me – Quentin – didn’t look impressed at all. Although, his expression was blank, his eyes were narrowed and evaluating as they looked me over.

  “Come with me, Billie,” he said after a few seconds of silence and then proceeded to move past me and toward the office door I’d been staring at just moments ago. The sight of him
walking away wasn’t any better than seeing him up close. His ass looked fantastic in his slacks and I cursed myself for having already made a fool of myself.

  I followed behind him meekly making short footsteps and letting out a sigh. I couldn’t believe I’d screwed up so badly already. I definitely wanted to just melt away in a puddle and disappear so I didn’t have to deal with this anymore. But then I thought about how my mom had called me brave before I left my hometown and I knew I couldn’t give up. Even if I was fired, I had to at least try, for myself and for my new start and for my mom.

  “You can sit here,” Quentin told me with a gesture toward the chair opposite his desk. I did as I was told and sat down while he rummaged around in the closet behind the desk.

  “Ah! Here it is,” he exclaimed as he pulled out a crisp white shirt and held it out triumphantly. “Just give me a moment please, Billie.”

  I nodded and he disappeared behind a door to the right which looked like a private bathroom from the quick glimpse I saw while the door was open. Just how rich was this guy? I knew the wine business here was doing well, but I didn’t really know all that much about profits and sales. I was still a little out of my depth here and I worried that it showed.

  Soon enough, Quentin re-emerged in his fresh shirt and took his seat behind the desk. “So, I’m going to guess that you’ve not even seen Peter yet?” he asked with a quirked eyebrow.

  I nodded my head, feeling shy and nervous. I was sure that even if I did attempt to talk that nothing would come out—or worse, I’d say something to embarrass myself further.

  “Great, great, great,” he muttered to himself as he shuffled around a few pieces of clutter on the desk. Eventually, Quentin uncovered his desk phone and let out a sigh of relief. I watched as he began to dial a number before leaning back in his chair and holding the receiver of the phone between his shoulder and his cheek.

  “Oh, hey, Peter!” he exclaimed with a small smile after a few seconds. “It’s Quentin. How’s it going?”

  I stared down at my hands which were dangling uselessly on my lap, feeling awfully out of place. Just who was this ‘Peter’ guy? And what did Quentin want him to come here for? A chilling thought echoed throughout my mind. If Quentin was that desperate for Peter to get here, then maybe he’s a security guard.

  I gulped. Oh, no. Maybe I’m going to get escorted out.

  “Yeah, I’m in my office right now. Yes, she’s here. Can you come join us? Okay, see you soon. Bye now.” Quentin hung up the phone and looked across the desk at me once more. His eyes were assessing as they moved down my body and I even though I was freaking out a little, I couldn’t help but hope that he liked what he saw.

  Oh my God, Billie, what is wrong with you?! I chided myself before feeling my cheeks flood with heat. As if I hadn’t embarrassed myself enough, I was actually starting to fantasize about my new boss! It was actually mortifying and I kind of wished I could just curl up into a ball and die.

  My self-destructive thoughts were interrupted, however, when the door behind me creaked open. I let out a small gasp, having been lost in my imagination, and I turned to see who had entered. It was unbelievable. Not only did I have a crazy handsome man sit directly in front of me, but another gorgeous guy walked in behind me! They were different, of course. Quentin had blond hair and green eyes while the man who had just entered had dark hair and blue eyes. He also looked younger than my new boss and a little leaner, but aside from that, I couldn’t help but think that I was dreaming.

  “What the hell do they put in the water up here in Napa?” I whispered to myself.

  “What did you say?” Quentin asked with an inquisitive expression.


  He stared at me for a long moment before finally looking over at the person who had just entered and was waiting patiently by the door. “You’re looking well, Peter,” Quentin commented with a smile.

  Of course, that’s Peter. My whole body began to tense up as I imagined being hoisted out of my chair and thrown from the building. I really didn’t want to crawl back home to my mom. Not now. Not when I finally managed to escape.

  I’d managed to totally zone out and miss whatever conversation the two men in the room were having. It was only when I heard my name mentioned that I realized I wasn’t paying any attention.

  “Okay, so it’s decided then,” Quentin continued. “Peter, you can escort her to her office and answer any questions she may have. Once you’re finished, make sure you come back here. I have a lot to discuss with you.”

  His tone was brief and sharp. The fact that he didn’t even use my name once didn’t escape my notice. Clearly, I’d already gotten off on the wrong foot with him and I was determined not to ruin things even further. As such, I pushed up onto my feet and turned, heading toward Peter and the door.

  “Nice to meet you, Peter, I’m Billie,” I said in a quiet, polite voice before offering him my hand.

  “Peter Isso, I’m the Front of House Manager here,” he said as he shook my hand. “Let me show you to your office. I’ll see you later, Quentin.”

  The two of us left the room without another word from the boss and I could feel my muscles relax as soon as I was out of the tense atmosphere. Peter began striding forward out of the main office and toward a door I hadn’t noticed before.

  “This will be your new home away from home,” Peter explained as he pushed open the wooden door and ushered me inside. “We’ve already got a computer set up for you here with a desk and a chair as you can see, but you’ll need to adjust the seat yourself, if you have any problems with that just let me know.”

  I nodded as I took a few steps inside and admired my new surroundings. The room had oak furnishings and a large window overlooking the vineyard. I approached it and peered out to see the sun shining on the green vines. The place was beautiful and I couldn’t believe this was my new workplace. It made me feel even more determined to salvage the bad start I had with my boss.

  “You can leave your things here while I take you on a tour of the building,” Peter told me as he hovered near the door. “I still need to show you the fire exits and walk you through the amenities we have here on site.”

  I nodded. “Sounds great.”

  Even though I’d gotten a glimpse of the fields on my way in and from the view in my office, it was nothing compared to being out amongst the vines. The purple fruit hanging from each one looked absolutely delicious and I desired so badly to reach out and grab one. I imagined how sweet and juicy it would taste when I first bit into it. However, I restrained myself. The last thing I wanted to be accused of was stealing the produce.

  I’d missed something that Peter was explaining while I’d been zoned out and so, I turned back to him and just nodded politely. All too soon, we were already walking back inside since Peter had only taken me outside to demonstrate where the fire exits were. Even as we walked back to the building, however, I couldn’t help gazing out over the growing fruit with a smile.

  Life here just might be nice after all, I thought. We re-entered the lobby and I looked over at Peter with an inquisitive expression on my face.

  “Do you enjoy working here, Peter?” I asked after a moment.

  “It’s the best job I’ve ever had,” he admitted to me. “Why do you ask?”

  I sighed before turning back to him with a smile. “I want to find the place where I belong and this place is so beautiful, I…” I trailed off before shaking my head. “It’s silly.”

  “No, please, carry on,” Peter encouraged.

  “This place is so beautiful; it all feels like a bit of a dream.”

  “Well, if it was a dream, surely you’d be getting paid more,” he commented with a laugh.

  I chuckled. “Yeah, I guess.” My pay was more than fair based on my experience and compared to my previous salary, but he was right in some aspects. This place wasn’t perfect. My boss was problematic already. If it was a dream, everything would have gone smoothly. No, this was my rea
lity and it was time to make or break it.

  Peter led me back to my new office once the tour was over and I let myself relax back into my new office chair. With a quick press of a button, my computer began roaring to life and I couldn’t wait to get stuck into whatever new systems I’d have to learn in order to complete my job. I was distracted looking at the screen when I heard Peter clear his throat.

  “Um, I’ll just get going back to Quentin then. Call me if you need anything.”

  “Okay, thanks, Peter. I’ll see you later,” I said. As soon as the door closed behind him, I breathed a long sigh of relief and closed my eyes for just a moment. This is it, Billie. You’ve got this, I told myself as I began to click through the menus on the computer to find the programs I needed to begin organizing the accounts. It was familiar and comforting though the products were different, but it didn’t matter. Numbers were numbers no matter where in the world I was and that was enough.



  It took longer than I expected for Peter to come back to me. I began to wonder if our new accountant had too many questions or whether Peter had forgotten about me altogether. In an effort to distract myself from thinking about the new curvy member of staff, I put my head down and focused on my work. By doing so, I’d managed to accomplish twice as many tasks in half the time. Thankfully, there wasn’t much that needed attending to and I’d completed everything that needed to be done from the office. Everything else could be accomplished from home.

  It was an appealing idea to finish up my work from home. I let my gaze fall to the picture of Lincoln that I kept in a dark oak frame on my desk. It was taken on his second birthday and he was still so small in the picture as he clutched at his old baby blanket. His hair was much shorter and darker than it was now, but his eyes were still the same shade of emerald green. He’d grown almost double in size now and I kind of missed the days when he was younger.


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