Dear Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance (Forbidden First Times Book 3)

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Dear Boss: A Single Dad Office Romance (Forbidden First Times Book 3) Page 10

by Sofia T Summers

  “Are you ready to set everything up for your party tonight?” I asked him as I ruffled his soft hair.

  “Yes!” he practically screamed before jumping up from the floor and scattering his papers everywhere. “Let’s start with the cake!”

  “Whatever you want, birthday boy,” I told him with a big smile.

  After that, Lincoln ran for the kitchen. It was difficult to get the enthusiastic little guy to concentrate on the instructions and actually put the right amount of ingredients into the bowl, so I ended up getting him to focus on making the decorations instead. Once the cake was mixed, we placed it into the oven and while I began to clean the whole apartment, Lincoln played with some of his new toys.

  It didn’t take long to get the apartment looking presentable and by that time, the cake was ready to be placed on the cooling rack. I gathered the different colors of fondant icing that Lincoln liked – green, blue, and yellow – and checked that everything else was ready for the final touches.

  Spending a quiet afternoon with my son was more relaxing than anything else I’d done in a long time. I baked a lasagna ready for our guests while he rabbited on about his new toys and his party. In spite of how enjoyable the time we spent together was, I couldn’t help wonder if something was missing.

  “Daddy, is the pretty lady from your office coming still?” Lincoln asked as I checked the bubbling cheese on the top of the lasagna.

  I sighed. “Her name is Billie, Linc. While she’s here, you’ve got to call her Billie and nothing else. Okay?”

  “Why?” he asked, tilting his head to one side.

  The infamous ‘why’ question asked by every toddler and dreaded by every parent. I gave him my best attempt at a smile in spite of my inner ire. “Because people like being called by their names okay. You can’t call them something different without their permission. Okay?”

  “Oh, okay.” Lincoln shrugged and carried on playing with the new set of dinosaurs I’d bought him for his birthday.

  I was glad he seemed to understand what I meant. I’d already had to explain to him earlier in the week that just because he liked Billie, it didn’t mean she was going to be his ‘new mama’. It was a lot more complicated than that and while I couldn’t expect him to understand, at the very least, I didn’t want to disappoint him. I also didn’t want him to bring up such an awkward topic in front of Billie either. Not while I was still struggling with how I felt about her.

  Just before six o’clock arrived, I’d finished putting up all the party decorations perfect for a science geek’s birthday. The living room looked livelier than it had done in months and I couldn’t help but smile. When the buzzer rang, my heart began pounding in my chest. Was it her? Was it Billie? There was only one way to find out.

  With a spring in my step, I hurried to the door and pressed the intercom. “Hello?”

  “Hello, Quentin. It’s Mom and Dad. Buzz us up!”

  I let out a sigh of relief and pressed the button to let them in. As soon as they walked inside, Lincoln’s whole face lit up and he rushed toward them. “Nana! Papa!”

  “Happy birthday, Linc!” they exclaimed in unison.

  “Have you had a good day so far?” my mom asked him and he nodded in response.

  “Did you get any new toys, son?” my dad questioned.

  “Yeah! Daddy bought me so many! Come see!” He grabbed my father’s hand and dragged him toward the living room where the majority of his new toys were strewn across the carpet.

  “I’ll check on the food, dear,” my mom said before leaning in and kissing my cheek. “It’s good to see you.”

  “You too,” I told her with a smile. “You know, the lasagna is almost—”

  The buzzer rang again and I was interrupted. “Don’t worry about a thing, dear. Go see to your guests,” my mom told me with gentle eyes and a kind smile. “I can see you’ve put a lot of hard work in today. I’m here to help.”

  “Thanks.” I returned to the intercom totally unprepared when I heard Billie’s voice through the speaker.

  “Quentin? It’s Billie, you know, from work?” she spoke with confidence.

  “I know who you are,” I replied quickly. “The door is open.”


  And just like that, the girl of my dreams was climbing the stairs up to my apartment and I was beginning to feel a little panicky. I’d been trying so hard to avoid her and yet, somehow she’d ended up worming her way into my life. The worst part about it all was how much everyone in my life seemed to adore her—especially Lincoln.

  As soon as I opened the door to her, my son had beelined straight for her and was hugging her legs tight. “Billie! Billie! Billie!” he cried excitedly. “You’re here! You’re at my house!”

  She laughed and it was a beautiful sound. “Of course I am, little dude. I told you I was coming didn’t I? I always keep my promises.” She smiled down at him and I couldn’t look away from her naturally attractive face where her soft, round cheeks were tinted pink from the cold evening air outside.

  “Are those for me?” Lincoln asked as he glanced up at the packages in her hands.

  It was the first time I drew my eyes away from her face and I realized that Billie had brought not one but two presents for my son’s birthday. I quirked an eyebrow at her as though to let her know that she had gone overboard, but she didn’t seem to care.

  “Of course, they are! You’re the only birthday boy here, aren’t you?” she told Lincoln and he brightened up.”

  “You didn’t have to do that, you know,” I interjected in a disapproving voice. I instantly felt her disdain for me when her eyes finally flicked away from my son and she looked at me heatedly.

  “I do a lot of things I don’t have to, Quentin,” she retorted sassily. “It’s the best part about being a free woman.” She turned back to Lincoln soon after that and kneeled down to hand him his presents. “Here you go, buddy. I hope you like them.”

  “You can open them after dinner, Linc,” I told him. “Go put them on the pile.”

  Despite her obvious teasing, I couldn’t help but smile at Billie. She’d always been a little mischievous and sassy around me and I hated how much I liked it. My dad and mom were just as happy to see Billie as Lincoln had been and both of him gave me meaningful glances whenever they could. It was clear that everyone was onboard the Billie train. Everyone except for me, of course.

  Thankfully more guests turned up before my parents could get too carried away and dinner was soon served to the happiness of everyone. Lasagna was always a crowd pleaser and I knew Lincoln would enjoy it since it was his favorite. I was grateful to my mom for teaching me how to cook from a young age.

  “This is delicious. Did you make this, Mrs. Wendall?” Billie cooed in between bites and I couldn’t help but preen.

  “No, actually,” my mom replied with a small smile. “I just served it up, this was all Quentin.” The two of them looked my way. My mom’s expression was proud while Billie’s was intrigued. I couldn’t help but enjoy her attention, even though I knew I shouldn’t have.

  Once dinner was finished, I served up the cake Lincoln and I had decorated together alongside some ice cream. After that, everyone’s appetites were satiated and we moved into the living room for present time.

  “Can I open Billie’s first?” Lincoln asked with big, wide eyes.

  “You’ve got an admirer there, Billie,” my dad remarked before elbowing her playfully.

  “Oh, I’ve noticed,” she admitted with a laugh.

  “Of course, you can, Linc,” I told him with a smile, ignoring the other conversation happening beside me.

  “Thank you! Thank you!” Lincoln exclaimed as he ran to collect Billie’s packages. Once they were sat on the floor in front of him, he tore them open excitedly and then practically screamed when he saw the contents. “This is amazing! Thank you, Billie!” He ran up to her and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

  The woman in question blushed and smil
ed fondly over at him. “You deserve it, Linc,” she said in a soft voice that made my heart flutter. It was impossible not to imagine her as Lincoln’s new mother like he wanted. The two of them hadn’t known each other long and yet, they clearly already had a special bond forming. It was wonderful and infuriating at the same time.

  “Billie, will you help me?” Lincoln asked as he tore into his ‘My First Science Kit’ box.

  “Of course,” she told him and crossed the room to begin setting up the play chemistry laboratory. The sight of the two of them working so well together pulled at my heartstrings. I tried to tear my eyes away, but it was difficult.

  “She’s really something, isn’t she?” my dad remarked as he came to sit on the sofa next to me.

  “She’s all right,” I said with a shrug. The lie was obvious to myself, but I hoped it would convince my father at least.

  “If you say so, son,” he replied, clearly unconvinced. “But if I was in your shoes, I know I’d be a fool not to take her off the market. If you know what I mean.”

  I’d just opened a can of soda and was midway through taking a sip when I almost choked at my dad’s words. I coughed and spluttered before having to put the can down. Meanwhile, my dad just laughed and clapped me on the back.

  “You’ll understand me one day, son,” my father added before walking away and chuckling to himself.



  Time passed so quickly when I was playing with Lincoln it was unreal. I hadn’t meant to stay quite as late as I had, but it was hard to drag myself away from the birthday boy. He was so precocious, funny, and inquisitive. Honestly, he was such a pleasure to spend time with that I was beginning to regret allowing myself to get so close to him. After all, I didn’t want my heart broken.

  “Billie, look what I made!” Lincoln announced as he held up a model figure of Mars that he had put together from one of his kits. His eyes were sparkling with delight and he smiled happily at me. “It’s so cool!”

  I smiled down at him. “It’s very cool. You’re a talented little guy, aren’t you?”

  Lincoln nodded before turning back to his model and trying to piece the parts together. “Here, let me help,” I told him as I picked up the instructions. Helping him out distracted me from the guests leaving behind me. I only looked up when it was time for Quentin’s parents to leave.

  “Lincoln! Come say goodbye to Nana and Papa!” Quentin called from the doorway of the apartment. When I looked over at them, I noticed that both Mr. and Mrs. Wendall were already bundled up in their coats. They were smiling over at Lincoln and myself happily.

  “Okay, Daddy!” Lincoln cried back and went running over to his grandparents. I busied myself tidying up the science kits we’d been working on while Lincoln said goodbye and I offered a smile and a wave to them myself before they finally departed.

  It was only then that I realized the three of us were alone. I’d stayed longer than Lincoln’s actual family members and the thought made my face flush. Before I could think about excusing myself and heading home, however, Quentin spoke up.

  “I’m just going to take Linc to bed now,” he said as he tapped his child on the back. “Come on, little guy. Let’s get you tucked in.”

  “Mm’kay,” Lincoln replied sleepily before the two of them headed down the corridor and out of sight.

  All of a sudden, I was left alone with my thoughts. This is the worst, I said to myself. These are the kinds of situations you’re supposed to avoid, not run headfirst into. I shook my own head and sighed. It wasn’t as though I’d planned it this way, it just sort of happened.

  In order to distract myself, I pushed up onto my feet from the floor and headed toward the kitchen. I collected up all the glasses and cans on my way and put them in the sink and trash can respectively. There wasn’t much mess, but I went ahead and washed the dishes while I waited for Quentin to come back.

  You should just leave, a voice in my head told me. Don’t even risk it. It was a tempting idea, but I’d had such a fun time that I didn’t want to ruin it by being rude. After all, Quentin was my boss. Even if he’d been so hot and cold with me in the past, it didn’t mean I should be rude too.

  Once I finished the dishes, Quentin re-emerged and quirked an eyebrow at me. “What are you doing?” he asked in a gruff voice. His arms were crossed over his chest. He couldn’t have looked more unwelcoming if he tried.

  I cleared my throat awkwardly. “I just thought I’d help clean up,” I told him, feigning confidence as I dried my hands. “Don’t worry, boss man. I’ll be on my way now. I know you’re not the one who wanted me here anyway.” I gave him a pointed look before strutting past him on my way to collect my things. But I was stopped by a firm grip on my arm.

  I turned my head and looked down to see Quentin’s hand holding me tight. I almost rolled my eyes. What was happening here? Did he want me or not? He was the hardest person to read. I glanced up at his face and noticed that his eyes were blown wide with arousal. He licked his lips. It was clear he wanted me.

  “Are you just going to kiss me and then ignore me again?” I asked with a sigh.

  “No,” he replied instantly in a deep, low growl of a voice.

  All of a sudden, his big hands were pushing me back against the kitchen counter while his lips devoured mine. I gasped, surprised but excited. No matter how much I’d told myself that being with Quentin was wrong, I still couldn’t resist him.

  His strong hands held my wrists against the wall while his lips pressed insistently against my mouth. His tongue slid inside and the warmth of him against me made me melt. Every instinct within me was screaming to hold on tight to this hot, powerful man and never let him go, so that’s exactly what I did.

  Quentin’s hands went to my dress and his fingers tickled along my waist and down to my hips. He groaned as he grabbed at my curves and I couldn’t help but enjoy the attention. Not many people had nice things to say about my figure, but the way that Quentin touched me with desperation told me that he wasn’t one of them.

  I threw my head back as his kisses trailed down my neck and toward my breasts. He tugged my dress down, exposing more of my cleavage, before sucking and biting at the tender flesh there. I couldn’t contain my moans. It was everything I wanted from him and so much more, but I was greedy. I wanted to go further.

  “Bedroom?” I whispered breathily as Quentin’s hands began wandering up my thighs and under my skirt.

  “Fuck yes,” he grunted before dragging me away from the counter.

  Our journey through the apartment was halted as we both barely managed to keep our hands off one another. Every now and then Quentin would push me up against the wall and make out with me until I was breathless. It caused my head to spin and I was feeling dizzy but happy.

  When we finally reached the bedroom door, Quentin kicked the door closed behind us and hurried me over to the bed. He shed his shirt and tie as he walked toward me and I couldn’t help but let my eyes linger on his muscular upper body. He was even better looking than I’d imagined and I felt my entire body tingle in anticipation of seeing more, of feeling more.

  Quentin pushed me down until my back was flat against the bedsheets. He was frantic as he kissed me while his hands roamed downward. He pushed my dress up and dropped to his knees on the floor in front of me. He parted my legs easily before diving between them to kiss up the smooth skin of my inner thighs. Each touch closer to my most sensitive place had me moaning and arching my back, begging for him to finally soothe the ache inside me.

  “Please, Quentin. Please, touch me,” I groaned.

  Quentin’s movements paused for a moment before he finally let out a guttural moan and reached up to yank my panties down my legs. He threw them behind him and pushed my dress up to my waist. His fingers delicately trailed up my shivering legs before plunging into the heat of my wet pussy.

  “Oh, fuck,” I muttered as my eyes fell closed.

  Quentin was an expert as he pleasured me wit
h his fingers. They circled my clit and dipped inside me, pressing all my buttons one after the other. I was sure I was about to come when finally, he ducked his head and pressed his hot tongue against me. It was the last straw. I came with a moan while my vision blurred a little. It was the most intense orgasm I’d had in a long time.

  Seeming pleased by my response, Quentin looked up at me and I heard the telltale sound of a belt unbuckling. Before I had even recovered from the onslaught of his pleasure, I felt the hard tip of his cock pressing against my pulsating hole. I should have put a stop to things there. Foreplay was one thing, but going all the way would be the end of my career. I’d forever be known as the girl who fucked her boss. But I couldn’t. I was desperate for him to take me and bring me more of that intoxicating pleasure.

  He didn’t tease me for long. Just a second later, Quentin pushed deep inside me with one long, hard thrust. It punched the air out of both our lungs and we collapsed together, sweating and desperate. Our mouths crashed together as our bodies moved to a rhythm as old as time. His hands snuck under my dress and feverishly touched me, groping my tits and ass like he couldn’t get enough of them.

  “Yes, Billie, you feel so good,” Quentin groaned as he thrust inside me over and over again. His big, hard cock was filling me up and rubbing against all the best spots inside me. Wave after wave of pleasure was crashing over me and I could barely speak.

  Stamina hadn’t been a strong point of any of my previous partners, so Quentin was a wonderful surprise. He fucked me for so long that I’d lost count of the number of times he made me come. All I remembered was how good it felt to be surrounded by him. His breathing began to quicken and his grip on my ass tightened and I knew he was close. Wanting to help him come, I leaned up and kissed him, slipping my tongue inside his mouth before moving my hips faster in time with his own.


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