Thisbe An Extraordinary Cat Her Adventures Continue...

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Thisbe An Extraordinary Cat Her Adventures Continue... Page 10

by Terri Cabral

  Chapter 10: Something’s Strange

  One morning, I heard Ana speaking into the telephone. My ears perked up when I heard a familiar name. “Hello Aunt Belinda, it’s me, Ana. Yes, it’s Ana, your niece. I’m back in the area. Did you see the newspaper articles about our new theatre? We’ve been really busy all summer but I have some time now. I was wondering if you would like a little company this afternoon. Thisbe would love to see you again. How are you doing? I was hoping to see you at a performance….Ah…Aunty Belinda this is Ana, your niece. Would it be okay if I come over for a short visit? Okay, Aunt Belinda, I’ll be over in a little while… It’s good to talk to you again. I miss you. I love you. Good bye.”

  I was thrilled! We’re going to see Belinda!

  Then Ana turned to Peter and said, “Okay, that was weird. Aunt Belinda doesn’t know me or Thisbe and is acting very strange. It’s odd my dad hasn’t said anything but he’s been awfully quiet these days too. I’m going to call him right now and find out what’s going on.”

  Something is wrong with Belinda? Ana was now on the telephone with Grandpa. I listened carefully. “Hello, Dad, How’s things? How’s Mom? I know I’ve been busy this summer with the theatre but you should have called me. What’s the matter with Aunt Belinda? Okay, Dad thanks for the update. Do you need anything? Okay, Dad, I’ll go right now and see if can help her out with anything. I’ll make her lunch and talk. Maybe I can jog her memory. I’ll see you and mom later for dinner. Love you, ‘bye.”

  Ana hung up the phone. She seemed upset. “Oh, Peter, so much has happened this summer. No wonder I haven’t heard from my family. Dad has been taking care of both Mom AND Aunt Belinda. Apparently, Aunt Belinda has had some small strokes that have affected her short term memory. She doesn’t want to leave the house to live in assisted living and she doesn’t want anyone to live with her either. Dad has been going over there every day to take care of her and she doesn’t even know who he is. Mom has some other health issues besides her allergies…sheesh! No wonder I never saw Aunt Belinda at the theatre this summer and my Dad came to only one of the shows alone. He told me Mom wasn’t feeling too good that night but he never mentioned Aunt Belinda. I’m going to her house right now. I’ll bring Thisbe. It might help. Dad invited me to his house for dinner. Okay Thisbe, we’re going to Aunt Belinda’s for a visit.”

  I was excited and concerned. It sounded like Belinda wasn’t feeling too well. Grandpa had to go to her house and take care of her. I hope she’s okay. I quickly followed Ana to the car and jumped in. I didn’t want to go in my carrier. I wanted to see Belinda right away. I didn’t care about the car ride. I had to see my dear friend.

  When Ana parked the car at the curb by Belinda’s house, I leapt out of the car window onto the familiar grassy lawn. Oh-oh… the gardens have lots of weeds. Belinda would never let that happen. There is something wrong with her.

  I followed Ana to the front door. She rang the doorbell and waited patiently for Belinda to open it. Slowly the door opened a crack. A strange, angry voice asked, “Who’s there? Who are you?”

  Reassuringly Ana replied, “Aunty Belinda it is Ana, your niece. I have a friend here to see you.” The door slowly opened. I saw Belinda but hardly recognized her. She looked terrible. He clothes were messy and wrinkled. Nothing matched and Belinda’s clothes always matched. I remembered how nicely she dressed, even when she worked in the garden. Her hair was messy. This was not the Belinda I knew.

  “Look, Aunt Belinda, I brought your old friend, Thisbe to see you.” Ana picked me up and held me so Belinda to see.

  “Oh, what a cute cat! She looks so sweet. Hello little kitty. I like cats.” Belinda looked at Ana with a blank stare. “Who are you again?” I suddenly knew this was going to be a difficult visit.

  Once inside, I looked around at all the familiar surroundings. It is just as I remember but it is very messy. Ana began to tidy up.

  “Aunt Belinda, I’m here to visit and help you out a little. I’ll make us some lunch and then we can visit.”

  “Okay, dear, have you been here before? Do you know your way around the house? Oh what a cute cat. Where did it come from?”

  Belinda doesn’t recognize me! We were best friends and housemates for eight years. I was very sad. I so looked forward to seeing Belinda again. She doesn’t even know me. As Belinda and Ana walked into the dining room, I wandered around the living room. There are so many pieces of paper around and the chairs seemed to be moved. My favorite black rug is still in front of the fireplace. It looks like there hasn’t been a fire in there in a long time. I wonder if Arturo still comes around. Suddenly I felt the old familiar cold draft. Arturo was standing next to me. He bent down and ran his hand over me. I shuddered from the cold.

  “Arturo, you are here! What is the matter with Belinda? She doesn’t even know me!”

  “I know, my little gato, my Bella has some health problems. Soon she will join me. She wants to be with me.”

  “Does that mean Belinda is going to die? Is she sick?”

  “Yes, Thisbe, she is sick and tired of living here alone. She talks to me every night. She wants to go to sleep and wake up with me.”

  “That is sad for us but good for you. I know you miss her very much and she misses you. How’s my dear love, Thomas? Is my friend Muffin still there… how about my Mama and Chipper? Oh I saw another lady die and go to her husband. He was waiting in the corner of the room.”

  Arturo smiled. “My, my, my, Thisbe, you have had quite a life…just a moment…Chipper says hello.” Arturo nodded. “Muffin says hello…your Mama is smiling…she sends you her love…she likes Duchess. Is Duchess a new friend of yours?”

  “Yes, she’s a dog and we live together in a house with Peter and Ana.”

  Ana walked into the living room, “Are you all right, Thisbe? I hear some noise out here.” As Ana walked toward me I could tell she felt the coldness of Arturo. “Brr…what was that? A spirit? Are you talking to spirits out here? Is Uncle Arturo here?” Ana looked around the room, “If you are here, Ti Arturo, please watch over Ti Belinda for me. Come on Thisbe, I have some food for you in the dining room.”

  Ana returned to the dining room and Arturo said to Thisbe, “I will watch over my Bella. I am glad you have come back to visit. Good bye, little gato.” Arturo vanished. I walked into the dining room. I rubbed up against Belinda who reached down and picked me up.

  “What a nice kitty! I love cats. Excuse me? Miss? What was your name again?”

  After Ana cooked lunch for Belinda, she cleaned up the house, combed Belinda’s hair and prepared a dinner.

  “Aunt Belinda, there is some cold chicken salad in the fridge for later. I left my phone number by the phone in your room. Please call me if you need anything.”

  “Oh thank you dear, you are so kind. There is a nice man who comes over every day and brings me food.”

  “Yes, Aunt Belinda, that’s my dad. He’s your brother and takes care of you. You also have some very nice neighbors that live nearby. They come by also. I’ll call you tomorrow and talk.” She gave Belinda a hug and picked me up “Say goodbye to Aunt Belinda, Thisbe.”

  I looked at this kind woman who I lived with so many years ago. “Meow…Goodbye, Belinda. I hope you go to Arturo soon. You will be better. He misses you so much…meow”

  Belinda cradled my head in her hands and cooed, “Ooo…you are such a sweet cat. I think I had a cat a long time ago…name was… Mickey…goodbye, dear…what was your name again?”

  “It’s Ana. I’ll call you tomorrow.” She kissed Belinda on the cheek and walked to the car.

  “Oh, Thisbe, it is so hard to leave. I think I might come to stay here for a few days. I am afraid she’ll leave the stove on or something. I’m going to put you in the car and talk to Gary and Roger. I’ll be right back.”

  After speaking with the neighbors, Ana brought me home and then said she was going to Grandpa’s house.

  Later that evening, Duchess and I were home al
one because Peter and Ana were both out of the house.

  I sighed. “You know, Duchess, I’m worried about Belinda. She didn’t even remember me but she remembered her old cat, Mickey. Arturo said she was going to be with him soon which means she is going to die.”

  Duchess was confused. “Who’s Arturo? Is she going to die…like Emma? Does that mean she is going to go to the place that Emma went to?”

  I explained about seeing the ghost of Arturo and who he was. Duchess shook her head.

  “I don’t understand all of this but I feel bad for you. I know you’re sad. I wish I could make you feel better.”

  I smiled, “Thanks Duchess, you’re a good friend. I hope we live together for a long time. It’s nice to have another animal to talk to.”

  Ana visited Belinda many times. Each time she brought me hoping I would help her remember but it was the same confused woman every time.

  It was getting colder outside as the autumn months crept on. Duchess and my yard romps were few and far between. It was much warmer on the couch or in my new bed in the living room. The holidays arrived with many festivities. Peter and Ana invited a few friends and family over for Thanksgiving. Ana also invited Aunt Belinda. Grandpa Max brought her to the party. Belinda was in a happy mood but recognized no one.

  For the Christmas holiday, Ana wanted to make sure Aunt Belinda had a nice time. She brought me to the house one day. Belinda opened the door. She smiled and said, “Ana and THISBE…oh my goodness! It is so good to see you! Come in! What a surprise! Thisbe, my love, come here and let me kiss and hug you. I’ve missed you so much.”

  Belinda took me into her arms and kissed my head many times. I could see Ana was happy but a bit confused. “Aunt Belinda, you remember us. How wonderful! I’m here to decorate for Christmas and cook you a delicious dinner.”

  “Remember you? Silly child! How could I forget you! It has been a long time but PLEASE! What a pleasant surprise! When did you get back into the area? Come in! Come in!” Belinda opened the door, took their coats and then walked into the dining room. “Come in, I was just having a cup of tea.”

  A confused Ana asked, “Are you on different medication, Aunt Belinda?”

  “Why yes I am! The doctor gave me some new pills to take, I’ve had some therapy and it’s seemed to have cleared up my brain a bit. I must remember to take them. I have also changed my diet a bit. That seems to have helped. I was not myself for a long time. I kept forgetting things. Half the time I couldn’t remember where I was but that is such a foggy memory for me. So you are here to help me decorate for Christmas? Great! I’ll go get the decorations.”

  The morning was spent pulling out the Christmas decorations and setting up the manger. I watched from the big chest by the window remembering this scene from so many years ago. Suddenly, I felt a chill. Arturo was sitting next to me.

  “Hello little gato, I am glad you came back. My Belinda is feeling much better today. She knows you. There are days when she remembers everything. I love those days. How are you doing?”

  “I am well. Duchess and I stay in and sleep most of the time. I have dreams about Muffin and Chipper. Sometimes I even dream about my handsome Thomas. It’s like they are right there with me.”

  “We are there with you in your dreams. We watch over our loved ones. Oh, Chipper tells me that Chance says hello.”

  “Meow! Hello everyone, I love you all.”

  Ana heard my loud meow and stopped decorating for a minute. She looked to me and said, “What is up with you? Are you okay?”

  Belinda laughed. “She used to do that when she lived with me. I think she talks to the ghosts around here. I know my Arturo is around. Lately, I feel his presence growing stronger every day.”

  Ana and Belinda spent the rest of the evening talking of old times. I eagerly listened to all the good memories. They stopped for dinner and shared a little with me then continued to talk well into the night.

  Ana yawned, “Oh my, I didn’t realize how late it was. I better get going. Thisbe, do you have to go outside? The poor thing…her eyes must be floating.”

  Belinda suggested, “Why don’t you stay here for the night? I have some new toothbrushes from the dentist and plenty of nightgowns. Oh…I also have Thisbe’s old litter box and a half bag if litter. I never got rid of it. It’s in the hall closet. I just remembered it! Please stay.”

  Ana agreed to stay the night and we all went to bed.

  Ana was up early the next morning. She made linguica and eggs for everyone and it wasn’t even my birthday! Belinda wandered out of her bedroom, putting on her robe she said, “Oh it smells so good in here. Good morning, Ana. Did you sleep well?”

  Ana turned around and smiled, “Yes, I did, Aunt Belinda, did you?”

  Belinda smiled. “I had some strange dreams but yes, I think I slept well. Thank you for making breakfast. I see Thisbe is waiting patiently beside a bowl on the floor. Do you want some eggs too, querida?”

  Ana and Belinda spent the day singing Christmas songs around the fire and laughing about old times. I enjoyed the warm fire and the happy time.

  Ana and I spent a few more days with Belinda. She was feeling so much better that Ana had made arrangements to take Belinda out to visit her sister in Connecticut. Belinda was looking forward to the trip.

  Ana and I returned to our house and I told Duchess all about our time with Belinda.

  “You should have seen Belinda! She was like her old self again. We had so much fun. Ana wants to go on a trip somewhere with Belinda. I think I might stay here. I’m not sure I can go with them.”

  Duchess said, “I’m so glad you got to spend some time with Belinda and she remembered you. It sounds like she is better.”

  A few days later Ana came home from work early, sat on the sofa and cried. I woke from my nap and tried to comfort Ana.

  “What’s the matter? Why are you crying?” I purred softly around Ana’s legs then jumped up on the sofa next to her.

  “Oh Thisbe, Aunt Belinda passed away last night in her sleep. She got what she wished for – a peaceful death in her own house. I am going to miss her so much.”

  I was very sad. I almost started crying but I thought Arturo and Belinda are together again. I know Ana will miss Belinda. So will I. I tried to comfort Ana as best I could by rubbing up against her softly. Ana picked me up and placed me on her lap. Ana gently rubbed my ears and cried.


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