Thisbe An Extraordinary Cat Her Adventures Continue...

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Thisbe An Extraordinary Cat Her Adventures Continue... Page 16

by Terri Cabral

  Chapter 16: Goodbye Old Friend

  I had settled into a pleasant, simple routine in my senior years. I rose early in the morning before Blanca and quietly made my way to my breakfast. Then I would go to the living room to my favorite black rug that was bathed in warm sunlight and sleep for most of the day. Occasionally, when I would get up to get a drink or to use the litter box, Blanca would chase me down the stairs and around the basement. Finally one day I had enough. I stopped running and faced Blanca.

  “All right! Please STOP chasing me, Blanca. I’m too old for this. If I want to come downstairs and use the litter box, please let me and stop blocking my way. If I want to go and eat, please let me. STOP chasing me!”

  Blanca was crestfallen. “I’m sorry Thisbe. I was just playing. Please don’t be angry with me. You’re my best friend, my sister! We don’t go outside anymore and run around. I miss running up and down the trees with Mooch.”

  “Blanca, I’m sorry. Just please don’t chase me anymore. I’m too old to run and play.”

  Fall was in full color. Ana decorated the house with mini pumpkins. She added yellow, orange and red fall flowers to vases scattered around the living room. She always placed my favorite stuffed black cat by my rug. It was like having Thomas nearby. In October, we all celebrated Blanca’s birthday. Since they had no idea what day or month she was born, Ian and Ana celebrated the day she came into our life. This year they calculated Blanca was five years old. Ana bought a few new toys for her and made the traditional tuna cake. When we were eating the cake, I turned to Blanca and said, “Happy Birthday, Blanca! I hope you live many, happy years with Ana and Ian.”

  Blanca replied. “Thanks, Thisbe. I’ve had the best time of my life living with you. I’m so glad I found Ian and Ana. I don’t know where I would be if I hadn’t. Mmm, I love this tuna. It’s so good.”

  The next day, Ana came home with an old friend. She said Peter brought Duchess to her work. He needed Ana to watch Duchess because he was going away. Ana was carrying my dear friend. She placed her down by the door. Duchess hobbled through the door. She could barely walk. She seemed to be in poor health.

  I approached Duchess and said, “Hello old friend. How are you?”

  Duchess replied, “Not well, Thisbe. I can hardly see anymore and my back legs hurt all the time.”

  I coached my friend toward our favorite black rug.

  “Come over here, Duchess, our favorite black rug is right here. Come and lie down with me.” I got very close to Duchess and helped her to the rug. Duchess collapsed on the familiar furry bed and sighed.

  “Oh Thisbe, it’s so hard to move around these days. My back legs hurt so much. I’m taking some medicine. It tastes awful and it doesn’t help too much. I’m so tired all the time. I’m not very hungry and I can’t see very well. I heard Peter say I’ve lost a lot of weight.”

  I had noticed Duchess was very thin and her breath seemed labored.

  I tried to comfort her. “It’s good to see you again. It’s been a long time since you’ve visited. I’d show you around the new house but I know it’s hard to walk. There are many stairs and levels to this house. I am having a hard time getting around myself these days. Ana places me up on the bed but I can’t jump down anymore. She has to carry me down off of the bed. I sleep on this rug most of the time now. What have you been up to? How is Peter?”

  Duchess said, “He has a new girlfriend. They spend a lot of time together. They try to take me with them to the park sometimes but I find it hard to go outside. Mostly I just sleep all day at home. Thisbe, do you think I’m going to die? Will I feel better when I do? I want to feel better. I hurt all the time.”

  My heart sank. Poor Duchess, she’s so ready to go. “Well, Arturo always said that they were happy and healthy on the other side. You remember how Emma looked after she died. She looked younger and very happy.”

  Duchess whispered, “I suppose you are right, Thisbe. Thank you for being such a great friend over all these years. When I get to the other side I’ll say hello to all your friends.”

  I could see my old friend was very tired so I said. “Duchess, you’re tired and so am I. Why don’t we just sleep for a bit? We can talk after we wake up.”

  In the middle of the night Duchess took a turn for the worse. I instinctively woke up. Duchess looked at me and said, “Goodbye, Thisbe, it’s time for me to go. I can see Arturo, Belinda and Butch. He’s standing with lots of other animals. Arturo and Belinda are smiling and holding out their hands to me. I love you Thisbe. Thanks for being my friend. I’ll wait for you to come and join us.”

  She closed her eyes and passed away. I snuggled closer to her and wept. I love you too, Duchess. I’ll miss you. We had a lot of good times together. I feel it won’t be too long before we see each other again.

  In the morning, Ana woke up to find Duchess and me together on the black rug. She went to Duchess to wake her but found her very stiff and cold.

  “Oh no, Duchess passed in her sleep. Ian! Please come and help me. Bring a towel. Duchess passed last night.” Ana noticed that I was lying against my dear friend. “Oh Thisbe, I’m so sorry.”

  Ana wept for she had known Duchess since she was a puppy. She carefully picked up the dog and wrapped her in a towel. She called the vet’s office then called Peter to tell him the sad news. Ana later brought Duchess to the vet’s per Peter’s request. It was a very sad day.

  Ana didn’t go into work that day. She stayed home and sat with me. She held me close and hugged me, “We’ll miss Duchess very much, won’t we sweetie. She was our good friend.”

  I will, Ana, but I know Duchess is in a better place and she is happy. I feel I may see her soon.


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