Decadent Demise

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Decadent Demise Page 6

by Stephanie Damore

  That's when Nick put on a full ghostly encounter. First, he pushed the telephone off the desk and then started throwing all the papers with it. Then he flicked the lights off and on, so rapidly that it was almost like a strobe light.

  "What, what is going on?” Tonya asked, fear thick in her voice. "Make it stop. You hear me?" Tonya pointed the gun at me, and I held my hands up. Nick took it up a notch and threw a chair at Tonya. In the dark, it completely caught her by surprise. As she moved to block the chair, she dropped the gun and fell to the ground. I bent down and picked up the gun. For his part, Edward managed to flip on the lights and leave them on. I caught his expression and he was rather pleased with himself. But his expression was nothing compared to that of Father Thompson, who stood in the doorway. My sister, Autumn, was right behind him, her gun drawn. I put Tonya's gun down on the desk and put my hands back up.

  "It was Tonya. She cut Edward's brakes, and I'm almost positive that the crime was caught by the church's security cameras."

  Tonya looked up at me with such hate in her eyes. She sprung to her feet and charged, but Nick stepped in. He threw his hands out in front of him, the force causing Tonya to fly back and land on her backside, and slide across the office floor.

  We were all in shock, but none of us said a word. Not even Autumn, which was a first.


  "How did you guys know I was in trouble?" I asked Father Thompson. We were sitting in the church sanctuary while my sister and her colleagues processed the scene.

  "Your breaking and entering tripped the church's alarm. I had your sister meet me in the parking lot."

  That was convenient. "Well, I'm glad you did."

  "Now it's your turn. Do you want to tell me what happened in there?" Father Thompson asked.

  "I don't know. I don't know if you'd believe me. I know Autumn wouldn't."

  "You be surprised. I've seen a lot of things being a clergyman for most my life."

  "I'll just say that those who love us sometimes never leave, even in death."

  Father Thompson knew exactly what I meant. "Well, it was a good thing Nick was around then, wasn't it?" The old gentleman had a smile on his face.

  "Yes, that it was." Father Thompson patted my hand and then walked outside the sanctuary, leaving Nick, Edward, and I alone.

  "I always liked him," Nick said.

  "Me too," I replied. I turned to Edward. He was looking up at the altar.

  "Well, I guess I owe you both an apology," Edward said.

  "For what?" I asked.

  "For everything I did. The way I acted before. You know, all of it. I really appreciate everything that you did for me, even though I realize now that I didn't deserve your kindness."

  "Wow. Thanks, Edward." I was shocked. I hadn't expected such a heartfelt apology. If a ghost's heart could grow, I'd say Edward's was growing by leaps and bounds.

  With that, the room seemed to brighten. Gradual at first, until I was positive I knew what was about to happen. Gold light filled the sanctuary, and I swear I could hear trumpets playing a fanfare on high. The light was brighter than I had remembered. Was that glitter? I held hand palm up, expecting the sparkles to fall on it. Everything was bright, and warm, and exploding with love.

  "Well, I’ll be," Nick said from beside me.

  "What? What's going on?" I asked.

  "He's been made an angel."

  "An angel? Are you kidding me? Edward? Did you not see the type of life he lived?"

  Nick shook his head. "It's not like that. Think of it as atonement. Edward gets a chance to be a guardian angel. He knows all of mankind's weaknesses. Who better to straighten someone out than a person has been there, done that?"

  Edward looked back at us and smiled. It was a boyish grin and one that I had never seen on his face before. A second after that, he was gone, ascending into the heavens and taking the bright light with him.

  "That's a wrap," Nick said.

  That it was.

  As I sat at the head of the dining room table and looked around, my heart filled with gratitude at the people who were in my life. Some of them were old acquaintances, some new, and a few were family, but all of them were now very much an important part of my life. Autumn, Ellen, Margaret, Amelia, and Jacob—they were all there celebrating with me, Nick, and Milo.

  I lifted my glass of wine. “A toast. To all of you and to this wonderful home. I hope you will consider it yours as much as it is mine.”

  “What? What is that supposed to mean?” Autumn asked me.

  “I’m inviting you all to move in,” I replied, matter of factly.

  “You’re what?” Ellen’s shock was the loudest of all.

  “I’ve already started moving some of my things over and I’d love to have you guys join me. This is, after all, a rather grand home for just little old me.” I winked at Nick. I had told him my plan earlier in the day, and he fully supported it.

  “I don’t know what to say.” Margaret looked to Amelia. “I’ve always loved this house and couldn’t have been happier to see it fall in your hands. But this? This is almost too much. I’m speechless.”

  “Well, you don’t have to say anything right now. Just know that the invitation stands.”

  "Does this mean you're hosting Christmas?" Autumn asked as we passed the dishes around. We both looked at each other wide-eyed, knowing full well what that meant. Since it was an even calendar year, in three short weeks, our mother would be making the trip back north to spend the holidays with us. I loved our mom. Just like I loved the fact that she lived in Florida most of the year.

  Was I ready for her to visit again?

  I wasn't sure.

  The only thing I was sure of was that I was ready for death to take a rest. This Christmas, there was room for only one ghost in my life—and I was smiling at him now.


  Also by Stephanie Damore

  FREE Full-Length Novel!

  Beauty meets murder in this sassy cozy mystery series. Grab a candy bar and chai latte and escape to Port Haven today!

  Read MAKEUP & MURDER for


  About the Author

  I'm a mystery author with a soft spot for romance and humor, too. I love all things girlie with a dollop of danger, have a strong affinity for the color pink (especially in diamonds and champagne), and, not to brag, but chocolate and I are in a pretty serious relationship.

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