Marion's Faith.

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Marion's Faith. Page 10

by Charles King



  It has been said that Major Stannard told his wife that he proposedgoing down to camp, hunting up Mr. Wilkins, and getting from him"flat-footed" the authority he had for his insinuations at Mr. Ray'sexpense the day before the regiment marched for the Black Hills. Themajor went as he proposed; but at the very moment he reached camp theobject of his search was unpacking Mrs. Wilkins's trunks up in thegarrison. Stannard left word with the officer of the day that he wantedto see Mr. Wilkins on important business right after "retreat" (sunset)roll-call; and Wilkins was quick to divine that the major had alreadyheard of his morning's mischief at the store. He stood in awe of thebattalion commander, and knew well that when it came to a face to faceencounter with him there could be no dodging. He must swallow his wordsor give his authority. Wilkins, therefore, had important business of hisown or his able wife's devising which kept him from going to camp duringthe evening, and Stannard, being only the major, could not order himthither in the face of the colonel's permission to be absent. He trudgedback across the prairie in no amiable mood, therefore, and swore instalwart Anglo-Saxon to Captain Merrill that he would bring Wilkins tothe scratch if he had to go to his quarters to do it. They looked in atthe store, and Wilkins wasn't there, so together they walked up the rowuntil they came to the cottage into which the lares and penates of theWilkins family had so recently been carried, and Mrs. Wilkins herselfmet them at the door. She was afraid of nobody, and had doubtless beenrequested (he never directed) by her husband to see who was knocking.Now Mrs. Wilkins was as fond of Major Stannard as her husband was afraidof him. She liked his blunt, sturdy, unaffected ways, and many a timeand oft she had held him up to her submissive lord as the sort ofsoldier he ought to be. She knew nothing of the affair at the store asyet, and Wilkins was afraid to tell her. With her keen insight she hadlong since discovered that her husband's associates and intimates in theregiment were not the strong or the good men, and she had warned him atSandy that whatever he might have against such men as Truscott or Ray,he had better stamp it out and seek to re-establish himself in theirgood opinion. Such men as Gleason, with whom he consorted, would soonget him into trouble. Poor Wilkins heard the major's blunt salutation atthe door and his wife's cordial invitation to walk in; but the majordeclined with thanks. "Ask Mr. Wilkins to come out here on the piazza,please; I want to see him on business," was his request; and when Mrs.Wilkins came puffing up-stairs supplementing the message with a "Hurrynow; the major isn't the man for you to keep waiting," the haplessveteran wished himself anywhere out of Wyoming; but down he went withrather a hang-dog look. Stannard had met him with unexpected kindness ofmanner. "I'm worried about the story told of Ray, Mr. Wilkins, and I'vecome to get the authority from you. Of course you must have hadsomething to base such statements upon," and being fairly cornered,Wilkins said his informant was Gleason. Being asked to show the letter,Wilkins declared that he had burned it, and would never have alluded toit but for Blake's manner, which he declared had goaded him into theremarks. Then he told Stannard that Gleason wrote in so many words thatRay was with Rallston night and day, and intimated that the latter kepthim at cards and wine most of the time, and that if some scandal did notresult when it came to paying for the horses he would be surprised.Still, he could not quote the language; but he gave his impressions.Stannard had called Merrill to witness the statement; then, givingWilkins injunctions to say nothing more to anybody on the subject, andpledging Merrill to reticence, he had gone home, written brief andhurried letters to Ray and to Gleason, told his wife that he had heardthe stories, and that until Ray had a chance to explain would regardthem as baseless rumors, or at the worst as exaggerations, for whichGleason was responsible; then he had slept the sleep of the just untilthe corporal of the guard came banging at the door at four A.M. to saythe reveille had sounded out in camp. Two hours later he had jogged awayat the head of his battalion.

  Mr. Gleason's complacent acceptance of her reluctant invitation, and hisevident expectation of more to come, were matters that therefore annoyedMrs. Stannard not a little. She knew well that her husband had writtenhim an angry letter, demanding that he either withdraw or substantiatethe allegations he had made at the expense of Mr. Ray, but she had notbeen told what those allegations were. She felt certain that the letterhad reached Mr. Gleason, for it was sent to the care of the commandingofficer at Hays, yet here was the lieutenant himself, beaming witheffusive cordiality. She felt more than certain that were "Luce" at thepost Mr. Gleason would by no means be seeking to make himself at home inhis quarters, but Luce with the eight companies of the --th was out ofreach. Gleason was striving to make himself at home with her and herguests, and, as far as the latter were concerned, he had the sanctionand apparent approval of Captain Truscott, whose name he incessantlyquoted, as though the terms of intimacy between them were alreadyestablished beyond peradventure.

  "Truscott paid me one of the highest compliments I ever remember havingreceived," said Mr. Gleason to the three ladies at dinner, and Mr.Gleason was a man who was always receiving compliments of one kind oranother, if one could accept his statements. "He said that he had neverseen the troop look so well as when I turned it over to him at Wallace."Now, as he had arrived at Wallace on the same train with the Truscotts,and did not "turn over" anything connected with the troop but theproperty returns, anybody acquainted with such matters would have knownthat Truscott's commendation, if bestowed at all, was probably given tothe junior lieutenant, who had put the troop in handsome shape duringthe absence of Mr. Gleason on the horse board; but what Gleason aimed atwas to make an impression on Miss Sanford's mind, since she could not beexpected to know the intricacies of such matters. Mrs. Stannard wouldhave been glad to correct the impression, but could not in courtesy toher guests, and so she remained silent. She meant, however, todiscourage his visits in future, but he was too old a practitioner forher simple methods. She had slipped into the kitchen to see how nice abreakfast was being prepared for her guests the following morning, andin that brief absence he had appeared at the open door-way to urge theladies to come out and see guard mounting. They were just down; the airwas delicious out on the piazza, the band was inspiring; so what morenatural than that Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford should make their firstappearance that morning escorted by the obnoxious Gleason? When Mrs.Stannard came back from the kitchen they were all on the piazza, andothers were strolling up the walk to join them. After the spiritedlittle parade was over and the infantry officers had to go to thepresence of their commander, Gleason lingered. He had no duties as yet,and--how could she avoid it, ladies?--Mrs. Stannard had to ask him if hehad breakfasted when the maid came to announce that breakfast wasserved. He had; but it was easy for Gleason to say that he had merelysipped a cup of coffee and to insure the invitation he intended toextract. After breakfast she had her household duties to attend to, Mrs.Truscott had unpacking and other matters to look after. Miss Sanfordfelt that some one ought to entertain their late escort, and the dutyfell to her. Garrison people who called that morning were edified byfinding Mr. Gleason and Miss Sanford _tete-a-tete_ in the parlor despiteMrs. Stannard's efforts. Mrs. Turner was promptly on hand, so were otherladies, and that they made certain inferences at the time, and comparednotes later in the day, is, perhaps, supererogation to state.

  On one pretext or another there was not an hour during that morning inwhich Mr. Gleason failed to appear at Major Stannard's quarters, and bytwo P.M., at which hour there was a gathering at the adjutant's officeto await the distribution of the mail, it is not to be wondered at thatone of Colonel Whaling's officers remarked to another that the cavalryseemed to have the inside track, if there was to be any race for theJersey belle, and that others looked knowing when Gleason appeared toinquire if any letters had come for the ladies at Major Stannard's.There was no necessity whatever for his going, Mrs. Stannard protested.The orderly would bring the mail in five minutes if anything had come;but Gleason said that the orderly would have to stop in tw
o or threehouses before he got there, and he knew Mrs. Truscott wasimpatient,--and so she was. In a minute he was back with letters for allthree, but Miss Sanford's was a mere note in reply to an order she hadsent East, and while Mrs. Stannard and Mrs. Truscott retired to read thelong letters that had come from their respective lords, once more MissSanford found herself entertaining the assiduous Gleason. She wasbeginning to think army life distasteful.

  Determined to break up this monopoly, the major's wife came speedilyagain to the parlor. Something she had read in her husband's letter hadfired her with resentment against Gleason and nerved her to resolutemeasures. "Not a word of reply have I had from Ray," wrote Stannard,"nor has Gleason yet answered, though I know the letter was delivered tohim. In conversation with Billings last night he admitted that he, too,had heard that Ray had been playing fast and loose at Kansas City, andwhen I asked him how it was brought to him, he replied that Wayne toldhim, and Wayne had a letter from Gleason. I wish Billings and Ray couldhave seen more of each other this spring; there is some feeling betweenthem which I cannot fathom and do not understand. It will disappear whenRay joins us, for Billings cannot help admiring his energy andusefulness in actual campaign. As yet nothing of great interest hasoccurred, but everything points to wild excitement at the reservations.We are camping to-night at the Cardinal's Chair up on the Niobrara, andmarch northward to-morrow by way of Old Woman Fork to the Mini Pusa.General Sheridan's orders are to hide in the valley of the SouthCheyenne, and keep a sharp watch on the trails crossing northwestward,and be ready to strike any and all parties of hostiles going up from thereservations on White River. Of course here will be sharp work. We havehad two rushes already, for the Sioux have war-parties out robbing stockand running off horses from far south of the Platte, and a big bandswept down the Chug Water within forty-five miles of you the very day weleft Lodge Pole. 'K' went forward in pursuit, but they had too big astart. This letter goes by courier to Laramie to-night. Expect nothingmore now for a week, as even the Black Hills stages have quit running.The Indians have driven off every white man between the Platte and theYellowstone except those in the Black Hills settlements, and they arepractically isolated. It was rumored that Webb and Truscott would beordered forward to join us, and I suppose Buxton and Ray will take thatopportunity of joining their companies. Should Mr. Gleason stay any timenear Russell he will doubtless be inclined to cultivate the ladies fromWallace,--Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford especially. If I could haveseen Truscott or foreseen the plan, it would have been easy to preventit. As I could not do either, you must give him few opportunities ofvisiting them at our house. They will be in their own, though, by thetime he comes."

  They were not, however, as we have seen. The major had not contemplatedthe possibility of Gleason's taking a "ten days' delay" before reportingfor duty, and so having ample time in which to ingratiate himself withthe ladies. What he would have said in his own vigorous English could hehave seen the lieutenant leaning over Miss Sanford's shoulder as she satat the table once more looking through the cavalry album, will not bearrecording in these pages. As Mrs. Stannard herself glanced in from thehall-way she more than wished that Luce were home if only to hear herlion growl. She thought anxiously of him and of the situation of affairsin the Indian country only a hundred miles to the north. She dreaded totell Mrs. Truscott of the regiment's prospects for immediate action,but she determined to try some expedient to rid Miss Sanford and thehouse of the presence of Mr. Gleason. Her air was brisk and determined,therefore, as she entered the parlor.

  "The major writes me from the Niobrara crossing that the regiment hashad some sharp chasing to do already, and that they will be across thetrails in two days, when they will certainly have fighting," she said,looking intently at Mr. Gleason. "What news do you get?"

  "Well, my mail has all gone on to Wallace, you see, Mrs. Stannard,"explained he, unwilling to admit in the presence of the ladies thatnobody in the regiment cared enough for him to write. "It will all be upto-morrow or next day, I presume, and by that time the troops will behere, and I'll be myself again. The real cavalryman, Miss Sanford, islike a fish out of water if separated more than a day from his horse. Ilong to be in saddle again," he added, with a complacent glance at thetall, well-proportioned figure reflected in the mirror. Gleason pridedhimself, and not without reason, on his manly build, and was incessantlyfinding some means of calling attention to it.

  "If the major's views are correct, you will have abundant cavalry dutythis summer, Mr. Gleason," said Mrs. Stannard, "and I was about to askyou if you heard nothing at the office,--if none of the garrisonofficers had letters or news from the front." She hoped he would offerto go and inquire in person, as he had gone for the mail; but Gleasonpreferred to have the officers suppose that he was in full possession ofnews which would not be sent to them. Going for the ladies' lettersimplied certain authority from them,--certain intimacy in the household.Going to inquire for news, on the contrary, implied lack of information,and it was his role to play that the --th kept him fully posted. Hisreply was therefore brief, and he quickly changed the subject.

  "There was no news that I heard of, Mrs. Stannard, but I will go and seeColonel Whaling after he has had time to read all his mail. Miss Sanfordwas just asking me something about Mr. Stryker,--she was admiring hisphotograph."

  "Bring the album out on the piazza. It is lovely and bright there now,and the wind is not blowing, for a wonder. I think we will all be betterfor fresh air, and Mrs. Truscott will be down in a moment." Mrs.Stannard spoke decidedly, and he had no course but to obey, even thoughhe did not see the grateful look in Miss Sanford's eyes. He muchpreferred the confidential flavor which was possessed by a parlorinterview, but there was no help for it. Following the lead of hishostess, he stepped out upon the piazza just as Mrs. Truscott, bright,animated, and happy, came fluttering down the stairs waving thecaptain's letter. Miss Sanford glanced up at her bonny face, and smiledsympathetically.

  "No need to ask you is all well, Gracie."

  "No, indeed! Jack writes that they will be in camp close beside usto-morrow morning. Oh, listen! There's the band, and that is the veryquickstep he used to love so much at the Point." And, fairly dancing inher happiness, she threw her arm around Marion's waist and together theyappeared at the threshold,--a lovely picture, as the cap-doffing groupof officers thought to a man. Half a dozen of these gentry were lollingat the gate; the broad walk was already alive with graceful forms insummer dresses, with playful children and sedate nurse-maids trundlingthe inevitable baby-carriage. The band had just taken possession of itscircular stand out on the parade; a few carriages and buggies had drivenout from town. It was a lovely June Saturday afternoon,--the hebdomadalhalf holiday of the military bailiwick,--and the dingy brown frontierfort looked merry as sunshine, music, and sweet faces could make it.Seeing the ladies upon the piazza, there was a general movement amongthe officers on the walk indicative of a desire to join the party, andMr. Gleason gritted his teeth and went for more chairs. Mrs. Turner hadappeared on her own gallery just before, possibly with the intention ofstarting a rival levee, and one or two youthful moths were flutteringabout her candle already. She was not averse to a flirtation,ordinarily, but it did not look well to see her sitting with only one ortwo of the infantry subalterns when Mrs. Stannard's piazza was filled.She wisely determined to join the majority; smilingly transferredherself and escort thither, and was as smilingly welcomed. There musthave been a dozen in the group--officers and ladies--when the commandingofficer's orderly entered the gate, saluted Mr. Gleason, and said,--

  "Colonel Whaling's compliments, sir, and could you tell him whenLieutenant Ray will be here?"

  The ladies looked up in surprise. The officers--all of whom rememberedthe name in connection with what had been said by Messrs. Crane,Wilkins, and Gleason himself--listened for his reply. Gleason was quickto note the silence and to divine its cause.

  "Give my compliments to the colonel, and say that I do not know. I havenot seen or heard--rather, I ha
ve not seen Mr. Ray since leaving KansasCity," he replied.

  For a moment no one spoke. Then, as the orderly walked away, Mrs.Stannard, coloring slightly, turned full upon the lieutenant. "Mr.Gleason, it seems strange that you should know nothing of Mr. Ray'smovements. You are generally well informed, and the major writes me howpleasantly they are looking forward to Ray's coming. You know that outin the regiment they expect him by 'pony express,'" she laughingly said,for the benefit of her silent auditors.

  Gleason well divined her object. It was to convey to the garrisonofficers that Ray was popular among his comrades at the front, howeverhe might be regarded by those at the rear. He had already committedhimself in presence of several of those now in the party, and heanswered,--

  "I'm afraid some people will be disappointed, then. To begin with, thereis no way of his reaching the regiment until Truscott and Webb go upwith their companies. He could get no farther than Laramie by stage evenwere he here to try; but he isn't here,--and he isn't likely to be,either."

  "Will you tell me why?" asked Mrs. Stannard, paling now, but lookingfixedly at him with a gleam in her blue eyes that made him wince.

  "Well, I'd rather not go into particulars," he muttered, lookinguneasily around.

  "Is it illness, Mr. Gleason?"

  "No; I don't know that it is."

  "Then, for one, I feel confident that he will be here in abundant timeto go by first opportunity," she said, with quiet meaning.

  "Who may this swell be?" languidly remarked one of the officers, lookingdown the road towards the gate. All eyes followed his in an instant.

  Speeding at easy lope upon a spirited sorrel a horseman came jauntily upthe row. The erect carriage, the perfect seat, the ease and grace withwhich his lithe form swayed with every motion of his steed, all presentcould see at a glance. Mrs. Stannard rose quickly to her feet; her gazebecoming eager, then joyous.

  "Look!" she almost cried. "It's Mr. Ray himself!"

  In another minute, throwing himself lightly from the saddle, and tossingthe reins to a statuesque orderly, the horseman came beaming through thegate, and Mrs. Stannard, to Miss Sanford's mingled amaze andapprobation, was warmly grasping both his hands in hers. Mrs. Truscott,blushing brightly and showing welcome and pleasure in her lovely eyes,but with the reserve of younger wifehood, had held forth one littlehand. Then she heard the voluble gush with which Mrs. Turnerprecipitated herself upon him, and, while he remained captive--as he hadto--in that fair matron's hands, laughingly answering her throngingquestions, Marion Sanford had her first look at the young officer whohad been the subject of such varying report. First impressions are everstrong, and what she saw was this: a lithe, deep-chested,square-shouldered young fellow, with nerve and spring in every motion,standing bare-headed before them with the sunlight dancing on hisclose-cropped hair and shapely head. His eyes were dark, and heavilyshaded with thick brows and long curling lashes, but the eyes brightenedwith every laughing word,--were full of life and health andstraightforwardness and fun. She could not but note how clear and braveand wide-open they were, despite the little wrinkles gathered at thecorners and a faint shading underneath. His forehead, what could be seenof it when he tossed aside the dark, wavy "bang" that fell almost as lowas her own, was white and smooth, but temples, cheeks, the smooth-shavenjaws, and the round, powerful throat were bronzed and tanned by sun andwind, and his white teeth gleamed all the whiter through the shading ofthe thick, curling, dark moustache, and the lips that laughed so merrilywere soft and pink as any woman's might be; at least they were when hebowed and smiled and spoke her name when introduced to her, and when henodded companionably to the bowing group of officers, to whom Mrs.Stannard presented him with marked pride, "Mr. Ray--of Ours," but how,for a second, his eye flashed and how rigid a spasm crossed his lipswhen Gleason's name was mentioned. To him he merely nodded, andinstantly turned his back. All this and more Miss Sanford noted by thatelectric process which was known to women long before lightning wasphotographed, and enabled the sex to see in a quarter-second intricatedetails of feminine costume that it would take the nimblest tongue tenminutes to describe. She noticed his dress, so unlike the precise attireof his comrades, who wore, to the uttermost detail, the regulationuniform. He had tossed a broad-brimmed, light-colored scouting hat uponthe little grass plat as he entered, and now stood before them in thefield rig he so well adorned. A dark-blue, double-breasted,broad-collared flannel shirt, tucked in at the waist in snugly-fittingbreeches of Indian-tanned buckskin, while Sioux leggings encased hislegs from knee to ankle, and his feet were shod substantially inalligator-skin. Mexican spurs were at his heels; a broad leather beltbristling with cartridges, and supporting knife and revolver, hung athis waist; a red silk handkerchief was loosely knotted at his throat,and soft brown gauntlets covered his hands until they were discarded ashe greeted them. If ever man looked the picture of elastic health andvigor it was Mr. Ray. This, then, was something like the cavalry life ofwhich she had heard so much. Marion Sanford, despite Eastern educationand refinement, was so unconventional as to find something moreattractive in Mr. Ray in this same field rig than in Mr. Gleason infaultlessly accurate uniform.

  "Why, Mr. Ray, how very well you look!" was Mrs. Turner's exclamation,"and somebody said you had been ill."

  "I? No indeed! I never felt better in my life."

  "But where have you been? When did you come? Why didn't you write?" weresome among the countless questions thrust upon him.

  "I had a few days' delay, you know; came by way of Omaha to see mysister; just arrived at one to-day; left my trunks with thequartermaster at the depot; got into field rig in fifteen minutes;packed my saddle-bags and slung them on Dandy, who has been waiting forme ever since the regiment marched; galloped out here to say good-by toyou, and in half an hour I'll be off for Laramie."

  "Why, _Mr._ Ray! What can be the hurry? Why start this evening?"

  "Why not?" he laughed. "Dandy and I can reach the Chug and put up withold Phillipse to-night, and gallop on to Laramie to-morrow. Once there,it won't take me long to find my way out to the regiment."

  "Why, the whole country is full of Indians!" expostulated Mrs. Stannard."The major writes in this very letter that no one ventures north of thePlatte."

  "How did the letter come in, then? and how is communication kept up?"asked the lieutenant, showing his white teeth in his amusement.

  "Oh! couriers, of course; but they are half-breeds, and have lived alltheir life in that country."

  "Well, I can wriggle through if they can. One thing is certain, it won'tbe for lack of trying. So, whatever you may have to send to the major,get ready; the lightning express leaves at 4.30. I must go and report mymovements to the commanding officer, and then will come back to you. Isthe adjutant here?" he asked, looking around at the party of infantrymenwho were standing waiting for a chance to excuse themselves, and leavethe ladies to the undisputed possession of their evident favorite. Mr.Warner bowed:

  "At your service, Mr. Ray."

  "Will you come and present me to the colonel? I will be back in tenminutes, Mrs. Stannard; and, Mrs. Truscott, remember it is over a yearsince I saw you last,--and you gave me good luck the last time I wentout scouting." With that, and a general bow by way of parting courtesy,Mr. Ray took himself and the post adjutant off. For a moment there wassilence. Everybody gazed after him except Gleason.

  "Isn't that just too characteristic of Mr. Ray for anything?" exclaimedMrs. Turner. "I wonder if any other officer would be in such a hurry torisk his scalp in chasing the regiment? _You_ wouldn't, would you, Mr.Gleason?" she added, with the deliberate and mischievous impertinenceshe knew would sting, and meant should sting, and felt serenelyconfident that her victim could not resent. He flushed hotly:

  "My duties are with my troop, Mrs. Turner, and Mr. Ray's with his. Whenmy troop goes I go with it. When his went--he didn't. That's all thereis to it."

  "But he couldn't go, Mr. Gleason, as you well know," replied Mrs.Turner; and evidently Mrs. Stannard, too, wa
s eager to ask him what hehad to say _now_ about Mr. Ray's staying behind. To tell the truth, hewas more dismayed by Ray's appearance than he dare admit even tohimself. He was startled. He had grave reason for not wanting to meethim again, and as the officers were scattering he seized a pretext,called to one of them that he wished to speak with him a moment, andhurried away. When Ray returned from the colonel's quarters, he had thefield to himself, and that they might have him--their regimentalpossession--to themselves, Mrs. Stannard begged the younger ladies tousher him into the parlor, where they could be secure againstinterruption until he had to start.

  Gleason's business with his infantry friend was of slight moment,apparently, as he speedily left him and wended his way to the quartersof the commanding officer. Old Colonel Whaling was just coming forth,and they met at the gate.

  "You sent me an inquiry a few moments ago, sir, which I could not answerat the time," said the lieutenant, in his blandest manner. "I see thatMr. Ray has arrived to speak for himself. May I ask if he was wanted foranything especial?" And Gleason looked very closely into the grizzledfeatures of the commandant.

  "Some letters for him had been sent with my mail--and a telegram. Iinferred that he must be coming, and thought you might know. Rather aspirited young fellow he seems to be. I was quite startled at his notionof riding alone in search of the regiment. How soon does he start? I seehis horse there yet."

  "He spoke of going in a few moments, sir. You see we have been so muchaccustomed to this sort of thing in Arizona that there is nothingunusual in it to us. Still, I hardly expected Mr. Ray would be going--orrather--there were some matters which he left unsettled that I supposedwould prevent his going. You didn't happen to notice where his letterswere from, I suppose?" asked the lieutenant, tentatively.

  The colonel would have colored had he been younger, but his grizzled oldface had long since lost its capacity for blushing. He felt that it grewhot, however, and Gleason's insinuation cut, as Gleason knew it would.Old Whaling was morbidly inquisitive as to the correspondence of hisofficers, and could rarely resist the temptation of studying postmarks,seals, superscription, and general features of all letters that camethrough his hands.

  "Not--not especially," he stammered.

  Gleason saw his advantage and pursued it. He spoke with all apparenthesitancy and proper regret.

  "I feared that he might have been recalled, or his going arrested byorders from division headquarters, or from Fort Leavenworth. Some thingswith regard to the purchase of one lot of horses, of which Idisapproved, were being looked into when I came away, and when----Well,colonel, it is against the rule of our regiment, to talk to outsiders ofone another" ("Like--ahem!" was old Whaling's muttered comment as herecalled what he had heard of Gleason's revelations at the store), "andI would not allude to this but that, as commanding officer, you will besure to hear of it all. You see the principal dealer with whom we didbusiness is a brother-in-law of Mr. Ray's,--a fellow namedRallston,--and some of his horses wouldn't pass muster anywhere;but--well, Ray was with him day after day, and kept aloof from Buxtonand myself, and there was some money transaction between them, andthere's been a row. At the last moment Rallston came to me to complainthat he had been cheated, and what I'm afraid of is that Ray promised tosecure the acceptance of a lot of worthless horses by the board for somefive hundred dollars cash advanced him by Rallston. He was hot about it,and swore he would bring matters to General Sheridan's notice instantly.That is what made me so guarded in the reply I sent you. I owe you thisexplanation, colonel, but trust you will consider it confidential."

  Whaling looked greatly discomposed but unquestionably interested. Heeyed Gleason sharply and took it all in without a word.

  "I thought some of his letters might have been from Leavenworth," saidGleason, after a pause.

  "One of them was,--that is, I think I saw the office mark,--but nothingofficial has reached me on the matter. I'm sorry to hear it, very; forboth your colonel and Major Stannard spoke in highest terms of Mr. Raywhen they were here."

  "Oh, Ray has done good service and all that sort of thing, but when afellow of his age gets going downhill with debts and drinking andcards--well, you know how it has been in your own regiment, colonel."

  "He don't look like a drinking man," said the colonel. "I never sawclearer eyes or complexion in any fellow."

  "Ye-es; he looks unusually well just now."

  And just at that moment as they stood there talking of him, Mrs.Stannard's door opened and he came forth, the three ladies following. Hedid look well,--more than well, as he turned with extended hand to saygood-by. "Dandy," his lithe-limbed sorrel, pricked up his dainty,pointed ears and whinnied eagerly as he heard his step on the piazza,giving himself a shake that threatened the dislocation of his burden ofblankets, canteen, and saddle-bags. The ladies surrounded him at thegate. Mrs. Stannard's kind blue eyes were moistening. How often had shesaid good-by to the young fellows starting out as buoyantly as Rayto-day, thinking as she did so of the mothers and sisters at home! Howoften had it happened that they came back maimed, pallid, suffering,or--not at all! She had always liked Ray, he was so frank, so loyal, sotrue, and more than ever she liked now to show her friendship and regardsince he had been slandered. Mrs. Truscott and Miss Sanford stood witharms entwined about each other's waist,--the sweetest and best of themhave that innate, inevitable coquetry,--and Mrs. Stannard bent forwardto rearrange the silken knot at his throat, giving it an approving patas she surveyed the improvement. Ray smiled his thanks.

  "Do you remember the night at Sandy, Mrs. Truscott, the last scout westarted out on, and how you came to see us off and wish me good luck?"

  "As well as though it were only yesterday," she answered.

  "We _had_ good luck. It was one of the best scouts ever made from Sandy,and the Apaches caught it heavily. It was a success all through exceptour--our losing Tanner and Kerrigan. Jack's hit was to be envied."

  She shuddered and drew closer to Miss Sanford's side.

  "Oh, Mr. Ray! I cannot bear to think of that fight. I won't wish yougood luck again. You always expect it to mean unlimited meetings withthe Indians. I pray you may not see one."

  "Then I appeal to you, Miss Sanford. Shall I confess that your name isone I have envied for the last five years? No, don't be amazed! WeKentuckians always associate it now with two of our grandesthorses,--Monarchist and Harry Bassett. Why, I'm going to ride the oldSanford colors myself this summer. See,--the dark blue?" he laughed,pointing to his breast.

  "Then you should be among the first coming home," she answered,brightly, "and that isn't your custom, I'm told."

  "But in this case the whole regiment will be wearing the dark blue; sothere will be no distinction. I won't beg for a ribbon. It's bad luck. Istole the tassel of Miss Pelham's fan in Arizona and wore it on the nextdash; we never saw an Indian, and she married a fellow who stayed athome. All the same, Miss Sanford, if you hear of the --th doing anythingespecially lively this summer, remember that one fellow in the crowdrides his best to win for the sake of your colors. _Au revoir._ Come,Dandy, you scamp; now for a scamper to the Chug."

  He sprang lightly into saddle, waved his hat to them, then bent low, asby sudden impulse, and held out his hand.

  "God bless you, Mrs. Stannard!" he said; and looking at her in halfsurprise, they saw her eyes were brimming with tears.

  Another moment and he had turned Dandy's head to the west, and wastripping up the road past the adjutant's office. They saw him raise hisgauntleted hand in salute to the post commander, and heard his voicecall out, ringingly, "Good-day, colonel." They saw that between him andMr. Gleason no sign of recognition passed, and they stood in silencewatching him until, turning out at the west gate, he struck a lope anddisappeared behind the band quarters, out on the open prairie.

  When Mr. Gleason touched his cap to the colonel and started to rejointhe ladies, they saw him coming. Nobody said a word, but the threeladies re-entered the house, Mrs. Truscott last; but it was Mrs.Stannard who turned b
ack in the hall and shut the door. When Gleasonreached the front gate he concluded not to enter, but went on down therow.


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