Aftereffect (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 1)

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Aftereffect (The Order of Ravens and Wolves Book 1) Page 12

by T. L Hodel

  Logan rested his back against the locker and said, “I’m telling you we should start an underground fighting ring. It’ll give him a place to blow off some steam.”

  “Maybe you’re right.”

  It wasn’t a bad idea. There were plenty of assholes in this town who liked to beat the crap out of each other. Why not turn a profit?

  “Mase is lethal.” he pointed out. “He’d be our prize fighter.”

  “Damn right I would.” Mason agreed joining us.

  “Who’s face did you fuck up now?” I asked, pulling my jeans over my hips.


  Silas was usually the one pulling Mase off someone, not throwing punches with him. “Since when do you pick fights with your best friend?”

  His green eyes rolled. “I might have laughed a little too hard when Riley crushed his balls and told him to stop staring at her or she’d rip them off.”

  Logan doubled over in laughter while I scowled and slammed my locker shut. Why the fuck did she have her hands on another guys junk?

  “You should’ve seen it.” Mase snickered. “She walked right up to him, grabbed his nuts, and squeezed. Silas dropped like a sac of potatoes. Funniest shit I’ve ever seen!”

  “Oh man,” Logan cried wiping the tears off his face. “I’d pay to see that shit.”

  “Why the fuck didn’t Silas stop her?”

  “Hey, this is all your fault.” Mason pointed an accusing finger at me. “You’re the one who ordered us to stalk her like a couple of creeps.”

  “Look at it this way,” Logan said, fighting to control his laughter, “anyone who saw that shit go down will stay the fuck away from her. If you think about it, she did you a favor.”

  That was true. Word would spread quickly, and no guy would approach her for fear of losing their balls. I could handle that.

  “Though I’d think twice before letting her anywhere near your package,” he added.

  I snorted. “I’d like to see her try some shit like that with me.”

  She’d do it once.

  Mase and Logan followed me outside into the sunny parking lot.

  “Ah shit,” I said realizing what time it was. “Can you take Mase home?”

  I was late to pick up Junior. He needed some school supplies and his crack whore mother wasn’t going to help. I had to get Peyton to pay her a visit twice before she’d stop selling him for her next fix.

  “No problem.” Logan nodded. “Come on kid, looks like you’re riding with me.”

  My brother’s face twisted at the word kid. “I’m only a year younger than you, asshole.”

  Logan threw his arm around Mase’s shoulders. “That kind of attitude isn’t going to get you ice cream.” he said ruffling his hair playfully.

  “Fuck off.” Mason growled and shoved him away.

  They walked off as I climbed into my Jeep and pulled out of the parking lot. I made my way to Junior’s apartment, which made the shit hole Riley lived in look like a palace. The kid had it rough. I pulled him out of the lake a couple of years ago, when some other kids pushed him in. He didn’t know how to swim, which pissed me the fuck off. Until I met his mother.

  I took him home with the intent to give his parents a piece of my mind. But after I saw the conditions he was living in, I couldn’t leave him there. All the kid had in his room was a bare mattress on a dirty floor. Junior, however, refused to leave his mother and said he needed to protect her. A fucking eight-year-old kid! I never got that. Why kids like Junior and Riley were so loyal to parents who didn’t deserve it was beyond me. Three years later, and Junior was still doing it.

  I knew something was wrong the second I saw Junior sitting outside kicking a rock. Normally he’d wait for me in his apartment. I didn’t like him playing around in this neighborhood. Wanna-be thugs and dealers hung out on every corner. Junior wasn’t the most popular kid in school. He got in more fights than Mase. I might’ve thought he just had a bad day, if he wasn’t wearing only one goddamn shoe!

  “Hey,” I said, pulling up beside him. “Where the fuck is your shoe?”

  He opened the door and plopped down in the passenger seat. “Lost it.”

  What was he hiding?

  I tipped my head and scanned his torn shirt. “How the hell do you lose a shoe?”

  “I don’t know,” he yelled, throwing his arms up and turning my way. “I just lost it, okay!”

  I just about lost it when I saw the bruise forming under his brown eye. “Who the fuck did that to you?”

  “It’s my fault.” He scowled and dropped his head. “Mom said she had someone coming over.”

  Oh, hell no!

  I threw open my door, and jumped out of the Jeep.

  “Micha –”

  “You stay right there!” I said and stormed in the apartment. Junior knew better then to follow.

  All I could see walking up the stairs was red. This fucking bitch! I told her to keep her fucking tricks away from the kid! There was no pause when I reached Junior’s door. I lifted my foot and kicked it open. A couple of kids who were sitting in the hall, took note, and stood to get a better look. My rage grew when I saw Junior’s mother in the middle of the apartment, with a hairy ass between her legs. She didn’t even have the decency to go in another room.

  I was across the room before the guy could react. I hauled him off Junior’s mother by his greasy hair, and threw my fist at his jaw. He flew back, breaking an old rickety coffee table.

  “You like to hit kids?” I growled, kicking him in the ribs twice. “Let’s see how fucking tough you are now, asshole!”

  Junior’s mother shrieked, “Micha! Stop it!”

  “You’re fucking next, bitch,” I said, throwing my finger in her direction.

  Eyes wide, she shrunk back down on the couch and covered herself with a blanket.

  I looked down at the groaning asshole on the ground. He was in a sad state, naked and hunched over with a trickle of blood coming out of his mouth. The left side of his face was starting to bruise, and I was pretty sure I broke a couple ribs. I might’ve left, and let him stick his tiny cock back in Julia, if he hadn’t opened his fucking mouth.

  “Little prick deserved it.”

  I stepped forward and pressed my foot down on his cock. I’d have to burn these shoes later, but his scream was worth it.

  “If I see you around here again,” I pressed more weight down and twisted my foot, “I’ll put a fucking bullet between your eyes. You got that?”

  “Yes!” He screamed, face twisted in agony. “I got it!”

  “Good,” I said, giving one more twist before I released him. “Now get the fuck out of here.”

  Pussy didn’t argue. He just grabbed his clothes and scurried away, still naked. Julia tried to call out, but he didn’t listen.

  She huffed and glared at me. “He was a good client.”

  I really wanted to hit her and knock some sense in that head, but for some reason Junior loved his mother.

  “Shut the fuck up,” I growled, still considering punching her. “Go find Junior’s shoe.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I reread the text I got this morning.

  Unknown: Does the mouse want to escape her cage?

  Someone knew! But who? There was only one person who called me mouse, and Micha wasn’t the kind of guy who would hide behind anonymity. Then again, two days ago I thought I knew what he was capable of. I had no doubt he would’ve hurt Shelby. What if this was some kind of test? Or a trap? My eyes wandered back to the phone in my hand.

  But what if it wasn’t?

  Who is this? I texted back.

  Unknown: A friend. You can call me The Piper.

  Me: How do I know this isn’t some kind of trick?

  The Piper: You don’t.

  Me: What’s in it for you?

  The Piper: Does it matter?

  No. Not really.

  Me: Why should I trust you?

  The Piper: What ot
her choice do you have?

  I didn’t have another choice. Try as I might, I couldn’t think of a way out of this, at least not without someone getting hurt. I’d suffer a thousand deaths before ever putting someone else in danger, and Micha knew it. While hiding in my room last night, I resigned myself to the fact that I was trapped. Looking at my phone, I wondered if I wanted to risk it? Did I want to let myself feel hopeful only to have it crushed?

  “Riley,” my dad said, pulling the cruiser through Ashworth’s gates. “Please talk to me.”

  Tucking my phone into my backpack, I turned to stare out the window. My eyes started to well up at the sound of his voice. I couldn’t look at him.

  “Come on, sweet pea, give me a chance to explain.”

  I grimaced at his use of my childhood nickname. He spent an hour outside my room last night, begging me to open the door. I wouldn’t. Which was probably why he insisted on driving me this morning. Didn’t mean I’d talk to him. Why should I care what he had to say?

  “I know you hate me, but you don’t know the full story.”

  Did it really matter? He gave me away. Signed a contract like I was something to be traded. Fathers were supposed to protect their daughters. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Mom didn’t care enough to stick around either. I sniffed and blinked back my tears.

  “Sweat pea, if I had any idea that they actually use the fucking thing . . . I never wanted you in this position.”

  He never wanted me in this position!? He put me in this position!

  “So, why sign it then?” I snarled.

  So much for the silent treatment.

  “I didn’t have a choice.”

  “Right,” I snorted, “keep telling yourself that.”

  “God damnit! You don’t know what he was doing, I couldn’t watch . . . Your mother –” He sighed and hung his head. “I promise you, I never wanted any of this.”

  For the first time in days, I took in my dad’s appearance. There were dark circles under his eyes, and it looked like he hadn’t brushed his hair in days. He looked destroyed. I wanted desperately to believe him, but they were just words and words didn’t mean anything. Mom made promises, too.

  “Did Mom know?”

  The look on his face was all the answer I needed.

  “Great,” I huffed and grabbed my backpack. “Sorry I was such a burden on you guys.”

  My dad reached out and grabbed my arm before I could open the door.

  “Your mother would’ve rather died than let me sign that thing. She almost . . . It doesn’t matter.” He shook his head, and stared deep into my eyes. “You’re my daughter, and I will find a way out of this.”

  “No, I’m not. You gave me a way, remember?” I said and rushed into the school before the dam holding my tears back, burst.

  I weaved through the hall filled with students, feeling like everyone was staring at me, mocking my heartache. It made me long for the days of simple bullying. They’d get a few laughs and I could still hold my head up, because name calling and stupid pranks, didn’t bare my soul. No one saw my pain. They couldn’t feel the heaviness in my heart, or the walls closing in on me. I’d never felt more exposed in my life.

  Wanting to get away from their prying eyes, I ducked into the closest bathroom.

  “Look, girls, I think she’s going to cry.”

  Oh great . . . Naomi. Just what I need.

  I almost turned around and walked out, until I heard another voice say, “Are you going to cry Harper?”

  I stopped. Harper? No longer concerned with my own troubles, my feet carried me around the bend. At the back corner of the bathroom, stood Naomi and three other girls, two brunettes and a blonde. Each one had manicured nails and perfectly styled hair. I almost snorted out right at their uniforms.

  Of course, they were cheerleaders.

  Harper was barely visible through the group. She sat on the floor with her back against the wall, hugging her knees. Though her face was hidden behind her deep red hair, I recognized the shudder of a sob.

  “Oh look, it’s Barbie and the slut squad.” I said, dropping my backpack loudly onto the floor.

  It worked. The four girls took their attention off Harper, and turned to glare at me. The scowl on Naomi’s face deepened as she took a step closer.

  “Move along, this is our bathroom.” She waved her hand through the air, “You can use the one in the basement . . . with the rest of the help.”

  The slut squad snickered behind her.

  “I know you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, Barbie, so let me explain something to you . . . Bathrooms are communal space.” I smirked when their jaws dropped. “But you’re probably right, we shouldn’t share a bathroom. I’d hate to catch herpes or something.”

  The slut squad gasped. The blonde one even threw her hand up over her mouth.

  Oh, please.

  Naomi straightened up and marched over, her heels clicking against the tilted floor. “We should be the ones worried. God knows what’s on those thrift store clothes.”

  “Don’t worry, I get my clothes off the bodies of dead cheerleaders,” I sang and paused to roll my eyes over her red and black uniform. “What size are you?”

  Naomi snickered. “Your fat ass wouldn’t fit in any of my clothes.”

  Hey! My ass wasn’t fat, not even a little.

  “Oh, it’s not for me. I saw this dog down by the homeless shelter and those pumps would look great on him.”

  “Of course, you would know where the homeless shelter was.” She snapped her fingers in the air. “Come on, girls. Let the help pick up the trash.”

  Like obedient pets, the slut squad followed behind, each one giving me a snarky grimace as they passed.

  I rolled my eyes and hurried over to Harper. “Are you okay?”

  She lifted her tear-streaked face and that’s when I saw the wet stain on her shirt. It looked like coffee or something. So much for Ashworth being dignified. The only difference between the assholes here and other schools was the size of their bank account. I sighed and helped Harper off the floor. She didn’t argue, didn’t so much as make a peep as I guided her over to the sink and wet a paper towel. My heart went out to her. I recognized the shame on her face.

  “Don’t worry about them.” I gave her a small smile while trying to clean her shirt. “Their brains are probably fried from all those nail polish fumes.”

  It was small but Harper giggled, and it was the best sound I’d heard all day. I got the feeling she didn’t laugh much. If at all. The girl was always terrified. Even now, with just us in here, she was stiff and jumpy.

  I sighed and said, “You shouldn’t let them push you around like that.”

  Guilt flashed across her big doe eyes, as she muttered, “I deserve it.”

  “No one deserves that.”

  “I do.”

  It was when she hung her head in defeat, that I decided someone needed to take a stand. Show pricks like Micha and Naomi that just because they had money, the world wouldn’t bend down for them. I would bring them down for all the Harper’s of the world. I pulled out my phone and texted The Piper.

  Me: I’m in.

  My mystery ally said he’d be in touch, and in the mean-time, for me to work on gaining Micha’s trust. How in the hell was that supposed to help? Not to mention, that would take too long. God knows what would happen between now and then? I needed to get out of this now, before someone got hurt. I sighed and picked at my sandwich. It was hopeless.

  On the upside, I hadn’t seen Micha this morning, so there was that. My brief moment of reprieve was crushed when Logan sauntered over, pushed Lana’s chair aside and sat between us. I swear the universe was trying to mock me.

  “That was rude,” I said, looking over at Lana, who’s mouth was hanging open in shock.

  His jade eyes twinkled as he flashed me his perfect white teeth. “I wouldn’t want you two fighting over me.”

  We both rolled our eyes in response.

; Logan crinkled his nose at my tray. “You know they have better things than chicken salad,” he said, snatching half my sandwich.

  I liked the chicken salad.

  “I guess that means you can find your own lunch then,” I said, pinching his arm.

  He didn’t even flinch. Just smiled as he ate half my sandwich in one bite.


  Next thing I knew, our table was taken over by boys. Mason sat beside Harper, which caused her to whimper and duck behind her hair. English class creeper, took the other side, dwarfing poor Harper between their large frames. Parker sat next to Lana, and I swear, the tomato in her salad was less red than she was. If I didn’t think they were all assholes, I might’ve found her reaction cute. In the short time I’d known her, I’d never seen the girl speechless. And then, the bane of my existence; Micha took the chair next to me.

  “Hello, Mouse.” he said. “I trust you’ve been good this morning?”

  “Well, I haven’t fucked anyone, if that’s what you mean,” I snarled.

  His brow rose. “How’s your ass?”

  I couldn’t hold back the flush of hot embarrassment.

  Say it a little louder, why don’t you?

  When I didn’t respond, Micha turned his attention to his lunch, and took a bite of some bread stuff in a bowl. Rich people ate weird crap.

  My lips curled. “What the hell are you eating?”

  “Panzanella salad.”

  “That is not a salad,” I said, watching him take another bite. “Where’s the lettuce?”

  “Not all salads have lettuce, Mouse.” His dark eyes landed on my tray and the half sandwich Logan hadn’t stolen. “Here,” he held up a forkful, “try it.”

  I shook my head, eyeing the strange food.

  “What’s a matter? Afraid you’ll like it.”

  “I know I won’t like it,” I insisted, completely secure in my statement.

  “Suit yourself.”

  He was giving up way to easy. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


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