Gametime: A Moo U Hockey Romance

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Gametime: A Moo U Hockey Romance Page 21

by Jami Davenport

  “We were wrong. You’re the one she wants.”

  I shook my head. “Not anymore. I saw her with you. It’s always been you.”

  “You saw me with her?” He scowled and shook his head. “I’ve never been with her. She doesn’t want me.”

  “I saw you near the locker room last week, arms around each other and having an intense conversation.”

  “Fuck.” Patrick rolled his eyes and snorted. “Are you really that dense? She’s in love with you. I was comforting her because she was upset about you pulling away from her.”

  “Then why did she break up with me?”

  “For a smart guy, you’re really stupid. She wanted to do the right thing for your future even if it meant losing you. Everyone was telling her you needed to concentrate on hockey, including you, and didn’t have time for a relationship.”

  “I struggled with that. I still don’t know where I am.”

  “You’ll need to figure that out, bro. I can’t help you there. You do love her, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, but the timing is off.”

  “The timing will always be off. Do you think it’ll get any easier when we go pro? When you’re gone more than you’re home? When you live your life in a fishbowl and belong to your fans? You think then the timing will be right?”

  I considered his words for a long moment. He had a point, but right now I had more immediate matters to settle. Naomi could wait. My brother and I were on the verge of mending fences. “I’ve missed you, bro.” I didn’t care if my words might be dismissed as mushy or whatever, I’d take the chance.

  “I missed you, too. Maybe I’ve been purposely drawing away so it won’t be as painful when we’re not together anymore.”

  “Maybe we both have.”

  “When you started dating Naomi, I felt sorry for myself. I didn’t have anyone.”

  “You have half the female population of Moo U.”

  “It’s not the same. You know what I mean.”

  “You’ll always have me,” I said quietly, but he heard me. His eyes were suspiciously wet, and he swiped angrily at them with his shirt sleeve.

  “And you have me. You’re my fucking brother, my twin. You’re all I’ve got,” Patrick croaked.

  “We sure as fuck don’t have our dad.”

  “He’s an ass.” Patrick’s blue eyes were filled with grief and sadness. “I miss our mom.”

  “So do I.” My eyes burned with unshed tears, and I forced them back.

  “I’ve been an ass, and I’m sorry.”

  “I get it. I really do. It’s hard when things change that are out of your control. I should’ve discussed what Coach wanted. We could’ve formulated a plan.”

  “I didn’t understand how I was keeping you down. I never meant to. You’re my brother, and I’d do anything for you. I’d have helped you.”

  I knew that now. “I love you, bro,” I said in a choked voice.

  “I love you, too.”

  “You’re fucking crying,” I accused even as a sob escaped my own mouth.

  “I am not fucking crying. You are.”

  “I am not. Your face is wet.”

  “From sweat, you moron,” Patrick insisted.

  “Right.” I smiled at him, and he smiled back. Next thing I knew, we enveloped each other in a bear hug. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to stem the flow of the very tears he’d accused me of.

  “If you tell anyone, I’ll kick your ass.”

  “I’ll kick yours.”

  “One other thing, if you’re playing for the Sidewinders next year, I’m going to wipe the ice with your face.”

  “I’m counting on you trying, but that’s all it’ll be.”

  I threw back my head and laughed. Arms around each other’s shoulders, we dragged our weary bodies into the locker room.


  The Plan


  After my conversation with my dad, I did some soul-searching. I’d always been one who went where the wind blew me, tried so hard to please my father, and did what I thought I should, instead of what I truly needed. I’d never been honest with myself. I saw that now.

  Being honest with myself, this wasn’t about Dad as much as it was about me. I shouldered more of the responsibility than he did. Somewhere deep down, I’d wanted Patrick because he was the star of the team. It’s every girl’s dream to date the big man on campus, and that big man was our hockey team’s captain and top scorer. I’d been so intent on pursuing Patrick, I hadn’t seen the wonderful guy right under my nose. Paxton had always been there to comfort and listen, even to my pining for his brother. I hadn’t wanted to see Pax’s interest in me went beyond friends until it was thrown in my face, and I was unable to deny the truth.

  Did Pax and I have a future? Should I fight for him? Or should I let him concentrate on hockey? Was I deluding myself to think he could do both?

  What did I really want?

  Right or wrong, I knew what I wanted. I wanted another chance. I’d prematurely broken up with him, concerned he was about to dump me, and he had been.

  We’d succumbed to the pressures of everyone else’s opinions, rather than searching our hearts for the truth. He hadn’t asked me about Patrick and me hugging, and I hadn’t given him a chance.

  I wouldn’t be a coward any longer. For starters, I hang out with the team again. I’d finish off my internship by taking stats for the final game before break.

  Then I’d develop a plan.

  A grand gesture.

  Something to show Pax I was serious and in this for the long haul if he was.

  While I debated on my options to win Paxton back, I took advantage of every opportunity presented to be around him. Even though he attempted to sidestep me, I didn’t let it happen. I sat with Paxton and his twin in the dining hall. I joined the team at the Biscuit a few nights that week. My studying suffered, but I had my priorities, and I’d cram after the last hockey game before finals.

  The twins were getting along again, and I was heartened by that. The tension was gone, and they were giving each other shit like they always had.

  Thursday night I went to the Biscuit, stalking Paxton. He was there with some of his teammates and Patrick. I walked up to the table and grabbed a chair. Kaitlyn arched a brow in my direction as I motioned for Lex to move over and make room between Paxton and him. Pushing my chair into the spot, I sat down and smiled at Paxton, who studied me quizzically.

  “Hey, Pax, how’re you doing?” I said brightly and flashed one of my most endearing smiles at him.

  “I’m good.” He met my gaze for a moment, and I saw regret, longing, and uncertainty in those blue eyes I loved so much. My campaign to win him back was progressing nicely. I’d proceed with caution, fearing Paxton might be gun-shy at this point.

  “Are you ready for finals?” I asked.

  “Is anyone ever ready for finals?” His smile warmed my heart and gave me hope I might be on the right track.

  “Maybe not.”

  “Finals? What’s that?” From the other side of Paxton, Patrick snorted and saluted with his beer.

  “You might want to figure it out before next week, bro,” Paxton warned, but he clinked glasses with his brother. I reached across the table to fill my glass from the pitcher. My arm touched Paxton’s, and I froze. So did he. I saw him swallow, and that muscle ticked in his jaw. I was getting to him and vice versa. One simple touch through our clothes set my body on fire. I briefly debated abandoning my campaign to win him back for a more direct approach—dragging him into the back room, ripping off his clothes, and fucking any doubt about us right out of him.

  The moment passed, and I reined in my libido. Patience. I must practice patience. “You haven’t been studying, Trick?”

  Patrick shrugged, unconcerned. I admired his ability to make light of the most serious issues, even though I worried he’d probably be in trouble when finals came around.

  “He’s been studying the female anatomy,” Tate joked, and
the table erupted in laughter.

  “You might want to crack the books,” Paxton warned him, but Patrick blew him off and laughed.

  “Stop nagging. I’ll just send you to take my finals. No one will ever know.”

  Paxton scowled.

  “I’m joking. Quit looking so disgusted with me.” Patrick gave his brother a soft punch in the air, drawing a smile from Paxton. I loved Paxton’s smile. It lit up the room. Since he didn’t smile as often as his brother, when he did, a person couldn’t help but notice. His smile spread sunshine on a rainy day.

  I grinned at him, unable to stop staring. The smile slipped off his face when he caught me gawking at him. I wasn’t deterred. I shifted in the chair I’d wedged between Lex and him so our thighs rubbed against each other. He didn’t move away, but he avoided looking at me. I was getting to the man, and I’d continue my subtle campaign until I’d worn down all resistance.

  The tension on Paxton’s face said it all. He was very aware of my thigh rubbing against his, as aware as I was, which was pretty damn aware judging by the wetness and tingling between my legs. A quick glance at Paxton’s crotch told me all I needed to know. He wasn’t impervious to me.

  Call me evil, but I made a point of innocently rubbing against him every chance I got, leaning to talk to one of the other guys, moving closer to him, brushing my arm against his. When I reached for the pitcher again, my breast rubbed against his arm. He pushed his chair back and cleared his throat.

  “I have to study,” he announced in a tone I recognized. I had him on the edge. If I followed him out of here, we’d be in bed in the time it took us to find a place to get naked. Paxton threw a twenty on the table.

  Patrick shot him a surprised look. “Now?”

  “Uh, yeah, see you guys tomorrow.”

  “Bye, Pax,” I said in my most sultry I want you voice.

  “Bye.” He backed away, tripped over a chair, and almost ran out the door.

  Patrick chuckled and winked at me. “You’re getting to him.”

  “You two seem to be getting along.” Every time I’d seen them together, they were laughing, giving each other shit, and enjoying each other’s company, like they used to. I was happy to see it.

  “Yeah, we had it out last Sunday night. Cleared the air. Everything’s great between us.”

  “I’m so happy to hear that.”

  Patrick sobered and leaned forward, lowering his voice. “He misses you, Omi.”

  “He does?”

  “Yeah, he does. A lot. I can tell. I’m his twin. He’s more serious than usual. He might think he’s all about hockey right now, but you’re on his mind, too.”

  “I made a mistake breaking up with him. I want another chance, but I don’t know how to go about it.”

  “That’s why you’re hanging out with us and torturing the hell out of him?”

  “Uh-huh. It’s that obvious?”

  “Pretty much. We’re all enjoying it.” He indicated the guys at the table. “I don’t think Paxton sees things that way. He can be dense sometimes for such a smart guy.”

  “I need something epic to convince him he’s the guy I want. My dad calls it a grand gesture.”

  “Your dad is on board with this?”

  “He is now.”

  Patrick nodded and grinned. “A grand gesture. I have an idea, but you’re not going to like it.”

  “Try me.”

  “Okay, this is what I’m thinking…”

  We put our heads together, and I listened to his plan.

  It was outrageous, frightening, and brilliant.

  I didn’t know if I had the guts to do it.

  But I had to.




  For Friday night’s game, Coach had wanted to put us on separate lines, but I begged him to let us play on the same line to cement our rediscovered twinship. Coach Keller finally relented after Garf pointed out being on the same line was good for our chi. I had no idea what the fuck that was, but if it convinced Keller, I was all in.

  Last night, Patrick had come home from the Biscuit an hour after me. Something was going on, but he just smiled this secretive smile and denied any mischief was afoot. But it was. I knew my twin, and we were back in sync. Just trust me, he said.

  I backed off at that point. Despite my claims to be all hockey, all the time, the next twenty-some hours before the game, I’d alternated between hockey and Naomi.

  She confused me. The signals she sent conflicted with her previous words. She made every effort to sit close and touch me every chance she got. Her presence drove me crazy, and the little vixen knew it.

  As I warmed up for the game, Naomi was once again seated with the statistician. I forced my gaze away from her, but I was super aware of her presence and felt her eyes caress me as I warmed up.

  Patrick skated up to me and gave me a poke with his stick. “Head in the game, bro.”

  “I…I know.”

  He winked at me and skated away to offer words of encouragement to other teammates. Patrick was a good captain, a far better one than I’d ever be. Captains spent so much time keeping the team in line and dealing with player issues. I just wanted to play hockey, but my brother loved being in charge. He was welcome to it as far as I was concerned.

  Patrick and I were in each other’s heads from the first puck drop. We played like a well-oiled team along with our line mates. Not only had we repaired our relationship but Patrick trusted me more with shooting opportunities, not keeping the puck for himself or expecting me to pass every time. We had this twin thing going where we instinctively knew which one of us had a better chance of scoring. We’d always had it, and this time we were listening.

  We won easily five to zero. I scored twice and so did Patrick, while Lex scored once.

  Now for finals week.

  But first, I wasn’t averse to a good party at the end of a trying semester. The hockey house would be roaring tonight, and Patrick and I headed there as soon as we showered and dressed.

  Drunk on a decisive victory against a good team, we were flying high by the time we got to the hockey house. The party was in full swing.

  I pushed my way through the crowd to the kitchen, where there was always a beer keg. Patrick followed, but a couple seniors I’d known him to hook up with in the past waylaid him. After pouring my beer, I turned to look for him. He climbed the stairs with a female on each arm.

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. My brother would never change. Not that I hadn’t had my share of hookups since I’d discovered girls at thirteen, but he rolled through them like a runaway train.

  I wandered outside to the porch, where a few guys were drinking and discussing the game. I didn’t know any of them. They did a double take when they saw me, probably not sure which twin I was. I ignored them and leaned against the railing, sipping my beer.

  While feeling good, I was also in a reflective mood. Next week was finals, then the alumni skate and a few weeks off from classes. I had no intention of going home during those few weeks. I’d be miserable being around my dad for that long. Sad but true.

  “You look like you could use some company,” said a voice I immediately recognized. Naomi slid up to me and leaned on the railing, close enough our sides pressed together.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Great game, Pax. You guys were a joy to watch.”

  “Thanks.” I stared straight ahead, afraid if I looked at her, I’d fall under the spell of her gorgeous eyes.

  She put her hand through my arm and leaned her head against mine. The sweet scent of her invaded my senses, and her body brought my body to life. Resisting her took every ounce of strength I had.

  All hockey, all the time, I chanted to myself.

  “What did you say?”

  I hadn’t realized I’d spoken out loud. “Nothing.” I turned my head toward her. Big mistake. She was so close her lips brushed my chin. I shuddered from the impact.

she said breathily in her bedroom voice I’d heard so many times while building her to an orgasm. I made the fatal mistake of gazing into her eyes. They sucked me in. Made me forget my convictions. Temporarily erased the painful memory of her breaking it off with me.

  She stood on tiptoe when I wouldn’t meet her halfway. Her arms snaked around my neck. Her hot little body pressed against mine. I lowered my head and kissed her, unable to resist. Flashes of her and me having sex, laughing together while eating popcorn in bed, playfully arguing which wing flavors were best at the Biscuit. Everything flooded back, washing over me like a rogue wave that could drag me out to sea.

  She clung to me, and I held her close as we deepened our kiss, unable to get enough of her. I needed her so badly I tasted the desire and felt the pain ripping through me. I groaned and lifted her onto the railing without separating our mouths. We made out like the horny twentysomethings we were, unmindful of anyone else and protected by a hazy lust.

  “Seriously, you two. Go somewhere else.”

  “Yeah, find an empty room.”

  The taunting finally reached our ears, and we turned as one. Lex and Kaitlyn smirked at us, along with several other teammates.

  Reluctantly, I backed off and so did Naomi. Kaitlyn grabbed her by the hand and dragged her off. She tossed a longing glance over my shoulder as they disappeared into the crowd.

  “You two are back together?” Lex asked.

  “No, we’re not.”

  “I see,” he chuckled, giving me the impression he really did see. I was transparent as hell. “Sorry to interrupt. Kaitlyn has something she wanted to give Naomi.”

  “Like what?” I almost growled, annoyed they’d cut off my good time while being grateful they’d done the same.

  “No idea.”

  I guzzled down my beer, tossed it in the large garbage can, and slipped down the outside deck stairs. I’d come this close to sleeping with Naomi. Whatever happened between us, I didn’t want another half-drunken hookup.


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