Bite Me, Too [sHarmony Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Bite Me, Too [sHarmony Shifters 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 4

by Jana Downs

  “You’re lucky then. I mean, I get the metabolism thing. I eat a lot of junk food but don’t pack on the pounds.” Though if he were honest with himself, he wasn’t in tremendously fantastic shape. His mom had called him “skinny fat” when he’d lived at home, which, in her estimation, meant he had just a little baby fat around his stomach to reflect the fact that he was always in front of his computer and abhorred both healthy food and exercise like it was a deadly occupation. She was right, but he didn’t let her know that.

  Brandon set the timer on their food, checked the vegetable steamer and rice cooker, before turning back to Evan. “Want to see my animal while that cooks?”

  “Sure,” Evan said, excitement churning in the pit of his stomach. He’d seen Jude shift, but it seemed like something that should’ve been viewed by only the most intimate of friends. However, Brandon had said nothing between them was causal and had all but come out and said they were mates. He supposed it was okay because of that.

  “In case you’re wondering,” Brandon drawled, looking over his shoulder at Evan. “I never show my shift on a first date. You’re special, Evan.”

  Pleasure blossomed where the excitement started. He liked being special. “Don’t play with me, Brandon. You don’t have to say things like that to me.”

  “I’m not playing you, beautiful. I promise. I just want to make you aware.” Brandon stripped off his shirt, and Evan nearly swallowed his tongue. The man was ripped, not just a little ripped either. His musculature looked like he spent hours doing whatever it was gym bunnies did for fun on all the equipment Evan avoided every time he deigned to visit a gym.

  “Are you getting naked?” Evan asked, the last half of his sentence cracking. He swallowed, embarrassed by his clear discomfort over the idea of Brandon naked. Why am I such a dork?

  Brandon laughed. “How else am I supposed to shift, beautiful?”

  He had a point but still… “Um, I’ll just wait here a second until you finish.”

  That seemed to give the shifter pause. “I want you to see it so you won’t be afraid. I promise not to ravage you until you beg unequivocally for it.”

  “I don’t mean that you’re some kind of animal that is going to pounce on me.” He shifted from foot to foot, intensely aware of Brandon’s eyes on him. “I only said that because I don’t trust myself not to touch you.” He looked up and found Brandon standing in front of him.

  “Humans are odd,” Brandon murmured. “I say touch me, indulge yourself if that suits you.”

  “I don’t want to make a mistake,” Evan whispered, staring into his endlessly blue eyes. “Not with you.” He could easily see himself falling for Brandon and landing in another messy relationship because he hadn’t held his horses.

  “Ah, I see. I was wondering about the difference.”

  Evan frowned. “What difference?”

  “In your work, everything is bold like you’re absolutely sure of yourself. You are almost reckless when you program. But you seem tentative with this whole dating thing. It was hard to reconcile the two, but now I get it.”

  “I still don’t understand.” Was he being complementary or was he insulting him? Evan couldn’t figure out whether to get pissed or just roll with it.

  “You haven’t figured out how to negotiate relationships, so you’re hesitant to press forward,” Brandon said, trying again. “It’s all a mental calculation with a trial-and-error system designed to make you one hundred percent sure that you’re making the right choice.” Brandon popped the button on his jeans, and Evan’s eyes zeroed in on his crotch. “Unfortunately, beautiful, you don’t understand that relationships aren’t complex systems. They’re a whole other animal.” Evan licked his lips, the air changing somehow, becoming heavier. “Maybe try thinking a little less.”

  “If I think any less, I’m going to start drooling,” Evan muttered under his breath as he watched in fascination as Brandon lowered his zipper. He was a black briefs guy. Oh yum.

  “I promise not to comment on the drool,” Brandon teased. “Come on. Supper will be ready in just a minute. We can go for a quick dip. I’ll give you some clothes to wear while I dry yours after.”

  “Dip? As in a pool?”

  “Yeah. Didn’t I tell you? I’m aquatic.”

  Oh this was going to be interesting.

  * * * *

  Evan sat on the edge of the pool, his legs dangling into the water as a very naked Brandon made his way to the center of the pool. The pool itself was enormous and took up almost all of backyard area. It had to be Olympic size.

  “Are you sure your skin can take the chlorine?” Evan asked, swishing his feet back and forth in the cool water. It was warmer than he would expect despite the coolness of the day.

  Brandon was now up to the bottom of his ribs in the water. “It’s a salt pool, not chlorine. I had this built specifically for shifting.”

  “Oh cool.” He hadn’t known such a thing existed. “So let’s see it.”

  Brandon gave him a wink. “Don’t be scared.”

  “Why would I be scared?”

  Then he showed him exactly why he should be afraid. The air shimmered with the vibration that meant Brandon was about to shift. Evan was used to Jude doing it now, so the visualization didn’t weird him out. However, what Brandon turned into certainly gave him pause. “Holy cow!” he yelped, staring as Brandon sank into the water. He was a shark, a huge freaking shark. He had to have put on another three feet of height in this form, making him close to nine and a half feet by Evan’s estimations.

  The stripes on the shark’s body gleamed in the pool lights as he made a slow circle toward Evan. He jerked his legs out of the water as the massive beast passed. He knew logically that it was Brandon, but a primal part of him remembered the Jaws movies all too well. “You’re not going to hurt me, right?” he whispered, forcing his hand back into the water as Brandon made another pass. His hand slid down Brandon’s back, and he was surprised at the rough texture of shark skin. He’d known that shark skin was going to be like sandpaper, but the apparent smoothness of the skin startled him when he touched it.

  He stroked Brandon’s back fin, feeling the strength in the muscular form of the shark. “Whoa. This is so cool.” The flesh trembled beneath his hand. The vibrations worked up his arm as the skin changed from rough to smooth in a blink.

  Brandon raised his face out of the water, a smile on his face. “You okay? I thought you were going to come in.”

  “You didn’t tell me you had razor sharp teeth and a penchant to eat everything,” Evan teased, captivated by Brandon’s water-bunched eyelashes. The long black lashes framed blue eyes that seemed even deeper in the pool light. “Maybe I’ll work up the courage to have a swim with you after. I don’t know if I’m ready for a shark dive just yet.”

  Brandon nodded, accepting him easily. “Then how about a skinny-dip with me?”

  Evan leaned forward, wanting to taste Brandon’s wet lips. “I could be convinced.” Their lips met, and the water sloshed over the edge of the pool, soaking the front of Evan’s pants. He couldn’t bring himself to care as the taste of salt and man washed through him.

  He didn’t even realize how far he was leaning until Brandon’s arms wrapped around him and he slid into the water with a resounding splash. He sputtered a little at the change from dry to wet. The water had to be seventy degrees so it didn’t chill him, but it was still surprising. Brandon never stopped kissing him. He felt claimed by the sure, steady touch of the shifter in his arms.

  He wrapped his legs around Brandon’s waist as Brandon spun them in a lazy circle around the pool. As far as first dates went, this one was kind of amazing. The urge to tangle his hands in Brandon’s hair had been repressed throughout their date, but now he allowed himself the privilege. Brandon’s hair was surprisingly thick, and Evan gripped the black locks as he opened his mouth to deepen the kiss. Their tongues tangled for the second time this evening, and it was just as potent as the first.

bsp; A distant loud ringing made him break the kiss. “What is that?” he asked, finally realizing that he was still wearing his tennis shoes. Aw shit.

  “The timer for the oven,” Brandon rumbled. He trekked over to the ladder on the side of the four foot. Brandon lifted Evan up and placed him on the side of the pool so he could climb up the ladder. Brandon’s lips twitched. “Guess you’re going to need a change of clothes after all.”

  “I guess so.” Evan nearly swallowed his tongue as Brandon emerged from the water. He managed to drag his gaze away as Brandon grabbed the towel off a nearby chair and wrapped it around his waist.

  He forced himself to his feet as Brandon walked toward the door they just came out of. “Wait here,” Brandon said as they came to the front door. “I’ll grab you a towel. Go ahead and toe off your shoes.”

  Evan did as he was instructed and waited for Brandon to return with his towel. There were a million thoughts running through his mind as a slight breeze picked up in Brandon’s backyard. Evan was having fun, enjoying himself for the first time in a long time. He was going to be late on Hackverse tonight. He wasn’t anxious to get back to it per se, but he did want to tell BlackJoy about his date. He finally had something positive to tell him. A twinge of guilt went through him. He’d been talking to BlackJoy for over a month now, and it felt almost like cheating for some reason. It didn’t make sense, but he felt that way. We’re just friends. It doesn’t matter that I had a major crush on the guy. When it comes right down to it, BlackJoy isn’t a real guy for me. Still, the guilt persisted.

  The door swung back open. “Sorry that took so long,” Brandon apologized. “I just wanted to grab the hens out of the oven before they burned.”

  Evan took the towel from Brandon’s outstretched hands. The shifter still had his towel wrapped around his own waist. “All good. I am starving. Burned food doesn’t sound as appealing.”

  They made their way inside, and Brandon fussed over him as he set their plates with precision and threw his clothes in the dryer. The attention wasn’t something that Evan was used to. However, it was something he could definitely get used to. He smiled as he picked up his fork before shoveling a bit of meat into his mouth. Orange flavor burst over his tongue, and he groaned at the taste.

  “Oh my God, this is fantastic.”

  Brandon smiled. “You think?”

  Evan nodded. “Oh yeah. I could actually learn to eat grown-up food if you cook it.”

  Brandon laughed. “What does that mean?”

  “Well, the guys always give me a hard time that I still eat my college staples and no actual food.” He chuckled. “If you were cooking for me, I might learn to like something other than Hot Pockets and pizza rolls.”

  “Interesting diet you have there,” Brandon drawled, his eyes sparkling.

  Evan shrugged. “I try.”

  They continued the meal, the conversation flowing just as easily as it had all night. Evan really, really liked him. Knowing that the guy was his mate just seemed to take away the stress of not knowing whether Brandon really liked him. He didn’t know the exact ins and outs of matehood, but he did know that the connection was infallible.

  He used his bread to sop up the remains of the orange glaze before popping it into his mouth. “I am stuffed.”

  “Good. It was my intention for you to leave here fed,” Brandon said, collecting their dishes before depositing them in the sink. “You want to play a video game while your clothes finish drying?”

  “Sure.” He didn’t want to get into his car soaking wet, and spending more time with Brandon was no hardship. “What do you have?”

  Brandon snorted. “What don’t I have?”

  Evan grinned. This was going to be a lot of fun.

  * * * *

  Brandon wanted him. The place their shoulders touched burned him, his animal demanding that he turn fully toward Evan and claim him as a shifter was meant to claim a lover. However, he refrained. There was more to Evan than his beautiful body. His mind and the way he strategized as they played was just as big of a turn-on as the fitness of his body as he sat beside him in the towel Brandon had brought for him.

  “Okay, last raid,” Evan said, leaning his head over on Brandon’s shoulder. “It’s 2:00 a.m. and we both have to get up in the morning.”

  “True.” Brandon leaned over and nuzzled the top of his head. “You want to spend the night? I have a spare room if you don’t want to drive back.” The instant hesitation and the slight smell of unease let him know he’d crossed the invisible line of human comfort for a first date. “Sorry,” he said quickly. “You don’t have to. I was just offering.”

  “I want to,” Evan murmured, sounding apologetic. “I just don’t trust this yet. Okay?”

  “That’s more than okay, beautiful. Take all the time you need.” His animal bared its teeth in impatience. This is the reality of courting a human.

  “I appreciate that. I know that shifters move fast with their mates, but I’m just not there yet.” He turned his head up and licked his bottom lip. Brandon nearly groaned at the sight. His mate was a beauty all right. “However, I’m really ready for a good-night kiss.”

  “That I can provide.” Brandon leaned forward. They had kissed several times tonight, and each time just made his want sink deeper. This time felt more intense than the last, and before he knew it, they were rolling around on the couch, their legs entangling in the cords of their controllers as their mouths fused.

  Somehow Brandon ended up between Evan’s legs, grinding against the apex of his thighs as Evan thrust up against him in equal intensity. Evan gasped Brandon’s name against his lips and gripped his shoulders, digging his fingertips into the muscles there. Brandon couldn’t resist giving a harder grind. They certainly had chemistry in spades.

  He was going to come like a teenager fumbling around in the back of Daddy’s Buick if he kept up the same hard rhythm. He broke the kiss as Evan made a keening sound of want. “Gotta stop, beautiful. Won’t be able to stop if we do much more.” It was the only warning he was going to give him. If Evan chose to stay, all bets were off.

  Evan swallowed. “Yeah. Didn’t mean to get so carried away.”

  “All good.” Brandon’s erection didn’t think so, but he would live. A cold shower and a very intense jerk-off session were in his near future.



  “I want to get you off.”

  He nearly inhaled his tongue at the whispered admission. He swallowed convulsively, his entire body tensing. “I won’t be able to stop.”

  “I want to see you come apart,” Evan rumbled, licking his bottom lip.

  Brandon bared his teeth, a growl working out of his throat. “How you want it?”

  “Let me suck you?”

  “Hell yeah.” He rolled to the side and pulled his cock from the confines of the boxers. Evan slid to the floor between his spread thighs and raised his eyes to meet Brandon’s. He gripped Brandon’s thighs, and Brandon put his hands over them. “Only if you want to.” His body screamed at him to shut up, but he wanted to give Evan one last chance at backing away.

  “I want this.” Evan’s liquid chocolate eyes didn’t waver. “I want you.”

  Brandon shut up. The human knew his options. Evan leaned forward, licking the head of Brandon’s cock. Brandon let his head fall back, unable to do more than groan low in his throat and curl his hands into fists at his sides. The human palmed his tight sac, rolling the globes between his nimble fingers. “God, beautiful. You’re so fucking hot.” He knew he was babbling but he couldn’t help it. Mate. Mine. His animal broke the surface of his consciousness, and Brandon’s mouth filled with razor-sharp canines, top and bottom. They broke the surface of his gums and descended as he knew they would, aching as they did so. They were his mating teeth after all.

  Evan forced his head down Brandon’s erection, sucking him deep into his throat. Pre-cum flowed freely as Evan serviced him. He wasn’t especially practiced, b
ut he definitely made up for it in enthusiasm. Brandon let his head fall back against the leather of his couch as he let the pleasure wash over him.

  “Evan,” he rumbled. He was already close to coming and didn’t want Evan to end up with a facial. Well, unless he wanted one. The idea was hot as hell.

  Evan smiled around the head of his cock and did this swirling motion with his tongue that made Brandon’s eyes cross. Oh wow. “I’m gonna—” He cut himself off as his balls tightened dangerously.

  Evan licked him from base to tip. “Come for me.”

  Brandon’s cock shot, his sticky pleasure erupting from the tip. He gasped as his mind blanked from the sheer intensity of the desire washing through him. His animal gave a satisfied growl, and his mating fangs bit harshly into his bottom lip. Evan caught most of his cum on his tongue, allowing the rest of it to splash against his lips and cheeks. It was an echo of Brandon’s earlier thought, and it was just as enticing as his fantasy had been. When Evan licked his lips to collect his essence, he groaned all over again.

  “You are fantastic,” Brandon said a little breathlessly.

  Evan gave him a slow, satisfied smile. “Thanks. You taste good.” He’d lost his towel during his blow job, and his naked arousal looked red, swollen, and achy. He shuddered, and a drop of pre-cum decorated the tip of his cock. “I should get my clothes out of the dryer.”

  Brandon tilted his chin up, uncaring of the mess he’d made there. “Let me take care of you.” Surprise flickered in Evan’s eyes not for the first time that night. Whoever he’d been dating had not treated him properly. The hint of that fact had been in their conversations over the past few weeks, but this really solidified it.

  He stood up before drawing Evan to his feet as well. “Where are we going?” Evan asked, tugging slightly against his hold.

  “We’re going to wash you off in the bathroom, and then I’m going to suck you until your eyes cross.”


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