Bred by the Vampire

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Bred by the Vampire Page 1

by Fiona Thompson

  Knocking up the Vampire Slayer

  Sasha has been a vampire slayer since she’s sixteen and the one vampire Morgoth who always gets a way has a nasty plan.

  Capture Sasha. Make her beg for it and make her his coven’s breeding whore. Tied to a post, he will pleasure her. And watch her belly grow and grow.

  By the time she is milked by the coven nightly, she will be under his spell and she will want nothing more than to wed. Nothing more than to breed mighty vampires.

  Sasha the vampire slayer will become vampire property. But Morgoth doesn’t count on the control she will have over him. He doesn’t count on falling more in love with her, the more her body swells with unholy life.

  Together, they might just have a future. If Sasha can give herself body, soul, away to a vampire and become his ultimate possession.

  The Hunt

  It was on. The game was a foot. And a million other bad puns that Sasha had learned early one as a vampire slayer. Now eighteen, she took her job more seriously than she had as a teenage girl in high school.

  But the outfit was the same. Her tight little barely legal body was in a tight fitted mini-skirt paired with vampire slaying high boots. A form fitted ribbed tank top completed her outfit with a leather jacket. From her neck a cross dangled. Her blond hair was swept back and her gorgeous face was stern and prime for taking down a vampire.

  Sasha lept over the tombstones. Her extra strength made it easy and in her hand she twirled her favorite wooden stake. She followed the dark figures as they ran through the cemetery. Her arms swung in time to make her strides long. Her feet kicking up the fresh grass as she turned to corner them against a mosuliem.

  When she got there, Sasha was out of breath and her perk mounds of breasts heaved for air. The vampires lunged at her. The fight was on.

  But they were no match for her training or for her moves. They dropped like flies as she assaulted them with kicks, punches, and the thrust of her wooden stake. They dropped like flies, their bodies dissolving against the ground.

  Sasha’s adrenaline was surging and her face was flushed. Horny from the fight, she wished her boyfriend was around but instead Sasha looked for Morgoth, the devilish rival full of dastardly deeds. The one she had come out to find that night to finally kill.

  Her stomach cramped like it always did when he was around and Sasha entered the crypt. Inside it was dark and down the stairs she went. Sasha could hear his footsteps and she turned on her cell phone flashlight and shined it right in his face.

  Handsome as ever, but with the heart of the devil, Morgoth’s face twisted under the intense light and he threw his arms up to block it from his vision.

  “You’re mine now.” Sasha readied her stake, but she heard footsteps all around her. She whipped her phone around and saw the swelling vampire numbers closing in on her. Quarters were tight and Sasha knew the fight would be hard, if not next to impossible.

  The seized her by the arms and held them back. Sasha tried to shake them off, her breath quivering but she didn’t have a foothold to stand on.

  It was over. It was done, Sasha thought as someone grabbed her hair and yanked her head back, exposing her long supple neck. They would feed on her and she would die. Then the next vampire slayer would be called.

  The fight would continue, but not for her.

  Tears filled her eyes. Sasha could feel Morgoth’s breath on her as his mouth rested against her neck. Sasha squeezed her eyes shut and blocked out what she thought was coming. His tongue licked across her neck and his hands ran up her body.

  Sasha quivered and her body twitched. Morgoth’s hands were on her breasts, flattening them against her chest. Her fingers squeezed her nipples between them and Sasha moaned. If he was going to violate her, Sasha wished he would hurry up and just bite her.

  She got her wish.

  Morgoth’s fangs slid under her skin like butter. Sasha’s eyes rolled back in her head as her body went weak in his arms. He held her like a drowning lover and as the other vampire’s released Sasha, she was helpless to do nothing but rock back into his arms.

  The warm life blood leaving her forever. Or so she thought.


  Sasha thought she was dead, but slowly consciousness started to drift back and the first thing Sasha noticed was pain. Her neck was so stiff, Sasha could barely move it. Instead she moaned and her eyes fluttered open.

  But she was blindfolded. She couldn’t see anything. And her arms were suspended in the air above her head. Sasha tried to yank on them, but even with her super strength she could barely move them. Digging her heels into the ground she discovered she was on a dirt floor and her boots had been removed.

  “It’s no sense in trying to escape.” Morgoth’s voice traveled down and Sasha could hear his footsteps. “Those handcuffs are enchanted. Thought lost for a thousand years. They bind your powers. You’re not much more than a girl now.”

  Sasha swallowed and it burned her throat. “You drank me.”

  “Some.” Morgoth admitted. “Just enough to knock you unconscious. Death for you is not my plan.”

  He touched her body and Sasha twitched away. His hand was on her breasts, over her tank top at least. Thank goodness for small favors. Her body responded in ways that terrified Sasha. She bit her lip and had to hold her breath to keep the arousal out of her voice.

  “You should kill me because when I get out of here…”

  Morgoth laughed. “You’re not going anywhere. You’ll see, darling. You will live here with the others.”

  “Others?” Sasha asked with baited breath.

  “The other breeders of course.” Morgoth’s hands stroked down Sasha’s thighs and her flesh prickled with goose bumps. Her stomach cramped tight like it was expecting something, but Sasha wanted no part of it. Not at all. “You had to know we were breeding humans. Livestock. Food. That’s how we keep from getting caught, of course.”

  Sasha had thought. She had been looking for where he kept them for months. But now if he thought that Sasha was going to bare human children for him to sell on the free market as food to other vampires, he had another thing coming.

  Morgoth’s power of mind reading was one Sasha couldn’t hide from. He laughed. “Not humans, my dear. Vampires. I’m going to mate with you. Swell our numbers.”

  “Never.” Sasha spat at him, at least she hoped it was him. She couldn’t see with the blind fold on.

  Morgoth gathered her hair and yanked it back. He kissed her cheek. “You will say yes before you know it. You will not be able to resist my advances. And then I will parade you around in front of the others and they will see that I, Morgoth, control the one thing that was supposed to kill me. The vampire slayer. Knocked up and swollen with our brethren.”

  Sasha swore that would never happen. Swore she would never allow such a thing to happen. If she couldn’t escape then Sasha would need to do the honorable thing. She would need to die.

  Sasha would find a way to kill herself, one way or another. Because she was a vampire slayer. Despite how her body responded to Morgoth she could never allow herself to be used or violated. She was stronger than him.

  She repeated it to herself over and over. “You’re stronger than him. You’re stronger than him.” But were the words true? Sasha prayed to God they were.

  The Lure

  Morgoth left her alone and Sasha realized she wasn’t really alone. There were others. She could hear their breathing, their voices. Somewere vampires and somewere human captors.

  She heard the sound of whips and chains. “It’s your turn. You must breed this one. We have an order for a healthy set of twins. Do your job and you will not be punished.”

  Back from the corner of the room, Sasha heard crying.
It was a woman and she was breathless. “The contractions are getting closer together. Someone has to help me. Please!”

  “Birth them yourself cow, or you will never see the light of another day.”

  The woman cried. “I have not seen light for three years. Can someone help me? Who will save us from this torment?”

  Sasha’s heart sunk and tears filled her eyes. If someone could save these people who would it be? It would be her. Death was not the answer. She was brought her to be a slave, but instead she would be a savior.

  Sasha would be the undoing of these villains. She was sure of it.

  She jerked when she someone touched her, but a soft woman’s voice spoke to her. “It’s okay. Don’t worry. I am one of you. Human. I have brought you something to keep up your strength.”

  Sasha couldn’t take food from the vampires. She shook her head. “Help me out of here instead and I’ll set you free.”

  “I can’t yet, my lady. There are vampire watching everywhere. But you must keep up your strength. If you don’t, you’ll be no use to yourself or us.” The woman leaned in against Sasha’s cheek. “I can get you the key to those handcuffs, but it will take some time.”

  The handcuffs. If Sasha could get them off…She nodded and opened her mouth. The woman’s hand was soft against Sasha’s chin as she held a cup.

  The liquid was warm and smooth. Delicious. Almost like coffee, but different. Sasha had never tasted anything quite like it and the way it went down the throat…She was immediately hungry for more.

  “Later.” The woman answered. “I’m going to wash your neck and redress. It’s healing nicely.”

  For a while Sasha let her work. “What’s your name?”

  “Mary.” The woman answered simply. “Breeder number four. I get chores and they let me roam the property because I am compliant. I don’t pitch a fight anymore and I am rewarded.”

  “Are you pregnant right now?” Sasha asked with dread.

  But Mary answered with happiness. “Swelling high and round, my lady.”

  “Don’t you worry about your children?” Sasha asked with a scowl. Maybe it was wrong to judge, but she found she couldn’t stop herself.

  “They’re not my children. They belong to the coven. To do as she wish.”

  Dread set into Sasha’s stomach as Mary excused herself. Mary was being controlled or brain washed by the vampires. Sasha never should have drank what was offered to her.


  It became more obvious as time ticked by that something had been in that drink. Sasha’s body was burning and the heat was gathering in her pelvis region, deep inside her pussy.

  Sasha couldn’t even sit still. Her feet pushed into the dirt and her back arched. She was so horny. Listening to the screams of the other woman in the barn was enough to drive Sasha to passion, but she couldn’t do anything.

  Nothing at all.

  Mary returned. Every few hours with a new cup. The first time, Sasha fought her. “I won’t drink! I won’t!” Sasha thrashed her head, but Mary even though dainty, managed to get her mouth open enough to get a few drop of liquid in.

  She returned every few minutes to do it again and again. Until finally Sasha was gulping the liquid down.

  The second time, Sasha barely put up a fight.

  And the third time, Sasha had been so hungry she welcomed the drink.

  Now it was night and she was alone in the dark.

  Her arms ached from being suspended for so long, but the real pain was in her chest. Her breasts were stretching tighter against the fabric. Her nipples were longer than just little nubs. And the heat, the pleasure from how fast they were growing was enough to make Sasha wish there was a man.

  Wish someone was there to pleasure her.

  Her hips couldn’t stay still. Sasha humped the dry air and moaned. There was no climax. But just minute after minute of pleasure. She was going to lose her mind.

  “That’s it, Sasha. Good girl.” Morgoth said and Sasha was mortified.

  She hadn’t realized he was there. Watched her.

  “It doesn’t make you less of a woman to give in.” Morgoth sneered and Sasha heard him get down on all fours. His hands were on her legs and slowly they crept up her legs.

  It set her a flame. Sasha was defenseless against her desire for him. Her head fell to the side, and her mouth fell open.

  His strong hands slipped around her panties and pulled them free. “What do you say, Sasha?” Morgoth asked.

  “No. You can’t do this to me.” Sasha said it even as her knees fell outward.

  He took it as an invitation. His hands gripped her hips and his face went against her thighs. Sasha sucked in her breath as his own hot air blew against her pussy. Sasha tried to ignore it but the smallest of moans escaped her lips as she felt his tongue swirl against her lips.

  She was so wet, Sasha was almost embarrassed as she felt his mouth against her. Fangs were growing from his teeth and Sasha knew she could be in danger, even as his nose pushed up against her. She couldn’t stop the quickening of her pulse or a sharp intake of breath as his fangs, ever so gently, rubbed against her skin.

  Sasha opened her legs wider and her back arched. It felt so good…It felt better than it should and she groaned. She wished her hands were free so she could grip Morgoth’s hair and shove him even further. Deeper.

  She was never going to orgasm like this. And she was so desperate for orgasm. So desperate to finish and clear her mind. It was like a deep hunger she could not satisfy. An inch she could not scratch.

  Morgoth kissed her full on the lips, tasting like her own pussy. Sasha hungrily kissed him back and his hands gripped her face. Open mouth, breathless kisses like they were long lost lovers. Like Sasha was born to be his all along.

  It wasn’t right. It couldn’t be. This wasn’t how things were supposed to go.

  “What do you say, Sasha? Should I finish the job? Do you want me inside you?”

  Sasha turned her head. “Please.”

  “You have to say it.” Morgoth growled, his hands cupping her breasts. Driving her desire even further.

  Her back straightened and she pushed her growing breasts outward. “Fuck my brains out. I need you so bad.” Tears ran down her face as she said it because it was true.

  Morgoth grunted with pleasure from hearing her words and other vampires laughed. Sasha was mortified that others were watching, but she didn’t tell Morgoth to stop as his strong hands grabbed her torso, positioning himself on top of her.

  There she was, Sasha thought. Handcuffed to a beam in a dirt floor barn. Her body stretched out from being suspended for so long getting what she desired, yet hated, the most, while an audience watched.

  Sasha should have hated it, but when Morgoth entered her, his wide throbbing cock finding itself deep inside herself, Sasha couldn’t hate it. She could only revel in it. Her legs widened and she pushed them high in the air.

  Her mouth was frozen open. She had never thought about vampires this way before, but he was so wide. So big. Sasha felt like she was going to rip in two and she loved it. Oh God, did she ever love it.

  Her lips quivered. “You’re so big…” Her voice cracked and her chest heaved for air.

  Morgoth never said anything. He just gripped his hands on top of hers. Sasha could feel the claws from his fingers growing. She yelped in pain and that just drove him on. He pumped faster and faster into her. His breath ravaged and hot against her face.

  Sasha felt faint. She didn’t think she could take that much pain or pleasure, all mingled and wrapped up in one. But her body relished in it. The orgasm came fast and was long, intense. Morgoth groaned and let go when he saw her display of pleasure.

  Hot, steaming and fast his special semen raced through her body. Sasha groaned and gripped his fingers. Their mouths groped for each other. “Morgoth…”she whispered.

  All around them the vampires cheered and clapped each other on the back.

  Morgoth took off Sasha’s blindfold
and his vampire face distorted the handsome man he once was. He sneered at her. “You’re mine now, Sasha. Queen of the vampires.” He put his hand on her lower stomach like he knew something was already at work.

  Like he knew she was already fertilized.

  Sasha’s heart sank. What the hell had she done?

  “Let me go.” Sasha begged.

  But the vampires left her there. They didn’t even move her into one of the barn stalls. Sasha was left alone.

  And the pit of her stomach began to growl.

  Pregnancy Began

  Sasha was a fool. And all through the night she knew it. Her body was surging. Changing. And there was no one around to help her.

  It started innocent enough with her breasts tingling. Almost like something was tugging at her nipples. It brought that fevered desire back, but except for the humans in the stalls no one was around.

  She tried to sleep, tossing her head back and forth, but the nausea in the pit of her stomach kept waking her up.

  Sasha scowled and her legs moved side to side. She was so restless and the feeling of being sick was so strong. Sasha didn’t know how much longer she could ignore it.

  And that was when the stretching started.

  It felt at first like her skin was itchy, right beneath her tight ribbed tank top. But then the burning sensation was accompanied by stretching. It felt like someone has slipped a slightly inflated balloon underneath her skin.

  And it kept growing. Someone kept inflating it.

  Sasha groaned and tilted her head back, trying to ignore the pain. Her hands gripped the chains that kept her captive and Sasha knew her cries were disturbing those in the barns because the sounds of love making all around her stopped.

  Her eyes squeezed shut, Sasha took the deep breath. The pain was gone. Thank God, it faded. With prayer in her heart Sasha opened her eyes and glanced down. She saw her tank top was stretched by the smallest of round bellies she had ever seen. All that pain and that was all she had grown?


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