His Filthy Game

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His Filthy Game Page 3

by Cassandra Dee

  And unfortunately, tomorrow would be another exhausting day. Because of my three-mile walk, I’d been getting up even earlier than usual and the lack of sleep was making me start to forget things. Last week I’d left the keys to the store at home and had to run a mile and a half back to fetch them.

  Man. After getting out of the foster care system, I didn’t think life would still be this hard.

  With one last tug on the lock, I made my way to my apartment. A mile from home rain started pelting me, soaking my hair and clothes. “Shit,” I said, reaching for my umbrella only to realize it was still at Delaney’s.

  With what little energy left, I made a run for it, trying to avoid the downpour as much as possible. I looked like a drowned rat slinking into the apartment complex. Rainwater dripped onto the stairs, leaving a trail behind me. I bit my lower lip, willing myself not to cry, and made my way up.

  “Hey Kitty!” called a familiar voice.

  Just as I reached the landing of the stairs, the elevator doors opened and Shelly appeared. The blonde took one look at me and and nodded sympathetically. I raised my hand in a half-hearted wave. “I need to change clothes. So sorry, let’s talk next time!”

  It was rude to run like this, but I needed a hot shower and to change into a pair of sweats and a comfy shirt before anything else.

  Honestly, I just wanted to crawl under my blankets and let the tears flow. Life was too unfair for people like me. Self-pity overwhelmed my brain.

  I left Shelly in the hallway and made a beeline for my bathroom. The warm water enveloped my form with heat, chasing away the chill.

  And in the lonely bathroom, tears blending with the water, Shelly’s words suddenly echoed in my mind. “I’m a submissive, Kitty. It’s easy money and a win-win for people like me. You’re not only pleasured but also paid.”

  I closed my eyes and leaned my head on the tiled wall of my small shower. Shelly had a point. It did sound like a win-win kind of deal. I could make money while having a good time. Maybe. Hopefully, it wouldn’t hurt too much. Because without experience, I had no real way of knowing, but it could be my chance to take a break from this life.

  And with a long exhale, I made a drastic decision.

  Not even ten minutes later I was staring at Shelly’s door, too scared to knock. But her door opened suddenly, the blonde woman standing there flummoxed.

  “How long have you been on my doorstep?”

  My hair was still damp from my shower and water seeped into my shirt.

  “Um,” I stammered, hotly embarrassed. “About two minutes?”

  With a frown, she asked, “Do you normally do that?”

  I shook my head. “I was trying to overcome my rational brain.”

  “Okay, well…did you need something?” Shelly asked impatiently. She wasn’t wearing her usual skimpy clothes and was dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. “Because I need to run some errands.”

  But I really wanted to talk with my neighbor, so offered my help.

  “Um, do you need something?” I ventured hesitantly. “Maybe I can help?”

  She rolled her eyes.

  “Tampons, girl. I need to run to the drugstore and get some. Not exactly a glamorous errand.”

  But that was easy, and with a quick smile, I replied.

  “Oh sure, I have some in my apartment. No worries.”

  And with that, I scurried back into my apartment and grabbed the spare box. Shelly was still waiting by her door, tapping her foot when I returned. But the woman accepted the box with a smile. “Thanks again. But you didn’t just hang around outside my door just to give me tampons, right?” she asked curiously.

  Biting my lip, I shook my head. “I thought about what you said.”

  “And?” came her slow voice, eyes studying me. “What do you think?”

  I took a deep breath.

  “I think I should go for it.”

  The blonde squealed in delight and I was so surprised when she hugged me. What? Why was she excited? Did she get a finder’s fee or something?

  But Shelly was all giggles now.

  “You’re gonna like it,” she gushed. “It’s gonna be scary at first but so amazing.”


  “I don’t like that kind of but,” the woman stated, a mock frown on her face.

  But there was a secret, and I scanned up and down our hallway. No one was there besides the two of us.

  “But Shelly,” came my whisper. “I’m a virgin. So how is that going to work?”

  The woman’s eyes widened, as well as did her grin. And with that, she pulled me inside her apartment and shut the door. “Oh, girl, we have a lot to talk about. I’m not exactly sure about the price for virgins, but it’s definitely gonna be huge. You’re gonna be showered in cash, for sure.”

  But once I stepped inside, my mind switched to other things. Because Shelly’s apartment was amazing. Sure, we both lived in the same run-down complex, but her place was like Never-Never Land compared to my Spartan accommodations. The floor was fully carpeted with a lush dark brown rug that was so soft I could’ve comfortably slept on it. The cabinets in her kitchen were made of fine wood that matched the table and chairs. She had stainless steel appliances and the countertops even looked like real granite.

  In the living room was an L-shaped couch that was made of white leather and a huge flat screen TV. Everything inside her apartment looked brand new and expensive, compared to my shabby second-hand stuff.

  “Wow,” I mumbled, staring with wide eyes. “Your place is amazing.”

  Shelly glanced around at her things and shrugged. “It’s not too bad,” was her careless reply, although it was clear she was secretly proud.

  I pulled my gaze away from her fancy apartment and stared at my neighbor. “Shelly, I’m not kidding. This place is really amazing.”

  “Well, an interior designer was paid a pretty penny to design this place from scratch,” she said.

  I gasped.

  “But how could you afford it?” was my wondrous question, eyes still looking around. “This must have cost an arm and a leg.”

  “That’s the beauty of it all,” the woman giggled, her eyes twinkling with delight. “My Dom paid for it. The designer, the furniture, the appliances. Everything.”

  I turned to look at her, my mouth gapping. “Seriously?”

  “Well, I used to live with my brother in his crappy apartment that rarely had water. My Dom got me this apartment because he wanted easy access, and it was a pain when I was living with family. So here I am,” she shrugged, eyes sparkling.

  “Do you still see him?” I asked. If the guy paid for everything in her apartment then she must’ve still been in contact with him. Right?

  But the answer was no. Because Shelly shrugged.

  “We had a one-year contract, but once it was done, it was done. Sure, he spent a lot of money, but that’s the thing about Submissive Subs. Once your contract is over, then you never see them again. The Dom didn’t mind, Kitty. Just said think of it as a gift to remember him by.”

  What? I couldn’t believe someone would pay for all this, and then walk off after a year. Who could be that rich?

  Shelly noticed my shocked expression and laughed as she headed to the kitchen. “Would you like some coffee?”

  “Just water, if you don’t mind.”

  She nodded and got a bottle out of her fridge. A fridge, I noticed, that was stocked very well with actual food, unlike mine.

  “Thanks,” I said when she handed me a bottle of water. “You’re sponsors must be really wealthy then, huh?”

  “They have been,” the woman said agreeably. She motioned for me to sit on one of the stools at the bar and took a seat across the way, smiling. “I’m so happy you want to try this, Kitty. You won’t regret it, I promise.”

  “Maybe,” I replied, hoping she was right. I wasn’t so sure, but something had to change about my current situation.

  “Did you check out the site?” Shelly a

  “Um, no. What was it called again?” I said sheepishly. I’d tried to forget about everything that Shelly had said, thinking that kind of thing wasn’t for me.

  The blonde didn’t answer right away; instead she went to her bedroom for a moment and then came back with her laptop. The screen already showed the site. “It’s called Seductive Subs. You just have to register your information and then you’ll have to schedule an appointment with a doctor.”

  “What?” I asked, surprised. “I have to see a doctor? Why?”

  Shelly nodded at my confusion.

  “Because they require this stuff,” she said casually. “You know, to make sure you’re healthy and disease-free. It’ll be fine.”

  I shook my head. “But I’m a virgin,” were my slow words. “Is that really necessary?”

  Shelly sighed. “You don’t just contract STDs through sex. There are different ways. It could be congenital or you got pricked by a needle or something. They just want to make sure that you’re clean, Kitty. You don’t have to be scared.”

  Being scared wasn’t the issue; I didn’t have the money to pay for a doctor, that was the real thing. I was barely surviving as it was. And suddenly, all hope came crashing down, bricks landing on my head.

  Because wasn’t possible.

  As always, I had no money, and no way to move forward.

  So fingers twitching, I pulled at the label on my water bottle. “I can’t do it, Shelly.”

  “Why not?”

  I looked away, not wanting to admit it. I didn’t want her feeling sorry for me, but Shelly just sat there, waiting for an answer.

  “I don’t have enough money to go to a doctor,” was my soft reply.

  “Kitty, how do you…”

  “How do I survive?” I turned back to her, giving her a small, sad smile. “I don’t eat breakfast. Just lunch. Dinner, if I have some extra. I have bills to pay and the rent. Almost all of my money goes there.” Pity filled her eyes, making me fidget in my seat. “My pay isn’t terrible, but just barely covers my rent and bills. I have to budget for my food.”

  Shelly reached out and touched my hand. I almost flinched at the gentle contact. “Kitty, why didn’t you ask for help sooner?”

  I shrugged. “I thought I could survive. Truth is, it was a lot easier when I wasn’t legally an adult because at least the foster homes didn’t charge rent and there’d been food to eat. Some of the foster parents even gave me money occasionally. But now, I barely scrape by.”

  “Hold on. I’ll be right back.” Shelly disappeared into her bedroom for a minute and I could hear a drawer open and close. When she returned, the woman slipped something in to my hand and held it tight. “Here. Take this. I know what it’s like to have a hard life. How difficult it is to fend for yourself. You don’t have to do it alone, Kitty.”

  I smiled at the woman, grateful tears in my eyes.

  “You don’t have to …” my words trailed off.

  But Shelly’s expression grew fierce then.

  “Listen, it’s the least I can do. I used to be in your shoes, and someone told me about Seductive Subs. So I’m just paying it forwards.”

  I stared at the computer screen, my vision blurring from the tears brimming in my eyes. “I’ll pay you back,” was my hoarse whisper. “Promise.”

  But the blonde woman shook her head and squeezed my hand. “It’s okay. I just want to help in you in my own small way. Someone did it for me long ago, and now, I’m gonna do it for you.”

  And my vision still hazy, I swallowed hard. Because there hasn’t been much kindness in my life, and my neighbor’s gesture stirred me to the soul. And you know what? I was going to make the most of this opportunity. I was going to make money and lift myself up by the bootstraps if possible.

  So with tears in my eyes, I reached for the laptop and clicked “Create an Account.” After all, who knew what the future would bring? And shoulders squared, I typed my name, ready for the next bend in the road.

  Chapter Four


  It was getting closer to my allotted vacation, and I still hadn’t found a girl that interested me enough. Ever since John had told me about the site, I’d scoured the hundreds of women’s profiles who had posted and offered themselves for domination. But none had captured my attention. I dunno, most were kind of skanks to be honest. Ladies wearing glittery bustiers with come-hither smiles. It wasn’t my thing.

  I refreshed the page and waited to see if there were any new ones added in the last few hours.

  And holy fuck, but there was one.

  I couldn’t stop staring at the image of the woman on the screen because this girl was absolutely breathtaking. She didn’t look anything like the other females. This one had curly brown hair that rested just below her breasts and big caramel eyes. She didn’t pose seductively for the camera to entice anyone. Instead, the woman looked directly at the shutter, innocence and caution mingled like she didn’t know what she was doing.

  It was that look that pulled me in.

  I wanted her.

  A shrill ring came from the phone, cutting off my thoughts.

  “Hey Connor,” came my buddy’s voice.

  “John,” I greeted him curtly and checked the information on the young girl. Who was this chick?

  Turns out her name was Kitty Davis. She had just recently turned nineteen. She worked at as a cashier for a grocery store in Nashville.

  “Just wanting to check if you finally found someone,” John said.

  His words droned on and on, me barely listening. Because shit, this sub was a virgin.

  Is that an oxymoron? Sub and virgin don’t belong in the same sentence anymore. Shit, girls lose it so early these days, fourteen seemed about the average age.

  I checked the profile twice to make sure. The alpha in me uncoiled, suddenly impatient. “I think I just found her.”

  “That’s great,” he said. “What’s her name?”

  “Kitty,” was my terse reply. And flying in a blur, I punched in a bid on-line. A million should suffice. “She’s a virgin.”

  “Shit,” John cursed. “Well? Have you place a bid on her? Because if you don’t then I will, Connor.”

  “She’s mine,” I responded with a hiss and typed in the duration of our contract: a month’s worth of the innocent young woman who had just captured my attention. I also added that I’d fly her here to New York, so she wouldn’t have to worry about transportation.

  The site whirled, accepting my bid. What next now?

  “Did she respond, man?” he grunted.

  “Naw,” was my drawl. “I literally just bid. Give it a day.”

  But then, my laptop pinged. Probably just a site notification, an ad for something or other.

  But holy shit, I had a message. And the sender was someone named Kitty. Excitement crowded my throat and jostled through my nerves. Could it be her? Hurriedly, my mouse clicked open the email.

  I’d love to accept the offer. I just have a few questions. Could you call me please? 834-986-9473.

  I grinned. Was she as eager as I was?

  “Yo, I have to go, John. I’ll tell you everything later.”

  I hung up on him before he could even respond then immediately dialed the number on the screen.

  “Hello,” sounded a lovely female murmur. “This is Kitty.”

  Her voice wasn’t high-pitched or purposely throaty. Instead, the female’s voice was as sultry as it was gentle, with a slight Southern accent.

  I closed my eyes and imagined the woman. The curly brown hair and the innocent doe-like eyes. The voice that was effortlessly seductive. I could feel my cock growing hard, fueled by my images of this girl submitting to me.

  “Hello,” I growled, arousal prickling the tone. “I’m Connor Cartwright.”

  “Kitty Davis,” she answered with a tone that was soft and shy.

  I couldn’t help but smile. Her innocence radiated through the phone. “I’m interested, sweetheart. I could fly
you here to New York from Tennessee tomorrow . What do you say?”

  Yeah, my offer was sudden. But it was generous too. Besides, wasn’t that how this shit went down? No need for small talk when you met on a site like Seductive Subs.

  But Kitty paused for a moment.

  “You’ve placed a generous bid,” came her reply. “But I have a few questions, Mr. Cartwright, if you don’t mind me asking?” I loved how hesitatnt her voice sounded.

  “You can ask me anything.”

  “It’s about BDSM,” she said. I could almost hear her blush through the phone. “I’m sure you saw that I’m new to this whole thing.”

  “Yes, I saw that you’re a virgin,” was my aroused growl. “What is it you want to know?”

  “I researched it and read that there are some guys that are really into it. Like all the works.” She seemed unsure of what to say to me. “Like they really love to inflict pain.”

  I suddenly realized that she was scared. But then again, the woman was new to this, so it made sense. But if she were frightened about the idea, why would she put herself in the kind of world where pain equaled pleasure?

  In my time as CEO, I’ve learned that it pays to ask. So my question was forthright.

  “Why did you sign up for this, Kitty?”

  The woman didn’t reply at first. I waited a moment for her to say something, anything. It took her almost a full minute before she responded. “I’m curious about it. And I want to make my life a little bit better.”

  Her answer was vague and I wanted to press her for the truth, but decided against it. Her personal situation shouldn’t be any of interest to me, after all. This was a contract, and nothing more. Getting too intimate was like treading in deep waters and we’d just started out too.

  No attachment was the first rule in this kind of relationship.

  “You didn’t answer my question, Mr. Cartwright,” I heard Kitty say, jolted from my thoughts.

  “I’m not into anything crazy,” was my reassuring rumble. “I’m not into edgeplay if that’s what has you concerned.”


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