For Her Benefit

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For Her Benefit Page 8

by Nana Malone

  “I swear to God, I will kill you myself.”

  Fuck. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, baby. Love, please just hear me out.”

  “You promised me.”

  “I did. I know. It’s just… There was a lot going on, and I wanted to be sure. When I was helping you research that night, I saw the photo and he looked familiar, but I didn’t know who he was. I didn’t know if it was cause for alarm or not.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ, that’s what you do when you’re with someone. You talk things out.”

  “I’ve been talking. Do you realize I shared more with you than I’ve ever shared with anyone? Since my Mom died, I keep things pretty close to the vest.”

  She glowered at me. “That is bullshit, and we both know it. You talk to Bridge and East… daily. Several times a day about God knows what. East knew you recognized him.”

  Yeah, East had known. Why hadn’t I told her? I had no choice. I had absolutely no choice but to tell her. “Okay. Okay, you’re right.” I held my hands up and then eased myself on the other side of the settee, careful not to touch her because she looked furious right now, and I didn’t want her injuring herself in her efforts to get away from me. “I should have told you. I told myself I was keeping you safe, but—“

  “But what, Bennett?”

  I winced as my balls tightened. Get it together, mate. “When we were researching, I saw the photos and I just—I wasn’t even focused on the one with Evan Zolov in it. I was focused on the other one.”

  The furrow between her brows went deeper, marring her beautifully smooth skin. “I swear to God, Bennett, tell me everything right now, or I’m walking out that door and not coming back. I don’t give a fuck if someone is trying to kill me. You cannot lie to me anymore.”

  I scrubbed my hands over my face. “I know. I am fucking this up, and I warned you that I would. I need to learn how to do this, okay? So just please cut me some slack.”

  “I can’t cut you some slack until you tell me the truth.”

  “Okay, that night we were researching, there were two photos. One of Carol at some kind of a ball or function. She had that low-cut burgundy dress on. There was a hand wrapped around her waist, and the man wore a ring on his thumb, a signet ring.”

  She frowned. “I don’t remember that picture.”

  “There were dozens that you were going through. There were just so many. I recognized the signet ring right away, but I wanted to be sure.”

  Her brows lifted. “So?”

  “It looked like my father’s signet ring.”

  She blinked. “Your father’s?”

  “I recognized it right away as one of the Elite rings. But I wasn’t sure it was his until I took the photo home and looked at it closer under a magnifying glass and saw the number etched into the side of it. We all have our numbers etched.” I held up my left hand with my ring on it and yanked the bugger off, grateful to be free of it for even a moment. “You see, right here. That’s my number. I’m brother four hundred and fifty-one.”

  She scowled. “So? Your father knew Carol?”

  “It appears that way. I just didn’t know why that particular photo would be in your mother’s files.”

  “They knew each other. Wait, when was this?”

  “I still don’t have all the answers. I went to speak to him, but he’s stalling me.”

  “What do you mean by stalling?”

  “At first he tried to pretend he didn’t know who was in the picture. And then he played it off as unimportant.”

  “But that doesn’t make any sense. Sure, if your father was the Prime Minister during the time she was the ambassador for Ghana, it makes sense that they would know each other. They probably knew each other well. So why would it be a big deal?”

  “Exactly my question to him.”

  “Are you sure? What the hell was the date on the photo?”

  “It’s not dated, but the photo was enough to shake me, and I still want to know why that photo would be in your mother’s research about Caroline Ritter. I also want to know why the old man was cagey about it.”

  “Okay, so that’s something else to research. Fine. But why did you take the other photo?”

  “Because I knew I recognized him from somewhere, so I took it to East after I met with my Dad.”

  “And he found him?”

  I nodded slowly. “He’s a fixer for the Van Linsteds.”

  Her jaw dropped open. “Jesus fucking Christ.”

  “Yeah. So, a conversation with Marcus Van Linsted is in order. I’ll put in the call, assuming he’ll even meet with us.”

  “Well, why would a fixer for the Van Linsteds take April and me?”

  “It could be that he was there for you, and she just got in the way.”

  Liv pushed to her feet again, chewing her nail as she shuffled back and forth on the hardwood on her bare feet. With every step she took, I marveled at how dainty her feet were. She wasn’t really that tall at five-seven, but she was certainly above average. And for a woman that tall, her feet were so tiny. Ballerina’s feet. “April had been searching for security when I happened upon her. And he came up behind me, so he might have followed me, looking for a chance to take me. But what if she was the target?”

  “We don’t know anything for sure. Which is why we need to be careful.”

  “But when they questioned me, they definitely said the word ‘book.’ Unless that word means something else in a different language, but that’s what I heard.”

  “Okay, but was it definitely him you saw driving into the warehouse?”

  She nodded. “Oh, absolutely, it was him.”

  “Right, then I need to talk to Marcus Van Linsted because his dog is off his leash, at the very least. At worst, it’s something far more sinister.”

  “I’ll follow the crumbs. You have a diamond to steal.”

  “Liv, I didn’t mean to keep it from you. I just wanted to be sure. I don’t have all the dots to connect yet.”

  “Neither do I. But we won’t get them if we don’t talk to each other. I get it; you’re used to working on your own. You and the boys, the London Lords. And I don’t want to break up that team, but you need to communicate with me. You can’t keep things from me. We have talked about this.”

  “I know, and I fucked up. It wasn’t my intention to keep it from you. I told myself I was going to talk to you as soon as I got a chance, after the diamond heist or whatever. There just wasn’t a really good time.”

  “I’m not letting it slide, Ben. This is your default method of operating. Pull everything in, deal with it yourself. But I can’t live like that. I love you, but I can’t be with someone who’s not going to talk to me.”

  Panic triggered my heart into a gallop. “We belong together. You know that.”

  “I know you keep saying that, but I also need you to mean it and not just say it. ’We belong together’ also means communication.”

  Fuck. I couldn’t lose her. “Whatever you need. I’ll figure this out. I’ll fix it. I have just never been this close to someone before. Even Lila and I didn’t talk like this. And to be honest, she never seemed to really give much of a shit.”

  “I’m not her.”

  “I know that, and I understand. It’s just something I’m not used to. I have only ever had East, Bridge, Drew, and once, Toby. So please, cut me some slack. I know I don’t deserve it, but I’m asking for it anyway. I have to learn how to open up to you. And I’m not deliberately trying to keep things from you. Honestly, I’m not. It’ll just take more time than I thought.”

  “Is there anything else I need to know?”

  “Right now, you know everything I know. I am trying, Liv. Just don’t leave me.”

  She frowned. “Leave?”

  “Don’t leave me behind because I couldn’t figure out how to talk to you.” The worry spilled out of my lips before I could hold it back. Even then, my brain understood that there was something frightening in letting those words loose and so I spok
e it softly.

  “Ben, I’m pissed, but I wouldn’t leave because of one fight.” I lifted my gaze to meet hers. I expected anger and fire in her eyes, but instead I found love and disappointment. I wasn’t sure which was worse. “We’re having a disagreement, but it doesn’t mean I’m going to pack and walk out. Haven’t you ever had a disagreement with someone before?”

  “Yeah, but not about something so important.”

  She watched me closely, her gaze scanning my face. She could see the truth in my statement. “Ben, I’m not going anywhere. I love you.”

  “You left once. You went to Telly’s when you found out I’d lied to you about why you were in so much danger.”

  Her lips parted as if she was about to say something, but then she closed them again before taking a deep breath. “I shouldn’t have done that. But I came back. And I’m not going to do that again. We love each other, so we’re kind of stuck.”

  “So you’re admitting you’re mine?”

  “I’m not a possession.”

  “Sorry. But you’re not going anywhere?”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m not. You’re stuck with me. But that means I’m going to hold your feet to the fucking fire.”

  “Noted. And you should. I’m a bit of a dick.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m with you.”

  I flashed her a grin, trying humor. “Yes, also, I have a big dick.”

  She snorted a laugh. “I do not want to laugh right now. I’m still mad.”

  “Okay, yeah. Too soon.”

  “What am I going to do with you?”

  “Not let me get away with shit and not leave me?”

  “Fine. Both of those things, I can do. Now, when the hell are we going to talk to Marcus Van Linsted?”


  When I marched up to Jessa’s townhouse, I was searched at the door, even though the guards already knew me from my previous visit. I nodded and smiled a greeting.

  “Miss Ashong, it’s nice to see you again.”

  “Trevor, right?”

  He nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Once I was checked to make sure I didn’t have any weapons on me, Telly was checked next. “Easy does it. If you break the merchandise you buy it.”

  The other guy, I didn’t know his name, commented on Telly’s ring. “That’s a gorgeous rock. Who’s the lucky fella?”

  Telly smirked at him. “The lucky lady’s name is Carmen.”

  He gave her a broad grin. “Well then, lucky lady. Should I be sad that you’re off the market?”

  “Yes, you should be. I’m the best sex you’ve never had.”

  He chuckled and opened the door. “Well then, have a good evening, ladies.”

  Telly sauntered in ahead of me. “Oh my God, the class of people you run with now… Will you remember us university friends when you’re a billionairess?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Please, and must you flirt with everybody?”

  “Hey, what can I say? Just because I don’t want to sample the dick doesn’t mean I don’t want to play with it.”

  I snorted a laugh. “Oh my God, you’re ridiculous, and I love you.”

  She hooked her arm into mine. “I love you too. P.S. You know you’re my maid of honor, right?”

  I grinned. “I would have been properly pissed off if I wasn’t.”

  “Well, good. Crisis averted. You are. And I promise not to be a Bridezilla.”

  “Good, because I have no time for drama. You know, unless it’s the shoot-em-up variety.”

  “Yeah, we’ll probably have to wait until people stop trying to kill my bestie to get hitched.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  She shrugged. “Well, one must do what one must do.” We followed the sound of voices into the massive living space. Bryna gave us a wide smile and waved from the kitchen as she shoveled chips and guacamole into her mouth. Jessa was on one of the stools and turned when she saw Bryna wave. “There you are.” She came over and gave hugs to both me and Telly. “Telly, it’s nice to see you again. And Liv, heck, we’re family now.”

  “I guess we are. Trial by fire and all that?”

  From one of the backroom areas came a voice. “Oh my God, I haven’t been to the bathroom alone in over a year. That was surprisingly, blissfully relaxing.”

  The woman stopped short. She was darker than me, with a mane of tight curls flowing over her shoulder, wild and springy. She smiled. “Oh, you must be Liv. I’m Penny.” she said with a grin, then stuck out her hand.

  I shook it. “Yeah, you’re right. I’m Olivia.”

  I introduced Telly and the two of them shook hands. And then Telly did some weird curtsy thing. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what to do with royalty.”

  Penny waved a hand. “Please… Before I was royalty, I was a Royal Guard, so no bowing and none of that curtsying shit. Besides, I get the impression that we’re about to become very good friends.”

  From the direction of the garage came a groan, then the door opened and someone came in carrying what looked like several pieces of equipment. “Of course Roone would have ancient tech. How am I supposed to do anything before my full setup arrives tomorrow?”

  Penny ran over to help. “Ariel, we have guests.”

  Ariel’s head snapped around, and she assessed me in a moment. “Ah, you must be Liv.” Then her gaze landed on Telly, and her brows rose. “Telly Brinx.”

  Telly gave a nervous laugh. “Um, my reputation precedes me?”

  The redhead nodded, sending her mane of russet waves cascading down her back. “Oh, yeah, it definitely does. What you have been doing for security is groundbreaking.”

  Telly smiled tentatively. “I’m sorry we aren’t acquainted, but I like you already.”

  Ariel dumped one of the black cases on the countertop then dusted off her hands on her jeans. “Nice to meet you. I’m Ariel Winston.”

  Telly’s eyes went wide. “Oh, you married a prince. The soccer player.”

  Ariel laughed. “I see someone has been reading her Hello! magazine.”

  Telly nodded. “Well, I needed to know who the players were. And you are also a badass hacker.”

  Ariel shrugged. “Well, badass isn’t the word, but pretty damn close. The real badass is Neela.”

  I heard footsteps upstairs, and then someone came running down the stairs. “Did I hear my name?”

  The woman had a gently curved belly, straight dark hair, olive toned skin, and wide dark eyes. I immediately wanted to take care of her. “Hi, I’m Liv.”

  She grinned. “I’m Neela, and in here… Well, my husband thinks it’s a Jax junior. Wait till he finds out Jax is a girl.”

  I laughed and made the introductions with Telly.

  I had assumed that it would be Penny who would take over the meeting, but she was content to hang back, chatting to Jessa, and instead it was Ariel who took over. “Sorry to jump right into it, but I figured we’d want to talk business stuff, and then we’ll get the wine and find out all about just how good Big Ben is in bed.”

  My eyes went wide. “Oh my God.”

  Ariel snorted a laugh. “Oh shit, your face. But it’s true though. Inquiring minds want to know. I’m pretty sure he has hit on every single woman in this room.”

  Heat flushed my skin. “That does sound like him.”

  Ariel grinned. “But if he has landed on you, then you know that’s for keeps.”

  I flushed again. “Ah, um, maybe?”

  Ariel shook her head. “He’s a flirt. And he’s used to getting his way, but he has definitely been searching for that kind of soul that’s core to him. You know, the kind of man that when he’s decided, he’s decided for good, and that’s it. So, are you ready for wedding bells?”

  I blinked, suddenly too hot and flushed.

  Telly clapped and jumped up and down excitedly. “Oh my God, we’re going to have a double wedding.”

  Jessa tapped Bryna on the ass before finding her seat. “Oh, my God, a triple weddin
g. Add Bryna in there.”

  The snacks were laid down on the coffee table as everyone took their seats. Ariel, Telly, and Neela had laptops open and were busy talking tech speak. Something about routers and servers and access and onsite encryptions. I didn’t understand a word.

  Penny perked up, asking Bryna, “Oh good. Are things better with you guys then?”

  Bryna nodded. “Yeah, he’s just being the stubborn Lucas. Not talking to me, thinking he could handle everything on his own. Like I don’t know him better than I know myself. He misses stealing. So I suggested maybe he steal things to benefit people.”

  I laughed. “Um, how would that look?”

  “Well, I don’t know. I’m sure there’s lots of people who have been wronged by folks who need things taken back or delivered. I don’t know. It was just an idea.”

  Ariel lifted a brow. “I mean, it’s not a bad idea. There are so many lost artifacts from the Holocaust, and you know there are some unscrupulous assholes that are hoarding them. He could steal it back. Give it to the families.”

  Bryna sat forward nodding. “Oh my God, that’s excellent Ariel.”

  “Let’s just say I have a devious mind.”

  I shook my head. “Are all of you like this?”

  Ariel popped a chip in her mouth. “Yep, get used to it.”

  I glanced around the room. These women were all risking their life and liberty to help me. “Seriously, you guys don’t even know me, but you’re all jumping in to help?”

  Penny grinned and gobbled down water. “Oh, you haven’t even seen anything yet. This is team Winston Isles. When one of us is in trouble, all of us are in trouble.”

  Several months earlier, I’d lost my mother, and Telly was all I had left. But surrounded by these women, and knowing I had Ben, I suddenly felt completely enveloped by love and family. Like these people were what I’d been missing all along.

  Ariel nodded at Penny. “Yep, get used to it. We’re the kind of family that turns up even when you don’t want us to. Speaking of which… How long do you think it’s going to take Lucas to realize that Sebastian’s here?”

  Jessa took out fifty quid and set it on the coffee table. “I’ll put fifty on it. I think one of us will get an irritated call in about an hour.


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