Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1)

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Captured: A Dark Suspenseful Gothic Romance (The Rule of Lawes Series Book 1) Page 4

by Felicity Brandon

  Her mind went into freefall. He was taking pictures of her—like this. A swell of humiliated frustration rose in her chest. Struggling to breathe around the huge dental gag, Hannah’s gaze flitted in Lawes’ direction. He offered her a smug grin and slowly eased her chair backward.



  Events were unraveling at a terrifying rate. A few hours ago, Hannah had been at the office, in her normal routine, blissfully unaware of what the men at this place were planning for her. And now, after a few swigs of coffee laced with God only knew what, she found herself bound and exposed to those men, her mouth wedged open by the vile gag Lawes had forced into place. She panted through her nose as he tipped her back in the chair. This was always the part Hannah had feared the most about going to the dentist, and being this vulnerable was doing nothing to quell that trepidation.

  What the hell did they want with her?

  And how was she going to get away?

  Light blinded her, and Hannah turned away, squeezing her eyes closed.

  “Uh uh, Hannah.” Lawes’ voice was playful, but his hands were at her head, guiding it back to its original position. “I need the lamp to see.”

  She blinked her eyes open, resisting the urge to look into the light and instead met the green gaze of Lawes. He was standing behind her head now, but his face loomed in her direction.

  “Can you stay where I’ve put you, little girl, or do you need Zander to strap your head down as well?”

  Hannah shook her head as furiously as Lawes’ large hands would allow. The very last thing she wanted was to be held down any more. Her inability to move her wrists and ankles was already burgeoning into high levels of frantic frustration, and shamefully, Hannah had to admit there was arousal combining with her panic. She had always enjoyed the idea of being tied down during sex—being made to submit—but those things only happened in Hannah’s darkest fantasies. They didn’t happen in real life, and they sure as hell didn’t happen like this!

  “I think she wants to try, Mr. Lawes.”

  Hannah’s gaze darted to Zander and found him smiling now that the camera had been removed. Like all the men she’d seen so far, Zander was surprisingly attractive, a guy she may have made bedroom eyes at in a different circumstance, but she couldn’t believe they were all in on this. How could they justify doing this to unwitting women?

  How did they live with themselves?

  Lawes stroked her forehead, his touch almost tender. “Maybe you’re right, Zander.” He leaned over Hannah until there was nothing else to acknowledge but his knowing gaze. “Let’s try, Hannah. Be a good girl and keep still. I just want to look inside and see what we’re dealing with.”

  She pulled in ribbons of air through her nose, her eyes fluttering in response. After everything they’d had put her through already—after all of this—he was intending on giving her a dental check-up. That was just absurd.

  Absurd perhaps, but apparently true, and she watched Lawes reach for a piece of equipment before he started to examine her teeth.

  “On the whole, things look good.” He sounded pleased, but it made little difference to Hannah at this point.

  All of her senses had scattered, her genuine terror of the procedure mingling with the shock of what was transpiring and the undeniable throb growing between her legs. The tawse had stung like hell when he’d used it on her, but now, her clit felt almost bereft without its brutal caress.

  “Ah, here’s the cavity you referred to earlier.” Lawes inspection paused, and he angled Hannah’s head so he could get a better view of the offending tooth. “That will need filling.” He shifted back into her line of sight, one of those brown eyebrows rising. “It seems you’ve not been taking care of your oral hygiene, Miss Bowman.”

  Hannah started at that. It was possible his assessment was correct. She’d always been rather neglectful about her teeth—her head no doubt linking their welfare to the experience she feared so much—but her response was based on more than just that, and Hannah knew it. The way Lawes was looking at her, the disapproving tone in his voice, and the way he inferred she had let herself down was doing something for her. Hannah squeezed her eyes closed at the realization—one of the few movements she was still able to enact without reprimand.

  This couldn’t be real. Surely, Hannah was dreaming?

  There was no way she could have been taken against her will, subjected to this horrendous ordeal, and still be horny—was there?

  “Open your eyes.” Lawes’ voice was a whisper, and as her orbs flickered open, she was startled to find his face only a few inches from hers. “You don’t hide from me, Hannah. There is no hiding anymore.”

  Hannah was frantic, caught completely in his trap. She was both physically restrained and ensnared by the dark light in his eyes. Lawes had her. That was obvious, but as she tried to process his words, Hannah was forced to acknowledge, she may even want him. Her core tightened in an unusual way. A way she had previously associated with the most intense orgasms of her life—not that there had been many of those—and the sensation furled, dissolving into heat that spread fresh arousal down between her thighs.

  “Have you been a bad girl?” His words were like a sensual threat. “Too many sweet treats?”

  Slowly, Hannah shook her head. She didn’t know what else to do. There was nothing she could say with the awful gag stretching her lips around its metal frame.

  “Are you sure? Because in our practice, bad girls are punished for their misdemeanors.”

  Oh fuck. Hannah blinked at him wildly. He hadn’t really just said that, had he?

  She nodded her head, but Hannah could feel her nipples beading into tight buds at the idea of being punished by Mr. Lawes. She had no idea what it would mean. Maybe it would be hours strapped in this fucking chair—an ordeal she would truly hate—but maybe, it wouldn’t. Maybe it would mean something else. More of the sweet agony of his tawse, or something she hadn’t witnessed yet. Hannah’s clit throbbed urgently at the notion.

  Somehow, she wanted to find out.

  “Hmmm.” He leaned away, his tone unimpressed. “Well, this is not the time for treatment. I will fill your tooth in the next few days, Hannah, but since I have you here all gagged and bound for me, I’ll suggest we try something else.”

  Hannah’s heart raced, her eyes darting to see what Lawes had in mind, but even as they failed in the pursuit, Hannah could feel herself moving again. The chair was being angled even further back, her head now horizontal with her restrained arms. From this position, all Hannah could make out was the pristine ceiling, the blinking spotlights embedded in it, and when he moved closer, the looming form of Lawes. Pulling up what she assumed was a stool, he sat down beside her. A hand glided over her right breast, pausing to taunt her pebbling nipple. An involuntary groan escaped her open mouth.

  “She likes that.” Lawes smiled at the admission. “Zander, perhaps you can accommodate Hannah while I work?”

  “Certainly, Mr. Lawes.” Zander appeared at her left side, and before Hannah knew what was happening, both of his hands were on her, his fingers squeezing and teasing her breasts.

  She panted fiercely behind the gag. Hannah wanted to be free. She wanted to get the hell away from them and never look back… yet she didn’t. She didn’t want Zander’s goading fingers to stop, and for some reason, she couldn’t tear her gaze away from Lawes’ expression. It was like the guy had hypnotized her.

  “Now I’ve had the chance to look inside your mouth, I’ll explore it a little further.”

  Hannah whimpered at his announcement. It was one of the few sounds still available to her, yet it did nothing for her anxiety as she heard the noise. This couldn’t be Hannah’s story, could it? Taken and forced to yield by the men she dreaded most in the whole world? Unable to articulate any of her fears, she was forced to lie there and wait. Wait while Zander amused himself with her breasts and wait while Lawes tormented her further. One of his hands rose toward her face, and instinc
tively, Hannah wanted to move her head and prevent its pursuit, but she already knew that was pointless. She was strapped down to this damn chair, and Lawes had already threatened to immobilize her head if she failed to comply. Hannah witnessed his fingers shifting forward, her body almost as pinioned by panic as the cuffs holding her in place. One finger traced a line around the outside of her lips, and he smiled. “You look fabulous this way, Hannah. Even better than I’d imagined when you walked into my office earlier.”

  All Hannah could do was pant in response.

  “Do you know what Mr. Fuller and I use these gags for, aside from dental treatment?”

  Her eyes widened at the question, but she shook her head. The truth was, Hannah had a good idea what they might use them for. There weren’t that many reasons to keep a woman’s mouth as wide as hers currently was. Silence could be achieved with something much smaller and less grueling.

  “Come on now.” Lawes chuckled. “You’re not so green, Hannah. I’m sure you have an idea.”

  Hannah fluttered her eyes. Her throat felt like it was closing as the wall of panic approached.

  “No?” Lawes shook his head in amusement. “Zander, how is Hannah doing now? Earlier, she was moderately receptive to being restrained in my chair, but how about now?”

  That made her gasp, and reflexively, she lifted her head as far as her neck muscles would allow. Lawes tutted and pressed her gently onto the head rest, and at that moment, she felt Zander's hands trail a line from her needy nipples down over her midriff. A moment later, they were there, at the apex of her thighs, his fingers pushing between her labia.

  Zander sucked in a breath. “She is drenched, Mr. Lawes. Wetter than I’ve ever known at this stage.”

  “Really?” Lawes’ tone feigned surprise, but the knowing look he threw Hannah suggested otherwise. “Let me see for myself.”

  He rose from his seat and stood over her body. Now both men’s focus was on her pussy, and the humiliation bore down at Hannah. She had never been so exposed, so helpless to defend herself. It should have been terrifying. It should have been mortifying, and on some level, the experience was both of those things, but even she couldn’t deny how turned on the subjugation had made her. Hannah could feel the heat and moisture coming from her pussy, and as Zander’s hand moved aside, she was aware of Lawes’ fingers slipping between her wet folds.

  A guttural moan escaped her immobilized lips at the intrusion. Hannah may not be able to halt Lawes’ progress, yet that just made the whole thing even worse—and better. She was forced to lie there while he pumped his digits in and out of her soaking pussy.

  “Well, well, well, Miss Bowman.” Lawes was practically gleeful, and for a moment, Hannah could scarcely pull in another breath. The bastard was always so smooth and in control, but now that he knew for himself just how aroused his show of authority had made her, the prospect of ever having to look him in the eyes again was intolerable.

  “So, now we witness the true nature of the woman, Zander.” Lawes’ voice was a soft purr. “The one who thinks she is consumed by fear when really she is a hostage to her own desire.”

  Zander laughed. “That is one hot cunt, Mr. Lawes.”

  “Yes, it is,” he agreed, circling his fingers inside Hannah until she called out through the gag. “Hot, wet, and fucking perfect. Shall we see how she tastes?”



  Lawes’ fingers were gone in an instant, and rather than the relief Hannah should have felt, she was left with a tingle of loss.

  “Grab my stool, Zander.”

  The younger man came into view by her head, and for the first time, Hannah could see how aroused he was, his straining erection clearly evident through his trousers. She lifted her gaze to look at his face, but Zander was already gone, pacing back to the man who seemed to be his superior.

  “Thank you.” Lawes’ breath tickled the sensitive flesh of Hannah’s calves, and she startled in response. It seemed he was now sitting between her legs.

  “Let’s widen those legs, shall we? Zander?”

  Hannah’s mind reeled. Widen them? Wasn’t that impossible? She was strapped down to the freaking thing, yet even as her brain tried to reconcile Lawes’ words, Hannah felt the bottom half of the chair shifting, and slowly, her two legs were inched further apart.

  She lifted her head to see what was happening, and to her horror, Hannah saw the two halves of the leg rest dividing. Lawes’ flashed her a wide grin before he signaled for her to settle back into her position.

  Oh God. Her head fell back in defeat. This was turning from the dental appointment from hell into a gynaecological one, yet Hannah knew she was drenched with desire from what was happening to her. She’d never known herself this horny before.

  Large hands pressed at her thighs, and she blinked at the ceiling while Lawes seemed to settle himself into position between her now outstretched thighs.

  “Wider, Mr. Lawes?” Zander inquired from somewhere Hannah couldn’t see.

  “Mmmm. A little more.” Lawes’ sounded husky and aroused.

  Hannah wanted to swallow at what that would mean for her, but there was literally no chance of that with the dental gag in place. In fact, saliva seemed to be building up in her throat, making it even more difficult to breathe.

  “Okay, that’s fine.”

  The movement halted at Lawes’ word, leaving Hannah spread-eagled from the waist down.

  “Let me help you, Hannah.”

  She blinked at her name, gasping despite the gag as two hands wrapped around her thighs and under her ass cheeks and yanked her body down the seat.

  “There we go.” Lawes’ breath was right between her legs now. Hannah could feel the heat of it against her soaked skin. “My assistant was right, Hannah. You are drenched. Do you usually get this aroused when you visit the dentist?”

  Hannah shook her head miserably. Usually, she was petrified, but this time, it seemed her terror had given way to something just as primal—unrestrained lust.

  “The patient is shaking her head, Mr. Lawes. I think that means no.”

  Lawes laughed, the gesture tickling Hannah’s needy sex. “I think I’d like to hear that answer for myself, Hannah. Answer me, please.”

  She lifted her head again, momentarily locking gazes with the dark god who had captured her with petrifying ease. Hannah hoped her eyes conveyed the frustrated queries rushing through her head. How on earth was she supposed to answer him with this fucking gag shoved in her mouth?

  “Now, Hannah.” Lawes tone was darker. “Through the gag.”

  She gazed at him, her mind heavy with the weight of his expectations, yet as her nipples beaded tighter, Hannah already knew what she had to do, and there was no way she was going to look at him while she demeaned herself further. Crashing back against the seat, she squeezed her eyes closed. “No, sir.”

  Hannah hoped the title would suffice. Managing his full name in this contraption was just too much.

  “Very nice,” Lawes chuckled, a dark sound that drew a shiver up the length of Hannah’s spine. “We love those muffled consonants here.”

  Oh fuck. He was mocking her inability to answer him. That was maddening as hell, yet to her dismay, it just caused her clit to throb harder.

  “Well, it seems you’re already doing better at our practice than ever before. Not only did you make it through your check-up, little girl, but now you get to be devoured.”

  Her eyes fluttered open, and she tried to make sense of what was happening, but there was no making sense of this. This was just insane.

  Lawes’ mouth crashed into her flesh. Large palms held her thighs in place, even though Hannah had no hope of moving them herself, and at the apex, his tongue lapped at her. Hannah pulled against the cuffs holding her arms, even though she already knew it was pointless.

  Oh God.

  His ministrations were so fucking good, even though they shouldn’t be. Even though Hannah shouldn’t want them and she sure as hel
l should not be enjoying them, each caress was irresistible.

  “Fuck, she’s amazing.” Lawes panted as he rose to catch his breath.

  “May I try, Mr. Lawes?”

  “Not this time, Zander.” Lawes’ breath was back at her clit again. “Feel free to amuse yourself with her wonderful tits, but for now, this cunt is all mine.”

  “Yes, Mr. Lawes.” Zander sounded disappointed, but Hannah couldn’t say she concurred.

  Whatever else Lawes was—and evidently, he was some kind of drill-wielding sociopath—he seemed to be freaking amazing with his mouth, and Hannah wanted more of him. If this was to be her fate—trapped at the mercy of these men—then let her have some of the pleasure, too.

  She needed it.

  She deserved it.

  Hannah’s gaze closed when Lawes lapped at her again, and she forced her mind to cede. She didn’t want to think about the terror of this situation, about what they had given her to get her stripped and restrained, and she didn’t want to think about what fate awaited her after this. All Hannah wanted was this moment—this one sweet, protracted moment of ecstasy where Lawes could suck, nip, and tongue her into the hedonism she craved with such intensity.

  By now, the feeling of Zander at her breasts only fueled her fire, his every cruel pinch throwing alcohol onto the rising flames between her legs. Lawes’ hands pressed harder into her thighs while he tongued her, each lap pushing deep into her pussy, and before Hannah knew what was happening, her hips were rising to greet each lick, her clit silently begging him for more.

  More. Deeper. Harder.

  Just don’t fucking stop.

  “Sweet, little Hannah.”

  She moaned as his lips left her sex and were replaced by one, then two of his fingers.

  “Does that feel good?”

  “Oh, fuck, yes!” she screamed out, apparently unconcerned about the denigration of needing to answer through the gag, now that the pleasure had been ramped up exponentially.


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