Christmas Treats Box Set: Books 1 - 4

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Christmas Treats Box Set: Books 1 - 4 Page 42

by Holly Rayner

  “Be right with you,” she said in English.

  Was Yvonne so obviously out of place? She supposed she was, though she wondered at the woman’s ability to guess her language so easily.

  After she finished placing her last pin, the woman stepped away from the beautiful gown she was working on and approached Yvonne. “Hello and welcome! What brings you into the shop today?”

  “Hi there,” Yvonne said, not sure where to begin. “I’m looking for a ball gown for an event tonight.”

  “Tonight! That is short notice,” she woman said, glancing around at her shop as she thought about what she could find for her customer.

  “I know, I’m sorry. This was all a bit unexpected but…” her mind racing, she figured she’d see if she could gather some information from the woman. “I was given a last-minute invitation to Sheikh Zadid’s birthday party tonight, and I don’t have a thing to wear that’s appropriate.”

  At the mention of the party, the woman’s eyes lit up, and Yvonne knew she had struck gold.

  “You got an invite to one of the most fashionable parties of the year? Oh, to be in your shoes! But no matter, for I will get you the finest dress to wear, and you can wear a pair of shoes from me, too!”

  She clapped her hands, and Yvonne couldn’t help but relish in her glee. Now she knew that the Sheikh’s birthday party would be taking place, and everyone knew about it. She just had to find a clever way to get inside.

  The saleswoman gestured for her to follow as she walked down a line of dresses, pulling out at each one as she compared it to Yvonne’s coloring and body type.

  “You have a great shape, if you don’t mind me saying so,” the woman commented.

  Yvonne blushed. “Thanks. It won’t be staying this nice for long, I imagine.”

  The woman turned and looked at her, her eyes dropping to her belly. “Pregnant?” she guessed.

  Yvonne nodded.

  “That’s wonderful!” the woman said. “I understand why you wouldn’t have a dress on hand, then. You’ll want something that still flatters as your belly grows. Also something that brings out that extraordinary color in your eyes. I think I have just the thing!”

  She dashed across the shop and pulled out a sage green gown that flowed delicately from an empire waist. It was the perfect dress to hide the bump if she wanted to, but were she to press the fabric down, her truth would be easy to reveal.

  She imagined she might need that ability, when the time came.

  The woman handed her the dress and guided her toward a posh dressing room, complete with lavender-colored wallpaper, sconces, and bottled water on a little side table. Feeling parched, Yvonne drank some of the offered water before firmly closing the lid. If she spilled any on the dress before she bought it, she would be out far more than the price of one gown.

  With her job in peril and three babies on the way, that wasn’t something she wanted to do.

  She slid the gown carefully over her head, zipping up the back as far as she could on her own before she had to step out to let the saleswoman help her. Turning, she held her hair up as the dress was zipped comfortably up her back before she allowed her tresses to fall back over her shoulders.

  “Let’s get you the full view,” the woman said, gesturing toward a small podium surrounded by mirrors.

  Yvonne stepped up on bare feet, taking a good, hard look at her pregnant self for the first time.

  In spite of the circumstances, she really was carrying the babies well. Her face had that pregnancy glow that everyone always talked about, and in the dress, she was positively shining, even as her insides roiled with nerves.

  “You are a vision, if you don’t mind me saying so,” the woman said.

  “Thank you so much. This is perfect!”

  “Not yet it isn’t,” the woman replied, dashing off to another part of the store.

  Rows and rows of shoes were lined up, and she parsed through them as she worked to find the right pair.

  “What size shoe are you, miss?” she called out as she searched.

  “Seven,” Yvonne replied.

  A moment later, the woman appeared with a box, opening it up to Yvonne. Inside, a pair of sage-colored flats sat simply, if not stunningly, in the box.

  “You’re pregnant; you should wear comfortable shoes. Besides, it’s unlikely that anyone will see them, given the length of your gown.”

  Although she had been disappointed at first not to see a pair of glamorous heels, Yvonne realized the practicality of the woman’s choice. If she needed to get in and out quickly—if her worst nightmares came to life—she would want to be able to get out fast. The chances of doing that in heels were slim.

  She removed the shoes from the box and slid them on. They were by far the most comfortable pair of shoes she had ever worn. It was like walking on a contoured pillow!

  “Wow, these are outstanding!”

  The woman’s eyes were earnest as she watched Yvonne’s expression carefully. “Do you really think so? I designed them a few months ago, but no one is picking them up. If you wear them at the ball tonight, and maybe flash them just once, the world might know my brand, and I could live out my dream as a major designer.”

  Yvonne stepped down from the podium and took the woman’s hands in her own. “What is your name?”

  “Iman Al-Abi.”

  “Well Iman Al-Abi, if I can help you further your career, you bet I will do it. You have been so gracious and helpful, and I won’t forget it. I’m Yvonne, by the way.”

  Iman’s eyes lit up as she squeezed Yvonne’s hands in appreciation. “Thank you, Yvonne! To think I got the chance to send someone to the Sheikh’s celebration with my clothing!”

  “Did you design the dress as well?”

  Iman nodded. “Everything you see, I have created. I’ve done pretty well for myself, but I want to do so much more.”

  “I’m sure you will. This is absolutely perfect. Let me just get dressed and then I can pay you.”

  Iman shook her head. “If you promise to say my name somehow at that party, that will be payment enough.”

  “That’s crazy…” Yvonne protested, but Iman put up her hands.

  “I won’t take a penny, unless you somehow don’t have a way to get my brand mentioned. If that happens, then you can send me a check,” she said with a small smile.

  Yvonne couldn’t help herself. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones, maybe the exhaustion, but the woman’s kindness had tears cascading down her cheeks. Iman grabbed a tissue and handed it to her.

  “Do you have anyone to do your hair and makeup for the event?” Iman asked.

  Yvonne shook her head. “I don’t. This was all quite last minute,” she explained.

  Iman’s grin widened. “You do now. I can do all of your prep work, and then you’ll be the most stunning woman at the party. I guarantee it!”

  Yvonne laughed as Iman grabbed her hand and led her to a room in the back, where she had a small studio chair and a mirror set up.

  “You do all of this?” Yvonne asked, her voice filled with wonder.

  Iman nodded. “I dabble. Originally, I used to do stage makeup for the local theater company, but after I apprenticed for the costume design department, I knew where my true passion lay. Still, makeup and hair will always have a place in my heart. I love transforming women into beautiful creatures.”

  “I’m so glad I walked into this store!” Yvonne gushed, plopping into the chair.

  Iman turned her to face the mirror, their smiling faces reflecting back at them as she turned on all the lights. “Me, too.”

  The next few hours were spent in happy chatter, as Yvonne and Iman bonded. Iman worked to give her new friend an elfin, earthy look to match the coloring of her gown.

  “This is actually all the rage in Abu Algar right now. Everyone is into nature, spirits, fairies and the like.”

  “It looks awesome,” Yvonne said.

  “Just wait until we get your hair all sorted,” Iman repl
ied, heating up a curling iron.

  By the time she was finished, Yvonne looked as though she had walked out of a fairytale forest, a princess by any other name. Iman had her stand back up on the podium one more time so they could get an all-around look at her.

  “Perfect! Absolutely perfect,” Iman exclaimed, her hands clasped together in glee.

  Yvonne’s eyes were shining as she stared at her reflection, hopeful that she would be able to stun Zadid into finally talking to her. She thought she felt a little tingle in her stomach, like her babies were somersaulting in agreement, and her heart warmed.

  Iman looked at the clock on the wall and jumped. “Yikes! We’ve used up all of your time. Quick, let’s get you a cab to the palace.” She bustled outside and whistled loudly for a cab, which pulled over instantly.

  Yvonne grabbed her purse and stepped out, wrapping Iman in a quick hug. “Thank you so much, for everything!”

  “Have fun tonight, my friend. I will keep an eye out for our names in the papers!”

  “I will do my best to get them there,” Yvonne promised.

  Sliding carefully into the cab, she waved one last time to Iman as she pulled away in the direction of the glowing, golden palace.

  There would be no turning back now.

  Chapter 15

  As the cab pulled up behind the long line of cars parked outside the palace, the driver turned to face Yvonne.

  “Do you want me to try and cut the line?” he asked.

  She shook her head, not wanting to make a scene before finding Zadid. Of course she would still try to keep her promise to Iman, but even if she couldn’t, she would find a way to pay her back for all she had done. It was becoming clearer to her by the minute that the people of Abu Algar truly were special.

  “I’m all set getting out here, thank you,” she said, handing him some money she had exchanged at the airport back in the States.

  “Thank you, miss. Have a wonderful time.”

  She thanked him again before stepping out, feeling as comfortable as if she were wearing a nightgown in her apartment. Iman really was a wizard—transforming her into a fashionable princess while also giving her the most comfortable clothing she had ever worn.

  A few people dressed to the nines were making their way up to the palace gates, where a security guard was taking names. Yvonne swallowed, prepared for such an instance. How could she not be, when she’d had had so much time to think about this exact moment?

  She fell in place behind four couples as she waited her turn to be let into the event, shifting from one foot to the other as she fought to hide her nerves.

  Was she a total idiot for thinking she could pull this off?

  The couples made it through easily, Yvonne stepping forward to face the security guard.

  “Name,” he grunted.

  “Yvonne Hunt,” she replied.

  Perhaps he still put her name on things, out of habit?

  The security guard frowned, his brow creasing as he flipped the list over and over, clearly not seeing her name.

  His eyes were dark when he looked back up at her. “You’re not on the list,” he said.

  Yvonne kept her cool, keeping her expression mildly concerned. “Seriously? Ugh, Zadid told me he was going to take care of that before I flew out.”

  Her casual use of his first name had the guard staring at her, waiting for an explanation.

  She sighed. “I’m Zadid’s assistant from Washington. He’s still doing business with ELA International, and he invited me to come to his party, then apparently left me off the invite list. If I’d known it was such a big deal, I’d have double-checked with him.”

  She could tell the company information registered with the guard, though he wasn’t entirely convinced. Behind her, people were starting to stare.

  “Can you prove this?” he asked.

  A flicker of hope darted across Yvonne’s heart, but she simply nodded and opened up her purse, pulling out her work badge with ELA International on it as well as her phone, where she opened up one of the last work emails she had received from Zadid—making sure to hide the date it had been sent.

  Seeing the email address and the company information, the guard nodded. “This checks out. You can go.”

  “Thanks,” she replied, her tone casual even as she cheered inwardly.

  She stepped forward confidently, the long stone driveway leading up to the palace closed off to cars for guests. There was a red carpet set up for the occasion, and Yvonne realized in that moment that he had really downplayed the level to which his birthday was celebrated.

  And here she was, thinking he was just a handsome businessman.

  Cameras flashed as she reached the doorway to the golden palace, a waft of sea air coming in from the cliffs below. Reporters were shouting questions at everyone that walked by, and Yvonne realized that there was a celebrity or two walking ahead of her that even she recognized.

  A flash of light blinded her, then, and she shaded her eyes.

  “Miss! Miss! Who are you, and who are you wearing?”

  Remembering her promise, Yvonne turned to pose for the cameras, allowing her comfortable shoes to peek out from underneath her long gown.

  “My name is Yvonne Hunt, and I’m wearing Iman Al-Abi, a local designer with a ton of promise! She made everything I’m wearing, and these shoes are the most comfortable things I’ve ever worn.”

  A chorus of questions were tossed in her direction, but Yvonne realized the longer she stood and told people exactly who she was, the greater risk of having Zadid get the wrong impression as to why she was actually there.

  Nodding politely, she made her way onward toward the massive curved doorway of the palace. Two large, gold-plated doors were carved with historical images of ancient warriors.

  Yvonne was awed by the art of just the front door as she passed through, the candlelit dark-wooded interior giving an ancient glow to the place as the ocean of people made their way in the direction of what appeared to be a massive ballroom.

  As she stepped inside, she gaped at the stunning paintings all along the walls and ceilings. There was so much art to look at that she could hardly take it all in before she remembered that she was there on a mission.

  She had to find Zadid.

  Skirting around the edge of the ballroom, she recognized many more famous faces in the crowd, everyone there for the sole purpose of celebrating Zadid.

  As she walked her second loop around, she caught a glimpse of someone walking out toward a wide balcony—someone that looked very, very familiar. Heading in that direction, she made a beeline for the balcony.

  Zadid was about to talk to a group of young people standing at the edge of the balcony when Yvonne approached him, placing a gentle hand on his bicep. When he turned and looked at her, his face froze in shock.

  “Yvonne?” he asked, his eyes searching her face.

  For a moment, he smiled. He was happy to see her! Yvonne smiled back up at him, a wave of relief crashing through her as she realized that it was all going to be okay. He was going to be a perfect father!

  The Sheikh’s smile faded as his eyes darted around the room, worry sneaking in behind his gaze. It was as if he was concerned someone would see them talking.

  “Zadid, I’m sorry for barging in on you like this, but there’s something I absolutely have to tell you—”

  “What, that John is running the company into the ground? You don’t have to tell me that, Yvonne. I have already heard plenty from the rest of the team. Some of them managed to track me down via social media to try to get me to come back, but it simply can’t happen.”

  He wasn’t looking at her as he talked. He was eyeing the room, his eyes darting from her face to the crowd all around them. At the moment, she could hardly care about the firm and what was going on there. Reaching into her purse, she pulled out the sonogram image of their babies and held it out to him.

  “I don’t care about ELA International. It’s going to hell anyway,
and I should probably get out. I’m here because our little Christmas adventure left us with some unexpected gifts.”

  Zadid was staring at the images, his expression confused at first, then surprised as he looked up at her with wide eyes.

  “You’re pregnant?” he asked.

  “That’s generally what those pictures mean, yes,” she replied with a smirk.

  He grinned back at her like a fool.

  Wanting to show him, Yvonne straightened her back and pulled her dress a little tighter, revealing her growing belly. “If the pictures don’t convince you, this should. All three of them are in there, cozy and warm. All three of your babies.”

  “Three?” he said, his voice rising an octave before he cleared his throat. “We’re having triplets?” he asked, a little quieter.

  Yvonne nodded, relaxing finally after an intensely stressful three months. Being with Zadid, seeing him excited at the prospect of becoming a father, it was enough to fill her to the brim with joy.

  She reached for his hand, wanting to place it on her belly. When she did, she noticed the presence of a gold band on his ring finger, and she froze, staring at it. Dropping her hand, she stared up at him in horror.

  “Zadid, does that ring mean what I think it means?”

  Her voice was shaking. She was going from emotional highs to lows so fast, she was likely to faint from the whiplash of it all. She took a step back, waiting for him to answer.

  She needn’t have bothered. The answer was already in his dark eyes.

  “I’m not married—this is a promise ring,” he explained. “I’m engaged to a woman from here, and she’s here tonight,” he said, glancing around again.

  Yvonne stared at him, the pieces coming together. He had left so abruptly—his fiancée must have been waiting for him on the other side when he landed, ready to start a new life together. Had he been with her the whole time?

  “You’re…engaged?” she whispered, unable to believe it.

  Zadid’s expression changed as he nodded to someone across the room. Yvonne turned to see a stunning, raven-haired beauty walking across the ballroom in their direction. Even from that far away, her enormous engagement ring glistened in the light of the chandeliers.


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