For Pete's Sake

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For Pete's Sake Page 17

by Shannon Esposito

  I glanced at Lincoln. “This is the sux you stole from Southern Cross where you work?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  Again, I was struck by how sincere and full of regret he seemed. I would never peg him as someone willing to kill for what he wanted. “But, I don’t understand one thing. How did it go missing after Peter’s death and not before?”

  Lincoln’s leg was shaking now. He was getting nervous. Or antsy. “I’d been siphoning off a bit at a time from other vials for months. I had to get enough to … you know.”

  “Kill someone,” I finished for him.

  He cringed. “Yeah. So the theft went undetected the first time. But since Daisy used what I’d got on Peter, we needed another dose for our original plan. I got impatient and took a whole vial, hoping I could cover it up during inventory.”

  Did Lincoln realize, even if he didn’t kill Peter himself, stealing the drug made him an accessory, and he’d probably get just as much time? Such a wasted life.

  “What was your original plan?” I asked.

  Daisy jumped in. “You have to understand, Darwin, I couldn’t live with that man a day past the decade I had to. And I would barely get enough to live off of if I divorced him. The only way I was getting what I deserved was if he died. So, it was to be my anniversary present to myself. Freedom.”

  Goldie jumped off the bed and stretched. The empty space where she’d just been pressing against my side suddenly made me feel vulnerable. I had to wrap this up so they could leave.

  “Let me make sure I got this straight. Y’all planned to kill Barron with the sux Lincoln stole, but only after the ten years was up so you’d receive his inheritance?”

  “Yes,” Daisy said. “And Lincoln and I were going to have the life we deserved … together.” Her mouth tightened in anger. “Of course now, we won’t have all his money but,” she turned and her expression softened. “I took enough of my jewelry for us to live comfortably on for a while, and all that matters now is we’ll be together.”

  He pulled her closer in to him. “Always.”

  This was just all so sad. For everyone involved. I glanced behind them.

  Goldie had gone to lay by the door.

  Yeah, I’m anxious to get out of here, too, girl.

  I had to get Daisy back on track and finish her story. “So then Daisy, you went to Peter’s house that morning … and you had the sux with you?”

  “Yeah but you know, just as a last resort type of thing. Honest. I guess it gave me a sense of control, some way to stop him if he refused to listen to me. There really was no plan but that. I thought I could reason with him. He’d always been so nice to me. I thought once I’d explained to him that I didn’t have access to Barron’s money, and if he’d just wait a year I’d gladly give it to him.

  “But he didn’t believe me. He got really fired up.” Her hand gestures grew animated. “Like face turning purple, eyes bulging angry. Said he was going to Barron right after he was done shooting the wedding he had that morning.”

  She shifted on Lincoln’s lap. “I panicked. When he turned his back on me, I just jammed the needle in his neck and pressed the plunger. It was so easy. I couldn’t believe I did it. The look on his face when he whirled around. Confusion … then anger … then … when he felt his muscles begin to seize … fear.”

  Her hand fluttered up to her mouth. “He collapsed on the floor. It only took seconds before he was staring up at me unable to blink, and then finally unable to breathe. I could tell he was still in there. He was begging me for help with his eyes, from inside that frozen body. And that poor little puppy kept scratching at his arm and barking. Trying to get him to get up, I guess. I couldn’t take it. I had to put the poor thing in his carrier before I left.”

  She shivered. “I’ve had nightmares ever since.”

  So, she did put Petey in his carrier the morning Peter died. My vision was of the killer’s hand, and I was now holding the ring I saw, listening to the killer’s confession.

  I swallowed my own horror, gritting my teeth. When I got my reaction under control, I managed to ask the one thing I wanted to know for myself. “Are you even a little bit remorseful, Daisy?”

  She jerked her head up. “Well, of course. I feel awful. Peter didn’t deserve to die. If I could go back and do it all again, I would’ve just offed Barron instead, his fortune be damned. I mean, in the end I didn’t get it anyway, did I? Lincoln and I will survive. We’ll be fine.”

  So, after all that, the one thing she would change was to kill her husband instead of Peter? Unbelievable.

  “I guess that’s it then. Goldie, come here, girl.” I patted the bed. Reluctantly, she came over and jumped up beside me, looking a little confused. “Y’all better get out of here. You’ve got a plane to catch.”

  “Yes, we should go.” Daisy stood up and retrieved her bag.

  Lincoln was still watching me.

  I wasn’t sure he trusted me to keep my word, but his only other option was to tie me up or otherwise dispose of me. He didn’t seem up for any more violence.

  “Thank you, Darwin. I hope you don’t think too badly of Daisy.”

  He was still thinking of her. I felt bad for him. “It’s not for me to judge.”

  He nodded once, stood and moved to the door.

  Daisy turned back to me one last time when she reached his side. “You gave us your word. Remember, no calls for two hours.”

  I nodded. “I never go back on my word.”

  Daisy smiled and nodded. “I know. You’re a good person. Goodbye, Darwin.”

  “Goodbye, Daisy.” I held on to Goldie’s collar as they opened the door.

  “Police! Don’t move!”

  Daisy dropped her bag with a gasp. They both lifted their hands slowly.

  “Get down on the ground!” an officer commanded.

  I guess the gun convinced them to comply.

  Will rushed into the room as three officers handcuffed Daisy and Lincoln and lifted them off the ground.

  He pulled me up into his arms. “You okay?”

  I nodded but a tear slipped down my face. “The way Peter died…” I whispered into his tie.

  “I know.” He kissed the top of my head. “But they will pay for it. Because of your quick thinking.” He stroked my hair with one hand and reached down and gave Goldie a pat with the other. “Bringing Daisy here was pure genius.”

  I pulled away and wiped at my eyes. One of the officers was reaching around the lamp on the dresser. “Did you get it all?” I asked.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He shot me a smile and held up a small listening device. “Good work.”

  “Glad you remembered about the drug sting we had set up here,” Will said. “We’ve got their whole confession, both audio and,” he pointed up to the smoke detector, “on camera.”

  I opened my hand. I’d been squeezing the ring so tightly, the large diamond had left an imprint on my palm. “Oh, here’s Daisy’s ring. The one from my vision.”

  Will stared at it for a moment and then folded my hand back around it. “Daisy gave it to you to build Peter’s shelter. She said that on camera. No one will dispute that. Build the shelter, Darwin. Give Peter’s story a better ending.”

  I choked, the emotion overwhelming me as I nodded. It felt like the right thing to do.


  The Vinoy Resort’s main wedding venue was already booked. But like Frankie always said, “Money talks.” And she had enough of it to talk her way right into reserving the pool area so Sylvia and Landon could say I do under a sky full of stars. She’d also managed to salvage the wedding cake, have the resort agree to cater it, find a new photographer and dazzle us with the tropical fairytale ambiance she’d created.

  I’d overhead some of the guests commenting on what a beautiful set-up she’d pulled off after the original disaster. I had to agree after getting a sneak peek of it myself.

  There were hundreds of floating tea candles in the pool, along with red ro
se petals sprinkled on the surface amongst them. Strings of twinkling white lights had been wrapped around the palm trees like candy canes.

  To the right were clusters of round tables covered in white tablecloths and sporting fat, red rose and candle centerpieces. The chairs had been draped in elegant white banquet covers with red satin bows affixed to the backs. Soothing piano music drifted over the guests, along with the sound of rain from the glistening sheet of water flowing into the pool from the back wall fountain. The whole thing just whispered peace, love and harmony.

  I had to hand it to her. Will and I may have solved a murder in a week, but as far as impossible tasks went, Frankie had won hands down.

  From our position on the outdoor patio below the final set of stairs, the bridal party heard the piano music pause and then start “Ave Maria,” signaling it was time.

  Sylvia’s cousins descended on her one last time with hugs and squeals, before they made their way up the stairs.

  I shared a teary-eyed grin with Sylvia. It was happening. Finally. I felt like I could breathe deeply for the first time in a week. I couldn’t even imagine the relief she was feeling.

  “We did it,” I whispered, being careful not to squash her bouquet as I hugged her and struggled to hold back tears. “And you are the most beautiful bride on the planet.”

  “And you are the best friend a girl could ask for.” Her tears did fall, but luckily her makeup was waterproof. “Thank you for everything you did to make this happen.”

  “Yeah well, when you asked me to be your Maid of Honor, I didn’t know the duties included solving a murder. But guess it wasn’t much worse than sitting through that pedicure.” We shared a laugh and another hug. I glanced over my shoulder one last time before ascending the stairs. “Just remember to name your firstborn after me.”

  Her deep chuckle followed me as I made the short climb and emerged onto the pool deck. A warm breeze cooled the back of my neck. Following the white runner along the pool, I walked slowly toward the altar, glad I had opted to go barefoot this time. Much more comfortable and much less chance of spraining my ankle again or falling into the pool.

  The groomsmen were waiting there beside a beaming Landon. His hand resting on Mage, panting at his side.

  Will held my gaze as I walked down the aisle. He winked at me as I took my place beside the cousins, causing me to blush. I couldn’t help but imagine it was our wedding day to see what that felt like.

  Pretty terrifying, actually.

  The piano music shifted smoothly into The Wedding March. Chairs rustled as the guests stood, turning toward the back in anticipation.

  Sylvia emerged looking like the quintessential princess bride in her cloud of white taffeta and crystal tiara. She was glowing. Her eyes were locked onto Landon and the closer she got to him, the wider her smile got.

  I’d never seen her so happy. In fact, I’d never experienced such an assault of happiness before. A tsunami-like wave carried pure bliss through me. My skin tingled. The lights brightened. The air smelled sweeter. It was euphoric.

  The ceremony began with Sylvia and Landon holding hands and staring into each other’s eyes. I was pretty sure they weren’t aware of anything else around them.

  “Do you, Landon Stark, take Sylvia Alvarez to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to honor and treasure in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, to love and to cherish always?”

  Tears and certainty glistened in Landon’s eyes as he said, “I do.”

  Mage shoved his nose in between their hands and they both chuckled, giving him a reassuring pet before turning their attention back to each other.

  As the officiator continued, Sylvia’s mother sniffled loudly in the front row and blew her nose into a handkerchief. I wasn’t sure if hers were happy tears or not.

  When we’d handed her a copy of the police report, showing the arrests of Daisy Beaumont and Lincoln Lee for Peter’s murder, she’d gone still and pale. I thought she was going to pass out. She kept saying ‘impossível’ over and over. I think she was actually disappointed.

  Today, I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

  “Do you, Sylvia Alvarez, take Landon Stark to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to honor and treasure in sickness and in health, in good times and bad, to love and to cherish always?”

  Sylvia looked radiant as she said, “I do.”

  Another rush of emotion washed over me. It was hot and all-consuming. Leaning forward a bit, my gaze found Will.

  He was so handsome and such a good man. Did I feel that strongly about him?

  He smiled softly at me. One thing’s for sure, that smile did light me up inside.

  The officiator finished. “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Sylvia squealed. Landon swept her up into his arms and smothered her with a long kiss. Mage barked.

  The guests burst out in applause. Frankie whistled.

  Sylvia’s mother blew her nose loudly.

  Piano music accompanied the beaming bride and groom back down the aisle, the guests blowing bubbles around them. It took them awhile to make it through the gauntlet as everyone wanted their turn to hug the newlyweds and give their congratulations.

  Will and I finally caught up to them. The new photographer was taking photos of the happy couple with some of the guests. We got in there and got a few of us with them, too. This was definitely a day I wanted to remember. The week before, not so much.

  Landon squeezed me in a tight hug. “Thank you, Darwin. You are a true friend and we won’t forget what you did for us.”

  I looked into his eyes and nodded. There were no words adequate enough to express my own joy and relief. “Just take care of our girl.”

  “You know it. She’s my world.” He turned his attention to Will. “Hey, I owe you one, Detective.”

  Will ducked his head self-consciously. “Consider it a wedding present. I didn’t get you anything.”

  When Will and Landon were done doing the man-hug-back-pat thing, Landon grinned at us both. “I know I’m the magician here, but you guys really did work some magic this week.”

  I shrugged. “Like I told Sylvia, naming your firstborn after me should settle us up fair and square.”

  Mage barked sharply and pawed at Landon’s jacket.

  We all laughed as Landon gave Mage’s ears a good scratch. “Yeah, I don’t think we should mention babies in front of this guy just yet.”

  The sound of conversation, laughter and champagne bottles being popped filled the warm night air. I looked for my sisters, but they seemed to have disappeared into the crowd. Oh well, I’d find them eventually.

  There was one more thing I had to do tonight. I scanned the area and found my target.

  Placing a hand on Will’s arm, I said, “There’s someone I need to speak to, I’ll find you in a minute.”

  He kissed me softly. “I’ll get us a drink.”



  Zach’s gaze was fixed on a tea candle floating in the pool. His hands were shoved deep in the pockets of his black slacks. The sleeves of his dress shirt had been rolled and pushed up on his arms. He didn’t look up as he whispered, “Hello, Darwin.”

  I fidgeted with my ring then shifted my weight restlessly. I wasn’t sure what to say. He had saved Goldie’s life and probably mine, as well. Again. “Thank you” just didn’t seem adequate.

  Why did I feel so awkward around him? No, not awkward maybe just more aware of myself. It was getting annoying.

  I cleared my throat. “Great wedding, huh?”

  Finally, he lifted his head and turned his body to face me. He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. Tiny red embers danced in his eyes, betraying his calm exterior. He nodded once. “Yes. Glad everything worked out for them.”

  I took a shaky step back as I felt his heat encircle me. Then I gasped as pool water sloshed over my feet.

  Startled, we both glance
d down.

  The tea lights were pitching wildly, some already snuffed out as the disturbance settled back down.

  One of the red rose petals was stuck to my bare toe. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, too embarrassed to look back up at him.

  His deep chuckle reverberated in my own lungs. A rush of anger gave me the strength to face him. I straightened my shoulders and looked up into his face. “I’m so glad my lack of control amuses you.”

  Zach’s gaze was resting lightly on my mouth. “I’m not laughing at you, Darwin. I’m just amused by the absurdity of our situation.” He looked into my eyes. “And your denial.”

  Ignoring the ache that had begun in my chest, I stuttered, “Denial? I told you I’m practicing.”

  He took a step closer, eliminating the space between us.

  I gasped and hated myself for it. Clutching the dress material at my thigh to keep from reaching out, I steadied myself against the electric waves of desire now pulsing through my body. I felt unmoored. Unpredictable.

  What was happening to me? Was this some sort of jinn magick?

  Zach smiled softly and then lowered his mouth to my ear. His hot breath against my skin almost did me in. The world was spinning and my focus had shrunk down to a pinpoint. Him. Only him. I could feel my resolve faltering.

  “That’s not the denial I’m talking about.”

  I tried to swallow but my mouth was too dry.

  Mercifully, he stepped back, and with the space that had opened up between us, my senses rushed back in.

  He watched me for a moment and then nodding like he’d answered his own question, he changed the subject. “We’ll talk about the incident on Snell Isle later. Right now, go celebrate with your friends …you’ve earned it.” He turned abruptly and walked away, but over his shoulder he called back, “And you’re welcome.”

  I watched him round the pool and then my attention caught on a still figure standing on the other end of the pool. My stomach cramped.

  Will was there, staring in my direction, holding two glasses of champagne. His eyes were unreadable from this distance, but I could imagine what Zach and I must’ve looked like that close, staring into each other’s eyes.


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