Matty: A Navy SEAL Romance

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Matty: A Navy SEAL Romance Page 3

by Carlisle, Lisa

“How have you been, Matty?” Her voice sounded a notch higher than usual.

  Derek gave her an odd look. She ignored him and adjusted in the chair.

  “Spent some time getting my ass kicked in training. And then more ass kicking with more training and deployments.”

  “Sounds like your ass must be quite sore,” she quipped.

  Matty barked out with a surprised laugh. “So much I can barely sit on it.” He nodded at her. “What about you, Jenna?”

  At least he used her name and not Buggie this time.

  “I’m working at a vet’s office here in Newport and taking classes.” No need to mention her colossal mistake of a marriage to Roberto.

  One brow twitched. “You work with vets?”

  “Not veterans. At a veterinarian’s office.”

  “Ah, right. I often think in military terms.” His gaze held her captive. “You ended up working with animals. That’s great.” He nodded with a hint of pride in his expression. “You always said that’s what you wanted to do.”

  Too bad Roberto hadn’t been on board with that plan. He was okay with her volunteer work at animal shelters, but didn’t want her to work. She should have been spending time with his associates’ wives, going to personal training and salon appointments. Basically to look good. That’s what was important to Roberto—surface not substance.

  She tilted her head and fought to keep the curiosity out of her voice. “How long are you in Newport, Matty?”

  Derek had given her the occasional updates on Matty over the eight or nine years since he’d enlisted, blowing her mind when she’d first learned he’d become a SEAL.

  “At least a month.”

  “A month? That’s quite a nice break.” She turned to her brother. “It’s great that your visits ended up being at the same time.”

  The server placed Jenna’s sangria on the table and walked away.

  “I’m not on leave. I’m out of the Navy.”

  Jenna had just leaned forward to take a sip, but jerked in surprise. Matty was back for more than just a visit. Before she’d even registered her glass tipping, he had uprighted it. Some sangria splashed onto the table, dripping to the edge where she and Matty sat.

  “Oh!” She moved back.

  “Jeez, Jenna,” Derek teased. “Can’t take you anywhere.” He grabbed his napkin and wiped.

  Matty took his and blotted the liquid headed for Jenna’s lap.

  “I’m so sorry.” She attempted to help by grabbing more napkins to attack the spill, but instead her body jostled against Matty’s. She backed away as more embarrassment piled on.

  The server came to the rescue moments later with more napkins and wiped the rest of the spill with a rag. “I’ll get you another drink.”

  “It’s fine. There’s still plenty left.” Jenna gripped the glass with both hands and took a sip. She closed her eyes. What a way to reunite with Matty after all these years.

  Somehow, she managed to get through the next several minutes of conversation without drawing attention to herself with some clumsy moves as they caught up on the latest they had heard about people they’d gone to school with.

  Derek took a gulp of his beer and placed the glass on the table. His gaze moved from Jenna to Matty and then back again. “I’m leaving soon, and I’m worried about you, Jenna.”

  She motioned with a wave, careful to avoid any jerky movement near her glass. “You don’t have to worry about me.”

  “I do,” he insisted. “Roberto is an ass. I’ve known it from the beginning.”

  She pursed her lips. Derek had warned her that there was something off about Roberto when they were dating, but she’d ignored him, thinking he was just being an overprotective big brother. “Okay, I made a mistake. I admitted this long ago.”

  Why did Derek have to bring up Roberto in front of Matty? The last thing she wanted to talk about was her disastrous, humiliating marriage.

  “Yes, but worse, he’s a dick who doesn’t give up,” Derek said. “Look at what you told me about him coming by earlier. Trying to get you to go out to dinner.”

  “That will not happen.”

  “Nevertheless, I’m leaving and it will make me feel better knowing that someone here has your back. I asked Matty to keep an eye out for you.”

  “You what?” Her voice hitched. “Why would you do that?” She had the urge to glance over to read Matty’s reaction, but kept her stare locked on Derek.

  “I just told you why. To look out for you.”

  “Derek, you’re being ridiculous.” She closed her eyes and shook her head before reopening them. “I’m not foolish enough to repeat my mistake.”

  “It’s not you making a mistake that I’m worried about,” Derek explained. “It’s Roberto.”

  She swallowed. Sure, Roberto had been coming around, but she’d turned him away. She wasn’t going to follow him down a yellow brick road back to their marriage hell. She stole a glance at Matty. He stared forward, jaw tense but otherwise unreadable, as he listened to Derek.

  “You’re being overprotective,” she told Derek. “We’re not in high school. Matty does not need to babysit me.”

  “It’s not babysitting.” Matty turned to face her. “Like he said, it’s just looking out for a friend.” He flashed his signature one-sided grin. “No biggie, Buggie. I’ve spent my time in the Navy looking out for others on my team, knowing they were doing the same for me.”

  “That’s wonderful, but this is different. We’re talking about a divorce.”

  “Hear me out, Jenna.” Derek gestured with an open hand. “I know I haven’t been around much, but you’re still my sister, and I want to look out for you.”

  “That’s the thing. I’ve spent the last year starting a new life here. What I’ve learned is that I need to take care of myself. I’m not going to waste my time looking over my shoulder for my persistent ex-husband.”

  Matty appeared to stiffen beside her before he rolled his shoulders. He straightened and pinned his gaze on her. “Has he been stalking you?”

  The discomfort ripped through her, and she shuddered. “Not exactly.”

  “Jenna,” Derek prodded.

  She sighed. “I wouldn’t go that far, but I guess some people might call it that.”

  “What does he do?” Matty asked, his voice clipped.

  “He—he sends me messages or shows up at places where he knows I’ll be. Like after work today, he waited outside and approached me when I was walking home.”

  “This just happened today?”

  Jenna grimaced and nodded. “He tries to convince me to give him another chance. Go out with him to dinner or for a drink. I say no.”

  “Yet, he hasn’t backed off.” Matty pointed out.

  She exhaled. “This is only a recent thing. The marriage ended badly. A few weeks ago, he said he’s had time to calm down and come to his senses. He wants me back. He swears he’d never cheat on me again.” She grunted. “Like I hadn’t heard that before.”

  “I don’t like it,” Derek said. “I’ve heard too many stories like this with the situation escalating.”

  Jenna exhaled. “You’re overreacting. It’s not going to go anywhere.”

  “But with the way he’s not letting you go,” Matty added, “It could escalate.”

  She turned to face him and sighed. “Not you too?”

  “Derek’s right. You should have someone looking out for you. I’m happy to do so.”

  She scrunched up her face and placed her fingers on her temples. “This isn’t some SEAL mission.”

  “I know.” Matty asked. “It’s helping out a friend.”

  “I can’t have you treat me like some-some—”

  “Like some what?”

  “Some damsel in distress mission.” She drummed her fingers on the damp wood of the tabletop. “You can’t just act like my bodyguard just because my brother is worried about me.”

  “Why not?” He shrugged. “I’m free from military responsibilities and have
nothing else going on for the next few weeks while I figure out what I do next. And I’m right here in Newport.”

  She shook her head. “This is crazy. Just because you’re in town—and you’re available—"Possibilities tumbled through her mind and she blurted out one of them with a wave of her hand. “What are you proposing? Like, you’d act like my boyfriend to scare Roberto off?”

  The second she heard her suggestion, she bit her lip but it was too late to yank the words back. Matty’s presence after all this time turned her into a hot mess, leading her to amble without grace, spill drinks, and utter half-assed ideas. Too bad an ocean wave couldn’t break through the window and sweep her away from this conversation.

  Derek’s eyes gleamed. “I didn’t even think of that. Jenna, that’s perfect.”

  She bit her lip and glanced at the ice cubes in her glass. Her cheeks burned. What had she just suggested? A fake relationship with her brother’s friend? One she’d crushed on so long ago?

  An uncomfortable silence followed. She couldn’t even look at Matty to witness his horror at her suggestion. Ever since she’d spotted Matty, she’d practically been auditioning for the role of the Queen of Awkward Moments.

  She grabbed her glass and gulped at the liquid as if she’d find courage at the bottom of the glass. Whether he said yes or no, both could mean trouble.

  Chapter 4


  “Hold up, Derek.” Matty raised his hands palms forward over the table. “That isn’t what we discussed.”

  He was all too aware of Jenna beside him. Why the hell had he pulled out the chair next to him when she came over? She could have just as easily sat on the one next to Derek. Her scent had a subtle hint of roses that made him want to lean closer and inhale. He’d been trying to ignore how close her thighs were to his beneath the table. If he spread his legs a few inches wider, they would touch.

  And he sure as hell had been trying to ignore how Derek’s little sister hadn’t just grown up while Matty was away—she’d blossomed into a woman who was hot as hell. Her light brown hair fell in shiny waves around her face. Her petite body had killer curves that made him want to groan. When she looked at him with those large, dark blue eyes, funny things happened inside. He needed to suck in air and adjust in his seat.

  Hopefully, Derek didn’t notice Matty gawking at his little sister

  Jenna arched her brows. “Discussed? What exactly have you two been talking about?”

  “Just like we’ve gone over.” Derek gestured with a smooth wave. “I asked Matty to look out for you.”

  “Keeping an eye out for Jenna is one thing,” Matty added. “Pretending to be her boyfriend is something else. I’m not qualified to play that role.”

  “What do you mean?” Derek asked.

  “I was a SEAL, not an actor. I’ve never even been in a school play.”

  Derek shrugged and cocked his head. “It’s not like it’s some Hollywood production. If Roberto sees the two of you hanging around together, looking like you’re dating, he’ll see that Jenna is not interested in a reconciliation. Go out to dinner and what not. The bill is on me.”

  Jenna made a doubtful sound. “I don’t know. Spotting me holding hands with another guy might not be enough to convince him to move on. This is Roberto we’re talking about here.”

  Matty gripped the glass of beer. “Sounds like a real piece of shi—work.” He caught himself. After all, Jenna had married the guy.

  “Exactly,” Derek confirmed with a glance that agreed with Matty’s perception of her ex.

  This entire situation was odd. Although Matty hadn’t seen Jenna in over a decade, the strange familiarity of the three of them together and concocting plans didn’t seem foreign. How many times had he sat in the Coleman’s living room hanging out with the two of them? Sure, Derek had often tried to get rid of Jenna, claiming she was like a remora clinging to a shark, but she was stubborn and not easy to shake off.

  Which was one of the things Matty liked about her.

  How the hell did she end up marrying some prick?

  “You know what, forget it.” She drummed her fingers. “The suggestion was meant to show how ridiculous this whole situation is.”

  “I don’t think there’s anything ridiculous about it. Dangerous is more like it.” Derek’s face turned grim.

  Matty tensed as his protective instincts revved up like someone had turned on the ignition to an armored vehicle. He stared at Jenna. “Do you think he’s dangerous?”

  She bit her lower lip and pulled her gaze to the table. The way she clutched the glass with both hands indicated some discomfort. Or, she didn’t trust herself to keep from spilling more of her drink. “He can be.”

  “In what way?”

  “He works in finance, but runs other schemes making money on the side. He has some connections in Providence that have been a bad influence on him, inflating his already high sense of superiority. It was one of the reasons why our marriage imploded. One of many.”

  Her ex had mob connections. Terrific. What kind of situation had Matty tumbled into so soon after being discharged? So much for starting out his civilian life with some peace and quiet.

  But that option could stretch out with day after day of nothing to do.

  “Do you have a picture of him?”

  Jenna grunted. “No. Deleted all of those and blocked him on social media. But I’m sure I can find one online.” She pulled out her phone and searched. “Here he is.”

  Matty took the phone and glanced at the slick-looking dude with the smug expression, which solidified his decision. Derek was right—total dick.

  Matty handed her the phone. “I’m in.” He couldn’t believe he was saying this, but Jenna was Derek’s little sister. He couldn’t leave her unprotected with some asshole with connections to the mob bothering her.

  “What?” Jenna stared at him with pure surprise. “Are you crazy?”

  “Of course he is.” Derek grinned. “He was a freakin’ SEAL.”

  Matty drank some beer and then put the glass down. “It’s better than facing every day with nothing more exciting than figuring out what I’m going to have for lunch.”

  “But—but,” she stammered and didn’t finish the sentence.

  “How bad could it be?” Matty pointed out. “We hang out for a few days until he gets the message.”

  Her lips parted as if about to protest, but then she bit them.

  Damn, those lips. They had just the perfect amount of pout, which were shiny with a pink lip gloss. He adjusted in the seat to offset the sudden tightness in his groin. He shouldn’t look at her mouth. Should tear his gaze away.

  If Derek caught Matty staring at his sister this way, he’d be pissed. Some people were off limits, and Jenna was one of them.

  “You’ve already told him it’s over, and yet he still sniffs around trying to get you back.” Derek tapped his fingertips on the table. “Look at Matty here—not the average guy. Pretty intimidating.”

  Jenna glanced at Matty’s upper body and he instinctively puffed his chest out and tightened his biceps. “True. He might send a strong message.”

  “He sure as shit will.” Derek leaned back in his chair and moved his stare from Matty to Jenna. “What do you think, Jenna? Will you give it a go?”

  Jenna blinked a few times. “Um—I guess.”

  Matty turned and caught her gaze. She quickly glanced away with a sheepish expression.

  Shit, this might not be as easy as he thought. He barely knew her anymore. How would they pull off a fake relationship?


  “Thanks for being a good sport about the whole Matty thing,” Derek said as she pulled over to the curb at the airport on Monday.

  Better to keep the mood light rather than moping about Derek’s departure. She grinned. “Sure. Not every girl gets to have a big, bad former SEAL look out for her and play her bodyguard.”

  Derek’s worried expression lightened with a one-sided grin. “Keep me posted

  She left the car parked and running and climbed out to say goodbye. He grabbed his luggage from the trunk and gave her a hug.

  “Love you, Jenna. Like I said, come visit me anytime.”

  “Love you too. And I’ll try.”

  After they pulled apart, she waited for him to walk inside the terminal before she climbed back into the driver’s seat. He turned, and she waved, stifling the lump that wedged in her throat. He smiled and disappeared into the airport.

  She closed her eyes and sighed, but only had a few seconds before a police officer prompted her to move on. After playing an upbeat hip-hop song, she put the car in drive and attempted to drown out thoughts of how long it would be until she saw her brother again. She might as well enjoy the drive back to Newport, since she rarely drove.

  With the rest of the day off, Jenna ran errands and did laundry. That evening, she plopped on her sofa with some comfort mac and cheese. Her chihuahua, Trixie, and black cat, Lola, cuddled beside her, keeping her company, which helped with missing Derek. She put on the TV and flipped through recommendations on Netflix.

  Her phone buzzed.

  Are we still on, starting tomorrow?

  Strange flutters rose inside when she read Matty’s message. She took a deep breath and counted out to three on a slow exhale before she replied with some overeager message.

  Before overthinking it, she kept it simply.

  We’re on.

  Cool. I’ll pick you up in the morning and drive you to work.

  She furrowed her brows. You don’t need to do that.

  I know, but I want to. See you in the morning.

  The next morning, Jenna fretted with her clothing for a ridiculously long time considering she’d end up covered in pet fur. At least, she could look decent when Matty picked her up. She spent more time than usual fussing with her hair, making sure it appeared smooth and shiny, and applied an extra layer of lip gloss.

  The doorbell rang. Crap. She took one last glance at herself, smoothed out her black slacks and soft gray blouse, and rushed to the door.

  Act nonchalant. He’s someone you’ve known most of your life. No need to get your panties all twisty.


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