Mason's Run

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Mason's Run Page 21

by Mellanie Rourke

  I licked and sucked on his balls more as he moaned and writhed above me, one hand gently stroking his cock. At one point he lost his grip on my shoulders and his hands began flailing around trying to find something, anything, to grab hold of, until I grabbed his hand with one of my own, lacing our fingers together. Then I darted my tongue down behind his balls and started thrusting into that tight, wrinkled hole.

  His eyes went wide with surprise.

  “Lee... I’m… Rip-leeeee!” he howled as he came, shooting thick lines of white come across his chest and parts of the bedspread, a tiny drop landing on his chin. The sight of him was enough to drive my own release over the edge, and I thrust my cock against the bed as I continued to lick and suck at him as his body shuddered over and over in release, until finally we both lay boneless on the bed, completely undone by Mason’s first orgasm with another man.



  Surely this must be what heaven feels like, I thought. It seemed like I was floating, my body strangely heavy and light at the same time, as if a breath would knock me over, but the only damage it would do would be to make me drift back to earth like a feather.

  I wasn’t sure if my bliss-addled brain had just blanked or what, but when awareness crept back into my mind, Lee had just come back from the bathroom with a warm washcloth in his hand. I didn’t even remember him leaving, and I was too high on this post-orgasmic wave to even realize what he was doing, until he began cleaning me up. It was so sweet, but a little embarrassing, too. There hadn't been anyone to take care of me like this since I was a baby.

  His hands were gentle as he used the washcloth to wipe away the evidence of my orgasm off my stomach, chest and even, as he chuckled at me, my face. He wiped a corner of the washcloth across my cheek to erase the splashes of cum that had splattered across my face.

  He flipped the bedspread off the bed, gathered all the washcloths and towels we had used, and dropped them into a laundry hamper. Once he was done, he crawled back into the bed with me, pulling the blankets up around us, wrapping his arms around me and pulled me close to his body. It was only as he did so that I felt the stiffness of his arousal sliding against my ass.

  “Wait,” I said, battling the fatigue that was trying suck me down into the abyss. I refused to be that selfish. That was entirely too much like the men I’d experienced in my life. “I want to do something for you…” I said, a touch of whine to my voice.

  “Shh… Don’t worry, sweetheart, you already did,” he said, his lips nuzzling the back of my neck as we spooned. “My orgasm had me seeing stars! It’s just that, seeing you like this… Damn, you’re making me hard all over again. Now get some sleep.”

  Somewhat mollified that I hadn't been a completely thoughtless jerk, I lost my battle, and fatigue overtook me.

  When I woke, I could tell I was alone in the room. Much like the day before, but this time I realized I was still naked under the blankets. I groaned and looked at the clock. It was a little after nine a.m.

  I lay there for a minute, my mind reviewing the events of the previous night. Shit. That had easily been the hottest night of my life. Lee hadn’t seemed phased by my history in the slightest, which had surprised me, because the few times I'd shared my history with anyone, I'd been met with shock and disbelief. With Lee, he had just… accepted. I’d learned over the years how to deal with the doubters, but I’d never had anyone just… believe me. Maybe because he was military? I was sure he’d seen a lot of evil things in his day.

  My phone pinged and I groaned. Only one person would be texting me at this time of day.

  I picked my phone up from the bedside table, realizing I didn’t remember plugging it in to charge the night before. Did Lee do it? That thoughtful gesture sent a warm feeling soaking through my chest, and I grinned like a fool as I opened my phone and read the messages.

  LIZZIE: Hey Bug! How was your night?

  ME: I do not know who this “Bug” is you speak of. I am WINDSHIELD MAN! Hear me roar!

  LIZZIE: !!! Who are you, and what are you doing with Mason’s phone???

  ME: Ha fuckin’ ha! Good morning to you, too. :)

  LIZZIE: Wait… was that an emoji? A GOD DAMN SMILEY FACE?!?!?

  I snickered at her message. I usually didn’t use emojis. I’d never really figured them out, so I hadn’t gotten in the habit of using them, but at least academically I knew how to make a smiley face.

  LIZZIE: OMG. You got laid!!! /squee!

  I could almost hear her squeal as she put two and two together. Before I knew it, my phone was ringing.

  “Hey, Queen Bee!” I said by way of greeting, sitting up in bed, a grin playing on my lips.

  “You fucked him, didn’t you?” she squealed, and all I could do was laugh.

  “Shush, Missy. You have a dirty mind,” I said lying back on the pillows. “I can be in a good mood and use the occasional stupid combination of colons and parentheses to create a low-quality video image without having had sex.”

  “Um, no, you can’t,” she said knowingly. “I know you too well. C’mon, Bug! Spill!”

  I eyed the door, but it sounded quiet in the house. It felt awkward talking about Lee behind his back.

  “I can neither confirm nor deny…” I began.

  “Oh, shut it. I already know you fucked him. That’s the only thing that would have brought out this side of you,” she laughed. “That, or alcohol. Remember that one time with the tequila?” she began. The Tequila Incident, as it was forever enshrined in my brain, was not one I wanted to review in detail, so I interrupted her.

  “So how are things with Ev?” I asked. Smooth, Mason, real smooth.

  “He’s, ah, good…” she answered, but I could hear the wheels of her brain moving even at this distance. “But more importantly, how are things with Lee? How did your evening go…?” she asked nosily.

  I could almost see her scooting her glasses down her nose and looking at me over them.

  My head flopped back on the pillows and groaned. “I think I passed out at some point…”

  “Woot! Finally!” she said, laughing. “About time you got to feel the Mighty O!”

  “Shut up…” I said peevishly, wondering if I could throw a pillow from here to Seattle with any accuracy.

  “So, tell me everything!” she continued.

  “No,” I refused, but before she could quiz me further, I continued, “But I will tell you it was the most amazing night of my life.”

  “Awww, Bug! It’s about damn time someone made you feel as wonderful as you are!”

  I sobered at her comment. Lizzie had helped me through so many rough spots in my life. She had literally seen me at my worst.

  “Thanks, Liz. He was just... sweet, gentle, adorable… not to mention fucking hot,” I said. “…and you would approve. We thoroughly discussed consent beforehand.” I smiled as we spoke. Not right now, but at some point I’d have to tell her about my new favorite game…

  “Damn. Maybe he is a keeper,” she said. I could hear her wheeling around the kitchen of our apartment. “So, when do I get to meet him?” she asked.

  “Meet him? Umm… I don’t know…” the question made me pause. I hadn’t really thought any further than last night.

  For the first time I felt torn about Lee. His life was here, in Ohio, with his family and the business. I couldn’t ask him to come to Seattle… could I? This was all too fast, anyway. I mean, we’d only known each other a few days, but what a glorious few days they had been. I shivered as my eyes fell on the used washcloth hanging out of the dirty clothes hamper. It had been an amazing night, but it wasn’t even close to being the sum total of all the things we could have done with each other…

  “Earth to Mason, Earth to Mason. Come in, Mason…” Her voice sing-songed over the phone.

  “Sorry Liz,” I said, snapping my mind back to our conversation. “I just hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

  “Oh, I think you were thinking about A head,” she giggled.
  “Oh my god, woman! You have a one-track mind,” I complained. “Do you think about anything other than sex?!”

  “Occasionally, but then Everett reminds me about what’s important,” she continued.

  Lizzie and Everett had met her senior year in college. Lizzie was graduating with a degree in business management and Everett had graduated the year before with a music degree.

  They’d met at a geek-themed bar near the university called AFK Tavern. When they met, Ev hadn’t been phased by Lizzie’s disability. He’d always been focused on her abilities instead. I'd a feeling a Christmas engagement was in her near future, but I wasn’t going to ruin the surprise.

  “How’s Ev doing?” I asked again.

  “Good. Busy. Angsty. You know – an artist,” she laughed.

  Everett was a songwriter and Lizzie had been managing him since college. He was the one who had gotten her into the talent management business to begin with. She’d been out of work after college, trying to find a job where she could use her degree, but that would also allow her the flexibility she needed to be able to manage her obligations with her family.

  Ev had written an amazing song about Lizzie shortly after they met but before he’d worked up the courage to ask her out. Even not knowing that it was about her, Lizzie loved the song. She had reached out to friends and friends of friends and had gotten him connected to a star who shall not be named, but who’s name rhymes with “ink”, and Everett sold his first song.

  “Wheels of My Heart” had been in the Top 10 for sixteen weeks, and number one for three. Not bad for a first-time songwriter and his freshman talent agent.

  She’d worked the same kind of magic for me and my art. After graduation I’d started out doing some graphic web design, but I’d hated it. I was tired of just telling other people’s stories and never my own, but I’d been too terrified of discovery to publish anything. I hadn’t even shared my whole story with Lizzie at that point, but we had decided to get an apartment together.

  One day when we were straightening up the apartment before some friends of hers came over, she found my sketchbook and the outline for Dark Angel Series I. I’d refused to publish, though, afraid that Ricky would find me. She introduced me to the magic of creating a pen name and Mason Cameron was born. Before I knew it, we were reviewing proofs and scrambling to meet deadlines.

  My success helped her cement her reputation as an agent with a great eye for new talent. Now she had a moderate-sized group of new talents that she coaxed, cajoled, swore at, and supported as they began their careers.

  We laughed and talked for a few more minutes before she had to take off for work. Before saying goodbye, she reminded me of the guest lecture at Akron U that afternoon. I was really looking forward to this event.

  I eyed the clock and realized we’d talked for almost an hour. We’d only been apart a few days, but damn, I missed her.

  I dragged my body out of bed and showered and dressed.

  I was debating whether I should look for Lee or just request a cab or Uber to take me to the school. As I exited the hallway, I noticed the fire had been extinguished in the hearth. I smiled at the slightly rumpled look to the cushions on the couch.

  In the kitchen itself stood Lee, and my heart sped up as I looked at him. Damn, he was hot! His short blond hair curled in the steam from the stove. He wore an old t-shirt and a pair of cutoff jeans that hugged his delectable ass. The shirt was black with a white a scrawl across the middle, with words underneath proudly proclaiming “The Burninator.”

  He was stirring something on the stove, humming slightly to himself as he cooked. I wasn’t sure what he was singing – I didn’t hear any music playing but I saw the telltale sign of earbuds in his ears. I looked at the phone on the counter and couldn’t help the bark of laughter that escaped me.

  “Taylor Swift? Really, dude? And in a Trogdor shirt, no less?” I asked teasingly, smiling as he jumped and fumbled with the phone as music poured from the earpieces he pulled from his ears. “That’s grounds for having your geek card revoked.”

  “Whaddyou mean? Taylor’s classic!” he exclaimed. His face had turned a bright red, and I didn’t think it was from the heat. I could see the thoughts pass like lightning across his face and saw the instant when he just decided to own it and sang into the wooden spoon he was using to stir whatever was bubbling on the stove.

  “I knew you were trouble when you walked in… Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!” he sang.

  I laughed at him and he grinned back, his green eyes twinkling at me. Damn, that smile was dangerous.

  “So, you slept well?” he asked, eyes turning back to our food. At least, I hoped it was “our” because it smelled delicious, and I realized with a start that I was starving.

  “Yeah, I slept like a rock,” I mumbled, feeling the tell-tale heat begin to work its way up my neck.

  “Really, now? And how exactly does a rock sleep, Mr. Malone?” he asked, continuing to use the spoon as a microphone. “Would you say they slept hard… and were thick… and long… and heavy in the sack…” He teased, drawing out every salacious consonant as he eye-fucked me.

  “Fucker,” I muttered, sitting down at the table, feeling the heat move up my face. I was glad for my long hair, because at least he wasn’t able to see my pink ears.

  “That’s Mr. Fucker to you, boyo,” he teased.

  He set a plate in front of me, then joined me at the table. I took a bite of the eggs he placed in front of me. Damn, he might not have much in the variety department, but the man made some damn good eggs.

  “So, do you always make eggs whenever…” I paused, trying to figure out how to classify last night. It hadn’t felt like a one-night stand, but we hadn’t exactly been focusing on relationships or labels at the time.

  “Whenever what…? Whenever I…fly?” he prodded with a non-sequitur.

  I didn’t respond at first, because I was reliving the evening on my end, an event painfully attested to by my cock. It had swollen almost painfully as I’d watch Lee move around the kitchen. Apparently, my silence egged him on.

  “Whenever I… host a world-famous artist and writer?” He asked, throwing out increasingly more ridiculous options as I became more flustered and hesitated to respond.

  “…Kiss a hippo?” he quipped. The image was so unexpected, I laughed out loud.

  “No, jackass,” I said, finally, when I caught my breath, “…whenever you sleep with someone.”

  His face sobered as he set the rest of the eggs and toast on the table and served himself.

  “Nope. I just suck at cooking everything else, so it’s usually eggs or Pop Tarts for breakfast,” he said, grinning.

  “Hmmm… I’m not a bad cook, maybe one morning I’ll wake you up with French toast,” I said.

  He froze across from me, his gaze turning heated as his eyes locked mine. “I would be honored to eat your French toast.”

  The moment broke and we both burst out laughing.

  He was being a huge goofball as we ate at the dinette table, so different from the guy I'd met just a few days ago, and I wasn’t really sure what to make of him.

  “There’s coffee if you want it,” he said. “But I usually stop at the donut shop on my way into work. They make way better coffee than I ever could.”

  “Oh my god!” I exclaimed. “Donut shop coffee? Please tell me you’re joking,” I scoffed.

  “Hey! I’ll have you know that Jubilee Donuts makes the best coffee this side of, um, Seattle,” he continued. “And their cream sticks are to die for!”

  I mumbled something appropriately snarky about him and his stick full of cream, but he just laughed. “Don’t knock ’em till you try them!”

  We ate together in comfortable silence for a few minutes and I tried to figure out what it was about Lee that made me so strangely comfortable in his presence. I didn’t usually relate well to strangers. My therapist said I had trust issues. No shit!

  He had just swallowed a bite of toa
st when his eyes caught mine, his face sobering.

  “Seriously, though, how are you... you know, feeling today?” He asked, pushing eggs around his plate, but his concern apparent on his face.

  “Um, good,” I said, trying to take stock of my emotional inventory. “Weirdly relaxed. I feel kind of like I hit the sex lottery,” I teased.

  The grin on Lee’s face got wider. He jumped to his feet and did an over-the-top fist pump.

  “Hoo ahhhh! Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Or rather, gentleman and gentleman, I suppose,” he eyed me cheekily and winked. “You definitely ‘hit’ the jackpot. Now I need a t-shirt made that says ‘Jackpot’ on it.”

  We laughed and I might or might not have argued with him about who, exactly, had scored last night… but before long we had finished breakfast and were placing dishes in the dishwasher.

  “So, what’s on the agenda for today?” He asked, settling on the living room sofa.

  “Well, I have the art school lecture early afternoon, and then the discussion at that community center later on in the week.”

  “Community center?” Lee asked, raising an eyebrow at me.

  “Um, yeah,” I said, digging my phone out of my pocket. “Something called C.B.P. Community Center?”

  Lee shook his head. “I’m not familiar with that one. Where is it?”

  I showed Lee the address on my phone.

  “Hmmmm… that’s pretty far out there. It’s going to take about forty-five minutes to get there. Make sure we plan for that,” he said.

  “Do you have to work today?” I asked.

  “Not today. I am, literally, at your service.”

  “Okay…” I looked around the room, not quite looking at him. “So, what should we do for the rest of the day?”

  “Well,” he said, quirking an eyebrow at me, “We could go see the twins at the store, or we could head out to the school and make sure we’ve got a good idea where everything is. I don’t think we have enough time to hit the movies…”

  His voice trailed off. I wouldn’t have minded the store, but it kind of seemed like a busman’s holiday for Lee. For myself, I was feeling adventurous today. Apparently, I hadn’t gotten all the great sex endorphins out of my body, because I still felt remarkably calm and centered despite the upcoming speaking engagements.


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