Mason's Run

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Mason's Run Page 24

by Mellanie Rourke

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I’m going with you,” I surprised myself by saying.

  Lee shook his head.

  “No way, baby. I need you out here to be able to call for help if I need it,” he said, heading back down the hallway. Part of me knew he was trying to protect me, but there was no way I was letting him move through that house by himself.

  He must have seen something on my face… Determination? Stupidity? Whatever it was, he decided he wasn’t going to argue with me.

  We moved forward, our sneakers making no sound on the hardwood floors as we moved through the darkened hall. The first door was the one leading to the guest bathroom. I couldn’t help but admire the grace with which Lee moved. He held the stick in his hands more like a baton than a baseball bat, occasionally whirling it in his fingers effortlessly in some kind of martial arts move. If that had been me, I’d have been more like a toddler, boinking people on the head with it. Lee moved into the bathroom quietly, his hands wrapped around the… walking stick? I remembered him saying he used a cane from time to time. Something about it looked familiar, but I couldn’t place it.

  Fortunately, the shower curtain in that bathroom hadn’t been left closed, so a quick glance behind the door and we knew the room was clear. No Psycho surprise for us.

  Next was Lee’s office. The door to the room stood partly open and we could see moonlight shining in the room as well as some light from the security light. We both froze as the sound of shuffling papers came from the room.

  Lee froze, then held his hand up in a fist, then extended three fingers, then two, then one. I figured out it was a countdown, so I was ready when he charged forward and hit the lights.

  I saw the lights flick on in Lee’s office as he ran in but just as suddenly as they came on, they went out as the door to his office slammed shut. I heard a loud thud, the sound of something crashing around in his office and a string of profanities exploding from Lee and a final thud.

  I pounded on the door handle in panic, desperate to get it open. When the latch almost immediately gave way under my hands, I stumbled and barged into his office. The lights were on and for a moment I was blinded by their brightness after the dark of the hallway. Lee lay on the ground, his body scarily still, the shelves collapsed on top of him, tiny robot pieces everywhere.

  I heard a strange hissing noise and stumbled back into the hallway as a small, dark ball of fur raced toward me. I wasn’t sure, but the evil beast seemed to swipe its little paw at me as if it was threatening me, but instead of attacking me, it ran past me into the living room. I saw it turn right and head toward the open front door.

  “What the fuck?” I yelled, rushing back into the office, only to see Lee still on the floor, his desk chair lying sideways and his form horribly still. My breath choked in my mouth. No. No! Goddammit! I couldn’t lose him.

  “Lee?” I shouted in relief as I saw his chest heave but worry gripped me again as he started to shake convulsively. “Lee?” I said, terrified as I moved forward to help him, wracking my brain for anything I knew about people with seizures.

  Then I saw his arm pull up in front of him and he began to push his body up from the floor and I realized, he was laughing. That goddamn, motherfucking son of a bitch was laughing!

  “…If you tell Kaine and Bishop I was taken down by a raccoon, I will never forgive you,” he wheezed.

  I was too angry to speak at first, so I stood there and glared down at him. He shifted around until he was seated on his ass, surrounded by papers and robot parts.

  “C’mon,” he said, his grin spreading across his face as he noticed the thunder in my expression. “You have to admit it was, at least a little bit funny,” he said. He pulled a tiny robot arm out of his hair and waved it at me. “Little bit. Get it?”

  I desperately tried to hold onto my anger because it made me feel strong, but the absurdity of the situation struck home as Lee waved the little robot hand at me and grinned. I felt the twitch build in the corner of my mouth and the quiver turned into a smile. The smile turned into a laugh, then the laugh burst into a fit of giggles.

  “Oh my god! Who was that masked man? Rocky Raccoon?” I asked, snickering. “Or was it Rocket? Or Bandit?” I leaned over and gave him a hand up.

  “Fuck you,” he said as he stood, brushing his pants off and laughing. Then he straightened and our eyes met. Suddenly, he was standing close. Too close.

  I couldn’t stop myself from winking at him and whispering, “Maybe, someday.” He looked at me, eyes glittering dangerously as we locked eyes.

  The air around us became charged, hot and electric. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and I felt a bit light-headed as all my blood headed south

  I didn’t know who moved first, but suddenly we were a mess of hot mouths and sweaty skin, our hands roaming each other’s bodies. We caressed and stroked and sucked until we were both panting for breath. I felt his hip brush my crotch where my erection was announcing its approval of attack raccoons. I couldn’t stop myself from grinding against him, glorying in the feel of the rough fabric against my cock, his muscles and skin thrusting and gliding against my own.

  Lee groaned against me, but paused. “The door… I have to shut the front door.”

  I was a little lust-fogged, so it took me a minute to understand. I quirked an eyebrow at him.

  “Is that a euphemism?” I asked. “Shut the front door?”

  “What? No!” he said, laughing. “I mean, we left the front door wide open. I’m really hoping our little visitor ran out the door, and no more have decided to move in.”

  “He did,” I assured him, shivering as his lips found my earlobe and sucked it between them. “How did he get in?” I asked.

  Lee nodded toward the open window by his desk.

  “The screen fell out of the window the last storm we had. I need to take it and get it repaired, but I just haven’t had the chance. I left the window open last night for some fresh air. Must have forgotten to close it this morning.”

  I nodded, only half paying attention to him. While I was relieved there was no more ominous reason for concern, all the adrenaline that had just poured into my blood stream was looking for a new outlet. Feeling suddenly braver and more confident than I had been in ages, I stepped back from him. I knew what I wanted tonight.

  Lee looked at me and it was his turn to look a little lust drunk, eyes wide, hair tousled. Well, almost tousled. Could you even tousle short hair? Was “tousle” even a word? I shook my head. Okay, maybe he wasn’t the only one a little lust-drunk.

  His lips started to twitch as he grinned at me.

  “So, that wasn’t the activity I was hoping for tonight,” he said, his hand coming up to massage the back of his neck.

  “Really?” I asked, slowly pushing forward, completely ignoring the concept of personal space.

  “So, what were you expecting?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow at him as I slid my hands to his waist.

  “Um,” his cheeks reddened, and he looked at me with that “aw shucks” expression that I was sure got him out of a lot of trouble. “I guess I was kind of hoping we could… play a game…”

  “Mmmm…” I said, part moan, part whisper. “I might be able to get behind that,” I said, allowing my hands to stroke down his back to land on his tight round ass cheeks. The sight of his pinked skin, glassy eyes and the heat running off his body made me strangely confident.

  “But tonight, it’s my turn,” I said, watching the color of his eyes deepen as I surprised us both with my forwardness. “My game, tonight. My rules,” I growled. He paused at first, then a slow smile spread across his face. Fuck, he was adorable.

  “Yes, sir,” he said. The grin stayed on his face, but I saw him straighten slightly, his feet about shoulder width apart, his hands behind his back. Must be a military thing. The thought of giving him orders made my cock twitch in anticipation.

  “What are your orders, sir?” He asked, his eyes locked wi
th mine as drew out the word “sir,” filling it with both promise and warning.

  I thought for a moment about how to phrase what I wanted, then shrugged, and just went for it. Ah, hell, the worst he could do was say no.

  “I am going to go ‘shut the front door’ and make sure we have no other animal intruders. When I come back from doing that, I want to find you naked, on hands and knees on the bed,” I said, assuming a confidence I didn’t really feel. I watched him nervously, holding my breath, a little overcome at my boldness.

  My eyes fell to the bulge in his pants and hoped that meant I wasn’t the only one who liked the sound of my game.

  “Mason, May I?” He asked, his polite voice a deep, honeyed burr, his eyes like liquid emerald as he smirked at me.

  “Yes, you may,” I said, backing out of the room, then turning and going to the front door. I couldn’t glance back, couldn’t look to see if he would do what I told him. I’d have to assume he would carry out my instructions. If I looked, I didn’t think we’d ever get the damn door closed, and we’d have a whole family of raccoons living in here.

  I made my way to the front of the house, closed and locked everything up, then turned the light out over the kitchen sink. As I walked down the hallway, I saw a flickering light coming from the bedroom. Lee had lit some candles and placed them around the room. They were now the only light. As I walked in, I saw Lee had obeyed my directions to the letter and was now on his hands and knees on the bed, his clothes in a hurried pile on the floor.

  He looked so incredibly beautiful I had to stop and just drink him in. His skin was a pale amber in the candlelight, his gorgeous ass round and firm. I could see his impressive cock jutting forward, pointing toward the bed, and the sight of it made my throat go dry. The light picked up the greens and golds in his eyes, making them more like gems than ever.

  “So beautiful,” I whispered, moving up behind him. The light flickered on the firm globes of his ass. I'd never thought that I would be an ass man, but his was incredible and deserved appreciation.

  As I looked at him, set out before me like a goddamn buffet, I was struck by indecision. What to do first? Suck on those absolutely edible-looking nipples? Stroke his cock? Fondle his balls? But then Lee decided for me by turning slightly as I came in the room, as if to keep me from seeing his other side.

  “Stop.” I commanded. To my surprise he froze, looking back over his shoulder at me. His cheeks reddened, but I couldn’t tell if it was from embarrassment or passion.

  I moved to his side so I could see what he was trying to hide. Lee sat up as I came around his side. I could see him flush more, and his hand twitched as if he wanted to cover himself again.

  I’d been mostly on the receiving end of his ministrations the last time we’d been together, and I didn’t really get as good a look at his body as I would have liked. Now, I feasted my eyes on him.

  The scars along the outside of his hip were thick and shiny, long imperfections across the glorious smoothness of his body. I could see the jagged scars where his thigh had been rebuilt, hard and shiny in places on his skin, the gunshots appeared as wrinkled divots across his body. I leaned forward and kissed him, our mouths a hot mass of kissing tongues and nipping teeth. Finally, I pulled back from him.

  “Never hide your scars from me…” I whispered. “…and I won’t hide mine from you.”

  Our eyes locked for a moment, then I saw a small nod. He moved back across the bed, putting himself back on all fours.

  His body was so tempting, I couldn’t keep myself from touching him. I leaned forward and kissed his skin, my tongue licking and stroking across his scars, my teeth scraping gently as I sucked my way along them.

  My hand had skittered down his side and brushed over the scar on his hip and leg. He almost unconsciously pulled away from my touch. There was no way I was going to allow that to happen.

  I leaned close to him and whispered, “Do you know how incredibly beautiful you are, Lee?” I ran my hand down his back again, this time pressing a little bit harder, digging my short nails in gently.

  “I see you here, kneeling on the bed for me, and I can’t wait to taste you, feel you…” My hand slipped back to his ass, and I slapped it gently, grabbing the round globes and mounding them in my hands. “…fuck you.”

  “Oh god, Mason, yes, please…” he moaned. His skinned pebbled under my seeking fingers, as he groaned, looking back at me over his shoulder.

  “Eyes front, baby,” I ordered. He groaned again, but did as I directed, though I saw him glance furtively toward the bedside table where the picture of him and Mack was hidden in the drawer. A shot of nerves went through me. Lee was experienced. What the hell did I think I was doing, taking control? I should just admit now that I was clueless. I was used to being the fuck-ee, not the fuck-er. Were those even words?

  I shook my head angrily, trying desperately to throw off the anxiety that was growing in my chest. Even if I didn’t have experience topping, I’d had lots of experience bottoming, so I knew the things that had made it better for me. Easier, even if it was never really good. I had to hope that that would be enough to make this good for Lee. I knew logically that some men claimed to have pleasure from being penetrated, but I’d never experienced it.

  I closed my eyes and thought hard for a moment, trying to figure out what to do next. I heard the furnace firing up in the basement and felt the first warm burst of air billow from the heating vent, and it gave me an idea.

  I moved behind Lee on the bed and began removing my clothing. I knew he could hear my movements, so I took my time, allowing each piece of clothing to brush against his body. My shirt teased across his neck and face, my pants ghosted against his legs. I even tickled his feet with my socks, which started him laughing again. Then I took off my briefs, trailing them gently over his ass. He shivered and moaned at the feeling, pre-cum welling from his slit and collecting at the tip of his cock. That was just too yummy of a treat to pass up.

  I slid one hand between his legs, making sure my wrist and arm slid along the underside of his balls and cock, the springy hair of his thighs brushing against my skin. My finger slid up to the head of his cock, swiping over the tip to collect evidence of his arousal. I heard him groan and saw a shudder go through him when I did it. Then I moved up next to him on the bed again where he steadfastly kept his gaze focused on the wall in front of him. Such a good soldier. He deserved a reward…

  “Lee, look at me,” I said. His eyes flicked to mine as I settled next to him. My finger was shiny in the candlelight, coated with his arousal. I slowly moved it up to my mouth before sliding it between my lips, sucking for a moment and reveling in the burst of slightly-salty flavor that flared over my tongue.

  “You taste delicious,” I whispered, making sure he saw me rub the shiny finger over my lips. His eyes remained locked on those lips until I leaned forward and caught his lips with my own, his tongue dueling with mine. We both groaned, and I felt him start to sit up again, reaching for me.

  “Ah! Ah! Ah!” I said leaning back and shaking my finger teasingly at him. “You haven’t even finished Level One yet, and here you are losing points?”

  “Don’t I get bonus points for the candles?” He asked, his laughing voice sounding pouty.

  I winked at him, “Maybe. Supplies?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He nodded toward the bedside table, where I quickly found condoms and lube.

  “I really want to get a high score in this game,” he said, grinning at me as I slid the condom on. “Someone told me I was a natural.”

  His eyes focused on my length and he shuddered, leaning his head into his hands, his ears and cheeks pink as he knelt.

  “Cocky fucker, aren’t you?” I laughed. “We’ll see about that…”

  I moved behind him again, this time trailing kisses down his body. My lips nipped and sucked, sometimes licking with my whole tongue, other times just flickering over his skin. By the time I’d made it back to my starting point, we were both
breathing heavily and a thin sheen of sweat made his body glisten by the candlelight. My kisses trailed down his skin, and I slid one hand between his legs to gently cup his balls and stroke his cock. As I did, I drew my lower lip between my teeth, a tiny piece of my head still afraid I would do something wrong.

  Even though I knew how to pleasure him and bring him to climax, a tiny part of me was still nervous. What if I did something wrong? What if I hurt him?

  I tried to push the fears away as I teased him for several minutes, playing with his balls and kneading the round globes of his ass. He hissed and almost came up off the bed when I finally wrapped my fingers around his length and began stroking him gently.

  From some of the things Lee had said about Mack’s death, I would bet it had been a long time since he had wanted sex. While I knew, logically, he wouldn’t be comparing us, I couldn’t help but feel as if, on some level, I was competing with a ghost.

  As my hand grew slick with his pre-cum, I decided it was time to take things a step further. I moved up beside him on the bed, our bodies perpendicular to each other. My right hand continued to stroke his cock, my slick left hand slid slowly down the crease of his ass, between his cheeks, until I found the wrinkled skin around his hole. I traced it gently, making sure to get him nice and slick.

  “Fuck! Mason, that feels so good!” he gasped. I let out the breath I hadn’t known I’d been holding. I could do this. And I was just getting started.

  After a few minutes of stroking and teasing his hole, drawing more needy, whimpering sounds from him, I decide to have mercy on him and slowly slid a slick finger inside him to the first knuckle. His body gripped my finger hungrily, hot and oh so needy.

  “You like that, don’t you?” I asked, slowly pushing my finger further into his body. The ring of muscles that had worked to resist the intrusion relaxed slowly as he rocked back and forth in my grasp, one hand working his cock, the other his hole. His channel felt divine, hot and tight and so greedy for my touch.

  He moaned again, small whimpers falling from his mouth as I worked him both ways. God he was amazing! He made me feel incredibly confident and powerful. I knew the instant my finger brushed his prostate, because he shuddered and moaned again, pre-cum surging from his cock. He began to rock back and forth harder against my hands.


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