Fifth Essence: A Reverse Harem Tale (Lovin' the Coven Book 5)

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Fifth Essence: A Reverse Harem Tale (Lovin' the Coven Book 5) Page 7

by Jacquelyn Faye

  One problem down, twelve-hundred to go.

  My grandmother and mother were quietly sipping tea at the table, trying not to look at one another. Basically, they were both looking to their left until I came back into the room.

  I snagged my coffee and plopped down on one of the dining chairs, careful not to spill any out of the half-full mug. "So. Where were we?"

  "Your mother thinks it's a bad idea for you to be exposed to your father's gem."

  I nodded at Nana. "And it would appear to be safer with me than with anyone else."

  "Daughter… It is evil."

  "No, it is not. I can feel it. It is power, yes. But like any power it can be used for good or evil. I'm sure my father didn't use it for evil. The elf that came upon it did."

  "I'm not so sure he just happened by it. It might have been an effort of Aodh's to smuggle it out of his prison," Mother scoffed.

  "Wait. What? He's in prison?" Every single image I had built up about my father in my mind shattered in an instant. I was the daughter of a convict.

  She sighed and nodded.


  "I cannot say."


  She shook her head. "Just as I cannot tell you what he is, nor can I tell you where he was, or why he was there."

  "So, for now, all I have is his name until he shows up."

  "Your father is like death. He will always come, eventually."

  "That's kind of morbid."

  "So is your father."


  "He is that, too. Especially between the sheets."

  I made gagging noises and set my coffee down on the table while Nana cackled, and my mother wiggled her eyebrows.

  Why couldn't I have been adopted like a normal witch.

  Something occurred to me. "Your story about accidentally meeting my father in another city for a one-night stand… That was just a heaping, steaming pile of minotaur shit?"

  "I'm afraid so. I thought it would be a good excuse to stop you from asking too many questions. We were married for ten glorious years before his incarceration. Did you honestly think I would allow myself to be impregnated by a single tryst? That is not how witch physiology works, Daughter."

  "I always wondered about that part, finally chalking it up to wanting a daughter and using him as a donor."

  "Hardly. He donated many, many, many times."

  "Ew. I don't need figures."

  "Good, because they would be quite large and I know how complex numbers hurt your head."

  "Nobody knew you were married? Nobody saw this mysterious husband of yours?"

  "He did not live in Ashville with us…"

  "Where did he live?"

  She started shaking her head, fighting the compulsions she was under not to give me any information that might give me a fucking clue to what he was.

  "Never mind. Forget I asked."

  She breathed a sigh of relief.

  "I'm just going to have to find him. I'll get the story from him."

  Mother's eyes widened, but Nana nodded in agreement.

  "Any idea where I should start looking?"

  They both looked at each other before turning and leveling their gazes at me. "Who had the gem?"

  "Former King Renlynn of Elfhame Autumn Glade."

  "And how did he happen upon it?" This time Mother asked alone.

  "It was sent to him as a betrothal gift from the Unseleighe Court of Willowmere. The same court who wanted me as a bride to their prince."

  "You were approached?"

  I nodded at my mother. "Practically accosted."

  "What happened to King Renlynn?" Nana asked curiously.

  "He had an adverse reaction to my hands in his chest, ripping out his heart."

  She chuckled. "You little heart-breaker, you."

  "Maybe you should start at the beginning, Daughter. Tell us what has happened."

  So, I did. It took me three-and-a-half cups of coffee to tell them the story in its entirety. It was worth it to see the looks on their faces. When I got to the part about the angel, my mother gasped and seemed almost frantic. "What?"

  "Since they have come for you, I can at least share that it was they who imprisoned Aodh."

  "Did you say Aodh?" Shea's voice broke through our conversation.

  We all turned and saw him, Dar in his blue demon form, and Delron standing just outside of the room, listening to my story. My mother practically snarled at the dark elf before turning to my little half-dark elf. "Hello, Shea."

  "Greetings, Madeline," he said and bowed to my mother.

  "You know the name?" I practically bounced in my chair.

  "Yes. I know it."

  "Who is he?"

  He opened his mouth and his eyes rolled up into the back of his head as he collapsed to the ground. Gasping, I shot out of my chair, but Dar picked him up gently and brought him into the room, setting him down in the chair beside me.

  "That would have been too easy, Granddaughter."

  "Thought I was finally catching a break."

  "No. If you wish to learn about him, you will have to seek him out yourself. My suggestion would be to travel to the unseleighe court. Rescue your elf, firmly reject the marriage proposal, and find out what they know about Aodh."

  "You don't think they know who Dorothea is, do you Mother?" My mother almost looked fearful as she asked. "Do you think that is why they wish her to marry the prince?"

  "I would not put it past them," she said and leveled her gaze at a very uncomfortable looking Delron.

  "I know not. I merely was acting upon the wishes of our queen. What she knows, or does not, is beyond my scope," he said and lowered his head in apology.

  "Why did they attack you?" I wanted to know.

  "I delivered your message about destroying our court if they did not release Prince Jaeren. It was not met with a positive response." He sighed.

  "Sorry, Delron."

  "Do not be. I did not want to abduct the prince to begin with. I strongly advised the queen against it and was met with a similar, but not as enthusiastic, punishment. She would risk an all-out war with Elfhame Autumn Glade to bring you to her court."

  "If it is an outright war she wishes to risk, you should bring one to her door. She might be more cooperative," Nana mused aloud.


  "Instead of travelling to the unseleighe side of Underhill, venture to the seleighe side. The princess seemed very reasonable, from what you told us. Tell her that her brother is being held prisoner. March to the unseleighe side with an army at your back."

  Even my mother nodded appreciatively at my grandmother's cunning strategy.

  "I do need to rescue Jaeren. It is my fault he is being held captive," I said guiltily. But I would make it right. Even if I had to crush the dark elves myself.

  Chapter 8

  I thought my mother would go home, but she informed me she was staying until things worked out. Thankfully, she had already checked into Farrell's Motel. My house was full and there would be a fifth ice age in Gehenna before she stayed at my grandmother's house. She even had her own rental car. I was almost proud of her.

  Delron, on the other hand, was a completely different issue. I couldn't send him home, I couldn't check him into a motel. I was stuck. With another elf. That I didn't want. But until I had the house next door, he would be staying in Yuki's room. Purplylocks was bunking with Mama Bear again until further notice. At least she didn't snore. Or breathe.

  Putting my back to the front door, I sighed, happy my mother and grandmother were at least gone. Just in case, I reached down and twisted the deadbolt before heading for the kitchen. I needed a beer or five. Before I even made it to the fridge, I spotted the extra bottle of elderberry wine that Shea had given me as a gift. All thoughts of cervesa went away.

  "Shea, want a glass of your wine?"

  "I would. Thank you."


  "I will try some."

  Grabbing the bottle off the co
unter, I pulled the drawer open and grabbed the corkscrew. Shea was behind me before I turned around. He was quieter than Candace when he moved. I squeaked in surprise and almost dropped the bottle.

  "My apologies, Lady."

  "Gonna put a bell around your damn neck. Here. You get to play sommelier, while I go electrocute myself to jump start my heart." I shoved the bottle and corkscrew in his hands and leaned against the counter.

  "I truly am sorry." I noticed the small smile on his face.

  "No, you're not."

  "No! I really am!" He blinked at me in surprise.

  "Then why were you smiling?"

  He blushed and looked away. "Because I made your heart race. It made me happy."

  "Lord and Lady, you are going to kill me with cuteness. Next time just touch my butt or something. I'd prefer it if you didn't make my heart race by scaring the bejeezus out of me."

  "As long as I have your permission…" He chuckled wickedly and set the bottle down on the counter, pulling his blade from somewhere inside his clothing. He moved so fast I couldn't follow his movements.

  I reached over and touched his chin, turning his head toward me. "You are always welcome to touch me." I leaned forward and kissed him gently on his lips. "You don't have to wait for permission."

  He nodded and the smile that had been on his face a few moments ago was nothing in comparison to the grin that had taken its place.

  Grabbing three glasses, I set them down in front of him, just as the cork popped from the bottle. He poured the three glasses full, handed one to me and grabbed the other for Dar. We had killed the bottle already and I wanted to weep.

  "I really need to go to the liquor store. This is the last of any wine in this house."

  "I shall get you some."

  "No, you won't. I am perfectly capable of restocking my wine."

  "But you do not have the ability to shadow walk to my cellar in Ashville. I have wines that would make you happy, wines that would make pain fade, and wines that would make you blush. Please, allow me."

  "Just a couple of bottles!" He really wanted to, I could tell just from looking at his face. The least I could do was drink them with him. "Thank you."

  "My pleasure," he grinned again. In all the years I've known him, I saw him smile more in the last few minutes than I had my whole life. But, in my defense, I'd also gone almost my whole life with only catching glimpses of his face. At least I didn't have to fight him to take his damn hooded cloak off while he was in my house anymore.

  Dar was on the couch, I plopped down on the seat next to him and Shea headed for the loveseat after handing Dar his wine. "Where are you going?" I pointed at the seat next to me. "Unless I still smell?"

  "Like sunshine and lavender."

  "The lavender is my body wash. The sunshine is your imagination."

  "Nay, Shea is right. You do smell like sunshine."

  "You, too, Dar?"

  He nodded with a chuckle, tearing his eyes from the television. "We are not joking. Have you ever been outside and stared up at the sun and closed your eyes? That warm smell all around you when you do that. That is what you smell like."

  Shea was nodding.

  "How would you know, Mr. Shadowboy?"

  "You cannot find the shadows without the light that casts them. I honestly think that is what drew me to you in the first place. Even a moth, who lives in darkness, will seek out the brightest flame."

  "Even if he gets burned," I said dryly. I didn't do well with compliments, and between the two of them, I was going to gush to death. And not in the fun way.

  "To bathe in your glow, would be a small price to pay," Shea said and his mouth curved in a little seductive smile.

  "Somebody's getting laid tonight." I stared at him blankly, taking a sip of wine.

  At least he had the decency to blush. Dar just chuckled.

  "You shut up. You're almost as bad as he is, when you're not insulting my intelligence."

  "I have done no such thing. Not for days. You impressed me in Faerie, once you stopped blowing appendages off. And getting knocked unconscious. Oh, and dying."

  "Fine. I get your point. I'll be more careful."

  "That is all I ask."

  Yuki passed by us, carrying an armload of clothing and heading for my room. "Take as much space in the closet as you need, roomie."

  "Thank you, Boss. Wait, you're not going to make me sleep in there are you?"

  "Not unless you kick me in your sleep."

  "I'm more worried about you." She rolled her eyes and walked away.

  I took another sip of my wine, and Shea leaned against me, putting his hand on my leg, tracing the patterns of my leggings with his fingertips. I snuggled a little closer, enjoying the sensation and the closeness.

  "Do you wish to be alone?"

  I looked over at Dar and shook my head. "No."

  He nodded and focused back on the television.

  "You wanna snuggle, too?"

  He turned his head and cocked an eyebrow. "Probably not the best of ideas."


  "I am in my true form. Contact…might be a bit awkward."

  "I hate to break it to you, but it's not just physical contact."

  "I know. Would you like me to shift forms?"

  "Why would I want you to do that?"

  "Ease the burden?"

  "There is no burden, Dar."

  "But you find me attractive in this form. If I were in my canine–"

  I shut him up with my lips. Even still, he stared at me in shock, wanting to mumble something. To ensure his silence, I stuck my tongue in his mouth. A moment later, I was kissing air.

  Opening my eyes, I saw him crouched on the ground and staring at me, breathing heavily. I could almost feel his heartbeat from where he was.

  "We cannot!"

  "What? Why?"

  "Can you not feel it?"

  "All I feel right now is how much I care for you and the beating of your heart."

  "You can feel it."

  "Which part?"

  "My heart."

  "Yes. I just said that. Kind of freaky, but kind of nice."

  "Kind of dangerous."


  "What happened to asking the others?"

  "Chief said yes. Jimmy wants video. Jason wouldn't care. Shea?"

  He smiled and nodded. "Dar has my blessing."

  I turned back to Dar. "Unless you don't want me?"

  "You do not understand…"

  I narrowed my eyes. There was something he wasn't telling me. "What? What don't I understand?"

  "We… I did not think it would affect you, but it has. I hadn't realized, I mean I kind of did, but…fuck."

  "Come here. Sit down."

  "I shall take the loveseat." He sat down across from us and rubbed his face.

  "What are you not telling me?"

  "The Fourth Rite."

  "Yes. You're my prize. We've been over that."

  "But you are not d'lakii."

  "So, you're pulling the racist card? I'm not good enough?" I was starting to get pissed.

  He sighed, reached across to the coffee table and grabbed his wine, downing it in a gulp. "You misunderstand."

  "Then explain it to me."

  "I shall check on Yuki," Shea said and got up.

  "I can't," Dar said sadly.

  "You better."

  "Dorothea, please?"

  Oh, no, he didn't. "You will explain. You will tell me what the fuck is going on now. Do you hear me?" There was a rumbling in my voice, but no claps of thunder.

  Dar began to whimper. "You will hate me."

  "No. I won't." I stood up, set my now empty wineglass on the table and crossed my arms.

  "The Fourth Rite…"


  "Is not just a challenge for a rite to mate."

  "It's not?"

  "No. It is a mating ritual. Once complete, you do not claim your prize…you become a mated pair…"


  He sighed again and looked at me imploringly, wanting me to make the connection I wasn't getting. "Mated pair… Think matrimony, Master."

  Where I had liked him calling me Master before, suddenly I didn't find it so attractive. "Husband and wife?"


  "You fucking asshole!"

  I turned and left. Or I tried to. Wanting the sanctuary of my bedroom, I stormed toward my door. One moment he was behind me, calling my name, and the next, he was in front of me, blocking my way.

  "Move!" This time my voice did thunder.

  He moved to the side. "Please! Let me explain!"

  Something in his voice stopped me. It was pain. "This had better be good."

  He paused and drew in a breath, collecting his thoughts. "To tell you the truth, and I swear that it is, I did not think it would have an effect on you."

  "Bullshit. You knew it would drive me to kill Renlynn."

  "You are right. I thought it would make good motivation, but I did not think it would have the d'lakii effects on you. You are…very much like us. Minus the horns and blue skin. When your talons and fangs grew, when your eyes turned to black… I almost panicked. That should not have happened." He paused to let me digest what he said. I did and still wasn't impressed, or in a forgiving mood.

  "Is that it?"

  "May we sit and talk?"


  He nodded. "Master, I swear upon my essence that I had no intention to bind myself to you in that way. When everything was said and done, I truly wanted to believe that it was you who wanted me, not an after effect of the rite. I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. When I saw how you have been acting, I tried to convince myself that it was anything but what it was. I even tried to blame your behavior on the gem you now carry."


  "I know." He hung his head. "Then, when you kissed me on the couch just now, I felt it. I knew, without a doubt, that if we went any further that the bond would be complete. I worried what would happen to you just from the familiar bond. If we consummated the rite…"

  "Well. No chance of that now."

  "As you wish," he answered and nodded. "I shall… I'll–" It was all he managed to get out before the tears, blood red tears that looked purple against his blue skin, began to leave ruddy lines down his cheeks. I wanted to wipe them away. I wanted to kiss them away. But I also wanted to punch him in the face. I knew how I felt about him, but now I wasn't so sure that the feelings were my own.


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