The Rocker That Savors Me (The Rocker...)

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The Rocker That Savors Me (The Rocker...) Page 2

by Terri Anne Browning

  Emmie got slowly to her feet. We had learned over the summer that standing too fast could make her dizzy. Once she was on her feet, she stormed back into the house, shooting Nik murderous glares. “I’ll make it up to you, baby,” he called after her. “Please don’t be mad!”

  “Fuck off, Nik!” she yelled over her shoulder.

  I couldn’t hide my snicker as I went into the house to put my coffee mug in the sink. From upstairs I heard her yelling at Shane, then shouting at Drake to get his ass in the shower. I shook my head as I climbed the stairs to get dressed.

  Chapter 2


  I was up before the alarm went off. I already had my shower and was in the process of putting on my lipstick when it started beeping. I glared at my reflection and moved into the bedroom to turn it off.

  On the bed Lana and Lucy moaned and cuddled closer to each other. Both needed to get up so that I could drop them off at school, Lana at the high school and Lucy at the Elementary. School had started last week, but both seemed to still be on their summer time schedule. I pulled the covers off of my sisters and clapped my hands together.

  “Get up, you lazy heads.” I smacked Lucy lightly on the rump. “Times a-wasting! Lana, shower. Lucy, breakfast.” I left them to get up, confident that they would follow through with my commands. Ever since they came to live with me two years ago, after the death of our mother, they hadn’t given me one second of trouble.

  Back in the bathroom I finished putting on my makeup and then dressed in my usual uniform of black dress pants and a white button down. Slipping my feet into a pair of flats, and I was done. With one last glance in the mirror to make sure that I was presentable, and then I was walking into the kitchen where Lucy was eating a pop-tart.

  “Good luck today, Layla,” she told me around a mouthful of pastry.

  I dropped a kiss on top of her curly dark head. “Thanks, sweetpea.” I had an interview today. If all went well I would have a permanent job as a housekeeper instead of just as a temporary replacement here and there. We needed this, because a job here and there wasn’t covering the bills. If this didn’t work out I would have to go back to my old job…

  Lana walked into the kitchen with a backpack over her shoulder. It weighed her slight frame down with all the heavy AP books in there, but that was the price she had to pay, and one I was willing to make her keep paying. I was determined that she was going to make something of her life. She was going to have all the chances that I never had. If I was a hard ass when it came to making her study and keeping her nose clean, then that was just too bad.

  “I’m ready.” Lana sighed as she took a pack of pop-tarts from the cabinet and pulled a bottle of water from the fridge.

  I dropped Lana off first then Lucy because it was on my way. My cellphone chirped, giving me the directions that my boss, Stan, had promised me last night when he had called to tell me he had put me on the list for an interview as a permanent housekeeper. The woman had asked for his three best housekeepers without a permanent position. I wasn’t sure that I was one of his best, but Stan knew that I needed the money.

  When I got to the gate, I began to wonder who the hell these people were. When the guard asked for my driver’s license and then took a moment to consult his list before making a phone call, I was really starting to worry who they might be. Who needed this kind of protection from unwanted guests? Sure this was Los Angeles County, but there were celebrities everywhere here. Whoever it was had to be someone ridiculously famous, important, or dangerous to need this kind of protection from the outside world.

  After a few minutes, the burly looking guard waved me through. I followed the directions he gave me all the way to the end of the beach. When I pulled into the driveway right beside of some sports car that I knew cost more than I could ever make in ten lifetimes, I nearly passed out. I was home in bed, still dreaming… Right?

  Behind the sports car was a little coupe that was a few years older. I figured it belonged to one of the other housekeepers interviewing. My stomach filled with butterflies and anxiety. This was too good to be true. It had to be. Whoever lived here wasn’t going to hire me. They would want someone older, with more experience, someone respectable.

  I was only twenty five and had only been working as a temporary housekeeper for Perfectly Clean for less than two years. I wasn’t respectable. I tended to run my mouth, and I had more tattoos and piercings than was conventional. Most of the people I temped for made me wear long sleeves and wanted my hair kept down to cover up my tattoos. The woman who had called Stan wasn’t going to want me…

  Even as I thought those words a middle aged woman with her graying hair in a sever bun came storming out of the house. She was muttering to herself and shaking her head in agitation. She got into the coupe, put it in reverse, and practically burned rubber pulling out of the driveway. I watched in horror as she nearly hit the moving van that was pulling up at the curb. The driver blew his horn at the woman, but she didn’t even stop as she shifted into drive and sped off down the road.

  I blinked a few times, my heart racing at the near miss that I had just witnessed. What had made her so upset?

  Finally collecting myself, I stepped out of my beat-up old Corolla and started up the driveway to the front door. Behind me the driver and his crew were getting out of the van. They were laughing and cursing. I shot them a frown as I reached the door and pushed the doorbell. Moments later it opened to a woman with a full blown temper flashing in her eyes.

  “What?” she snapped.

  I took in the fire in her green eyes, the flare of her nostrils making the stud in her nose rise up and down with each breath she sucked in. Her auburn hair was pulled back in a ponytail and the Demon’s Wings shirt she had on stretched over a noticeable baby bump. I knew who she was, of course I did. You didn’t listen to the music I did and not know who Ember Jameson was. And even if you didn’t listen to rock, you would know who she was if you had picked up a tabloid anytime in the last three months. The fact that she was pregnant with Nik Armstrong’s baby had been big news.

  This blew my mind.

  “I’m Layla Daniels,” I told her. “I work for Perfectly Clean and was scheduled for an interview.”

  She raked her gaze over me from head to toe. My long dress pants hid the tattoo on my right leg, but my shirt didn’t cover the Celtic knots at my wrists, and I was sure that my shirt and bra didn’t disguise the fact that both my nipples were pierced. Ember took her time on the return trip up to my face, and her head cocked to the side as if she was seeing something that was particularly curious to her.

  “Layla?” she questioned. “Your mother must like Eric Clapton?” I shrugged and a hint of a grin teased her lips. “Well then, let’s make the best of the situation.”

  I snorted at the line from the song and nodded. “Yeah, I never heard that one before… What did you do to that woman, by the way? She nearly took out the movers.”

  Ember stepped back to let me in. “Judgmental bitch! I told her that if she was hired she would have to be opened minded. I live with four rockers, for the love of Gods. One of them wakes up in a pool of his own vomit more often than not. She said that it was despicable… Oh, and was I sure of which one was my ‘baby daddy’?”

  I bit my lip when she actually made quotation marks when she said ‘baby daddy’. I could see myself in this woman and after only just meeting her I felt like I had known her for years. “Wow. I would have slapped the bitch.”

  “Right?” She full on grinned now. “I showed real restraint.” She stood holding the door open. When she heard the movers out in the driveway, she sighed. “Excuse me a minute. There was supposed to be four able bodied men assisting me today, but hey...” she shook her head, muttering about ‘fucking Nik’ as she walked down the few steps. “Who’s in charge?” She called to the movers.

  A man stepped forward with a clip board in hand. His hair was short and ginger, when he smiled there was a chip in his left tooth, and his b
eefy hands looked more beef than hand. “Are you Miss Jameson?” He gave her a leering once over, and I felt my heckles rise. Did this fucker think he could look at her like that? I decided then and there that I was going to spend the day whether I got the job or not.

  “That is me, yes.” Her tone was cool, her body tense.

  “Well, little lady, we got your things for you. How about showing us where you want them.” His tone was fully of suggestions.

  I left the doorway and walked up beside of Ember. “How about doing your fucking job, instead of sexually harassing the pregnant lady, douchebag?”

  I actually felt some of the tension leave the other woman when she felt me beside of her. “Actually, I have a better idea. How about I call your boss, tell him how you are talking to me, and see how long you keep your job.”

  The fucker actually had the gall to grin. “I’m the boss.”

  “Wow, and you are still in business?” Ember batted her eyes up at him sweetly.

  “Yes ma’am. We’re the best around here.” I wondered why he had a southern accent if he was the best in Los Angeles County. Maybe he was the best in Alabama or Georgia from his deep drawl, although I still couldn’t see him being the best anywhere with the way he was talking and practically eye fucking Ember.

  “That’s wonderful.” She pulled her cell out of her back jeans pocket and started dialing. “You know, I heard that you guys were the best. I didn’t know I would get the full pervert treatment though. I really am going to have to thank Rich for recommending you guys to me.” She smiled, but I could see the steam practically coming from her ears. “Hey, Rich. How’s it going you rotten pile of shit?”

  “You know, I’m so thrilled with the movers that you recommended. The fact that the owner is helping with moving my things into my house is great personal service. That the guys mysteriously had to go in to the studio a week early just hours before the movers arrive… Well, gee that was just too bad.” I could hear the sarcasm, could feel the rage slowly building in her slight frame. “No, no. Thank you for all of your help… I realize you’re busy, but I just wanted to let you know that Jesse will be stopping by later to beat the fuck out of you… Yes, you mother fucker! And you keep this shit up I’ll have my guys signed with someone else by the end of the fucking month! I hear that bitch Gabriella’s manager is just salivating to get them on board. You know, what with rumors of Axton dropping you for Craig, I doubt you couldn’t survive long without my guys.”

  There was a long pause where she had the phone pressed to her ear and seemed to be glaring off into space while she listened to whoever was on the other end. Finally she smiled a real smile this time. “That’s what I thought.” She pulled the phone from her ear and offered it to the mover. “He would like to speak with you.”

  Brows raised, the man with a slight beer belly took the phone. “Hello?” His curious look turned to one of surprise. I watched in fascination as the man turned pink, then just as quickly a sickly pale. “Yes, sir. I understand, sir. Thank you, sir.”

  Fingers trembling he returned the phone. His eyes were downcast as he spoke to Ember again. “I apologize for speaking to you that way, Miss Jameson. If you would, please show us were you would like your things and we will get started… If you still want us to do the job, ma’am.”

  Ember’s green eyes were frosty. “You’re already here, so you might as well unload. I’ve already set pictures of everything the way I want them placed. It’s pretty self-explanatory, but if you have a question, ask it. Don’t just assume. You fuckers aren’t leaving until everything is where I want it.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” The man nodded and turned to his men, barking orders to get started.

  Ember turned to me with a grimace. “Thanks. I appreciate your help.”

  I shrugged. “I didn’t do much, but you’re welcome. If you don’t mind, even if you decide that you don’t want me for the job, I’d like to stay until they get done…or your guys get home.”

  “Let’s talk inside. I could use something to drink. Would you like something?”

  Chapter 3


  I followed Ember into the kitchen, barely taking in the living room as we passed through it. It was empty except for the pictures on the floor showing what and how she wanted her furniture placed. She was exceptionally well organized, but I guess she needed to be after years of taking care of the members of Demon’s Wings.

  The kitchen had all new appliances: a huge stainless steel fridge, flattop stove, and dishwasher. There was a large island in the center with a sink and garbage disposal. Granite countertops in an earth tone went well with the yellow walls trimmed in white. There were no chairs so I leaned against the island while she extracted bottles of water from the fridge and offered me one.

  “I really do appreciate your help outside. Not that I couldn’t have handled it, but I’ve gotten a little more cautious since I’ve been pregnant.” She rubbed a caressing hand over her swollen belly.

  I nodded. “I understand. And you’re welcome. That guy was such a douche, but I’ve come across my share.”

  “Trust me, in the rock business I’ve had my fair share too.” She grimaced. “Rich is really going to pay for this one…” She muttered under her breath before taking a swallow of her water. After a moment Ember shook her head as if to shake off her thoughts. “Let’s get down to business.” She held out her hand. “I’m Ember Jameson… But please call me Emmie.”

  I shook her hand. “Nice to meet you, Emmie.”

  “I’m going to be straight forward with you, Layla. The first housekeeper that I interviewed this morning was nearly as bad as the second one you saw leaving. I can’t relax with pretentious people like that in my house. But you, I like you. And honestly that doesn’t happen often. I don’t have many female friends…” she rolled her eyes. “Growing up with my guys made it hard to make girl friends.”

  I grinned. “I’m a fan of Demon’s Wings, so I think I understand what you’re saying.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Awesome. I appreciate real fans. Most of the females that are fans tend to be thrill seeking whores looking for a one night stand.”

  I knew women like that, had grown up with a woman like that. It wasn’t me. Sex with a rocker wasn’t my thing. I have seen firsthand the consequences of what a one-nighter with some drunken rocker could bring. “I don’t do rockers, just listen to their music,” I assured her.

  “Tell me about yourself.” She hopped up on the counter beside the stove, swinging her legs while she studied me. “Are you married, got a boyfriend, kids?”

  I shook my head. “No and no. There isn’t a man in my life, and I don’t want one. Men are trouble. I don’t have kids, but I do have custody of my sisters. Lucy is six, and Layla will be eighteen in a few weeks.”

  She looked thoughtful about that for a minute then nodded. “Okay. Well, I want to offer you the job. I have to give you a three month trial period, but I really would like for you to work here.”

  My heart stuttered for a moment, before jumping and galloping away. “Are you serious?” I asked, my voice hoarse.

  “Very serious. I think we will work well together.” She picked up a note pad that I had just noticed on the counter beside of her. “Let’s talk benefits. I want to hire you straight out, that means that your contract will be through me and not the normal one that Perfectly Clean would require. I read over that thing they sent over and had serious issues with it.” She gave a disgusted grunt. “Now, this is just the rough draft. I’ll have my lawyer draft the real contract, and you can sign it at the end of the week.”


  “You’ll have health care which includes dental. Vision is optional, but we can discuss that later. Since you have your sisters to think of we can put them on your plan. That’s up to you, but don’t ask my opinion on children without health care. We might come to blows over that.”

  “I’d like to have them both on my plan.” I hastened to tell her. I couldn
’t have cared less if I had health insurance, but the girls needed it.

  Emmie smiled. “Okay. But like I said, we can discuss that later.” She scribbled something on her notepad. “This place is huge, but we also have a guest house detached. It’s only a one bedroom, a thousand square feet. It’s completely furnished with its own kitchen, and I would like for you to move into it. I’m sorry but I need a live in. We don’t have parties or anything, but my guys need cleaning up after, more on an hourly basis than a daily.”

  Was she for real? She wanted me to move in? I couldn’t answer her I was so shocked. She frowned at my continued silence. “I understand if you don’t want to, what with your sisters. I mean these are rockers, and they have lived a hard life. I wouldn’t want my sisters subjected to that either, but…”

  “No!” I shook my head. “No, that isn’t it. I would love to move in.” Fuck, I was a month behind on my rent and had been expecting my shrew of a landlady to knock on my door any day now with an eviction notice. I was sure that I was dreaming, or I had stepped into some alternate universe where everything went my way. “And Lucy… She’s seen worse.”

  Emmie’s green eyes darkened. “Worse?”

  I gritted my teeth, thinking about the life that my baby sister had to live until the death of our mother. I hadn’t even known that Lucy existed until I got a call from social services two years ago. “My mother wasn’t the best mom.”

  She looked away, her jaw tense. “Yeah, okay. I understand that.” Her throat worked and she was quiet for a long moment. When she looked back at me her eyes were glassy. “The bedroom has a king sized bed, and the sofa in the living room is a hide-a-bed. Will you move in?”

  “Yes. I can do that.”

  “Good...” More scribbling on the pad. “Before we talk numbers I want to tell you what I expect.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “I want the downstairs to be your main priority. My office is in the back of the house, but I’ll take care of that. Please don’t go in there unless you talk to me first. The guys can take care of their rooms for the most part, but laundry is a hopeless chore for them. They will bring you their baskets when they need it done. I want the bedrooms vacuumed weekly. The toilets also… With the exception of one room. I need that one done every other day. I’ll show you.”


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