Vlad (Sons of Sangue Book 8)

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Vlad (Sons of Sangue Book 8) Page 8

by Patricia A. Rasey

  “What’s your name, sweetheart?”

  “Ivy,” she answered, closing the gap.

  This one didn’t seem bent on conversation. Good. Ivy knelt at his feet between his now spread thighs and pulled her bobbed hair to one side, exposing her neck. Vlad could tell Ivy was no newbie at feeding vampires. No nonsense, no need to chitchat. Exactly the way Vlad wanted it … at least for the day. Feed and get the hell on the road.

  He had a brother to catch.

  And a sexy-as-sin woman to avoid.

  Vlad’s eyes heated, further bringing out the vampire. It had been nearly five days since he last fed. Primordials could go a bit longer before the death chill would settle in, though he could use the sustenance. Ivy didn’t look as if she’d suffer from losing a bit more blood than normally required. It was about damn time he fed more regularly, as well, if he wanted to build his strength against Mircea. Hard telling how much the fool was consuming.

  Running his tongue along the soft side of her neck, he cringed as Ivy’s responding soft moan carried to his ears. Vlad’s nostrils flared, inhaling the deep, rich bouquet of her blood. His stomach cramped from hunger. He couldn’t help wondering again what Janelle’s blood might taste like, a thought he damn well shouldn’t be entertaining. Vlad didn’t need the trouble she’d bring, not when he already had enough of his own.

  One of Ivy’s hands gripped his leg, while her generous breasts pressed into the V of his thighs. Sex wasn’t what he came for.

  Nor was Janelle.

  Vlad released her and gently pushed her from him, anger flaring hot within him at no longer wanting to feed … at least not from the pretty blonde. He couldn’t keep his damn mind focused and off of fucking. Maybe not Ivy, but most definitely someone else in the building.

  “Mr. Tepes?” Ivy stood, twisting her hands in front of her.

  “I’m sorry, Ivy, but apparently I’m going to go without sustenance tonight, which is not your fault.” His fangs had already retreated. “Let me escort you downstairs and buy you a drink.”

  “If you’re sure.” Her warm smile normally would have appealed to him. Not today. “I could use a glass of wine if you wouldn’t mind.”

  Vlad couldn’t help but wonder why Ivy hadn’t been already scooped up and made a mate to someone. Placing an arm around her shoulders, he led her down the stairs, through the curtains, and to the bar.

  Brea had left her spot, but Draven remained. “I hope Ivy was to your satisfaction.”

  Vlad licked his lips, not about to reveal his lack of desire where Ivy was concerned. He couldn’t have the barkeep thinking it was somehow the fault of the blonde. “She knows how to please a man.”

  “Is that so?”

  Janelle’s cold response washed over him like a bucket of ice water. Of course, she’d pick that moment to approach him. Vlad sucked in a deep breath, dropped his arm from around Ivy, and turned to the woman who had his dick in a knot. His remaining erection lay proof of that.

  Holding Janelle’s icy stare, he said to Draven, “Get Ivy anything she wishes and put it on my tab.”

  “Absolutely,” came the barkeep’s response before Vlad tuned out everything but the woman in front of him. He had to wonder what had happened to her friend. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “Or displeasure.” Janelle raised a delicate brow, one he wouldn’t mind easing with a trace of his finger. Her gaze briefly took in Ivy at his back. “Girlfriend?”

  Janelle had handed him the perfect opportunity to keep her at arm’s length. But his hardened cock had other ideas. “I don’t have a girlfriend. Offering?”

  Janelle harrumphed.

  “What are you doing here, Special Agent Ferrari? Taken to following me again?”

  “I’m off the clock, Vlad. Don’t flatter yourself.”

  “This doesn’t appear to be your type of club. I picture you knocking back beers with other law enforcement, not partying with teenagers.”

  “They’re all of age,” he heard Draven intervene. Great, they had a fucking audience.

  Vlad hardened his jaw, gripped Janelle by the forearm, and said to the barkeep, “I’m occupying your room upstairs again. Make sure no one, and I mean no one, fucking bothers me.”

  Draven gave him a salute. “You got it, big guy.”

  “I will not be sloppy seconds.” Janelle fought his grip to no avail.

  “Then how about fucking firsts?”

  Janelle’s gasp carried to his ears as he lifted her off the floor, threw her over his shoulder and smacked her ass hard. Parting the curtains, he didn’t stop until they reached the top floor, slamming the door behind him.

  Chapter 9

  What. The. Hell? Janelle sprawled over Vlad’s shoulder, one arm securely anchoring her. No doubt her ass sported a large red handprint from the solid swat that stung her flesh. As she pounded his rigid muscles, he effortlessly took the stairs two at a time, carrying her as though she were light as a feather. Her bathroom scale screamed to a different tune, one that involved removing articles of clothing in an attempt to lower the numbers.

  What did Vlad do for a living? Lift weights? He certainly didn’t seem to be someone who spent hours in the gym.

  Lord, she bet he could do his own calendar shoot and make a mint, giving the New York City firefighters a run for their money. Vlad created a new definition for the term fit. By the feel of his ungiving back muscles, Janelle swore he was made of granite.

  “Put me down, you big oaf.”

  “Excuse me?” he grumbled, the sound coming from deep within his large frame. “I’m not a beast.”

  “You could’ve fooled me with your Neanderthal toss of me over your shoulders and dashing up the stairs.”

  Reaching the top, Vlad strode into a large room, ignoring her request to be put down. But before she had time to insist he comply, she found herself sliding very slowly down the front of an uncompromising chest when he simply could have dropped her. The last man she’d dated wore preppy glasses, had a short military-style haircut, and a nice dad-body.

  The opposite of … this.

  Vlad did not have a soft spot anywhere on him, including the impressive erection now trapped between them, searing her abdomen. She bit back her spike of desire, heating her to the core. The continuing sting of her ass and the heat pooling between her thighs pretty much proved she was out of her league with this man.

  Janelle used her palms to push away from his rock-hard chest. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? You can’t just treat me like a belonging. And smacking my ass? I should shoot you for that."

  He smiled, mischief twinkling in his gaze. “You liked it.”

  “I…” She glanced away from those impossibly dark eyes so he wouldn’t see the truth. Christ, it had been a turn-on, but she’d die before admitting as much. “I didn’t.”

  His arched brow mocked her. “Liar.”

  Vlad gripped her by the back of the neck and pulled her in to him, her breasts bumping against his chest. Suddenly, she regretted not wearing a bra. Her taut nipples scraped against the cable knit of her sweater, only intensifying her hunger. Traitorous body. Good thing her sweater hid her physical reaction. The last thing she needed was Vlad knowing she desired him. Hell, desire didn’t seem like a fit description for the hot sweaty sex she fantasized about. And if she allowed herself to indulge, Janelle was pretty sure he’d deliver.

  Regardless of his denial, the man was an insufferable beast, arrogant to a fault, pretentious, and … and…

  Vlad looked down on her, stealing her thoughts and muddling her brain. Her gaze drifted from his eyes to a perfect set of temptingly kissable lips; probably the only thing soft about him. His hand snaked about her bare back, searing her flesh, and pulling her flush against his groin again. His sizable erection nudged her abdomen, causing heat to nearly liquefy her thighs. Jesus, much more and she’d become putty. Damn good thing his arm anchored her or she might’ve fallen at his feet like the no doubt countless women before her. V
lad didn’t seem like a man used to being denied. Normally she had a will made of iron, but something about him had her libido high-fiving her and cheering her on.

  Sleeping with Vlad would be a very, very bad thing.

  Janelle brought her gaze back to his smoldering one. Heat warmed her like the hot sun to asphalt. Much more and she’d be fried. No doubt detecting her train of thought, thanks to ogling his sinful lips, his gaze dropped to her mouth.

  If she allowed him the kiss, Janelle wasn’t so sure she’d stop him from going further. Sex had been the last thing on her mind since breaking up with her ex last year. Work had been all-consuming. She lived for her job, hence all the long hours. Rocky had been correct. The truth of the matter was Janelle didn’t get out enough. When she wasn’t at work, she was at home working.

  Janelle could hardly deny the hunger now sluicing through her veins.

  She wanted Vlad Tepes.

  They were adults and what two consenting grownups did was nobody’s business. Well, other than the barkeep downstairs who likely already assumed they were doing it anyway. Vlad gripped her chin more tenderly than she imagined a man of his power was capable of.

  He lowered his head, sealing her lips with his. Janelle slid her hands up his chest and tangled her fingers in his thick soft-as-silk hair, more to maintain her upright position than to keep him from pulling away. What started as a gentle meeting of their mouths quickly turned possessive. He slanted his head for a better angle, then breached the seal of her lips.

  Janelle moaned, her tongue mating with his in perfect rhythm. Vlad tasted of warm whiskey and vanilla. She knew she should stop him before they went any further. There would be no takebacks once the clothes came off. But Lord, she needed this man naked more at this moment than she cared about her DEA case or catching his criminal brother. Her libido wasn’t about to be curbed, not this time.

  Vlad kicked the door closed with the toe of his boot, then backed her against the nearest wall. His groin ground against her soft abdomen, telling her he had no intention of stopping at a mere kiss. It was a heady speculation having someone so sinfully hot desiring her. Janelle had always thought of herself as average, especially next to her beautiful friend Rocky. And yet, Vlad made her feel desirable.

  The pretty blonde who had been up here with him moments ago slipped back into her thoughts. His comment of fucking firsts should have solidified the fact he hadn’t done anything with the other woman, and yet she needed to confirm as much. Her ego needed validation.

  Janelle stepped away. Vlad dropped his hold, and seemed intent on avoiding her eyes. A sliver of fear ran through her. Not wholly human. Her suspicion came crashing back, causing her to shiver as he appeared to hide something of himself. Had the lab made a mistake? Everything about this man seemed human, right down to the impressive erection still straining the front of his jeans. Other than his odd ability to scramble electronics and hypnotize a person’s way of thinking, he seemed completely mortal. She couldn’t help but wonder if the DNA results were nothing more than a horrible lab mix-up.

  Her visions, though, the dream she’d had of Vlad sinking fangs into her throat….

  Another shiver passed through her, this one oddly arousing.

  “I’m sorry,” he apologized, mistaking her reason for retreating.

  “You and Ivy” —Janelle palmed his cheek, gaining his darkened gaze— “did you two?”

  “Have sex? Absolutely not. You have no reason to be jealous.”

  Her brow creased. Before today, Janelle wasn’t typically one to be envious of anything or anyone. “I couldn’t care less what the two of you did.”

  “No?” He smiled, warm and arresting, sending a jolt of lust straight to her womb. “Then what are you asking for?”

  She nearly laughed at the double entendre. Never had she asked for a man’s cock before, but with Vlad, she was damn tempted. “I refuse to be second.”

  “We already established that isn’t the case.” His face sobered. “I can scent your need, iubi. Tell me what you desire and it’s yours.”

  Janelle was tired of pretending she didn’t want this man. Taking a shaken breath, she whispered, “You.”

  “Christ,” he mumbled, right before he drew her in for another kiss, this one scorching, damn near melting her where she stood.

  God help her, she had not once needed anyone the way she did this man. Janelle slid her hand down the smooth cotton of his T-shirt to his jeans, before palming his erection and hearing his growl.

  Breaking the kiss, wanting to see his answering desire, she opened her eyes and locked gazes with him. An odd blackness seemed to fill his eyes, taking over the sclera until no white could be seen. Janelle sucked in a shallow breath at the unnatural change. Vlad quickly averted his face, but it was too late. She had already noticed the supernatural transformation.

  Vlad gave her his back, but Janelle wasn’t about to allow him to retreat, not now. She had already seen the worst of humans. Whatever this was Janelle was pretty sure she could handle it. Part of her already knew the truth, her erotic dream months back telling her as much.

  Was this the same man she had researched, the long-dead ruler who had impaled his victims?

  She shook her head. It couldn’t be.


  “Go.” His response was curt. “Leave before we do something you’ll live to regret.”

  His voice seemed somehow thicker, as though two razor-sharp fangs truly did fill his mouth. Janelle needed to see them firsthand. If her dreams hadn’t frightened her, neither would the vampire standing inches away. The thought of him sinking his fangs deep into her throat didn’t sicken her as it should. No, it only intensified her desire.

  Janelle laid a gentle hand on his rigid spine, causing him to increase the separation. But instead of allowing him space, she wrapped a hand about his biceps and forced him to face her. His brow protruded unnaturally above his deep-set obsidian gaze, the abnormality supernatural and inhuman, but taking nothing from his allure. His cheekbones rose high on his face, hollowing out his cheeks. When he drew back his lips and hissed, the vision in her dreams came to life. Two very long canines stood out in stark contrast to the deep red of his lips.

  Gooseflesh popped out along her forearms.

  Janelle raised a hand to her throat, where she could feel her blood pounding in her pulse.

  His gaze followed her action. “Relax, iubi. I have no intention of feeding from you.”

  “Because you already fed from the blonde?”

  He shook his head. “It was my intention to, but no. After one scent of your sweet blood downstairs, I lost my appetite for hers.”

  “Then you’ll feed from me?”

  Truth be told, she wasn’t even affronted by the idea of Vlad drinking her blood. Hell, if he so much as touched her with those razor-sharp fangs… A shudder ran through her. Vlad the man was heady enough to deal with. But Vlad the vampire? He was down-right intoxicating.

  “Would you drain me?”

  “Never, iubi,” he whispered, his hand palming her cheek.

  “Why do you call me iubi?”

  “Would you prefer I call you love, baby, or sweetheart? It’s all the same in Romanian.”

  Janelle smiled. “If any other guy called me baby, I’d probably deck him. Oddly, it seems sexier coming from you.”

  His black gaze narrowed and he dropped his hand from her cheek. “You still find me sexy, even as a monster?”

  “I don’t see a monster.”

  “Then what do you see?”

  Janelle licked her dry lips. “A vampire that could choose to be lethal.”

  “I would never harm you, iubi. Although you should probably run far away from me.”


  “Because if you don’t, I may not drain you of your blood, but I will fuck you. I can scent your desire and it’s driving me to the breaking point. You want this.” He gripped her hand and placed it back over his erection.

  Janelle dre
w her lower lip between her teeth. “God help me, I do.”

  Before she had a chance to say more, he turned her so her ass now cupped his erection. Vlad fisted her hair and pulled back on her head, exposing her neck. Janelle’s pulse thundered through her, her senses waiting for his canines to pierce her tender flesh.

  Vlad leaned forward, his nose just centimeters from her carotid artery, and licked a path from her bare shoulder to her ear. “The time to stop me is now, iubi. Say the word and walk away. Otherwise, I will fuck you like no other and rid you of every memory of anyone who came before me.”

  Talk about ego, but damn she believed every word. Her mouth dried. Janelle didn’t think she could work up the words to stop him, even had she wanted him to. But she didn’t. If he slid his hands into her panties, he’d find her wanting… So. Damn. Much. Instead of vocalizing her need, she pushed back against his erection, earning her another growl.

  Vlad reached around her, slipped the button from her jeans, then pushed the tight denim from her hips, her thong following. Sliding his hand up her bare torso and under the cable-knit sweater, he cupped one of her breasts, finding the nipple pebbled.

  “Jesus,” he blasphemed, his fingers tugging on the pert tip.

  Janelle leaned into his touch, her breasts achy and tight. Her bare ass pressed against the roughness of his jeans. If she slid her center along the material, she could easily climax. Janelle moaned, damn near ready to beg. His fangs grazed the tender flesh of her neck.

  Would his bite hurt?

  Vlad, sensing her readiness, released her breast and placed one hand in the middle of her back and anchored her over the arm of the sofa. She fisted the pillow, tucked into the corner; her breath came in short pants. The hand securing her slid down her back to her ass, just before the rasp of his zipper sounded, followed by the hot tip of his erection pressed against her. The heat of his cock brushing against her wetness drove her mad, spiking her hunger. Desperately, she ached to feel him slide inside. The anticipation alone nearly had her climaxing.


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