Vlad (Sons of Sangue Book 8)

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Vlad (Sons of Sangue Book 8) Page 22

by Patricia A. Rasey

Janelle laughed. She had seen Vlad at his worst. A big lovable pussycat wouldn’t come close to describing him. Lion maybe, tiger definitely, but pussycat not at all.

  “Are you guys going to let this thing with Adriana go?” Janelle asked, eager to get her nerves off landing shortly and seeing Vlad for the first time in nearly a month.

  “For now.” Kaleb scratched the scruff on his chin. “The truth is, without the support of the Washington chapter, we’d likely get slaughtered down there in La Paz territory. They know us and what we look like, so infiltrating them a second time would be nearly impossible. But should Adri ask for our help, then damn straight we will. We were able to take out the kingpin once; we can take out Mateo if necessary.”

  “Do you think she might want your help but is afraid to ask?”

  “Who knows? Gabby would be the best one to answer that. Adriana is her best friend. She was there when Adri was first engaged to that piece of shit. If she wants him back, then who are we to say otherwise?”

  Being in law enforcement, Janelle had seen the ugly side of domestic abuse. And being that Mateo was the head of the La Paz cartel, he topped the list of bad guys. She sure hoped Adriana knew what she was in for with men like that.

  Diablo came to mind. If she were to profile him, he was textbook bad guy. And yet he was careful in handling her, also instrumental in helping her get to safety.

  “What happened to Diablo? Where’d he go after taking me back to the clubhouse? I seem to remember he left after Vlad returned.”

  “Viper talked him into sticking around. He and the other two vampires left alive but turned by Mircea will become part of the Washington chapter. Viper called Gunner, who was more than happy to welcome them into the fold. So, you’ll still see him from time-to-time.”

  “Good. I never got to thank him.” Janelle cleared her throat, uneasy about what she was about to ask. “There’s something I need you to do for me.”

  Kaleb looked at her, his gaze studying her. “What is it?”

  “The lab where the DEA takes their evidence?”

  “What about it?”

  “They have something of Vlad’s.”

  His gaze darkened. “Like what?”

  “A hair. DNA.” Janelle proceeded to tell him about her blunder, her stomach sinking from her colossal mistake. “At the time, I didn’t know what Vlad was. You have to know I would have never told them about him had I known.”

  “What was their reaction”

  “They don’t know what they have, only that the DNA isn’t wholly human.” She swallowed, attempting to dislodge the lump that had taken up residence. “Is there anything I can do to fix this?”

  Kaleb winked at her. “You fix things with Grandpa. Viper and I will make sure this disappears along with the lab and the technician’s memory of it.”

  “And the open case dealing with the murders of the priest and nun? Detective Barker from the Eugene PD is working that case.”

  He shrugged. “Nothing to find. A couple of cold cases.”

  Janelle supposed he was correct. There would be nothing to go on. “Thank you, Hawk. Again, I’m so sorry.”

  “You didn’t know.”

  What felt like a two-ton brick lifted from her shoulders. She was extremely thankful Kaleb hadn’t been furious with her. Looking out the plane window, a small island came into view, setting her nerves back into action.

  What if Vlad didn’t want to see her?

  “Looks like we’re almost there,” she said, right before the pilot came over the intercom and announced the plane would be landing soon. Janelle refastened the seatbelt over her lap and worried her bottom lip. Was it too late to turn around?

  Kaleb snapped his belt, then no doubt detecting her nerves, said, “It’ll be all right, Janelle. Never have I seen Vlad so distraught as the day you walked out. He’s going to be ecstatic when he sees you disembark.”

  She hoped Kaleb was right. The plane tilted, taking a wide turn, before Janelle could feel their descent in the pit of her stomach. If everything went according to her best hope, she’d be staying on the island for a lot of catching up, while Kaleb made the trip back home alone. She had a good month before she would be due back in the States to start her new job. Working with Cara Brahnam was preferable to Robbie Melchor any day of the week. Maybe being a vampire wasn’t going to be so bad after all, especially if her new life included Vlad.

  Janelle gripped the arms of her seat as the plane landed with a soft bounce. Within minutes, they rolled to a stop near a small hangar. She took in a deep breath and blew it out slowly before she unhooked her belt.

  “You stay here a couple of minutes,” Kaleb said. “Let me talk to Grandpa. I should probably soften the reason for my arrival.”

  Janelle nodded and watched as Kaleb exited the plane. He walked swiftly toward the hangar, just as Vlad stepped out of it. Her heart squeezed at the sight of him. It felt like a lifetime and it was all she could do to stay put. Janelle couldn’t tell from her position whether Vlad was pissed at Kaleb’s arrival. He seemed to hold himself stiffly, while his lips slashed a straight line across his handsome face.

  Oh, boy. He didn’t look happy at all. Kaleb laughed at whatever Vlad had said, only further annoying his great-grandfather. With the plane’s engines vibrating, Janelle couldn’t pick up their conversation even with her vampire hearing. She thought to go out and rescue Kaleb, but he seemed to be enjoying himself, unruffled by Vlad’s current mood. Staying her position, though, was making her antsy. She had given Kaleb enough time, hoping her arrival was more welcomed than Kaleb’s seemed to be.

  Walking to the front of the plane, she ducked her head, then descended the stairs, her gaze glued to the man who owned her heart. Vlad caught sight of her. The harsh lines of his face softened, but she couldn’t judge by his reaction if he was happy to see her. Ignoring Kaleb, Vlad headed in her direction.

  He stopped just short of touching her, his expression masked. “Was it my great-grandson’s idea to drag you along?”

  Janelle shook her head.

  “Then why are you here?”

  His question nearly had her turning around and running for the plane, but she would not cry. If he meant to send her on her way, then she’d damn well do it with her dignity intact. Janelle squared her shoulders. She had not come all this way to tuck her tail and run.

  She took a deep breath, crossed her arms beneath her breasts, and glared at him. “I came to tell you I love you, you big oaf. Not that you deserve it.”

  One of his dark brows arched. “You love me?”

  “Against my better judgment.”

  Janelle didn’t know what to expect, but surely not his laughter. A large smile curved his lips, telling her she hadn’t misjudged. “An old vampire like me?”


  “I don’t deserve you.”

  Her nerves finally alleviating, she said, “No, you don’t.”

  Vlad picked her up in a bear hug, earning him a squeal. “Christ, I love you, too.”

  Her legs dangled a half-foot off the ground. Tilting his head, he sealed his lips to hers, kissing her soundly. Maybe he had yet to say the words, but she certainly felt his love in the possession of the kiss. Janelle’s heart swelled as he lowered to her feet.

  She tried to hide the smile tickling her lips. “That’s a hell of a greeting.”

  “You think?” Vlad didn’t attempt to hide his good humor. His thumb indicated Kaleb still standing behind them. “Just wait until I get his sorry ass back on that plane.”

  * * *

  Whatever Kaleb had been in the process of saying the minute she appeared in the plane’s door had been lost on Vlad. His cock had instantly hardened, making his pants extremely uncomfortable. He had watched her descend the stairs, one step after the other, mesmerized by her beauty. The jeans hugged her curves and long legs like a second skin. On top, she wore a low-cut, pink tank that showcased her full breasts. He already knew they fit his mouth quite perfectly. Christ, he c
ouldn’t wait to get her naked.

  Now, Vlad followed her toward the front door, anxious to see what she thought of his home, hoping to make it hers as well. But the tour would have to wait. A dry month of no sex? Not usually his style. Janelle, he had no doubt though, would make it worth every agonizing minute.

  “How did you get rid of Kaleb so quickly?” Janelle asked before she turned and headed for the house, her ass sashaying nicely in a pair of skinny jeans.

  “I had to promise that he and Kane could teach me to ride a motorcycle upon my return to the States.”

  Janelle turned and smiled. “You’ve never ridden one before?”

  He shook his head.

  “Oh, this I can’t wait to see.”

  Vlad opened the door, then followed her through, swatting her on the ass. “I swear you, Kane, and Kaleb live to find my faults.”

  “Well, when you don’t have many…” Backing down the entryway into the living area, she stopped right next to his master suite. “That armor you wear is pretty damn thick. Nice to see you have a human side like the rest of us.”

  “Blame the years I’ve spent on this earth. It tends to make one cynical.”

  “That’s right.” Her eyes turned up in merriment. “You’re older than dirt.”

  “Old?” He harrumphed. “I believe that’s called more experienced.”

  Vlad scented the rise in her desire, making his own go off the charts. If she kept this up, they wouldn’t make it the several yards to his large bed, waiting just beyond the opened door behind her.

  Janelle smiled. “I can certainly attest to your experience.”

  “I’m of the mind to give you a repeat performance.”

  “Just one?”

  Lord, he loved this woman. Vlad wasn’t about to let her get away this time. He planned on living his years out making up for all the ways he had failed her.

  “Trust me, you’re about to lose count.” Her laughter warmed his cold heart, one he thought dead years ago until she had come into his life. “In fact, if you’d cross through that door behind you, I’d be more than happy to show you just how glad I am to see you.”

  Janelle placed her hand over his heavily beating heart before sliding her palm south and cupping his erection. “Oh, I plan to make good on that promise, but first we need to talk.”

  Vlad groaned. “Talking is way overrated.”

  “Maybe.” Janelle removed her hand from his crotch, much to his disappointment. “I had a vision when I was disembarking from the plane.”

  “Something bad happen?”

  “No.” She smiled. “Quite the opposite. You’re a great-great-grandfather again.”

  “Cara had the twins?”

  “Arrived safely. Did you know their names were going to be Kade and Kalen? Apparently, they wanted to continue the K&K theme for the motorcycle shop they’ll one day inherit.”

  “I’ll look forward to meeting them our next trip back to the States.” He raised a brow. “Are we done talking yet?”

  “There is something else I need to get off my chest.”

  “Like that tank?”

  Janelle swatted his arm. “I’m being serious here.”

  “So am I.” Vlad chuckled. “There is nothing more serious than my need to get you out of those clothes.”

  Janelle raised a brow.

  He gripped her by the shoulders. “Look, iubi, I want you to stay here. This could be your home.”

  “Not that you don’t have a beautiful house, but would you mind moving to Oregon?”

  “What on God’s earth for?”

  She grimaced. “I start my new job come first of the year.”

  Vlad looked into her black gaze. “Your new job?”

  He could see in her hopeful eyes how important this was to her. “I left the DEA and took a position as a detective with the Lane County Sheriff’s Office. I’m Cara’s new partner.”

  God, help him, he was going to have to live close to family. “I’d follow you halfway across the world if need be, iubi. I’d give you my life. Providing we can come here when the family thing gets to be a bit too much.”

  She laughed, her dark gaze twinkling. Janelle then raised her hands and framed his face, her expression growing serious. “As much as I’d love to get on to the showing part, we really need to clear the air between us. When we make love again, I don’t want your brother in that room with us.”

  Vlad blasphemed, his face heating in anger. There certainly was no room in his bed for that son of a bitch. He gritted his teeth. “Talk.”

  Janelle dropped her hands and licked her lips, obviously nervous about whatever she had on her mind. “I’m sorry about your brother. Killing him couldn’t have been easy.”

  “No.” He smiled cynically. “That was the easy part. I hold no regrets over taking my brother’s head. Not after what he took from me. What he also took from you. Christ, Janelle, he turned you into what I am—against your will.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. “He didn’t take me from you. I’m standing right here. I’m yours.”

  “Yet his blood, damn it, not mine, runs through you. I can scent him even now.”

  “There must have been a time when you loved him.” She worried her lower lip. “He wasn’t always bad, or you wouldn’t have given him your blood and turned him in the first place.”

  “Years ago, I had hoped he was worth redeeming. He proved me wrong.”

  Janelle gripped his hand and placed it over her heart. “Whatever good Mircea had lives here, in me. Whatever bad there was died with him when you took his head. What you scent in me is the brother you tried to redeem. He may have forced me to drink his blood, but he did you a favor, Vlad.”

  He cleared his throat, his emotions clogging it. “How so?”

  “Would you have ever given me your blood? Made me your mate?”

  “Christ, Janelle.” Vlad considered what life with her as a mate could be, and damn if he didn’t want that. “I’m a monster. I have a long history of violence and death.”

  “And you don’t think you’re deserving of my love because of all you have done. Because you don’t love yourself. How close am I?” She tipped his chin up, made him look her in the eyes. “You’re the man I want. Damn it, Vlad, I love you. That is never going to change, no matter whose blood runs through my veins. But you can fix this.”

  His brow creased. “How?”

  “By giving me your blood. Let me be your mate.”

  “You have no idea what you are asking for.” His heart thudded, hope blossoming in his chest. Lord, he wanted to do as she asked. “You’ll one day live to regret this, find out the unlovable bastard I really am.”

  “You said that you loved me, Vlad,” she challenged.

  “That’s not in question.” His jaw ached from tension, his fangs erupting from his gums. Every part of him wanted to comply. “I love you so damn much, I never want to let you go again.”

  “Then don’t.”

  “It would be selfish—”

  “It’s not selfish when it’s what we both want. Please don’t turn me away.”

  “Never.” He gripped her ass and pulled her flush against the erection plaguing him. “You belong with me.”

  “I do.” The smile he loved so returned to her lips. He’d make it his life’s mission to see it every damn day. “I’m going to enjoy having you around in my life.”

  “Not half as much as I will. I love you, iubi.” He placed a kiss on her lips. “Now, can you please be quiet, so I can show you just how much?”

  “I need something from you first.”

  “You have to know I’d give you anything.”

  “Then give me your blood, Vlad. Do I need to beg?”

  Janelle belonged there, with him. If he didn’t do as she asked, then he knew she’d leave. Dear Lord, he needed to trust that she’d not resent him, regardless of his demons. But if he gave her his blood, she had to know there would be no turning back.

  And right now, he did
n’t want to turn back.

  Vlad scooped her up and carried her through the door to his bed and laid her upon it. He looked down on her, her dark hair fanning across his sheets.

  “You’ll be stuck with me,” he whispered.

  Janelle reached out. Vlad crawled onto the bed, the mattress dipping beneath him as he lay between her spread thighs. Pure fucking torture.

  “I want to be stuck with you, Vlad, so much so that my chest aches.”

  Vlad knew the feeling. It echoed in his own heart too. Lifting his wrist to his lips, he tore a hole in his vein. Dark blood ran down his arm. “Are you sure?”

  Her smile was his answer as she grabbed his wrist and drew it to her lips. Opening her mouth, two-razor-sharp fangs appeared. And he thought her hot before? The vampire in her turned his blood to lava. Her fangs sank deep into his wrist, suckling his blood into her own veins.

  Her scent changed, his mingling with hers to the point he could no longer detect his brother. Good versus evil. His blood had eclipsed Mircea’s. Janelle was now his mate. His heart swelled with every red blood cell she ingested, feeling her heart beat in his own damn chest. She had saved him, not the other way around. What good had he ever done for fate to be so kind?

  Sealing the wounds at his wrist with her tongue, she smiled up at him, his blood staining her pretty fangs. “Make love to me?”

  “Christ, I thought you’d never ask.”

  Clothes quickly dropped to the floor and he entered her swiftly. Never had his home ever been so complete.

  His. There was no question.

  This woman belonged to him for now and forever.

  ~ * ~

  What’s next? Look for the spin off series!

  Sons of Sangue: Washington, coming 2020




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