Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 9

by Maia Starr

  “Here, drink this,” Sarah said as she burst back in the bathroom.

  I took the cold ginger ale from her hand and drank it. I had to restrain my panic for the fact that I did not know if I were pregnant or not. “Thank you, Sarah. This will help. Do you think you could order me a late lunch? I realize now that I have not really eaten anything, and that’s not good. Make it something greasy, like a cheeseburger.”

  “Yes, absolutely. I’ll get right on it,” she said, walking out.

  I drank the cold bubbling ginger ale, and it really did settle my stomach. It felt refreshing and cool. It helped with the nausea, but there was nothing that could help with a pregnancy.

  “You’re screwed,” I whispered to myself in the mirror.

  The day was long. But as soon as I walked out of the office, I went straight to the pharmacy. I bought one of each type of pregnancy test that they had. The cashier looked at me strangely, but I didn't care. I had to know. I could not exactly go to the doctor to get a test because they would probably know right away that something was weird. I would become a science project. I would let down my entire department. I[SBM31] would be going against the very mission that I was trying to help become successful. I was supposed to help stop the Draqua from mating with human females, not become pregnant by one. I didn't know how to feel about this. As[SBM32] I walked home with 2 bags full of pregnancy test, my emotions were a rollercoaster. Part of me was happy to be pregnant, to have a baby. The other half of me was terrified. What was I going to do with an alien baby? How could I get through this alone, and on Earth? I went from feeling happy to feeling panicked, and then happy again. As soon as I walked into my apartment, I chugged a large amount of water and waited. Then the time came. I was going to take the first test. But then my door buzzer went off. I was confused. Who the hell would be coming by?

  “Hello?” I said as I pressed the intercom button.

  “Heather, it’s Jason. Can I come up?” Jason said.

  Jason! I had forgotten about him completely. I smiled at the fact that my life had grown so exciting in the last few weeks that I had forgotten about his selfish jerk.

  “What do you want, Jason? I am kind of in the middle of something,” I said.

  “I need to talk. It is important,” he said. I sighed.

  “Come up,” I said annoyed.

  A minute later, he was standing in my living room. He hugged me. “Heather, so good to see that you are alright.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked.

  “I heard that the Space Agency has been dealing with the alien invasion!” he said.

  “It is not an invasion. Shouldn’t you be in the Caribbean or something, finding yourself?”

  “I already went. As soon as I heard about the invasion, I knew that I had to see you. Tell me everything,” he said as he sat down, eager. I realized he wasn’t here because he cared about me but because he was curious. It was like he wanted the latest gossip of the popular clique in school or something.

  “It is all top secret. Now I need you to go. I was in the middle of something,” I said.

  “What? What is this?” he said as he saw the bag on the counter. He moved it, and three pregnancy tests fell out.

  “Um… um…” he said backing away toward the door.

  “Yes, I need to take a pregnancy test,” I said.

  “I gotta go. I wish you the best,” he said as he quickly opened the door and then slammed it behind him.

  “Still a jerk,” I said. I took a deep breath and locked the door. I grabbed the bag and went to the bathroom. I took the first test.

  “Positive,” I said to myself as I looked at the result that said I was pregnant. “No, it is probably just a mistake.”

  I moved on to the next test; it was positive. I moved on to another and another until I had gone through every single one that I had purchased[SBM33]. Each test resulted in a positive result. I slumped down on the floor. I was pregnant. I had an alien baby growing inside of me. It was the baby of Commander Zoq Kane. I wanted to be happy. But I was terrified. I[SBM34] laid down on my bed and cried myself to sleep. I had no choices here. I didn't know if he was alive. I didn't even get a chance to tell him. But why would I tell him? His entire purpose for being on Earth was to stop the mating of human females with his race and creating hybrid aliens. He would probably be very angry at me to find out that I had a hybrid growing inside of me. So I would not be able to tell him anyway. I was truly alone in this. More than I had ever been. I could confide in no one.

  As I fell asleep, into a deep sleep, I had another dream, a vibrant one. I could here Zoq Kane’s voice telling me that everything was going to be fine. I could feel him near me, his warmth and the way that he smelled. I did not want to wake up from this dream. It was a comfort to me.

  “Heather, I'm going to take care of you. I will keep you safe if you want me to,” I heard him whisper in my ear. “But you must wake up[SBM35].”

  I opened my eyes. My vision was foggy at first. But then I realize that he truly was on my bed.

  “Zoq!” I shouted as I threw my arms around him. “You are here! You are really here! I thought you were dead,” I said to him.

  “No, not dead. I am here. But you must listen to me. I do not have a lot of time. They could be coming for me any second. Are you listening?” he said in a very serious tone. His green eyes were full of panic[SBM36].

  “I am listening,” I said.

  “I stole away from the mothership. They locked me up in a prison cell. I escaped. I have to get out of here. I have the small transport outside draped in the invisibility technology. I have to leave Earth. Heather,” he said, grabbing my hand.

  “Leave? But... no,” I said in a panic. I did not want him to leave. I knew that he had to or face death, but I did not want him to leave me.

  “Let me finish. Will you come with me? I have come for you. Come with me,” he said. I looked at him with wide eyes. I could not believe what I was hearing.

  “Leave? As in leave Earth?” I asked.

  “Yes. Leave Earth, never to return. I know that it is a lot to ask. But I know that I cannot go on without you, but I cannot stay here.”

  “I… but... I…” was all that I could say.

  “I know that it is not a lot of time to think of it. We only have minutes. You must decide. I want you to come with me. I will keep you safe, I promise you. But I cannot stay on Earth. It is the only way for us to be together, that is, if you want to be with me?” he said.

  I stared at him. I didn't know what to do. It was all happening so fast. I was pregnant. I didn't want to tell him. What if I told him and he was so angry at me that he decided he did not want me to go with him after all? None of it made sense. He was with the opposition, and yet he was here trying to get me to go with him. Where, I did not know. All these thoughts were crowding my mind. I looked at my apartment. I looked around the room. Would I miss this? It suddenly felt like home, and I had a feeling of homesickness.

  “It is all right, Heather. You want to stay. I can see that. I just had to try. I couldn't leave without telling you, without trying at least. But now I know,” he said and then pulled me into his arms. He planted a hard kiss on my lips. The warmth of him rushed through me. I wanted him right then and there. My body ached for him. I pushed my hands into his long black hair. I was trying to memorize him, knowing that I would never see him again. Then he pulled away from me and stepped off of my bed. He smiled at me, that dashing grin that I had grown used to seeing every day. He turned his back to me and began to walk toward the glass French doors. This[SBM37] was it. I was giving him up. I was going to be alone on Earth with an alien baby growing inside of me. I would never see this alien dragon shifter again, even though he had my heart. I suddenly felt very sick, lovesick, as I thought about this becoming my reality.

  “Wait!” I shouted as I jumped off the bed and ran toward him.

  “I have to go now. I am wasting time. The captain could come for me at any secon
d. It won't be pretty and I don't want him to harm you,” he said.

  “I will come. I am coming with you. Yes, I will come. I will leave Earth and go wherever you want me to go. I do not want to be without you,” I said, throwing my arms around him.

  “Are you sure? It is what I want. But are you sure? You can never return here. You will give up your entire life here,” he said.

  “What life? I have my career, yes. But that is not living,” I said. “I am coming with you,” I said as I ran back into my bedroom and picked up the bag that was on the floor from the night before. It was already packed. I grabbed my boots and walked with my bare feet out onto the terrace to him. I was still in my work outfit from the day. I was wearing a white button-up shirt tucked into a black pencil skirt and pantyhose. I had taken off my heels at the door, but I knew that I would not need heels where we were going. That's why I grabbed my boots.

  “Let's go. Hurry,” he said with a giant grin. I already knew my way around the transport wel, having been in it several times. I put my bag down and strapped in. Then it took off, fast! Faster than before, and shot straight toward the sky. The sky in front of us was a purple black. I couldn't say anything as I watched. I was in such a panic that I could barely relax. My hands clung onto the armrest. I looked over at the commander. He was very focused as he pushed buttons and pulled on the lever to push the transport faster and straight up. He was beautiful. I knew that I had made the right decision, but it was still barely sinking in what I had really done. I looked back at the windshield, and the purple gave way to a complete blackness.

  “We are out of your atmosphere,” he said calmly. It was then that I realized that we were in fact in space. In the far distance, I could see one star very far away. But for the most part, it was complete blackness.

  “I did it. I really did it,” I whispered.

  “Yes, you did. We did,” he said.

  “I cannot believe it,” I said.

  “I know this must be unusual for you. But it will get better, I promise,” he said.

  “I want to see it one last time,” I said.

  “See what?” he asked.

  “The Earth. My home,” I said as I unbuckled my belt and walked to the back of the transport. There was a small round window, the kind that you find on a boat. I looked through it. I could see the giant blue marble of Earth. It was absolutely stunning. Tears[SBM38] began to form in my eyes. Had I done the right thing? I did love Earth. I did not know if I would like wherever we were going. But what choice did I have? I was pregnant with an alien baby. The baby would not be safe on Earth. I would have to live in isolation with it if I stayed. And I wanted to be with Zoq. I stared as it shrunk from filling the entire view of the window to becoming smaller and smaller. We were getting further and further away, and I knew that there was no turning back. I watched until it was a small blue dot. Then I returned to the front of the ship.

  “Are you alright?” he asked.

  “I think so. But none of this makes sense to me. Where will we go?” I asked him.

  “We will go home, to my home planet of Kelon,” he said.

  “But we can’t go there! You are opposition,” I said.

  “About that… I have not told you the truth about who I really am,” he said looking at me. My eyes grew wide. I did not know if what he was about to tell me would make me change the way I felt about him. If it did, then I would never forgive him. I left Earth for him. Whatever he had to tell me, he should have told me before taking me from my home planet.



  The time came. It was time for me to make my move. It was time for me to escape. It was the middle of the night, and I knew the routine of the mothership. The captain would be asleep by now. There would only be two warriors on the flight deck keeping an eye out for any human interference. There was no one watching the inside of the ship. We didn't have to. If there was going to be any sort of enemy activity, it would come from the outside. I had planned this all out well, but now that I was putting it into action, my adrenaline was pumping. I moved over to the floorboard of the cell and pried off a tile from the floor. Underneath it was a bag full of supplies. It was everything I would need for the escape as well as being in space on a long journey. I pulled out a device. I pulled out a glass vial. I loaded the device with the liquid from the vial. Then I shoved it into my boot. I pulled the bag onto my back. I opened the wall panel and once again got the door open. The[SBM39] hallway was empty. I walked quietly toward the living quarters of the captain. I walked in. He was sleeping. I pushed the device into his skin. It was a painless needle. I counted to 5. I saw his body go limp. I put my hand on his chest and shook him awake. His eyes opened in shock. Then they narrowed in anger. He tried to get up but he couldn't.

  “There is no use. I have pumped you full of the sedative. You will be falling into a very deep sleep in 60 seconds, for several hours,” I said. I could tell he was struggling to open his mouth to talk. But it was a powerful sedative that made your body go completely numb before putting you into a very deep sleep.

  “Why am I here? You must be thinking that. It is to tell you one thing: you were right. Your suspicions were right. I am a spy. I am not with the opposition. I work for King Hydros. He knew last year that the opposition was on to something bigger than the normal conflicts. So he asked me to infiltrate and wait. Of course, he was right. Here you are, doing something out of the ordinary, visiting Earth and telling the humans about us.”

  The captain's eyes began to close sleepily. He was struggling to keep them open.

  “But since he knew that the opposition was going to do it anyway. He needed someone on the inside to know exactly what the opposition would tell the humans. So that he could have all the information he needed in order to create a plan to deal with this new reality of the humans knowing about the Draqua. That was my sole purpose in being here. To observe and gather the information. Now I'm going to take it back to the King. There is nothing you can do to stop me,” I said.

  Then his eyes closed. I grabbed the keys to the ship off the wall and then walked out, closing his door behind him. I made my way to the cargo bay and chose a long range transport. I stocked it with food and water. Then I used the captain’s keys to manually override the detection systems that would alert the flight deck that a transport was taking off and the cargo door would be opening. They would not know that I was gone until the captain regained consciousness. It was all part of the careful plan that I had laid out for months now. If I had not thought through every single detail, then I would never get away.

  I took the transport and flew out of the mothership undetected and used the invisibility shield. I was in a lot of danger and should have jetted straight for space. But I couldn’t. I couldn’t leave without seeing her. I couldn’t leave without giving her the option to come with me. I had to at least say goodbye. So when I landed and told Heather that I was leaving, I was happy and grateful that she came with me. She now sat at my side in shock after leaving her planet on a whim.

  But there was much to talk about. I had to tell her the truth, but I knew that I risked her love by doing so. I was not opposition. I was in the Draqua that stole women from Earth. Just because she was enjoying sex with me did not mean she would condone the act that we had been doing for decades. I knew that it would anger her to know that I was one of the Draqua that she was helping to prepare the leaders of Earth to fight. It was a mess, but she had to know[SBM40].

  “About that… I have not told you the truth about who I really am,” I said to her as she sat next to me on the ship. Her eyes grew wide, and she shifted in her seat.

  “What do you mean, Zoq?” she asked quietly.

  “I will explain everything. Let me set the coordinates here and get the ship on auto pilot,” I said as I typed in our destination coordinates. I set the computer for auto pilot, and double checked it. I checked the radar to make sure we were not being followed. The radar was empty. I unbu
ckled my belt and stood up. She did the same and followed me to the middle of the ship where there were long sleeping benches and a food area.

  “You’re scaring me, Zoq,” she whispered. “Where are we going? What coordinates are you setting?”

  “I set the course for my home planet, Kelon,” I said.

  “Kelon! But we can’t go there! You are opposition! You said there were no opposition on Kelon at this time.[SBM41] You will be imprisoned.”

  “I am not opposition,” I said.

  “What? What do you mean?” she said shocked.

  “I am not opposition. I am a spy for the Draqua. I work for my King. I am against the opposition, always have been. But I had to act like I was opposition in order to infiltrate. I am working undercover,” I explained to her.


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