Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance)

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Zoq (Dragons Of Kelon) (A Sci Fi Alien Weredragon Romance) Page 132

by Maia Starr

  “Well, I think that’s wrong. There’s an unspoken moral code that one should follow, and when the people in power are doing things that hurt others for their own profit, and then lying about it, that’s when an investigative journalist should get involved and expose those lies so that nobody else falls victim to them. Are you trying to tell me that there is no such thing as corruption on Jenal’k?”

  “Well, no, it’s just that we listen to our leaders. They are chosen by Fate, you understand. There are divinities that we hold very dear and who guide our way. And until recently, everything has run very smoothly upon listening to their guidance. So I don’t see any reason to—”

  “Wait a second. You said ‘until recently,’ which means there is a problem with the system. When there is a problem with the system, it’s somebody’s job to speak up about it, don’t you think?” Alexa was staring hard at me, and raising questions in my mind that made me feel very uncomfortable.

  I hesitated to answer. My job was to protect the secrecy of the men above me and command ships in a war that, to my knowledge, nobody on Jenal’k understood. Why the war was happening was simple, but the reasons were left obscured by distance and time. It was to the point that nobody was asking, “Why is the war happening in the Kalron territory,” and instead they would say things such as, “I hear there was a Thressl’n casualty in the war on the other side of the galaxy. What a shame.”

  The Thressl’n enlisted to fight had been carefully selected. They were men with nothing to lose, or men with nothing to gain from the career paths they were already on. It was a dangerous time to be living in, but nobody knew just how little safety they had to rely on. And if I didn’t do my job right, Jenal’k itself could end up being a target.

  All because Supreme Leader Aloitus was after something the Kalron had. Something I wasn’t sure was worth the lives of countless casualties.

  “I don’t think I want to talk about this right now,” I said finally, clearing my throat. “But I wonder…of all the paths you could have chosen, why this one? Isn’t it dangerous? Earthlings aren’t huge fans of the truth, are they?”

  Alexa laughed softly, and I noticed suddenly the way her cheeks formed into shallow, alluring dimples when she smiled. I had to tear my eyes away before she caught me staring.

  “No, the truth is a difficult concept on Earth because they’ve made it such a subjective thing. It’s different for everybody.”

  “But facts are facts,” I said. There was clearly a lot I had to learn about Earth.

  Alexa shrugged. “I chose the path I’m on because I wanted to help people. And I love photography. It was a great way to combine two of my passions: sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong, and taking pictures.”

  I grinned. “Taking pictures?”

  “It probably seems silly to you. Thressl’n technology is so advanced that I doubt you would ever covet photography like I do.”

  “It is a rather primitive art form, don’t you think? There are satellite feeds you can insert location points into and get a feed of an image from any date or time. Isn’t that good enough?”

  Alexa looked at me as if I were the biggest idiot in the world.

  “You don’t think the people doing corrupt things and owning satellites could alter images to keep themselves out of trouble?” she exclaimed. “I want my own camera.”

  “You want a camera, huh?” I asked, chuckling and shaking my head. “Well, I’m not sure what to tell you about that.”

  Alexa smiled at me, and all of the tension I was feeling from the conversation melted away. “That’s okay. I think I can keep myself occupied here.”

  She was just so unbelievably beautiful.

  “I hope so. Will you be okay while I’m gone?”

  “I should be fine, though I don’t know what I’m going to eat,” she laughed.

  I grinned. “That shouldn’t be a problem. I will arrange meals to be delivered if you aren’t confident after yesterday’s lesson.”

  “Would you be?” she exclaimed. We both laughed. It had been a pleasant disaster.

  “Like I said, meals will be arranged. But don’t let anybody inside with you. There is a lot of hostility about the humans, kind of what you’ve seen with my cousin. It would be safer if you stayed inside and kept to yourself. I would take you with me if I could.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “To war,” I said without thinking.

  “What? I thought you guys were relatively peaceful. I mean, despite kidnapping hundreds of women and forcing them into camps where people like Zod can abduct them.”

  “Zod?” I asked, thrown off-guard at the mention of him.

  Alexa’s cheeks reddened deeply, and she looked quickly to the ground.

  “Well, you know, he seems so arrogant. Like some of the men on Earth. So I can only imagine how he might treat a human woman if he got his hands on her.”

  “He was particularly eager to claim his female,” I agreed.

  Alexa glowered darkly at the row of flowers in front of us. “I’m sure he was.”

  “Are you okay?” I asked, reaching out to touch her on the shoulder. She seemed to relax under my touch, and she turned to face me.

  “Chaz’z, there’s something I should tell you,” Alexa said. “I—”


  The bangle on my arm barked at me, and I sighed.

  “Apologies to you,” I said to Alexa, turning away to speak to Supreme Leader Aloitus.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Take off has been moved to three rotations from now. You are expected at headquarters immediately.”


  “Are you questioning my command?!”

  “No, sir! I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  I pursed my lips in irritation and turned to face Alexa.

  “I’m afraid I will have to leave sooner than was thought. Please look after the home for me. I will be back as soon as I can.”

  Without thinking, I embraced Alexa. She gasped at the feeling of my arms around her waist and craned her neck up to look at me. It was as if our bodies had a mind of their own, and without thinking twice, I leaned over and kissed Alexa, lightly at first, but soon a passionate fire was ignited. Waves of desire washed over me as I drank in the sweetness of her supple lips, and she gripped the cloth over my shoulders. We were both breathless when we broke away from each other, and Alexa wrapped her arms around herself and looked down modestly at the ground.

  “Stay safe,” she whispered, her clear eyes shimmering with the same strange clear liquid as I had seen once before.

  “That means you are sad!” I exclaimed happily, proud that I understood this strange human phenomenon.

  Alexa gave me a strange look, and the smile on my face faltered.

  “I am sorry,” I stammered. “Was that not appropriate?”

  To my relief, the attractive dimple returned to her cheek, and her captivating eyes drew me in, deeper than I thought I could ever look into somebody else.

  “It’s not offensive,” Alexa said quietly. “Because I don’t think you would ever find real pleasure in my pain.”

  Alexa’s lips parted into the most dazzling smile I had ever seen, and my hearts hammered hard in my chest. I would have stared at her all day, mesmerized, were it not for the communications device around my arm.

  “Commander!” Zod’s voice agitated me immediately. “You need to pick up the St’arghach for the offering! Someone forgot it! Do you want to tempt fate, Rog?!”

  “I’m sorry, Captain Zod,” Rog’s muffled voice said. I sighed deeply.

  “I’ll pick it up.”

  “Zod’s going too?” Alexa asked, her brow creasing.

  “Yes, but we should be stationed in different areas, so I will survive,” I said with a dismissive laugh. The worry didn’t leave her eyes, and she smiled unconvincingly at me. “It will be all right.”

  “Sure…” Alexa said.
“You’d better go.”

  “I’d best,” I said, reluctant, for some reason, to part with her. Why did it feel like I was risking everything by leaving her? She would still be here when I got back, wouldn’t she?

  I did my best to smile at Alexa one last time, fighting the foreboding in my chest. One way or another, I would have to go. Whether I liked it or not, Alexa would have to stay on Jenal’k. I would just have to trust that when I returned, things would be just as I’d left them.

  Chapter 5

  Alexa Thomas (Investigative Journalist)

  The first night without Chaz’z in the house was difficult. I kept expecting to run into him, or hear his soothing voice speaking into his communications device. I had grown quite fond of his little home. It was comfortable but luxurious. Seeing the gardens had been magical, and it seemed like the perfect touch for his already incredible dwelling.

  He had seemed surprised that I liked it though, and again I felt anger and irritation toward my twin, who had undoubtedly snubbed Chaz’z’s kindness. In a way, I felt like she had Zod’s temper coming to her. But she was still my sister. I couldn’t just leave her there.

  I waited until Temal had left and then roamed through the house quietly. If I was going to do this, I would have to do it right. Since I couldn’t trust that Zod would ever feed me, I would have to make sure my basic needs were met myself. At least, for as long as they possibly could be.

  “Don’t worry Sam; I’m coming,” I whispered as I rummaged through the drawers in Chaz’z’s house. They didn’t give me much to work with, until I found a needle and thread stuffed far in the back of one drawer.

  I used it to sew pockets inside my clothing so that I could hide food inside of them, and then went into the kitchen to rummage through it. There weren’t many dried goods, so I had to settle for strange packages of things I couldn’t recognize. Who knew what they were? Still, it would be better than leaving unprepared.

  I rushed out the front door as quickly as I could, closing my eyes in an attempt to recall which direction Zod lived in. I would have to try to remain hidden for this to work.

  Thankfully, it was a small neighborhood full of elite Thressl’n men, and most of them were gone, if the absence of a hovercraft was any indication. The neighborhood was small enough that it was easy to find my way to Zod’s home. I recognized it immediately and felt sick to my stomach at the sight of it. I couldn’t believe I was going back. And willingly. But I knew it was safe. He wouldn’t be there for another few days. It would be enough time to switch back with Samantha and save her.


  “Alexa! What the hell are you doing here?!” Samantha exclaimed. I had been tapping on the window for at least five minutes, and had almost given up. “What if Zod catches you?”

  “Sam, just let me in.”

  “No! We could get in trouble!”

  “We’re not going to get in trouble. Zod isn’t going to be back for another few days. Chaz’z and Zod went out to space together. Or they will be later today.”

  Sam sighed heavily.


  Samantha unlatched the window, and I climbed into the kitchen, annoyed when she didn’t offer me any help.

  “I’m here to switch places with you,” I said.

  “What?” Samantha asked, her eyes narrowing. “Why would you want to do that?”

  “Because Zod is a monster and I feel bad leaving you alone with him.”

  Sam was quiet for a moment before she finally spoke.

  “Well, none of the Thressl’n are super fun guys, Alexa. What makes you think I want to switch back?”

  I gaped at my twin. She couldn’t possibly be serious.

  “I see what’s going on here,” I said, sitting heavily on one of the kitchen chairs. The house smelled like Zod and it took everything I had not to throw up. “You’re getting Stockholm syndrome. You must think he’s actually a decent guy!”

  “Who? Zod? I mean, he’s no Prince Charming, but I’ve dated worse guys than this.”

  The information made my nausea worsen.

  “I’m so sorry,” I said, standing up quickly and hugging my sister. She pulled away and fixed a look of disgust on me. “It must have been so hard for you. But don’t worry. Everything is going to be fine now.”

  If there was one thing my sister enjoyed, it was being the center of attention. My sympathy seemed to awaken something deep within her, because suddenly her eyes turned glassy with unshed tears and her mouth puckered up into a pout.

  “Life can be so unfair sometimes,” Samantha agreed. “It is awful!”

  Whether she meant that about Zod, the captor she seemed to still be somewhat enamored with, or about the whole situation in general, I couldn’t help but feel terrible for my twin. I had left her alone. I could have tried harder to keep her from going home to Zod. Who knew what kind of things he had done?

  “You can take my place back with Chaz’z,” I said, wiping away the small tear that had begun to fall down Samantha’s cheek. “He won’t hurt you. Not the way Zod has.”

  My mind wandered to the heat of Chaz’z’s lips against mine, and I could feel my cheeks burning as I tried to push the thought away. No school-girl crush was going to get in the way of doing the right thing. Zod was the man I had been assigned to. Not Chaz’z. I wouldn’t let my sister suffer for my fate any longer.

  “All right, Alexa. Thank you,” Sam said. “It was getting boring here anyway.”


  “Zod and Chaz’z won’t be here for a few days, so don’t worry. Take some time alone to heal.”

  “Aww, thanks, Lexi. I owe you one!” Sam rushed to the window. “Would you mind giving me a boost out of here? It’s a little high.”

  I smiled, gritting my teeth to keep from snapping at my sister for demanding the same help she had refused me.

  “Sure, sis; be careful on the way down.”

  When she successfully reached the ground, Sam beamed up at me.

  “Do you think these guys would let us have a girls’ night sometime?” Sam asked. “That would be fun!”

  The idea of Zod letting me out of his sight long enough to fraternize with another woman of my own species made me laugh out loud. But Samantha seemed to be hanging onto the hope of it happening, and I couldn’t bring myself to crush her with the harsh reality.

  “Maybe,” I said. “Be careful going back. If you get caught, then there will be trouble.”

  “Got it!” Sam said cheerfully. “See ya!”

  A strange feeling washed over me as I watched my sister bound away as if she didn’t have a care in the world. It was impossible to say just how profoundly Zod had affected her. I felt better knowing that, at long last, I had done the right thing.


  Over the next few days, I relished the time I had away from Zod. His home and everything about him made me tense up with fear and worry, and I couldn’t help but agonize over just how long my peaceful hiatus would last.

  It was unfathomably boring in his house, where there was nothing entertaining for a human to do. I couldn’t make heads or tails of the Thressl’n written language, try as I might, and I was terrified of moving anything in case Zod would find out and take it out on me when he got home.

  Every morning around the same time, an old Thressl’n woman would come to the house to tidy up. She would frown disapprovingly at me and continue on her way, sometimes sitting in the house for hours at a time before she left. I had no doubt that Zod had asked her to stick around to keep an eye on me. I couldn’t help but regret my choice to switch back with my twin. Sam was such a jerk sometimes. She had practically forced me to switch with her. Hopefully getting herself into a horrific living situation with Zod would teach her a lesson though.

  On the third day alone, I heard the door open. I expected it to be the old Thressl’n woman, but I was shocked when I saw Zod’s face.

  “Well, aren’t you going to welcome your master home from work?” he asked, coming toward m
e and planting a nauseating kiss on the top of my head. “I came back early because I missed you so much.”

  What? This was a far cry from the Zod I had known. Was he trying his hand at being domestic? What kind of magic had Sam worked over him?

  “Welcome home, my lord,” I said, keeping my eyes to the ground.

  “You forgot to bow,” Zod reminded me pleasantly. “Go ahead. Don’t be shy.”

  I bowed awkwardly, imitating the gesture I had seen Chaz’z and his cousin perform.

  “Very nice!” Zod said. “Sooner or later you will remember the custom. I will forgive it this once.”

  We stood in an awkward silence, Zod staring at me expectantly. I realized suddenly that Samantha had always been quite the air-headed conversationalist. Was Zod one of the brain-dead men who found her chatter charming?

  “So, how was space?” I asked, doing my best impression of my sister. “Is it as empty as it looks?”

  Zod laughed, a relieved, delighted sound. Men loved women who asked stupid questions. I had always been the more introverted of the two of us, but being a writer meant I was also a quick study of human behavior. My twin’s behavior was nearly as familiar to me as my own. Still, it felt wrong to try and take it on as my own.

  “No, female. It is much more interesting than you might imagine. There are some big things happening out there! Much bigger than you could dream.”

  “Like what?” I asked. “Asteroids?”

  Zod cackled again. He seriously did find Sam to be quite the charmer. Maybe she didn’t have it as bad off here as I thought.

  “Better than asteroids. Money.”

  “There’s money out in space?” I asked conspiratorially. “Did you bring some home with you?”

  “Oh, female,” Zod cackled. “No. There is money in what we are doing in space. You see, the Supreme Leader and I have a plan.”

  “What kind of a plan?”

  “There are these good-for-nothings out in the far reaches of space, the east end of the C’loggh galaxy. They’re sitting on a wealth of resources. But they don’t know what to do with all of them!”


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