Needing Her

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Needing Her Page 18

by Molly McAdams

Page 18

  Author: Molly McAdams

  “What’s this?”

  I almost tipped my chair backward when I flung my legs off the desk and reached wildly for the Kindle that had just been ripped out of my hands. “Give it back, Kota!”

  “And his throbbing member—”

  “Ew! You know it doesn’t say that. Give it back, asshole. ”

  He tossed my Kindle on my desk and sat down next to it. “What’s up, brat?”

  I reached forward for my e-reader, but he slapped my hands away. “Ugh, what do you want?”

  “What? I can’t check on my favorite sister?” he said with a charming grin.

  “I’m your only sister, fucker. And, no, you can’t. You only ever come up here to piss me off somehow. ”

  “Not true, and I’m offended,” he grabbed at his chest dramatically. “I’m being nice and you’re just wanting to hurt me. ”

  “What do you want, Dakota?” I repeated as I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “I need to know if you took care of the setup for the new clients we got this week. ”

  “Yes, I finished it as soon as Craig gave me the information, and the security officers have been informed of the new places. ”

  “See? Favorite sister. ”

  “Why are you really in here?”

  He leaned forward, his hands gripping the edge of the desk as his expression got serious. “I want Amber’s number. ”

  “Um, no. Definitely not. She has a boyfriend, and I told you both no already!”

  “I just want her number, I didn’t say I was going to try anything with her. ”

  My eyebrows rose up, and I laughed humorlessly. “You honestly think I believe you right now?”

  “Hell no, but you can’t blame me for trying. ”

  Jumping off the desk, he grabbed my Kindle and began walking away. “Put. The Kindle. Down. ” When he didn’t stop walking, I spoke louder. “Don’t make me use the ‘daddy’ card. ”

  Dakota froze and hung his head before he turned around. “Bitch,” he hissed under his breath as he roughly tossed it back on my desk.

  “Aww, and here I thought I was your favorite. ”

  “Doesn’t change the fact that you’re a bitch. ”

  “I learned from you. ”

  He huffed and turned back around. “Tell Amber I’m looking forward to Mammoth with her in a little over a week. ”

  “I’ll be sure to tell her you have syphilis. ”

  Dakota shuddered and looked back at me. “That’s just cruel. ”

  “It’s up to you, try something with her and I’ll make up a massive list of STDs that you miraculously and suddenly got overnight. ”

  “You don’t play nice. ”

  I shrugged and inspected my Kindle to make sure he hadn’t damaged it. “Neither do you. ”

  Sam came up behind him and shoved him into the wall, pinning him there. “We’re closing up, Mace. You can go home if you’re done with everything. ”

  “I am. I’ll see you Monday. ” I grabbed my purse, yelled an “I love you” to my dad so I wouldn’t have to pass Dakota, and made my way outside.

  Once I was home, I tried reading again, but I couldn’t even remember the main character’s name, so I did something else to pass the time.

  I cleaned.

  I know, I was that desperate for time to speed up.

  A couple hours in, I’d thoroughly deep cleaned my apartment and was rearranging Christmas decorations when my phone chimed.

  “Freaking hell. Finally!” I yelled at my phone as I raced to get it off the counter.

  Connor G: I’m about to leave. I want you in my bed and waiting for me when I get home.

  My face broke out into a ridiculous smile, and I hurried to hop in the shower so I could clean up before going to his place.


  GRIPPING MACI’S HIPS, I gritted my teeth and tried to hold off until she was ready. Judging by the sounds she was making, she was close, but watching her ride me was making it almost impossible to keep myself from coming first.

  I forced my right hand to release her hip, and brought it in between us to tease her clit.

  “Oh, shit!” she cried out and threw her head back.

  Her movements became frantic until she started shuddering, and her body bowed over mine as she tried to continue moving at the same pace. But the force of her orgasm had sent me into my own, and my hands gripped her soft skin to stop her movements as I finished pumping into her.

  Maci’s forehead was resting on my chest, her shoulders and back rising and falling from her erratic breathing. Placing a soft kiss on my chest, she turned her head so her cheek was resting against me, and I ran one hand through her vibrant red hair as I wrapped my other arm around her.

  “Come here,” I commanded gently and pulled her up to me so I could kiss her lips, which were still swollen from the rough sex we’d had earlier.

  There was still a line from where I’d bitten down a little too rough on her bottom lip, and I ran my thumb over it. She quickly bit down on the tip of my thumb and grinned.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt you,” I tried to assure her.

  “You didn’t,” she said with a smile. “I didn’t even feel it. I wouldn’t have known if you hadn’t noticed the blood. ” Her face fell and she brought a hand up to cup my face. “Connor, I swear, it didn’t hurt. To be honest, it was really hot. ”

  But I’d made her bleed. I fucking hated that. All I’d been able to think about in those first few seconds of seeing the blood on her lip was what if next time, it wasn’t during rough sex? I opened my mouth to respond, when loud banging came from my door.

  Maci and I both froze, and her eyes got massive when we heard the voices.

  “Get out here, you pussy! Let’s go get a beer!”

  She was off me and scrambling to find her clothes so fast that she stumbled into my dresser, and hissed a string of curses as she started to dress. I’d just grabbed a pair of jeans and was stepping into them when the banging got louder and they started up again.

  “We’re busting down your door if you’re not out here in ten seconds! Ten, nine . . . ”

  I grabbed Maci’s face, and kissed her hard. If they found out tonight, so be it. But I would really rather it not happen this way. Not when their little sister looked like we’d just had a night like we had. The lamp was broken on my bedroom floor; her shirt—that she’d given up trying to put on before grabbing one of my own—would never be able to be worn again; the handle of my bedroom door had put a dent in the wall; the comforter and sheets were on the floor; and the headboard to my bed wasn’t even up against the wall anymore.

  “. . . six, five . . . ”

  “Don’t let them back here,” she pleaded and walked toward my closet.

  “. . . four, three . . . ”

  I finished buttoning up my pants, shut my bedroom door, and tried to stay silent as I ran to the door.

  “. . . two, one! You asked for it, Green! We’re coming in!”

  I swung open the door and saw Dylan, backed up, his leg raised in the air like he’d been getting ready to kick down my door.

  “What the hell is wrong with you two?” I hissed, and stood in the doorway.

  “What took you so long?” Dakota asked and pushed past me, quickly followed by Dylan. “It’s Friday, let’s go out. ”

  “Uh . . . ”

  “Man, you look like shit,” Dylan said on a laugh and dropped onto my couch.

  The same couch that just earlier, I’d started literally tearing Maci’s clothes off her.

  “What’s wrong with you? Not going to say anything?”

  I tore my eyes from the couch and looked at Dakota. “I’m exhausted. I went in Thursday morning and didn’t get back until a few minutes ago. ” Or a couple hours. “I had just started falling asleep when you came beating on my door. ”

h, shit man, I’m sorry,” Dakota said with a sympathetic look before throwing his arms out. “Sorry you turned into such a bitch. Get ready, we’re going out. ”

  “Why are you breathing so hard?” Dylan asked suddenly, and I had to force my body not to stiffen.

  “I woke up to you bastards yelling and hitting my door. I thought someone was breaking in and I was going to have to shoot someone. So I have a shit ton of adrenaline coursing through my body right now. ”

  “Boo-fucking-hoo. Are you coming out with us or not?”

  “Not. Dakota, I told you, I’m fucking exhausted. ” At least that was true. “I’ll go out with you tomorrow night. ”

  “Fine, fine. But get some damn sleep, because I’m holding you to that. ” He stood and Dylan followed. “Maybe Maci wants to go out with us, I’d bet she brings Amber with her. ”

  Oh shit.

  “Oh fuck yeah, let’s go talk to her. ”

  “She’s not there,” I said suddenly and tried to school my expression when they turned back around.

  “What do you mean? Her car’s in her spot,” Dylan walked toward the front door, and I thought of anything that would make sense right now without me looking suspicious.

  “Yeah, she was getting in Amber’s car when I got home. From the way they were dressed, they’re probably not hitting the bars around here tonight. ”

  “Fuck, if she comes back with a guy, you better fucking call us. ”

  I just nodded and walked toward my door.

  “I’m serious. ”

  “I hear you, Dylan. If I hear a guy in her apartment, I’ll let you know. ”

  “All right, see you tomorrow. Seven sound good?”

  I nodded and pounded my fist against Dakota’s. “Yeah, see you both then. ”

  Dylan punched my arm as he walked out my door. “Get some sleep so you’re not such a pussy tomorrow. ”

  “Well, if you’d leave, I would!”

  As soon as the door was shut, I locked it and went over to the window to watch Dakota’s truck. Once they took off out of the parking lot, I practically ran back to my bedroom and flung open the closet door.

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