Pretend Daddy

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Pretend Daddy Page 7

by Lulu Pratt

  Besides my mother, Rick and my lawyer, I’d never told the full story to anyone else. Even when I’d gone to a physician to help Anna-Louise, I hadn’t shared our entire story. It always felt more unbelievable when I spoke it aloud, and seeing the look on Ashley’s face let me know how crazy it was.

  “Are you fu– joking with me?” She caught herself from swearing in time.

  “No, that’s the God’s honest truth,” I assured her, shoveling the last of my banana split in my mouth.

  “I’m not sure what to say,” she paused. “I’m so sorry to hear about your best friend.”

  “Thanks.” I looked over to her, noting the genuine concern in her eyes.

  Reaching across the center console, she placed her hand on top of mine. “I’m serious, Jake. I am so sorry.”

  “I appreciate it, but your hand is really cold.” I glanced from our connection back to her.

  We shared a long gaze before she burst into laughter again. “You just don’t know how to be serious, do you?”

  “What’s the point?” I smirked.

  “Thanks for sharing that. It makes a lot of sense,” she said, her smile brightening the gray cloud I’d created with my truth.

  “Oh yeah? What makes sense?”

  “Why you have absolutely no idea what you’re doing,” she said with a straight face.

  This time it was me bursting into laughter. A throaty laugh as I leaned back, my hand falling to my abdomen. I hadn’t laughed so hard in a really long time. It felt good, freeing, like I was a teenager again.

  “Daddy? Is it ice cream time?” Jasper’s voice snapped me back to adulthood.

  Ashley froze, quickly turning to hide her ice cream.

  “We just got here, buddy. Ready to go?” I turned to see him stretching.

  “You take him in, I’ll get rid of the evidence and meet ya’ll inside,” Ashley whispered. I nodded and we shared a smile before I climbed out the cab, feeling much lighter.

  Chapter 13


  “I DON’T THINK it would be appropriate,” I whispered, but my body didn’t care about the rules.

  “Why not?” his deep voice asked, though his hands moved beneath my shirt, seeking permission on their own.

  As he found my nipple, gently twirling the sensitive skin between his thumb and index finger, my pelvis leaned into him. He knew he could have me anytime, anywhere. He just liked to make me ask for it. Even then, he’d make me beg. He knew there was nothing I wouldn’t do when he got me all hot and bothered.

  “Why do you do this to me?” I moaned, pleased to see him lean down.

  “Because it’s what you want,” he answered seductively before circling my areola with his tongue. My nipple was sharp and hard, and he took it into his mouth, sucking hard as I moaned louder.

  Slowly, he blew on my wet skin, and the cooling sensation caused my teeth to sink into my lower lip. It didn’t matter how often he did it, my body reacted the same each time – needy and desperate.

  “Please,” I begged. Every time, I swore it would be him begging me, but I could never be as erotic as him.

  “I thought you said it was inappropriate.”

  He was teasing now. His free hand slid between my thighs. I knew he could feel my slickness before even reaching my sweet spot. I was drenched for him. It was always for him.

  “You’re always so ready. Why do you act like you don’t want this, when you’re always so ready for me?” he asked, slipping two fingers into my sex.

  “I just…” I moaned, my words forgotten as my breath halted.

  “You just what?” he asked. Now he was whispering in my ear, and then his tongue traced along my earlobe until he tugged at the soft skin with his teeth.

  “I want you,” I admitted, my chest rising and falling in waves.

  “Mmm, that sounds good. Tell me what you want, Ashley.”

  He liked to push and make me tell him just what I wanted. He got off on the detail while I liked having that level of power over him, even if it was minuscule compared to his control over me.

  Leaning into his hard body, I rose onto my toes so my mouth was right next to his ear. “I want you to bend me over and fuck me like there’s no tomorrow.”

  Instantly, his fingers slipped out of me, his eyes determined as he unbuckled his belt, pulling his pants just low enough to free his monstrous cock. With a handful of my hair, he turned me around easily, bending me over the table and shoving his length inside me without warning.

  “God! Jake!” I moaned.

  My eyes shot open in shock as my heart raced anxiously. I’d never had an erotic dream in my life, and here it was with my boss? A weird sense of guilt rushed over me. Not only because of the illicit dream I’d had about Jake, but even more because I didn’t want it to end.

  Glancing over at my clock, I saw I had another ten minutes before the alarm sounded. Feeling naughtier than ever, I rolled over on my belly, closing my eyes as I pictured his strong hands gripping onto my hips.

  “Yes!” I cried as I slid two fingers deep into my wetness. I was drenched from my dream, my sex clenching for more.

  Surging forward, I moaned deeply as my clitoris grinded against the palm of my hand. With my eyes closed, I envisioned Jake’s kisses tickling my skin as his lips devoured my body. His hands were so strong, his body the clear result of many days spent in the gym. Imaging the way his lips felt was enough to push me over the edge.

  I had been so aroused from my dream that it took only seconds to climax. “Ahh!” I cried loudly as an orgasm rattled through me, my legs vibrating with sensation for an extra second.

  As the climactic high subsided, I felt a rush of embarrassment. Jake was my boss. I couldn’t fantasize about him bending me over and filling me with long deep strokes. It was wrong, but it felt so right.

  Rushing to shower before driving to Jake’s, I found my morning routine had left me with no time to blow dry my hair. With only a few minutes to spare, I had to tie my damp hair up in a bun before jetting across town to the suburban dream.

  Jake was waiting for me on the front porch when I arrived, making me feel even more guilty for delaying my arrival.

  “I’m sorry. I was running a little late.” I smiled nervously as I climbed the steps to his wrap-around porch.

  “It’s fine,” Jake glanced at his watch. “You’re actually early. I just had to take a call and didn’t want to wake Jasper.”

  “Oh,” I sighed, my heart racing for more than one reason.

  Jake gazed at me like he could read my thoughts. Unable to look into his eyes, I stared at the glass screen door, but I could feel his eyes all over my body.

  “Do you work out?” His question caught me off guard.

  “Me? Um, no,” I looked down at my feet, convinced he knew what I’d been up to.

  “Your hair,” he pointed at my messy bun. “I figured you’d just come from the gym.”

  “Oh,” I touched the top of my head. The moist touch brought back vivid memories of the morning that caused my thighs to squeeze together. “No, just a late start, that’s all.”

  “I was wondering if you could have a late night as well,” he started, his eyes squinting.

  Jolting to attention, I couldn’t believe his brazenness, asking me out in such a direct way. I must have been exuding the sex appeal from my morning for him to know how badly I wanted him. But asking so bluntly left me feeling naked, exposed.

  “I have a meeting after work and it’s really important,” Jake added.

  I exhaled a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. My body was revolting against reason, easily confused after my naughty dream. Clenching my eyes shut briefly, I pretended to contemplate his request while I forced myself to shake the thoughts so I could work professionally.

  “Sure. Yeah, that’s no problem at all.” I smiled before walking the last two steps and entering the house.

  “I’m going to go ahead and take off. Is that okay?” Jake asked as I held the scr
een door open.

  “Of course. Have a great day.” I responded, noting how handsome he looked in his regular uniform of a crisp white button-down shirt with a black tie and slacks.

  “You too. I’ll see you later.” He flashed a smile that sent butterflies free in my belly before turning to leave.

  Closing the door, I leaned against the thick oak to catch my breath. There was something brewing between us, something dangerous. When it was happening, the tension was unbearable, but the moment he left I craved more.

  My cell phone vibrated, bringing me back to reality. I was shocked to see Catharine calling so early as panic crept up my spine.

  “Is everything all right? Are you okay?” I answered.

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “It’s not even eight.”

  “This is urgent,” she paused as she always did before the grand reveal. Catharine may have been a communications major, but she’d definitely learned a bit about the theatrics of drama from our friendship.

  “There have been new developments in Operation Nathan Takedown.” Her voice could barely contain the excitement. I imagined her pacing her small living room with a mischievous grin plastered on her face.

  “Oh,” I said, unenthusiastically. Instantly, I regretted my reaction. She was doing this for me, so I felt obligated to participate. “What happened now?” I tried to sound as invested as she was as I dropped my bag on the living room sofa.

  “No, this deserves a face to face. When can you do lunch?”

  “Let’s meet up tomorrow,” I suggested.

  “Perfect. Trust me, you’re going to want to see this,” she promised before ending the call.

  Chapter 14


  “CAN YOU JUST relax?” I rubbed my forehead, trying to stay calm while Anna-Louise continued the same cycle I had become accustomed to over the last couple of months.

  It had been a long day at work, but after seeing five missed calls from Anna-Louise, I decided to stop by before heading home. She looked even worse than the last time I’d seen her, when she popped up at my house uninvited.

  “You think you’re going to take him?!” she hollered angrily, stumbling to the couch before gripping the arm rest to balance herself. She fell like a log, her head lodging between two dusty throw pillows.

  “Anna-Louise, we talked about you getting better. I said I wanted to keep Jasper until you could care for him on your own. Do you really think you’re ready to do that?” I asked the rhetorical question, struggling to contain my frustration.

  I was overwhelmed with the duty of caring for her when she refused to care for herself. Fatigue was setting in as I forced myself to stay calm and find a way to calm her before I could get home to my own bed.

  “Where is he? You keep him?” she asked, slurring her words as she spoke in incomplete sentences.

  “He’s safe,” was all I could say. I didn’t feel the need to give her details, and the last thing I wanted was to encourage her to show up at my house again by admitting he was there.

  “With that bitch? You left him with her?” she yelled, lunging from the couch in slow motion. I dodged her easily, catching her wrist before she stumbled over her feet. It was the first time I’d gotten so close to her. The smell of liquor emanated from her pores so strongly I was taken aback.

  “Have you been drinking?” I asked, clenching my teeth to bite back the anger.

  Having a mature conversation with her was impossible. Either she was off her meds, drunk, or like today, both. I’d done all I could to follow through on my promise since returning and she seemed determined to spit in my face every step of the way. Anna-Louise wanted to punish me for the time I’d missed with Jasper, but it wasn’t my fault.

  Had I known I had a son in North Carolina, I would never have signed on for another tour in Iraq. Not only for my own relationship with him, but I’d never want my son with her if I had a choice. Now I sat trapped in her web, trying to make sense of chaos while she wasted my time.

  “Jake, it’s so hard for me,” she cried.

  Hearing her whining begin only infuriated me further. It was the same pattern repeated. I’d watched it too many times to be affected. Without pause, I stood from the wobbly loveseat, making my way for the door.

  “I’ll bring Jasper by for a visit soon,” I offered before leaving and slamming the door behind me.

  Instantly, I regretted the outburst. But she didn’t follow me out, and so I hoped all was forgiven. Speeding back to my house, I was desperate for a release after such a draining interaction.

  Knowing that there was no escaping Anna-Louise often left me feeling trapped. She was Jasper’s mother. Regardless of whatever else happened, that part I could never change. Even more, I didn’t want to change it. Her insecurity that I wanted to take him from her was unfounded. I did want her to be a part of Jasper’s life, but I wanted her to be the vibrant Anna-Louise I knew.

  Driving through the city that raised me, I remembered how vibrant she had been as a child. Anna-Louise was never one to mince words. She had been charismatic and outgoing. Nothing like the hermit crab she had become.

  She always wanted to follow after her big brother and me, but Justin had usually prohibited her. She was a firecracker, and once or twice she managed to get her way, tagging along to a boxing match or football game. Never in a million years would I have imagined us both locked into a situation like this.

  Jasper was the promissory note to my best friend. The reason I could never walk away from my commitment even on the toughest days. Today was one of those tough days, when I wished I could abandon Anna-Louise. But she needed me too much, and Jasper was the glue that made sure I stayed close to her. I loved him too much to desert his mother in her time of need.

  Pulling into my garage was the final act of what felt like the longest day in life. I’d gone through a full day’s work – first a college pep rally, and then a baseball game, followed by the grand finale at Anna-Louise’s. I was drained walking into my house, desperate for my bed and a moment of clarity.

  The first step was calming. My home was warmer than usual, a thick sweet smell coated the air, and a melodic tune guided me through the hall until I was in the doorway of Jasper’s room.

  “Good night, sleep tight, it’s been a very busy day. And now, it’s time to rest his head softly on his pillow,” Ashley sung so sweetly as I leaned against the doorframe. She was standing above his bed as he lay under the covers, already fast asleep.

  “Goodnight, sleep tight, he’s been as good as gold all day. And now, it’s time to dream his dreams sweetly on his pillow,” she finished, glancing up to see me staring.

  She was the best thing that had happened to me in longer than I could remember. From the way she stared at him, I knew she cared for my son just as I’d been searching for someone to. It was torturous to leave him every day, but knowing he was in good hands gave me some sort of relief.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were there,” she whispered on the way out the door. Her cheeks were flush with a rare bout of bashfulness. I was used to her being a star, but now she looked embarrassed.

  “It’s fine. You sounded beautiful,” I assured her, never wanting her to be shy in front of me.

  “Thanks, anyway, I know it’s late,” she continued, leading me to the kitchen. I followed with ease, kicking myself for allowing my eyes to drift to her plump hips as she settled into a bar stool beside the kitchen island.

  “I had already put him down, but he had a bad dream,” she scratched her head. The damp hair from earlier had dried into blonde waves atop her head.

  “Seriously,” I placed my hand above hers on the kitchen counter. “It’s fine. I’m just glad you were here.” I tried for a smile, but I imagined it was more of a wince.

  “Are you hungry? You look like you haven’t eaten.” She stood before I could answer. Ashley was right, I hadn’t eaten lunch, although she had packed one for me. The day had gotten too busy to stop long
enough to enjoy the meal she’d prepared.

  “I didn’t, but don’t bother yourself. I have lunch in the truck, just wait here.” I stood, but she was not impressed.

  “Sit down, Jake,” she called my name sternly and I followed her instructions without question. “You look so tired. Please, let me at least make you a sandwich,” she turned to me, though she had already retrieved a frying pan and olive oil.

  “Only if you’ll also have a glass of wine with me,” I countered. Watching the smile spread across her face, I knew she was sold. “I can tell you’ve also had a long day,” I argued.

  “You’re right,” she smiled over her shoulder as she maneuvered through my fully stocked fridge. “So, you’ve got a deal.”

  On the surface, I liked to think that I’d played it cool, but internally, I was doing backflips. Not only had I got her to agree to give me something in return, but she’d be staying longer. There was something about her calming energy that set me at ease. Sighing deeply, I hoped I wasn’t the creepy boss, because something about Ashley was irresistible to me and I couldn’t find the strength to pull myself away.

  Chapter 15


  “THAT WAS amazing,” Jake sighed as his head tilted back slightly.

  We’d sat together at the kitchen island while he ate the roast beef and provolone sandwich I made for him. It was the least I could do after seeing the strain on his face. He worked so hard, I could tell he was stressed beyond his limits. The only thing I wanted to do was bring some sign of relief for him.

  “Now, we need wine,” he smirked and my pelvis tensed with need.

  I had to quiet my darker thoughts as I watched him loosen his tie before walking to the far cabinet containing a narrow wine rack. He stood staring at the dozen or so bottles for an extended pause before selecting one and turning to me.


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