Pretend Daddy

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Pretend Daddy Page 24

by Lulu Pratt

  “Not an hour has gone by that I haven’t thought of you. I’ve missed you more than I even thought possible,” I admitted, swallowing my pride.

  I still needed her to forgive me if there was any chance of reconciliation. She had every right to discard me as I had her, and in many ways, I thought I deserved that.

  “I’ve loved you before we ever spoke the words to each other.” She looked at me with moist eyes.

  “I know.”

  Her eyebrows curved with curiosity.

  “You told me in your sleep.”

  We both shared a laugh before I stood, pulling her to her feet so I could wrap her in my arms. “I want you back, Ashley. I want our family back.”

  “That’s all I’ve ever wanted,” she whispered.

  Sprinting at full speed, Jasper crashed into my legs as Rick followed behind at a distance. Rick reminded me of my mom in the way he couldn’t keep up with my rambunctious toddler.

  “Do you think we can start over? No secrets this time?” I asked, as Jasper played at our feet.

  “Then I need to let you know something,” she said and my heart fluttered. “Me and your mom have been in contact this whole time.” She smiled nervously at me.

  “That much I can handle,” I smiled. It was a suspicion of mine when my mom continued to mention Ashley so regularly, speaking about how she felt and what she deserved.

  “But that’s it. No more secrets?” she asked.

  “No secrets,” I agreed before kissing her for what felt like the first time. Our bodies fit together like pieces of a puzzle, meant to be together. My world felt complete again, with the woman of my dreams in my arms and my son at my feet. Holding her close, I vowed to never let anything come between me and my family again.



  One Year Later

  “THE GUESTS ARE ready, baby,” Jake said from the doorway to our closet.

  I’d just finished applying my make-up at the vanity Jake had added to my side of the massive room of clothes. It had been almost a year since I officially moved into Jake’s house. It all still felt surreal. The life I had considered lost was mine, and it was more than I ever imagined it could be.

  No longer Jasper’s nanny, I took care of him for no other reason than love. We were in the process of finding a nanny, because the new semester would be starting soon, and Jake was adamant about me finishing my last year. Initially, I thought I would delay returning to classes once more, but he wouldn’t hear it.

  He knew how much it meant to me, and the fact that he wanted me to see it through meant a lot. We were finally working as a team, helping each other accomplish our dreams. Jake had restarted Master Mechanic Marty to turn it into the business he wanted to build on his own. It was a beautiful change of events, a full circle moment of happiness.

  “Here I come!” I glanced at my reflection one last time before joining him.

  Together, we walked into the back yard, which was unrecognizable. The party planning staff had gone above and beyond my expectations. They were throwing the party for Jasper that he was supposed to have had last year. The permanent addition of the jungle gym was surrounded by kids. A huge inflatable bounce house filled the back area of the massive yard, with gaming stations and candy stands littered throughout.

  It looked like a real carnival, complete with a man walking around on stilts, another riding a unicycle while juggling, and a clown entertaining children with balloon animals. Although I had worked together with Sandy the planner every step of the way, I was blown away by the finished product. It was the grandest birthday party I’d ever seen, something out of a movie.

  “You did an amazing job,” Jake whispered in my ear as he watched me take it all in.

  “I didn’t do this,” I gasped, still in shock by how well everything came together.

  “Well, none of it would have been possible without you,” he told me.

  “Or you,” I assured him.

  “You’re the glue that holds us all together, Ashley. I never want to lose you,” Jake whispered in my ear. Between a back yard of screaming toddlers and the music blaring through the speakers, having a conversation was difficult.

  “You are the man of my dreams, Jake. You could never lose me,” I assured him.

  Parents I’d met at the park, parents from the swimming class that Jasper took once a week, a few friends of Ms. Donna and friends from Jake’s job began to walk up to us, so we decided to mingle with the guests. There was an entire area dedicated to providing a relaxing space for the adults, equipped with a masseuse giving neck, shoulder and even foot massages.

  Sangria was being poured liberally as we sat in lounge chairs, updating each other on the children and the upcoming schedule for the final weeks of summer. There were more parties to be thrown, and events attended. I listened while silently making mental notes to update my calendar to include the festivities. It was extremely important to me for Jasper to have friends he could grow up with.

  Just when I was remembering the importance of friendship, Catharine made her way to the adult section carrying a huge box covered in blue wrapping paper.

  “Catharine! How are you?” Jake got to her before I could. The two of them had come a long way since the confrontation with Nathan. Behind her stood John, the guy who had picked her up that night more than a year ago. Apparently, they’d hit it off and had been together ever since.

  Jake admitted that he blamed Catharine for my involvement, which I had too. But eventually, I had to take responsibility for my role, rather than holding her accountable for everything. I played a role, even if it was a passive one. I should have made my intentions and desires clear, and I had failed to do that.

  When I finally explained that to him, Jake accepted her more and the two had since grown close. Seeing them hug softened my heart. They were my best friends, and I loved that they were developing a friendship of their own.

  “Can I have my friend?” I teased as Jake said something beneath his breath. Catharine nodded, though I couldn’t make out what the two were talking about.

  Jake smiled before turning to leave us alone. I pulled Catharine to the sangria bar. She had recently started a new job, and was filling me in on the details as we settled into two beach chairs.

  We had just caught up with each other on the updates when the music suddenly dimmed. I turned with concern, hoping nothing had gone wrong, but was shocked to see Jake accept a microphone from Sandy.

  “If everyone could please lend me your ears. I wanted to thank you all for coming out,” he said as the guests shifted in their seats, turning to pay attention to his announcement.

  “As many of you know, I could have never done this on my own,” he smiled and everyone laughed, smitten by his charm. “It took a team, but I want to publicly thank our party planner, Sandy. If you need to throw any type of celebration, she is the best in the business.”

  Sandy blushed at the round of applause she had earned. It was clear that everyone was impressed by her expertise, and I was ecstatic that Jake took the time to show her appreciation.

  “Most importantly, I wanted to thank Ashley,” he continued, shocking me completely. Everyone turned to me with bright smiles as I nervously thanked them. “As many of you know, Ashley came into my life when I wasn’t sure how I could possibly make sense of it all. She helped me see the way. Well, really, she created the way. I wouldn’t be where I am without her. She’s the glue that holds my family together, and I want to thank her from the bottom of my heart.”

  My eyes stung with tears while my heart melted. Jake was a tough man, not one to get too emotional, but his words touched me deeply. Not only did he show and tell me how much he loved me privately, he never missed an opportunity to dote on me to friends and family. I felt special and appreciated as he made his way to me.

  Without the microphone, he spoke directly to me. “You know how impactful you’ve been not only to me, but to Jasper as well. He loves you as much as me. So, I�
�d like to ask the judge to make you Jasper other legal guardian now that I am legally his father.”

  Jake had been awarded permanent custody of Jasper a few weeks ago. Anna-Louise had happily surrendered custody of Jasper. She was still having problems, but she was getting better and the responsibility of Jasper was just too much for her to carry even with the support of Jake.

  My heart dropped with disbelief at Jake’s offer. We’d talked about how much I would love to commit to caring for Jasper. I couldn’t believe he trusted me enough to give me such an important role in his life.

  “Would you like to be Jasper’s other parent, legally? Since you are already that in every other capacity?” He smiled, holding my hand as I managed to leave my seat on shaky legs.

  The tears rolled down my cheeks as I nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, of course. I would want nothing more.”

  “Well, I hope not, because I have another question.” Jake dropped to one knee with my hand still in his. My knees wobbled as I fought to steady myself. My breathing was rushed and I feared I might faint, as everything around me felt like a dream.

  “You know we’re a package deal. We are already a family, and I love you more than words can explain. But I want things to be official. Ashley Ellen Pfeiffer, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” he asked just as he opened a small black velvet jewelry box to reveal a flawless teardrop-shaped diamond ring.

  “Yes! Jake! Yes!” I screamed before bringing my hand to my mouth.

  Jake happily slid the ring on my finger as he rose to his feet, wrapping me in his arms. Our kiss was one of closure. We had made it through the rough time together, got to know one another in ways most couples couldn’t handle. But it never dampened our love for one another, instead it strengthened our bond and brought us even closer.

  I was overjoyed as we embraced, feeling the love blossom between us. Jasper wrapped his small arms around our legs before Jake lifted him so we could hug each other. I finally had the family I’d dreamed of and no one could ever take it away from me. Jake and Jasper were my happily ever after, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.


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  Well Hung


  Xavier was my college sweetheart but he is promised to another.

  A business marriage to secure the family firm.

  Let’s face it, marrying a billionaire was never going to happen to someone like me.

  So I left in order to save my heart.

  Then he turns up back in my life by chance, at work of all places.

  I try to resist his devilish smile and confident advances, I really do.

  Reminding myself over and over that I can only ever be a temporary distraction for him.

  That I simply can’t take the pain that’s sure to follow.

  Despite everything I find myself in his powerful arms again and again.

  Now I’m carrying his child but can’t find the words to tell him.

  Because no matter what I say it will ruin us.

  And I’m not ready to be ruined.

  *** A steamy STANDALONE contemporary romance with a smoking hot hero. No cliffhanger, no cheating and a guaranteed happily-ever-after.***



  THE COMINO Gallery café in New York was lit with starburst pendants, three deep, that illuminated the small, cozy spot. I sipped an Earl Grey latte and opened my newly purchased copy of Italo Calvino’s If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler, ready to dive into the novel. An etched mirror-clock on the wall told me it was half past one. Alexandra would be here soon, once her lunch meeting with some bigwig donor or another was over.

  I didn’t mind. I was one of those people who could sit by themselves in a crowded restaurant and never feel lonely. This might be because I’d spent the last two years traveling Italy and beyond on the weekends and holidays all on my own, and had gotten used to dining solo — or better yet, entering a restaurant alone and leaving with a new group of friends. My mother used to say I had a wild heart, which spread open like a pair of lungs, tender and pink.

  While in Italy, I’d been studying art history and classical restoration techniques, taught by the absolute masters of the form. Every night I’d come home with dabs of paint and turpentine around my hairline and beneath my fingernails, which I’d then scrub out in a white ceramic wash basin that might have been from the 1600s. The walls of my decaying yellow apartment had been cracked and peeling, but I couldn’t have loved it more. When the wind blew the right way, I could leave the windows ajar and watch the breeze buffet my small cotton curtains, stirring the sprigs of lavender I’d arranged across my sill.

  It had been, in a word, wonderful. My time in Italy had shown me not only how much I didn’t know, but how much I didn’t even know I could know. The country had pried my mind open, leaving me receptive and eager to do more, to take a bigger bite of life and swallow whole.

  But like all good things, Italy came to an end and I returned to New York, my adopted home. Once you live in the Big Apple, it’s hard to feel truly at ease anywhere else. There’s something about the constant pace that teaches you to relax within turmoil. So, as much as I adored Italy’s sleepy, slow luxury, my heart pounded for a city that bustled and boiled over.

  Just when I’d been tapping my feet, trying to figure out how to return home, my friend Alexandra had reached out. We’d met in Italy, both students of the same master’s program, and immediately taken a liking to each other, so much so that we became roommates. For the first few months of the program, we’d lived together in a double suite, prints of Renaissance art stuck up to our walls with tape and thumbtacks, silk scarves draped over the lamps.

  Alexandra, who had a few years on me and was a year ahead in the program, began to feel like the older sister I’d never had. She showed me how to do a fishtail braid, how to prepare a cheese plate and how to see if a vinyl record was scratchy or in good condition. We spent the evenings huddled around a flickering candle between our twin beds, leaning against the green wrought-iron frames, picking at the metal roses that climbed the headboard bars and whispering secrets to one another.

  Eventually, she met Radolpho, an Italian butcher with the loudest laugh I’d ever heard. He made Alexandra light up from within, and much to my surprise and delight, she almost immediately moved in with him. They shared a humble apartment above his shop, which I visited every few days or so to say hi to my friend and get some prosciutto and wine.

  It surprised no one when Radolpho popped the question. Our entire grad program, plus Radolpho’s family and friends, gathered on the beach to watch him dip Alexandra in his arms and swear amore. Everyone wiped tears from their eyes with linen handkerchiefs and watched the sun set as a hearty cabernet was passed around.

  Since then, Alexandra had moved back to the US with Radolpho in tow because she’d received a job offer with Comino Gallery, one of the most prestigious fine art galleries in New York. Radolpho was working on buying another little butcher’s shop in the West Village.

  We’d stayed close even with the Atlantic between us, alternating between composing each other texts and sending one another hand-written letters on tiny postcards labeled with the funniest stamps we could find. How can the vastness of an ocean compare to the wingspan of a friendship?

  And then suddenly, Alexandra was pregnant. There was a joyful announcement sent out to all within her inner circle, myself included. Not long
thereafter, she told me she was going to take a leave from Comino to have the most leisurely pregnancy possible. Alexandra was prone to some health issues, and didn’t want to overexert herself. She’d suggested that I apply to cover her leave, but that I was basically a shoo-in because of my training and my talent. By the time I’d boarded the plane home, I’d been offered the temporary position at Comino.

  When I got the call, I was only a few weeks out of my grad program and trying to decide whether or not to file for an extension of my Italian visa. Alexandra’s suggestion seemed like a sign from above that I was meant to be back in New York. So, with only two leather suitcases plastered over with stickers from my travels, I’d boarded a plane back home.

  Now here I was, mug warm in my hand, a book lying open in my lap, ready for whatever the world threw my way. At the age of twenty-four, I knew that I was in the prime of life. This was my time to seize opportunities, no matter how daunting they may be.


  I looked up from the book.


  I threw the book down and leapt up from the table to envelop her in a hug. We squealed into each other’s shoulders, embracing in the all-encompassing way only female friends can. Home was New York, yes, but home was also Alexandra.

  “Wait, wait, let me see it!” I insisted, pulling back to get a look at her belly.

  She laughed and rolled her eyes. “Oh, Chloe, silly goose, bumps don’t show for months.”

  “Yeah but your skin is already perfect. How does that work?”

  “Just lucky, I guess,” she beamed. “Come on, let’s sit down, catch me up.”

  She joined me at the round tabletop, running her fingers along the edges.


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