Watcher Academy

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Watcher Academy Page 9

by S. K. Gregory

  Max stared at us, trying to follow the one sided conversation.

  You won’t get away with this.

  “Why not? Who would believe you are a threat? Hell, I could walk in here tomorrow morning and no one would be any the wiser. Should I do that? I could take out everyone in the building. Poison the coffee? It would be so easy.”

  You are insane.

  “Am I? Imagine being encased in a tiny glass prison for centuries and see how sane you are.”

  Listen, I have an alternative. I have money. I can help you get it and you can go anywhere in the world, just don’t hurt anyone else.

  Anunit started to laugh. “You think I don’t know all your passwords already? Thanks for the offer and you’re right, the money will come in useful. After I get what I want.”

  And what is that?

  “A way to ensure I never go back and full control of this body. After that? Well, I have a few ideas, but I’ll need more than money to get them.”

  You don’t have any reason to hurt anyone else. Just leave now.

  I would rather be trapped in here and have everyone safe, than watch her kill people.

  “No? How about Max here? He tried to lock me in another vessel.”

  She grabbed a pair of scissors and pressed them to his throat.

  Please stop, I begged.

  She stared at him for a moment, then ran her tongue up his cheek. “You’re right. He could still be fun.”

  She grabbed the tape and used it on his legs so he couldn’t escape. Tossing the tape on the table, she lifted the scissors again and ran the tip along his cheek.

  Max looked ready to kill her, but he couldn’t escape the blade. She giggled at his reaction.

  I’ll find a way to stop you.

  “We’ll see. Now, time to visit the artefact room. There’s bound to be something in there I can play with.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Time ticked by and it looked less and less likely that anyone was going to help me. Anunit took her time looking around the building, before arriving at the artefact room. I think she liked drawing it out, torturing me. Or she was just nosy.

  The artefact door was locked. She pulled out my new key card that Chelsea issued earlier and swiped it, but it didn’t unlock.

  Guess you can’t get in after all.

  “I can’t, but I’m sure Max can.”

  She returned to the main room. “I need to borrow your card. Don’t worry, I’ll get it, don’t trouble yourself,” she said, sliding her hand into his pants pocket.

  He said something against the gag. She moved onto the other pocket, being sure to thoroughly check it.

  Finally, she reached into his shirt pocket and removed the card. “Oops, there it is. My mistake.”

  You are disgusting.

  She returned to the artefact room and swiped Max’s card. This time the light turned green and she opened the door.

  She stepped inside and switched on the light. “Time to play.”

  Moving through the aisles, she started gathering artefacts. I counted three amulets, two glass vials and several statues so far. I didn’t know what they all did off the top of my head, but I did know that one of the statues could cause people to bleed from the eyeballs and one of the amulets could create a glamor effect on the wearer. I didn’t want to think about what she might use them for. All my attempts to regain control failed miserably, so for now, it looked like I could nothing more than watch.

  I tried not to think about what Anunit had in store for me. Maybe it would be better if I was gone, it had to be better than witnessing it all and not being able to do anything about it.

  I can’t believe I’m so ready to give up. There is a way out of this, I just need to find it.

  Anunit hummed to herself as she walked along the shelves, pausing every now and again to pick something up.

  You’re enjoying this.

  “Of course I am. Walking around, being able to interact with the world. It’s been a long time and I want to enjoy every second of it.”

  Did you…table dance the other night? I had to know or it would drive me crazy.

  She giggled. “Oh yeah, that was fun. I like how free women are in this era. The men are so much better groomed too.”

  Please tell me you didn’t hook up with any of them.

  “I got plenty of phone numbers, but no, none of them grabbed my attention. Don’t worry though, once I’m out of here, I’m going to take full advantage of my new body.”

  My body.

  “Like you ever did anything good with it. Don’t forget, I have access to your memories. You are really are a sheltered brat, aren’t you?”

  Shut up.

  She sighed. “I’m feeling generous. How about I hook up with Spencer before I get rid of you? Then you can see what you would have missed. Probably not much.”

  You’re disgusting. Don’t you dare touch him.

  “Someone’s a little possessive. Get it? Possessive?” She burst out laughing, the sound echoing around the room.

  You sadistic…

  “I think the word you are looking for is bitch. Don’t hold back, your nanny can’t hear you now.”

  I unleashed a torrent of swear words on her, but it only caused her to laugh even harder at me.

  I will kill you.

  “It took a Goddess to do it last time and she only succeeded in trapping me. You have no chance.”

  I’ll find a way.

  Pausing at a shelf, she lifted a pot up, turning it over. After a moment, she slammed it back down. “Where’s the good stuff?”

  I did my best not to think about the dangerous items in the other room.

  What do you plan on doing? I thought.

  “Having some fun. I’ve been trapped in an orb for centuries. You have no idea what that is like. I could sense the world around me, see it change, but couldn’t touch it.”

  I have an idea what that’s like, yeah.

  “This is nothing, but don’t worry, I’m not cruel. You’ll lose consciousness and slip away. It will be quick. Think yourself lucky that you don’t have to endure what I did. You wouldn’t believe how many times that orb changed hands, how many warlords, thieves, and tomb raiders got hold of it. Not one of them dropped it though. Until you. Thanks for that.”

  I fought hard, making Anunit pause and grab my head. “Easy girl. Fight as much as you want, you can’t win against me. I once commanded legions, I won’t be outdone by a girl.”

  I will fight you every step of the way.

  She smirked. “Well I have the vial I’m after, I just need a few other ingredients and I will be able to put you to sleep. Unfortunately, they aren’t here.”


  “They are easy enough to get a hold of at any herbal store.”

  Anunit collected her items and returned to the main room, where Max still struggled against his restraints. No one else knew we were here, no one would rescue us. We were at the mercy of a crazed priestess.

  Anunit lined up the items on the table. Turning to Max, she said, “I know that’s not all you have back there. Where is the really dangerous stuff?”

  Since I hadn’t seen the room myself, she must be having difficulty pulling the information from my head, but she knew it existed.

  She removed the rag from his mouth. “As if I’d tell you anything, you bit-” He was cut off as she gagged him again.

  “So unhelpful. Well, I can’t hang around here.”

  She glanced down at my body.

  “Well this won’t do,” she said.

  She untucked my white blouse and tied it at the waist, then rolled up the sleeves. She pulled my hair free of the scrunchie and shook it out.

  “I am seriously going to have to do some shopping. How old is she? Eighty?”

  She removed the glasses, then put them back on. “And blind as a bat. Oh well, at least she’s young. How do I look?” she asked Max, striking a pose.

  He turned his head away. “Aw, someone’s in a
bad mood. You know you could come with me. We could have fun.”

  Max said something against the gag and I could guess what it was.

  Anunit sighed. “I guess tomorrow’s headlines will read, man tragically killed in historical society fire.”

  Anunit moved to the fireplace, searching for something to start her blaze with.

  “Hey, Dell, how about we hit up that Jason guy before you go? I could really have fun with him.”

  Fuck you.

  Someone cleared their throat behind her. Anunit turned to find Chelsea.

  “Oh great, this bitch,” she said, right before Chelsea tasered her and everything went black.


  Sinking into the darkness, I felt like letting go, surrendering completely, but something in me wasn’t ready to do that.

  I’m a Grimm, a fighter. It’s in my blood.

  I found myself at the house, in the back yard, under the old oak tree. My favorite spot in the world. It’s where I would go when I was upset or when I wanted to be alone. Somewhere away from all the training, the studying and the chaos. Grandpa even added swing for me, although I had long since outgrown it. I took a seat on the grass, enjoying the sunshine. It felt peaceful.

  I can’t stay here, I need to find a way to get rid of Anunit.

  “Patience. That was always your problem. Too eager to try everything right away, without taking the time to get it right.”

  I opened my eyes and smiled. “Grandpa.”

  He stood above me, wearing one of his tweed suits. I couldn’t make out his face in the light, but it was definitely his voice.

  “Oh Dell, what have you gotten yourself into?” he said gently.

  I hung my head. “I’m sorry. I screwed up. I don’t even have control of my own body anymore and a dangerous woman is going to take over my life.”

  “Not if you fight her.”

  I squinted against the light, trying to see if he was being serious or not. “I can’t fight her, she’s too strong.”

  “You’re stronger. It’s what sets you apart from the others, its why I told you about the League in the first place. The world needs you, don’t give up.”

  He slowly faded away. I reached out, trying to grab him, but I only grabbed air.

  I’m a Grimm. Time to fight.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The sound of Chelsea’s angry voice woke me. I tried to move, but Anunit was still in control. I found myself tied to the Academy table with rope, while Chelsea and Max argued nearby.

  Did I dream all of that? Or did Grandpa really come to me?

  “Untie me,” Anunit raged, squirming against the ropes.

  Chelsea gave her a withering look, then turned back to Max. “You should have informed me immediately. She is a danger to all of us.”

  “I was going to perform the exorcism. I just need a vessel to contain Anunit.”

  “Well go find one!” she snarled.

  When he left the room, Chelsea turned to me. “I knew something was off about you. You are in big trouble.”

  Great, not only do I have to contend with being body jacked, but now I’m going to get fired too.

  “Boohoo, princess,” Anunit said. I wasn’t sure if she was talking to me or Chelsea.

  Where did you even learn to speak like that?

  “I picked it up from your head and listening to insufferable humans who have had possession of the orb over the years. This world has really gone downhill. All these new words, ridiculous.”

  “Who are you talking to?” Chelsea asked.

  “Not you,” Anunit snapped.

  Chelsea sparked her taser, bringing it close to my face. “Keep testing me.”

  “You don’t frighten me, blondie,” Anunit spat.

  “No?” Chelsea jabbed the taser into my ribs and pressed the button. My body jerked wildly as the current ran through it.

  I’m going to feel that for a week.

  “Untie me and we’ll see how tough you really are,” Anunit snarled.

  “You don’t have any power. Soon you’ll be back in a tiny little prison and abandoned on a dusty shelf,” she said.

  If she can pull that off, she can taser me all she wants.

  “Shut up.”

  Chelsea narrowed her eyes but didn’t get the chance to use the taser again as several people filed into the room. Five other Watchers, including Spencer. He did a double take when he saw me tied to the table.

  “What is going on? Dell?” he said, taking a step toward me.

  I cringed. What would he think of all this?

  Anunit grinned at him and I felt something slide down my chin, something thick and wet. Was it blood?

  “Hey, Spencer, still interested in that date?” she said in a deep demonic voice.

  Spencer looked horrified and quickly backed away, almost colliding with another Watcher. Anunit laughed wickedly. “Guess he isn’t a fan of threesomes.”

  Stop it.

  I wanted to tell Spencer that I was still here, that this was nothing, but instead, I had to see the look of horror on his face.

  No matter what happens after this, I’m sure he’s never going to get this image out of his head.

  “Maybe he’s secretly into bondage,” Anunit joked. “You might still have a shot.”

  Shut up! I screamed and she actually flinched. I wasn’t as weak as I thought. Maybe I just needed to get mad enough.

  Chelsea explained the situation to the others. I noticed that Anita was one of the other Watchers. She looked worried. Approaching the table, she leaned in and said, “It’ll be okay, Dell. Stay strong.”

  Anunit reared back and spat in her face. Black bile ran down her forehead. She quickly wiped it off as Chelsea dragged her away.

  You vile bitch. Were you like this when you were alive? Because I don’t blame Ishtar for locking you away.

  “Survival of the fittest, Dell. You will lose this fight.”

  “Is it talking to her?” Spencer asked.

  Chelsea shrugged.

  Anunit gave a choking gasp, then turned to Spencer and said in a scared little girl voice, “Spencer? Help me, please. Don’t let them do this, it will kill me.”

  Is that seriously what you think I sound like?

  Spencer glanced at Chelsea who shook her head. “It’s a trick, don’t listen to it.”

  “Please, Spencer,” Anunit tried again. “Get me out of here and I’ll do things to you. I’ll rock your world, baby.”

  She ended in a demonic sounding laugh, making Spencer turn as white as a sheet.

  Nice try.

  “It wasn’t whiny enough, was it? Damn, how’s this?” She practiced a few more voices, none of them sounding remotely like me.

  You are getting really boring now.

  “I may be a lot of things, but I am not boring.”

  Max returned to the room carrying a glass bottle with a cork. “I’ve got this, a junk item. It should do the trick.” He glanced at me and pulled a face. “What’s that on her face?”

  “Black bile. It’s an illusion, she’s just trying to scare us,” Chelsea said, unimpressed by Anunit’s antics. “I called in reinforcements in case this goes badly. Plus, we need witnesses.”

  Exorcisms required witnesses to provide their observations and to testify that everything possible was done to save the person being possessed. Which showed how rarely they worked out.

  I could feel how angry Anunit was. She felt trapped and I knew she wouldn’t go easy. Would I end up like Max? Locked away in an insane asylum, my mind damaged beyond repair?

  Max set up the ritual, lighting candles and anointing the vessel with special oils which would keep her trapped.

  Chelsea hovered nearby, ready to zap me again. I could tell she was itching to do it.

  “Were you in on it too?” Anunit asked Chelsea.

  “In on what?”

  “Stealing artefacts and selling them to the highest bidder.”

  That got everyone’s attention. Chelsea moved c
loser. “What are you talking about?”

  “Antoine, was it? Once again, what a stupid name. I found him in here after hours, trying to steal a statue.”

  “That’s absurd,” Chelsea said. “He was loyal to the League.”

  Anunit ignored her and continued, “He really didn’t like getting caught out. Came at me with a knife. If it had been Dell, she’d be dead, but luckily I know how to handle myself.”

  “You killed Antoine?” Chelsea asked.

  “Self defense.”

  So I did kill him or at least he died at my hand.

  “I’ll ask again, were you in on it?” Anunit went on.

  “Of course not,” Chelsea snapped, but all eyes were on her now. “Don’t listen to her. She’s trying to distract us. Start the damn exorcism.”

  “Spoken like someone with something to hide,” Anunit mocked. “He wasn’t working alone. I saw snippets when I touched him. The League is tainted, anyone could be in on it.”

  I had no idea if she was telling the truth or rambling to try and delay them. Antoine being a thief, I could believe, the rest? Not so much.

  “Max!” Chelsea barked.

  He started chanting, approaching the table with the bottle. I felt Anunit convulse wildly inside me.

  She opened my mouth and screamed.

  Chapter Seventeen

  My body writhed on the table as the ritual continued. Anunit had her claws in deep and she wasn’t letting go. It felt like my mind was being ripped in two. Max continued to chant, his voice barely audible above the screaming. Grandpa told me he once attended an exorcism that lasted for three days. I didn’t think I could fight that long.

  Get out, you’ve lost.

  “Shut up, you whiny little bitch,” Anunit said through gritted teeth. “I’ve worked too hard for this.”

  It’s my body, my life.

  “And what will you do with it? Spend the next forty years with your nose in a book?”

  It’s my choice. You had your shot, I’m not giving up my life because you screwed up yours.

  “Screwed it up? Is that a fact? Take a look for yourself.”

  I sank down into darkness to find myself standing in a dimly lit temple. I could hear chanting up ahead, propelling me forward.


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