Frozen: A Winter Romance Anthology

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Frozen: A Winter Romance Anthology Page 33

by Melange Books, LLC

  Ben squinted at her and then, following her gaze, looked over his shoulder at the door before returning his eyes to her.

  “Are you expecting someone?” he asked a hint of curiosity in his voice.

  “Kind of. You still didn’t answer my question.” Cara placed her feet back on the floor, preparing should she have to run or fight for the matter. She laid her book on her lap and wiped her sweaty palms on the side of her thighs.

  Ben continued to look at her curiously, but he answered, “I saw you come in.”

  “Why are you doing this?” Cara asked through the lump in her throat. Her voice sounded constricting and brittle in her own ears.

  “Doing what?” The smile that was so prominent on Ben’s handsome face finally melted away, replaced by a look of confusion. He watched her with his head tilted to one side, clearly at a loss for what she was implying.

  “Why are you talking to me? No one talks to me,” Cara said, her voice definitely catching now. She struggled to keep her emotions under control. He would not see her cry. Not even Seth had seen her cry, though he was the main cause of her sobs when she was alone.

  Something flickered across Ben’s face, something that Cara vaguely registered as anger, but this didn’t make sense. Was he upset that she figured out so easily his association with Seth?

  “I’m talking to you because I want to.” His voice sounded forced.

  “Why is Seth doing this to me?” she whispered.

  “Seth, the creep that was after you a couple of days ago?” Anger vibrated in his voice. She saw it flashing dangerously in his eyes.

  An icy feeling that had nothing to do with the temperature crept up on her. She pulled back, making her body as small as possible, to limit the amount of available space for this stranger to hurt her. Even if she was stronger than when she was younger, past experiences still ruled her rational thoughts.

  Ben reached a hand out and wrapped it around her icy fingers. He looked at her calmly, his breathing somewhat forced sounding, and smiled at her. “Please, don’t associate me with that vile excuse of a person. I never met him prior to seeing him on the day that I met you. However, that doesn’t stop me from wanting to find him now. Judging by your reaction, he deserves to be beaten.”

  Cara couldn’t register his words fully for staring at the hand that held hers. No malice filled his touch, nothing but gentleness. His very touch made her heart thud and a shudder run through her. A finger under her chin startled her out of her thoughts, and she jerked violently in response.

  Ben yanked his hand away, anger flashing across his features again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  Cara tried to relax, but his behavior was so unlike anything she had ever experienced that she didn’t know what to do. “It’s okay,” she said hesitantly.

  “Would you like to get something to eat?” he asked, treating her like she was a scared animal.

  At this, Cara smiled slightly. “I was serious about what I said the other day. If you plan to stay for any length of time in Pole, it would be better for you if we didn’t associate. See how the librarian is staring now?” Cara asked, jerking her chin in the direction of where the stiff lady sat eyes boggling impolitely at the two.

  Ben looked over his shoulder and, seeing what she referred to, gave the woman a wide grin, causing her to snap her mouth shut and return to the book that she was reading.

  “If we went anywhere together, it would be like that, only ten times worse. You seem like a nice guy. I don’t want to see them treat you the same as me. No one deserves that—”

  But Ben cut her off. “Did I tell you why I was tired of my own village?”

  Taken aback by the interruption, Cara shook her head.

  “Because most people disgust me. They’re so caught up in meaningless things, very rarely valuing things like other people that I grew tired of it and left. I’ve been on my own for the last couple of years.”

  “What does that have to do with me?” Cara asked her eyebrow raised in question.

  “I don’t care what people think of me.”

  Cara looked at him, at a loss for words. How could you not care about what others think?

  “I think you are the most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid eyes on, and I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust.”

  Chapter Three

  Cara snuck another glance at the tall man walking alongside her. He was still beside her, still matching her step for step as she hustled to the small diner down the road, anxious to get out of the cold. She noticed the sleds slowing down as they passed, their owners eyeing her with the same reaction as the librarian. Ben’s earlier comments were about to be thoroughly tested, but she had warned him. Now it was time to see if he really meant what he said.

  Turning to glance at him once more, she looked into eyes that watched her intently. Her heart thudded painfully in her chest, causing a blush to creep up her neck, making her face flush warmly. He smiled at her reaction, making Cara feel like her very insides were melting. What is this feeling?

  “How old are you, Cara?” he asked pleasantly.

  She liked the way he said her name. It didn’t sound like a dirty word on his lips, but more like a caress or a purr. “Eighteen,” she replied.

  He opened the diner’s door, waiting for her to walk in first. Cara hesitated though. She had never been in this diner or any place to eat for the matter. The unwelcome stares and whispers that followed her made her avoid most public places if she could help it. Now, like so many other situations of the past few days, she was unsure what she should do or how she should act. Taking a deep breath, she stepped through the door.

  Nothing happened. The customers glanced her way, repeatedly, some even gawked, but nothing was said. No stones were thrown, no lightning strikes, nothing of what Cara expected.

  “One,” the hostess asked, addressing Ben.

  “No, two,” Ben answered, his voice suddenly frosty. Reaching down, he grabbed Cara’s hand and laced his fingers with hers, effectively warming her hand better than any fire.

  She wished he hadn’t. The people who were being kind, stared boldly now. She felt like crying. Her hatred of Seth and everyone in this stupid village intensified. So what if her hair was the color of corn silk and her eyes were paler than ice! What did it matter that she was the only one on the land of Arc that could magically produce water? Cara blinked back the wetness that invaded her eyes. She hated being different.

  Thankfully, the hostess sat them at a table away from straying eyes, closer to the back of the little diner. Ben pulled the chair out on one side for her. Being unfamiliar with how to act, she pulled out the other chair instead and sat down. Ben looked at her, a bemused expression on his face and sat down in the chair he was holding out. The hostess simply rolled her eyes at the whole thing.

  “So, tell me about yourself,” Ben said after they placed their orders.

  “What do you want to know?” Cara asked. Her back faced the other people, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about this. She fought the urge to glance over her shoulder every few minutes.

  “You like to read.” This was not a question, but a statement.

  Cara nodded.

  “Okay, this is going to be a long meal if you don’t give me something to work with,” Ben said, teasing her. He reached across the table and took her hands, effectively taking her mind off everything else. Her eyes were drawn to the point where they connected while a warm, tingling feeling spread through her veins. A sensation completely unfamiliar to her.

  “For starters, why was that creep Seth after you?” Ben asked, the smile dropping from his face as he watched her.

  Cara looked around the place for eavesdroppers. After all, Seth was fairly popular both in and out of upper schooling. It wouldn’t do for someone to overhear their conversation or, more importantly, Ben’s less-than-flattering description of him.

  “Shhh. He’s the mayor’s son.”

  “And your point?”
Ben asked, rubbing his thumb down the length of her finger.

  Cara swallowed thickly, struggling to remember what they were discussing. It was such a simple gesture, but she thoroughly enjoyed having his warm hand covering her own.

  “So, we shouldn’t talk about him. What about you?” Cara said quietly, feeling more than a little curious about this handsome man’s origins.

  “Well, like you, I’m an avid reader. It’s how I’ve survived so long on my own. I left my family four years ago and never regretted the decision. I live on my own, apart from any other village. I hate pettiness, the smell of wild flowers, and I love the color blue, which is why I find your eyes breathtaking. I’ve never seen such a pale blue color in my life.”

  Cara didn’t know what to say. Everyone noticed her strange eyes, but never thought of them as breathtaking. At least, no one who would admit it.


  Ben gave her a smile and pulled his hands back. Their food had arrived. Over the course of the meal, Cara watched Ben. She wasn’t sure what to make of him. She kept expecting him to jump up and say “Surprise, Seth is my cousin!” or some other connection.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked, leaning back in his chair.

  “Nothing,” Cara said quietly. She filled her glass with her water magic, soliciting a wide-eyed look from him.

  “Now, that’s something I haven’t seen before.”

  “No one has,” Cara said simply.

  “Which makes you that much more interesting in my mind,” Ben whispered. His gaze rested on his hands where they lay folded on the table.

  “I don’t know how to do this,” Cara said, her own voice slightly above a whisper. “I have never had a chance to try and then here you come, looking all handsome, and I’m at a loss.”

  Ben looked up at this, the smile returning to his face, and surprisingly enough, a blush as well.

  “I don’t even know how long you’ll be in my village, and to be honest, I can’t see you staying if you don’t like people. So I would prefer we not start this at all.” Even as she said it, she inwardly kicked herself. Do I really like being alone that much?

  “Well, I can see when my attention isn’t wanted.” Instead of looking angry, Ben simply looked bemused. He put money on the table, stood, reached over, grabbed her hand, brought it up to his lips, and kissed it gently.

  Cara forgot to breathe.

  “Since I don’t plan to leave for a little while, I hope to see you around, even if my attention isn’t wanted. It would be a shame to be in a village as dull as this and not see someone as beautiful as you from time to time.” He winked at her, then strolled away.

  Chapter Four

  Cara buried her hands, already covered with gloves and mittens, further into her pockets. She glared at the snow that lay all around, wanting to blame it for pushing away the one person who found her attractive and wasn’t a member of her family. What’s wrong with me?

  She continued to trudge down the road toward home, using more force than strictly necessary to keep from slipping. Her mind was still focused on Ben and all that had transpired in one day. Her whole world had shifted, and she wasn’t entirely sure if she liked it.

  She was so intent on her thoughts that she didn’t hear the sound of approaching footsteps quickly gaining on her. She didn’t hear the gentle laughter that bullies let slip moments before they catch their prey unaware. Cara heard nothing nor saw a thing until hands, already burning from the fire within, wrapped around her neck.

  Too startled to scream, she kicked out, hoping to catch her attacker unaware, but to no avail. Wrapping another burning arm around her waist, they pulled her off the road and into a dark alley before spinning her around and slamming her into the wall. Seth didn’t hesitate, having been in too many fights with Cara, but got right in her face, a burning hand clenched tightly around her throat.

  The skin around her neck started blistering from the fire that consumed Seth’s hand, but she refused to scream. Screaming would do no good. Bringing a hand up, she blasted Seth back with water, which instantly froze in the frigid temperatures. Tyler, Seth’s best friend, moved quickly and punched Cara in the stomach, doubling her over in pain.

  “Cara, we just wanted to stop and talk with you the other day. Why the negative reaction?” Seth asked, fake innocence dripping from his voice. The ice on his face melted from the same fire that he used to torture Cara. “Are you trying to avoid us?”

  Cara stood bent over, trying desperately to regain control of the situation before it got worse. Fear and panic were getting the better of her though, especially when memories from past torments assailed her mind. Seth hadn’t tried anything like this in a long time because of Cara’s skills at defending herself. Curse Ben for making me forget everything else!

  Seth stretched out a finger, fully aflame now, and placed it under Cara’s chin so he could lift her face to look at him. She moaned pitifully, the pain so intense her eyes rolled back in her head. Unlike other Arcians, fire did not roll peacefully over her body. Fire burned her.

  Wrapping his now flaming hand around her throat again, he slammed her into the wall at her back, his two goons laughing hysterically at the sound that escaped her. She couldn’t fight back; her mind was solely fixed on the pain of her skin bubbling under Seth’s hand. She clawed at his arms, trying desperately to end the searing agony. She opened her mouth to scream when the hand at her throat disappeared. Slumping to the ground, she took several steadying breaths, trying to calm skin that screamed with raw pain.

  Somewhere in the back of her mind, she registered the sound of thumping and thuds, followed by audible grunts, but she couldn’t make sense of it. Removing her mitten and glove from one hand, she gingerly felt the burns around her chin, jaw, and neck. She cried when her fingers grazed the wounds.

  “Cara, look at me.”

  Cara started at the voice, not sure if she believed her ears. Looking up, she stared into the beautiful brown eyes of her own savior.

  “Ben...” she said through her tears. “How did you know?”

  “I didn’t. I watched you go, afraid that I wouldn’t see you again, and then I saw that filth sneaking up behind you,” he said angrily, jerking his thumb in the direction behind him.

  Cara looked down the alley where three prostrate bodies lay in the snow. She could hear moans and groans as they slowly regained consciousness. “Did you do that?”

  Instead of answering, Ben gently helped her up to a standing position. He wrapped one arm around her waist and, bending over, swept her legs from under her. “Where is the town healer?” he asked quietly.

  “Don’t bother. My neck is already healing. I may not possess fire magic or the ability to touch fire, but I heal quickly from it. I think that was the only fire trait my parents passed on to me,” Cara said, attempting a chuckle.

  “Fine, you’re coming with me until I’m sure you’re alright,” Ben said, holding her even tighter against his chest.

  Cara snuggled closer to his heat, enjoying the fact that for the first time ever, she was actually comfortable in the cold temperatures. The pain that had consumed her mind moments before was now a dull sting. Much more manageable. This was by far the worst she had suffered at Seth’s hands in years.

  “This wasn’t the first time, was it?” Ben asked his voice harsh in Cara’s ear.

  She vaguely wondered if he was a mind reader. “No.” The word, said no louder than a breath, seemed to ring between them.

  Ben looked down at her, still bundled in his arms, his face stony with anger.

  Cara wanted to reach up and stroke his handsome face, to wipe away the anger she saw there so that she could see his warm smile again, but a new kind of fear held her back. Fear of the unknown.

  “Thank you. Again,” she whispered.

  Ben didn’t say anything. Instead, he swung open the door to the village lodge and strode down the hall to a door at the very end. Once inside, he carried her to the bed and sat her gently o
n it. Cupping her face with his hands, he lifted her chin up and examined her burns.

  “They’re a bit red and a little raw looking, but other than that, they look fine,” he said, clearly amazed.

  “I told you. It hurts like hell when it happens, but I always recover.” Cara felt exhausted as she always did after episodes such as these. She wasn’t sure if it was the healing process or the over-all, adrenaline rush that did it to her.

  Ben still crouched at eye level with her. She couldn’t help marveling at his eyes, which were the exact color of chocolate. Not thinking, Cara pulled off her other mitten and reached out a hand, grazing his jaw line with her fingertips. She felt the stumble of a full day’s growth there and found the feeling exotic. Reaching out her other hand, she caressed his face, marveling at the way her skin looked against his.

  Ben reached up and placed warm hands over hers, stilling her exploration. Her eyes returned to his. What she saw set her heart thudding wildly in her chest.

  “You really are the most beautiful woman I have laid eyes on,” he whispered.

  Cara held her breath, watching as those beautiful eyes came closer, never letting her escape their hold on her. She tasted his breath on her lips seconds before she felt his warm mouth on hers. A sigh escaped her. Cara’s whole body tingled with a warmth that had nothing to do with the fire magic that ran through Ben’s veins.

  He let go of her hands, instead cupping her face gently between his palms. Having never experienced contact of any sorts before Ben, Cara ran her hands through his silky hair, bringing his mouth closer to her. She needed this. Needed to feel what everyone else around her felt. Wanted.

  Ben groaned slightly and dropped his hands to her waist, pulling her closer. Cara responded by wrapping her arm around his neck, all other thoughts fleeing her mind. He tasted sweet and smelled even better. The heat from his body consumed her, warming her more than she could ever remember. She sucked in his breath, inhaling the air that gave him life. She savored the feeling of his hands bunching the many layers of clothing at her waist and groaned slightly.


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