A Coin of Edward VII: A Detective Story

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A Coin of Edward VII: A Detective Story Page 4

by Fergus Hume



  Later in the day Mr. Morley called the three women into his library tohave a discussion regarding the strange letter and its strangeraccusation. Daisy had recovered from her faint, but was still pale andobviously afraid of Anne. The governess appeared perfectly composed, buther white face was as hard as granite. Both Morley and his wife weremuch disturbed, as was natural, especially as at the moment Anne hadrefused any explanation. Now Morley was bent on forcing her to speak outand set Daisy's mind at rest. The state of the girl was pitiable.

  The library was a large square apartment, with three French windowsopening on to a terrace, whence steps led down to a garden laid out inthe stiff Dutch style. The room was sombre with oak and heavy red velvethangings, but rendered more cheerful by books, photographs, andpictures. Morley was fond of reading, and during his ten years'residence at The Elms had accumulated a large number of volumes. Betweenthe bookcases were trophies of arms, mediaeval weapons and armor, andbarbaric spears from Africa and the South Seas, intermixed with bows andclubs. The floor was of polished oak, with here and there a brilliantlycolored Persian praying-mat. The furniture was also of oak, andcushioned in red Morocco leather. Altogether the library gave evidenceof a refined taste, and was a cross between a monkish cell and asybarite's bower.

  "Well, Miss Denham," said Morley, his merry face more than a trifleserious, "what have you to say?"

  "There is nothing I can say," replied Anne, with composure, "the letterhas nothing to do with me."

  "My dear," put in Mrs. Morley, much distressed, "you cannot take up thisattitude. You know I am your friend, that I have always done my best foryou, and for my sake, if not for Daisy's, you must explain."

  "She won't--she won't," said Daisy, with an hysterical laugh.

  "I would if I could," replied Anne, talking firmly, "but the accusationis ridiculous. Why should I threaten Daisy?"

  "Because you love Giles," burst out the girl furiously.

  "I do not love Mr. Ware. I said so the other night."

  "And you said more than that. You said that you would kill me."

  "Miss Denham," cried Morley, greatly shocked, "what is this?"

  "A foolish word spoken in a foolish moment," said Anne, realizing thather position was becoming dangerous.

  "I think so too," said Mrs. Morley, defending her. "It so happened, MissDenham, that I overheard you make the speech to Daisy, and I told myhusband about it the next morning. We decided to say nothing,thinking--as you say now--that it was simply a foolish speech. But thisletter"--she hesitated, then continued quickly, "you must explain thisletter."

  Anne thought for a moment. "I can't explain it. Some enemy has writtenit. You know all about me, Mrs. Morley. You read my credentials--youinquired as to my former situations at the Governess Institute where youengaged me. I have nothing to conceal in my life, and certainly I haveno idea of harming Daisy. She came to my room and talked nonsense, whichmade me lose my temper. I said a foolish thing, I admit, but surelyknowing me as you do you will acquit me of meaning anything by a fewwild words uttered in a hurry and without thought."

  "Why did you make use of such an expression?" asked Morley.

  "Because I was carried out of myself. I have a strain of negro blood inme, and at times say more than I mean."

  "And your negro blood will make you kill me," cried Daisy, with anexpression of terror. "I am doomed--doomed!"

  "Don't be a fool, child," said Morley roughly.

  "She is a trifle hysterical," explained Mrs. Morley, comforting thegirl, who was sobbing violently.

  "Mr. Morley," said Anne, rising, "I don't know who wrote that letter, orwhy it should have been written. Mr. Ware and I are friends, nothingmore. I am not in love with him, nor is he in love with me. He has paidme no more attention than you have yourself."

  "No, that is true enough," replied Morley, "and as Giles is engaged toDaisy I don't think he is the man to pay marked attention to anotherwoman."

  "Ah! Giles is all right," cried Daisy angrily, "but she has temptedhim."

  "I deny that."

  "You can deny what you like. It is true, you know it is true."

  "Daisy! Daisy!" said Morley persuasively, whereupon she turned on himlike a little fury.

  "Don't you defend her. You hate me as much as she does. You are a----"

  "Stop!" said Mrs. Morley, very pale. "Hold your tongue, Daisy. Myhusband has treated you in the kindest manner. When your father died youwere left penniless. He took you in, and both he and I have treated youlike our own child. Ungrateful girl, how can you speak so of those whohave befriended you?"

  "I do. I shall. You all hate me!" cried Daisy passionately. "I neverwanted your help. Giles would have married me long ago but for Mr.Morley. I had no need to live on your charity. I have a hundred a yearof my own. You brought that horrid woman down to steal Giles from me,and----"

  "Take her away, Elizabeth," said Morley sharply.

  "I'll go of my own accord," cried Daisy, retreating from Mrs. Morley;"and I'll ask Giles to marry me at once, and take me from this horridhouse. You are a cruel and a wicked man, Mr. Morley, and I hate you--Ihate you! As for you"--she turned in a vixenish manner on Anne--"I hopeyou will be put in gaol some day. If I die you will be hanged--hanged!"And with a stamp of her foot she dashed out of the room, banging thedoor.

  "Hysteria," said Morley, wiping his face, "we must have a doctor to seeher."

  "Miss Denham," said the wife, who was weeping at the cruel words of thegirl, "I ask you if Daisy has ever been treated harshly in my house?"

  "No, dear Mrs. Morley, she has always received the greatest kindnessboth from you and your husband. She is not herself to-day--that cruelletter has upset her. In a short time she will repent of her behavior."

  "If she speaks like this to Mrs. Parry, what will happen?" moaned thepoor woman, wringing her hands.

  "I'll have Mrs. Parry in court for libel if she says anything againstus," said Morley fiercely. "The girl is an hysterical idiot. To accuseher best friends of--pshaw! it's not worth taking notice of. But thisletter, Miss Denham?"

  "I know nothing about it, Mr. Morley."

  "Humph! I wonder if Daisy wrote it herself."

  "Oliver!" cried Mrs. Morley in amazement.

  "Why not? Hysterical girls do queer things at times. I don't supposeMrs. Parry wrote it, old scandal-monger as she is. It is a strangeletter. That Scarlet Cross, for instance." He fixed an inquiring eye onAnne.

  "That is the one thing that makes me think Daisy did not write theletter. I fancied myself she might have done it in a moment of hysteriaand out of hatred of me, but she could not know anything of the ScarletCross. No one in Rickwell could know of that."

  "The letter was posted in London--in the General Post Office."

  "But why should any one write such a letter about me," said Anne,raising her hands to her forehead, "and the Scarlet Cross? It is verystrange."

  "What is the Scarlet Cross?" asked Mrs. Morley seriously.

  "I know no more than you do," replied Anne earnestly, "save that myfather sometimes received letters marked with a red cross and on hiswatch-chain wore a gold cross enamelled with scarlet."

  "Did your father know what the cross meant?" asked Mrs. Morley.

  "He must have known, but he never explained the matter to me."

  "Perhaps if you asked him now to----"

  "My father is dead," she said in a low voice; "he died a year ago inItaly."

  "Then this mystery must remain a mystery," said Morley, with a shrug."Upon my word, I don't like all this. What is to be done?"

  "Put the letter into the hands of the police," suggested his wife.

  "No," said Morley decisively; "if the police heard the ravings of Daisy,Heaven knows what they would think."

  "But, my dear, it is ridiculous," said Mrs. Morley indignantly. "We havealways treated Daisy like one of ourselves. We have nothing to conceal.I am very angry at her."

  "You sho
uld rather pity her," said Anne gently, "for she is a prey tonerves. However, the best thing to be done is for me to leave thisplace. I shall go after the New Year."

  "I'm sure I don't know what the children will do without you," sighedthe lady; "they are so fond of you, and I never had any governess I goton better with. What will you do?"

  "Get a situation somewhere else," said Anne cheerfully, "abroad ifpossible; but I have become a bugbear to Daisy, and it is best that Ishould go."

  "I think so too, Miss Denham, although both my wife and I are extremelysorry to lose you."

  "You have been good friends to me," said Miss Denham simply, "and mylife here has been very pleasant; but it is best I should go," sherepeated, "and that letter, will you give me a copy, Mr. Morley?"

  "Certainly, but for what reason?"

  "I should like to find out who wrote it, and why it was written. Itwill be a difficult matter, but I am curious to know who this enemy ofmine may be."

  "Do you think it is an enemy?" asked Mrs. Morley.

  Anne nodded. "And an enemy that knows something about my father's life,"she said emphatically, "else why was mention made about the ScarletCross? But I'll learn the truth somehow, even if I have to employ adetective."

  "You had much better leave the matter alone and get another situation,Miss Denham," said Morley sagely. "We will probably hear no more ofthis, and when you go the matter will fade from Daisy's mind. I'll sendher away to the seaside for a week, and have the doctor to see her."

  "Dr. Tait shall see her at once," said Mrs. Morley, with more vigor thanwas usual with her. "But about your going, Miss Denham, I am trulysorry. You have been a good friend to me, and the dear children do youcredit. I hope we shall see you again."

  "When Daisy is married, not before," replied Anne firmly; "but I willkeep you advised of my address."

  After some further conversation on this point the two women left thelibrary. Daisy had shut herself in her room, and thither went Mrs.Morley. She managed to sooth the girl, and gave her a sedative whichcalmed her nerves. When Daisy woke from sleep somewhere about five sheexpressed herself sorry for her foolish chatter, but still entertained adread and a hatred of Anne. The governess wisely kept out of the way andmade her preparations for departure. As yet the children were not toldthat they were to lose her. Knowing what their lamentations would belike, Mrs. Morley wisely determined to postpone that information tillthe eleventh hour.

  There was to be a midnight service at the parish church in honor of theNew Year, and Anne determined to go. She wanted all the spiritual helppossible in her present state of perplexity. The unhappy love thatexisted between her and Giles, the enmity of Daisy, the anxiety of theanonymous letter--these things worried her not a little. She receivedpermission from Mrs. Morley to go to the midnight service.

  "But be careful Daisy does not see you," said she anxiously.

  "Is Daisy going also?"

  "Yes. Giles is coming to take her in his motor-car."

  "I hope she will say nothing to him about the letter."

  "I'll see to that. She is much quieter and recognizes how foolish shehas been. It will be all right."

  Morley was much upset by the state of affairs. But a few days before andlife had been all plain sailing, now there was little else but troubleand confusion. His ruddy face was pale, and he had a carewornexpression. For the most part of the day he remained in his library andsaw no one. Towards the evening he asked his wife not to bring thetriplets to the library as usual, as he had to see some one on business.Who it was he refused to say, and Mrs. Morley, having no curiosity, didnot press the question.

  After dinner the visitor arrived--a tall man muffled in a great-coatagainst the cold, and wearing a thick white scarf round his throat. Hewas shown into the library and remained with Mr. Morley till after nine.About that time Anne found occasion to go into the library in search ofa book. She had not heard the prohibition of Morley, and did nothesitate to enter without knocking, supposing that no one was within.

  Meantime Daisy dressed herself very carefully in expectation of Ware'sarrival. He was to take her for a ride in his motor before Church, andthen they were to go to the service together. There was plenty of snowon the ground, but the nights were always bright with moonlight. Daisyhad a fancy for a moonlight ride, and Giles was willing to humor her.She expected him about ten, and descended shortly after nine to watchfor him from the drawing-room window.

  Outside it was almost as light as day, and the white sheet of snow threwback a reflection of the moonlight. Daisy gazed eagerly down the avenue,where the leafless trees rocked in the cutting wind. Unexpectedly shesaw a tall man come round the corner of the house and walk swiftly downthe avenue. She knew from Mrs. Morley that there was a visitor in thelibrary, and wondered why he had elected to leave by the window, as hemust have done to come round the house in this way. Being curious, shethought she would tell Mr. Morley of what she had seen, and went insearch of him.

  At the door of the library she had just laid her hand on the handle whenit suddenly opened, and Anne came out. Her face was white and drawn, hereyes were filled with fear, and she passed the astonished girl in ablind and stumbling fashion as though she did not see her. Daisy saw herfeebly ascend the stairs, clutching the banisters. Wondering at this,Miss Kent entered the room. Morley was standing by the window--themiddle window--looking out. It was open. He started and turned whenDaisy entered, and she saw that he was perturbed also.

  "What is the matter?" she asked, coming forward.

  "Nothing. What should be the matter?"

  Morley spoke shortly and not in a pleasant tone. "I thought that Anne,that Miss Denham, looked ill," said Daisy.

  "Don't you think you had better leave Miss Denham alone, Daisy, seeingthe mischief you have caused? She has been weeping herself blind here."

  "Well, that letter----"

  "Oh, that letter is rubbish!" interrupted Morley scornfully. "MissDenham is a simple, kind woman, and you should take no notice ofanonymous correspondence. However, she is going away to-morrow. I havejust paid her her wages."

  "I am glad she is going," said Miss Kent doggedly; "I am afraid of her.You think she is an angel; I don't."

  "I don't think anything about her; but I do think you are a veryhysterical girl, and have caused a great deal of unnecessary trouble.Miss Denham is not in love with Ware, and it is only your absurdjealousy that would accuse her of such a thing. Besides, this morningyou behaved very badly to my wife and myself. You must go away for atime till we can get over your ungrateful words and conduct."

  "I am very sorry," said Daisy humbly, "but it was Anne who disturbed me,and that letter. I was afraid."

  "Then you admit that we have behaved well?"

  "You are my best friends."

  "Thank you. And now may I ask what you want?"

  "I came to tell you that I am going to church. I thought you wereengaged."

  "So I was; but my visitor is gone."

  "I know; he went out by that window. I saw him going down the avenue.Who is he?"

  "A friend of mine. That is all you need to know. Did you think it wassome one who had to do with the anonymous letter?"

  "No, no!" Daisy seemed to be thoroughly ashamed of herself. "But youmust admit that the letter was strange."

  "So strange that you had better say nothing about it. Don't mention itto Giles."

  "Why not?"

  "Because I will find occasion to tell him myself. I at least will beable to explain without showing jealousy of poor Miss Denham."

  "I won't say anything," replied Daisy, with a toss of her head, "but youare all mad about Anne Denham. I don't believe she is a good woman. Whatis the matter with her now? She seems ill."

  "For Heaven's sake don't ask me any further questions," said Morleyirritably. "What with your conduct of this morning and other things withwhich you have no concern I am worried out of my life."

  Daisy took the hint and walked away. When she got outside the libraryshe came to the conc
lusion that Morley's visitor was a bailiff, and thatwas why he had been shown out by the window. Decidedly her guardian wasin a bad way financially speaking.

  "I shall marry Giles and get away from them all," said the gratefulDaisy. "They may be sold up, and my hundred a year will not keep me.What a mercy that Giles is so rich and loves me! No, he does not loveme," she said vehemently to herself. "It is that woman. But he isengaged to me, and I'll marry him if only to spite her."


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