Mountain Wolf

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Mountain Wolf Page 8

by Amber Ella Monroe

  "Beautiful," he said, licking his lips.

  He closed the distance between them again, slipped a hand behind her and undid her bra. He shoved the garment aside and took her heavy, plump breasts into his palms. Not wasting any time at all, he bent his head low to suck an already sensitive nipple into his mouth. His tongue licked quickly across the bud, flicking around each areola until they were hardened to perfection. He held her at the small of her back, taking her nipples into his mouth again and again as if he were enjoying ripe berries. He sucked greedily and I cradled his head in my hands, unable to contain the noises slipping past my lips.

  "Luke," she moaned.

  He growled into her skin. "Say my name again."


  She was already soaking wet between the legs. If he continued in this manner, she'd probably reach orgasm before he ever entered her. She reached for his cock and felt her pussy clench at the feel of how incredibly big he was. She wrapped her fingers around the erect base of him and slid her hands upward until they reached his moist tip. He was long and thick and the way he hardened even more against her palm had her clit pulsing in anticipation.

  "I'm ready to do really bad things to you, Cassie. Good things. Bad things. I want to fuck you so badly it hurts. I'm trying to be gentle," he whispered in her ear.

  "I don't want you to be anything but yourself. Give me all of you tonight. I don't want gentle. I want you to take what you need," she told him.

  Luke took her mouth again at the same time his fingers found their way across one of her thighs, tracing the edge of her panties. He gripped the flimsy fabric and pushed it aside until her pussy was exposed. One finger slipped upward through her slit until it reached her clit. She leaned back on the table, resting on her forearms, giving him ample access to throbbing pussy.

  "You're so fucking wet for me. Is your honey as sweet as I imagined? I wonder…" He brought his finger up to his lips and tasted the juices coating them.

  The sight of him enjoying the taste of her and licking her lips in the process aroused her. He pushed two fingers back inside of her, stroking gently and meticulously stroking her clit with the pad of his thumb.

  Cassie trembled on the dining room table. "Now Luke…you're driving me crazy. Please fuck me now."

  He grinned and then drew her panties down her legs. "I'd like to drive my cock in your pussy, but after getting a taste of your sweet honey, I want more.

  Before she could protest, he was on his knees, pushing the back of her thighs so that she was fully exposed to him. His beard rubbed soothingly against her legs as he kissed the insides of her thighs.

  "You're so fucking juicy for me, Cassie." He started licking her slowly and softly, brushing his tongue against her sensitive sex like he was enjoying the cream filling from his favorite cookie. He flicked his tongue against her clit until it became erect and then he licked some more, only stopping to dip his tongue deep into her center to collect the spilled juices. He pleased and licked and ate, not allowing one drop of honey to go to waste.

  Containing her outbursts were no use. She screamed and squealed and moaned, calling out his name each time his devilish tongue tapped her clit at just the right angle.

  "Oh my God…I'm gonna come," she screamed, knotting her fingers through his hair. "Luke. Oh God."

  His face was buried in her sex. He used his mouth expertly on her, tongue-fucking her and licking her clit until her orgasm pushed through her.

  She was literally purring on the table in the aftermath of her climax.

  "That was good," he panted. "Turn around."

  "Huh?" Her breathing was out of control.

  "Turn around. Bend over with your knees on the table," he instructed.

  Her entire body grew hot when she realized how he wanted her positioned. She obliged his request, kneeling on the table on all fours with her ass in the air.

  "Goddammit, you're so fucking gorgeous." He coaxed her legs further apart on the table and slipped two fingers into her pussy from behind and then removed them. "Look at this nice plump ass of yours. I'm ready to fuck you so hard, my damn nuts are tight as fuck."

  She looked around to protest but then saw that he had his fingers into his mouth again. He'd removed his boxers. When she saw the size of him, she felt her eyes widened. Her sex even clenched and creamed for him.

  "That's right. Get that pussy juicy and dripping wet for me again."

  Taking her by surprise, he brought his hand down across her ass.

  She cried out as a series of mini orgasms took her.

  He kneaded her where he'd punished her. She whimpered and shuddered, trying to hold herself up on the table as he requested. She was ready for him to fuck her, so she arched her back downward to give him free access to her needy pussy.

  "Do you give yourself to me?" he asked.

  "Yes, take me…please."

  Instead of putting his cock in her, she felt his lips on her ass. He peppered kissed on her skin, kneading her like he was preparing her for something bigger. He took her pussy with his mouth again, this time focusing on the lips of her pussy and her labia. He must have known that her clit was already sensitive as well. He seemed to intentionally avoid that area, driving her insane once again. He licked upward until he reached her anal, dipping his tongue inside her tender opening.

  "Oh!" she cried.

  He licked and sucking, paying attention to her ass in the same manner that he did her pussy.

  "Even your ass tastes like honeysuckle," he moaned, licking up and down her slit.

  She couldn't believe that she was nearing yet another climax again. So surreal. It felt so fucking good. With his tongue still licking slowly and deliberately at her tight forbidden hole, he pushed two fingers into her wet pussy and worked his fingers in and out, around…up and down. Her sex clenched tightly around his fingers. Her clit cried for attention, yet he was working her over so good that she felt something building deep inside her. He probed her ass, tunneling deep. His fingers struck her G-spot over and over.

  "Oh shit," she yelled out. "Luke." She bit down on her own tongue, trying not to draw blood. It was useless. He knew what he was doing, and he pulled the climax right out of her.

  The way he prolonged her orgasm beyond its peak made her scream.

  "Ohhhh, God," she wailed.

  Luke Lombardi was a ruthless lover and she loved it.

  "Was this what you wanted?" he teased.

  "Yes. I wanted that. I want some more," she replied, turning over on the table. At this point, the mating imprint on her neck blazed hotly. She took one look at his lower abdomen to confirm that his birthmark was also darker than she'd ever seen. True to his word, the imprint matched hers to the "T". It was a distinct pineapple shape, just like he'd described.

  Luke led me out of the kitchen and into the living room. We didn't make it to the big couch, but instead, she fell back against the arm of a side chair. He bent low to kiss her, allowing her to taste her own juices—their essence together.

  He didn't move her into the missionary sex positions that she was used to. Instead, he lifted one of her thighs while she was still seated on the chair arm, pulled her forward and slowly pushed his thick cock into her opening. She hadn't had sex in a long time and it took her pussy a while to adjust to the size of him. He felt like heaven inside of her. No part of her felt unattended to.

  Once he was deep-seated within her, he began stroking, forcing the walls of her pussy to accommodate him. His strokes were calculating and meticulous at first and then he started building up until the tempo and rhythm agreed with her. She lifted her hips upward to meet him thrust for thrust. The pleasure was so exquisite that Cassie cried out each time he drove his cock past her G-spot and every time he made contact with her clit.

  "God, you sound so sweet." He kissed her throat as he pummeled her. "I'll give you something else to scream about."

  As he promised, he grabbed her other thigh, hoisted it over her shoulders and then fucked her hard and
vigorously. Her throat became so dry she was hoarse from crying in pleasure. He pressed the side of his face against her legs. He kissed her there, licked her there…his moans vibrated against her skin as he held his lips firmly closed against her leg. She even felt the delicate scrape of his canines against her.

  "Ohhh! Fuck." Luke held his face up to the ceiling and groaned out in pleasure. He slowed his pace as if to delay his climax. In and out. Deep, long, slow, calculated thrusts…in and out. His breathing slowed. He pulled all the way out to the tip and then plunge back in, burying himself balls deep within her.

  The surface of Cassie's skin was peppered in sweat. He was drenched in sweat. His sweat and hers mixed together, literally creating the imbalance he talked about. She could almost feel it as his essence worked it's way through her bloodstream, controlling every sense, making her crave every last thrust in her pussy, every last lick against her skin.

  She was coming again. Her body pulsated with carnal rapture. She cried his name as she came. Her sex clenched and creamed, coating his rod and his balls with her slick juices.

  He came undone too. His manly groans and growls were the sexiest thing she'd ever heard during sex. When his semen coated her canal she felt a hot surge of energy spiraling through her giving her one last jolt of sexual pleasure.

  When he removed his cock, she was still high from their session of blazing hot sex. He lifted her up with her legs still wrapped around him and took her to the biggest couch where he laid out beside her.

  "That was out of this world," she breathed.

  Luke grinned. "Ditto. It was actually the best sex I've ever had."

  "It was the best for me too. Compared to what you just did to me, I can't even say that I've done anything like this before." Cassie smiled. "Man, if I knew you were going to fuck me like that I would have jumped you on day one."

  He laughed. "I like to keep a few secrets up my sleeve."

  "Oh, don't I know it…wolf."

  "Now that we understand each other…human, I'm just about ready for another round."

  Sure enough, his cock was beginning rock hard against her belly.

  "You're beginning to spoil me rotten," she said before lifting herself up over him. She straddled him and positioned her pussy on his cock.

  "That's why I'm here for you, mate. To give you everything you need and desire," he replied.

  He gripped her hips and assisted her with taking every last inch of him.

  Once she was seated on him to the hilt, she knew she was in for another wild ride with her mountain wolf.

  Chapter 20

  "Scrambled or over-easy?” Cassie asked as she tossed a piece of butter in the cast iron skillet.

  Luke looked up from his paperwork on the kitchen table. "Either way. I'll have it however you're having it. Four of them. I've gotta run up the road to meet the guy about your brother's contract when I'm done with breakfast. Wanna come?"


  At that moment, the phone rang. Luke jumped up and checked the caller ID. "Speaking of the devil…"

  "It's Neil?" she asked.

  "Yup," Luke replied, and then answered the phone. "What's up, man? I've been trying to call you since yesterday. Ah…I see…did you at least get your cell phone replaced?…A storm rolled through last night so that probably wouldn't have been a good idea…so, uh…you think you're going to wait another day or two? Right….right…"

  Cassie zoned out from the conversation and continued with breakfast. After barely eating supper last night due to their extracurricular activities, they had both worked up an appetite.

  She cracked four eggs into a bowl and then two for herself. The sausages were already sizzling on the grill and she gave them another toss in the pan over the fire.

  Luke slipped beside her still chatting with Neil on the phone.

  "Yeah, she's right here. You want to talk to her?"

  Cassie swallowed. She was glad to hear from her brother after not seeing him for a few days, but she wasn't ready to tell him how much had changed since he dropped her off on Luke's property.

  "Hey Neil," she said into the phone.

  "Hey yourself, kid. You okay up there?"

  "Yeah, I'm doing just fine. We're just about to eat breakfast."

  "You and Luke, you mean?" he asked.

  "Who else?" Cassie asked.

  "I'm glad you two are getting along. I suspect that's what kept you out of trouble. Luke says you haven't been giving him any trouble, which is unheard of with your sassy-ass self."

  "Maybe it's you I have an issue with," she joked. "How's the meeting going?"

  "Oh, it went well. We've got another contract, so I'll be busy for the next six months."

  Cassie passed Luke the bowl of stirred eggs and he poured it in the pan.

  "Are you still in Maine?"

  "I got back yesterday actually. I couldn't get out that way because of the storms rolling through here. I wish I could meet the roofing guy but Luke says you both have it under control."

  "Yeah, Luke has everything under control," she said, glancing up to smile at Luke who was attending to their eggs at the stove.

  "So…um…I may not get out there tomorrow either. My schedule is all fucked up now. Are you sure you're doing okay?"

  "Yeah, don't rush back. I'm perfectly fine."

  "Hmm, last time we talked, you weren't too happy about staying in the mountains and now I can almost see you smiling through the phone. I know you, kid sis. You're happier than usual. Have you got good news or something?"

  "I just love how peaceful it is out here, that's all. They haven't caught the bad guys yet so I guess you don't have to come pick me up anytime soon," she told him.

  "And Luke? Don't you think he deserves a break? That guy has down so much for us. I'd hate to—"

  "Everything's fine. Quit worrying," she said.

  There was silence on the other end and then…

  "I was just thinking about something Luke said a while a back." His voice was lowered as if he wanted to make sure Cassie was the only one who heard him. "Not sure what triggered the memory but I just wanted to make sure that nothing strange is going on or anything with him."

  "You're just paranoid, brother. Everything is fine. I'm going to eat breakfast now. Do you want to talk back with Luke?"

  "Uh…no…I'll call him back later."

  "Alright then. Suit yourself. Bye."

  "I'll drop by there as soon as I can. See you later, kid sis."

  Luke took the phone from her and returned it to the cradle. "Your brother suspects something."

  "Did you hear all that?" she asked, fishing out some plates for their food.

  "I can't help it."

  Cassie grinned. "Right. Wolves have excellence hearing."

  "I'm going to tell him. About everything," Luke said. "It wasn't something I wanted to get into him with on the phone.

  "I'll be with you when you do," Cassie said. "He gets a little agitated when I tell him I'm moving away, but we're not too far from Aspen Valley so he won't be able to use the long distance excuse anymore."

  "Yeah, but that's not what I'm really worried about."

  Cassie closed the distance between him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "What is it then? He has no problem with shifters. He knows better than that. We weren't raised that way."

  "I know. It's just that I kept this a secret for so long. There's also the issue about how I've mated you when I was supposed to be looking after you."

  "I'm an adult. We both consented. If he doesn't understand right away, he will eventually," she told him. "I don't want to leave her."

  "I know." He kissed her forehead. "I don't want you to leave me either."

  "So, what are we worrying about? Let's have breakfast and then get to work."

  Luke grinned, picked up their plates, and then gestured toward the kitchen table. "I'll take your lead."

  Chapter 21

  The following evening, Luke and Cassie had just finished dinner and
was flipping through some local channels when a live broadcast began to air.

  "Stop," Cassie instructed. "That's the station I work for. They're getting ready to report live."

  She read the caption on the screen:

  Reporting Live. Significant Breakthroughs in a String of Tennessee and North Carolina Shifter Murders.

  Luke pressed a button to increase the volume and they both slid to the edge of their seat in anticipation of what was being aired.

  "This is Maxwell Graham reporting live here on the steps of the Tellevue County Courthouse. We're here today to bring you breaking news in the Tellevue police department's never-ending fight to find the criminals responsible for a string of shifter killings in Tennessee and North Carolina state. Some of the connected murders were even reported to have been committed as far south as Florida and as far North as West Virginia." Maxwell turned and gestured behind him at the Courthouse. "Not too long ago, the Mayor, Aspen Valley wolf pack's alpha and three other alphas from surrounding shifter packs met today to discuss the validity of dozens of anonymous tips received over the past several days. It turns out that many of our citizens want to see a stop to these senseless murders. One suspect, an Oliver Pentwood, was arrested earlier today for his involvement in the murder of Leonard Camp, a shifter of the Aspen Valley Wolf Pack. A resident of Aspen Valley reported that he had seen Oliver Pentwood loitering around the Westgate Apartments the night that a journalist received a note with a death threat. Pentwood's arrest has already led to two other suspects being taken in--a Daniel Fisher, who was previously fired from the Aspen Valley police department late last year, and an unnamed male who has tied to the now-defunct company Teddy Ammos and Sons. The sheriff reports that these individuals are connected to a crime ring and a notorious gang. He also states that more suspects are being questioned and more arrests will follow...Lindsay Moore, back to you…"

  "They got him," Cassie whispered. "They're going to catch the killers."

  Luke breathed a sigh of relief. "That was fast. I'm so relieved that we can put a stop to this. No one else has to die."


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