Royal Torment (Stand Alone Tales Book 10)

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Royal Torment (Stand Alone Tales Book 10) Page 6

by Viola Grace

  “He was.” She jerked her head toward Ador and her father in combat.

  “Your parents obviously know, or they wouldn’t have ordered me here.”

  She nodded. “They are aware.”

  “So, they are going to be grandparents. You are now carrying the imperial heir. Congratulations.”

  He looked toward her mother, and Amerald yelled, “Hey, Grandpa! Come here and look at the scan.”

  Her father reacted as she thought he would—he ducked, elbowed Ador in the abdomen, and tossed him to the side before he was striding over to where Tydella was standing. He hugged her carefully. “Do you feel okay?”

  Amerald was laughing. “She and I just attacked each other with practice weapons. She’s fine. Sorry, Tydella, should have warned you. He likes to fuss.”

  He was grinning. “So, you got pregnant...”

  Ador wandered up, dusting himself off. “Three days ago.”

  She looked at him and smiled, but there was a blush on her cheeks. “It is too early for this much embarrassment.” She pressed her hands to her face.

  Amerald cleared her throat. “Apologies, she gets her bashful nature from me. I know that Kiidar are more forthright about such things. Hell, even my people are. I just got used to being circumspect, and it has rubbed off on her.”

  Ador smiled. “I enjoy her sensibilities.”

  She blinked and looked around at the smug faces looking at her. “Right. I have to get ready for the testing. May I be dismissed?”

  Her father scowled and tapped his cheek. She hopped up and pressed a kiss to his face.

  She hugged her mother, and then, she went to pass Ador. He moved to block her. He tapped his lips. She narrowed her eyes and crooked her finger to bring him down to her. She went up on her toes, pulled his head down, and kissed him until he was grabbing her waist to hold on tight. Tydella backed away and smiled brightly. “See you later.”

  She didn’t look back at him but kept herself walking back to the palace until she was near the corner, then she ran. Sashen and Uren were with her when they walked the halls, Sashen asked, “Why did you run just there?”

  Tydella chuckled. “Ador is still coming out of rut. Seeing me run is going to cause all kinds of instincts to pile in.”

  Uren grinned. “That is evil.”

  “I know. I look forward to practicing torment if I am able to remain with him.”

  Sashen frowned. “Do you doubt that you will?”

  Tydella shrugged. “I am not used to trying to get on the good side of strangers.”

  Her guards couldn’t argue with that. She was famous for her plain speaking. Now, she was going to have to play etiquette and politics with people who wanted to kill her. At least she was familiar with that.

  After her shower, she braided a portion of her hair into a coronet and laced up her morning dress. The invitation she had received indicated a brunch in twenty minutes. She put on a small, embroidered, high-necked jacket, and moderate heels. She was ideal for brunch in the imperial court, and that was the standard that this court needed to mimic. The jacket was to conceal the bite marks. She normally would never wear one to brunch.

  When she faced her guards, she smiled. “Right. Shall we go?”

  Sashen and Uren were wearing their formal uniforms with weapons. Sashen smiled. “You look lovely, Your Highness.”

  Uren bowed slightly. “Glowing.”

  “I can and will send you to a mining colony, Uren.” She looked at Sashen and winked.

  They walked the halls and headed out to the pavilion erected in the gardens. Several of the Kai-len were browsing nearby.

  She was quite sure that everyone else had been given an earlier start time, so she entered the space and faced the six seated women with an arched brow.

  She saw a familiar face, and Rasish smiled and squealed, “Princess Tydella!”

  “Good morning, Rasish.” She turned toward the queen. “Good morning, madam.”

  The queen got to her feet. “Ah, Princess Tydella, we were beginning to think you weren’t coming!”

  “Yes, unfortunately, the calligrapher must have had an issue with the time. According to my invitation, I am precisely on time.”

  The queen frowned. “I verified them all myself.”

  Sashen handed the heavily embossed item forward. “It seems that one fell through the cracks, Your Majesty.”

  The queen took it, and she scowled. “When did you receive this?”

  Tydella looked at Sashen.

  “An hour ago, Your Majesty. It was slipped under the princess’s door.” Sashen was used to royalty.

  To Tydella’s shock, the queen bowed her head. “I apologize, Your Imperial Highness. It was not my intent to begin with an insult.”

  Tydella was watching, and there were two princesses who had seemed delighted about the invitation. “Well, it seems that there is no room left for me, so I will take a turn around the gardens. Don’t trouble yourself, Your Majesty. These things happen.” She inclined her head and left the pavilion.

  Sashen sighed. “Too bad. The food smelled great.”

  Tydella sighed. “Yeah. It did. Uren, come along.”

  They walked toward the Kai-len, and the beasts came toward her. She paused and yawned, then she perked up. “Hey, I can take a nap.”

  Sashen laughed. “You do tend to find the bright side.”

  “Yeah. Are you and the others really pregnant?” She stroked one of the animals and looked at her guards.

  Uren wrapped his arms around Sashen and placed his hands over her belly. He nodded. “We are. One pair went off and then the next, and you get the idea.”

  “And then I went off. Sure. It all follows.”

  Sashen chuckled. “If we are allowed, your child will not lack for companions.”

  Tydella smiled. “I would like nothing better.”

  She walked to a shade tree in the gardens, and she sank down to rest. She really needed more sleep than she had been getting.

  Chapter Nine

  She heard voices, and then, she was being carried. She knew it was Ador before she opened her eyes. “Why are you carrying me?”

  “Because my mother was mortified that someone had tampered with the invitation, and she told me about it when I asked where the hell you were.”

  “Ah. Right. So, why are you carrying me?”

  “You were sleeping against a tree. I can offer you something much more comfortable.”

  She rubbed her cheek against his shoulder. “Don’t you have guests?”

  “I met them. Two were immediately dismissed by my mother, and the remaining four seem pleasant enough.”

  She snorted. “Well, no matter how this turns out, thanks for showing up.”

  They were inside the palace, and he walked to what turned out to be his chambers. She chuckled. “I wonder if I will get an invitation to the history quiz. I am really good at Kiidar history.”

  He paused and then chuckled. “Royal tutors?”

  “Of course. I have the best education. Tutors lined up to teach me. I had a thirsty mind and parents with deep pockets. I was a dream.”

  He settled her on his bed and helped her with her jacket. “Why are you even wearing... oh.”

  The bite from the night before had been a little savage. The marks could not be misconstrued for anything else.

  He kissed the bite marks, licking softly at her shoulder. He raised his head. “Does it hurt?”

  She shook her head. “No. It doesn’t. It does make me remember last night every time I move my arm. Fighting with my mother was difficult.”

  He chuckled and pulled her onto his lap. He ran his hand over the back of her dress. “Laces?”

  “Laces. They hold the dress up like nothing else.” As she said it, he tugged at the loops, and the bodice came loose. She slammed a hand to her chest, and he chuckled.

  He eased her out of the bodice and the morning gown. He shrugg
ed out of his clothing, and when he brought them back together, he was seated, and she was astride him. She rose and fell with him until they both shook and groaned.

  She pressed her head to his shoulder, and he removed his teeth from her shoulder with soft licks.

  She didn’t get her nap.

  The invitation to the history test was delivered with lunch. She yawned and nodded, eating her sandwich and soup after Tomath had tried everything. She needed more food, and she was desperate for sleep.

  She smiled at Tomath. “I want to go to the area where the testing will be held half an hour early. I don’t have anything else to do.”

  “Excellent. I am disturbed by what happened this morning.”

  “As am I. Wait. No, I am not. I deal with that crud all the time.” She snorted then yawned again.

  She was in her afternoon dress, family crest, full skirt, and she sounded like a ball of parchment when she moved. Her hair was up and tied together with a thin ribbon.

  She nodded to her guards, and they escorted her on a leisurely trip through the palace and to the library on the main floor. The staff that was getting ready for the test bowed. “Your Highness, you are early.”

  Tydella inclined her head. “Any chance of a romance section? There really isn’t anything else for me to do around here.”

  The library custodian smiled and said, “Right this way.”

  She followed him, and he directed her to the correct area, and she grinned at the expansive collection. “King or queen?”

  He chuckled. “The queen. I will be sure to come get you when the others arrive. Please, just put your selections aside and then take them with you after the test.”

  She nodded. “Thank you.”

  He left her alone, and she picked a few books, finding an armchair, and she curled up into an elegant curve that she had been taught since she was twelve.

  Forty-five minutes after she began reading, the curator came and nodded to her. She closed her book and stood up, walking toward the girls that were whispering base-born bastard.

  She chuckled. “I believe that if you actually investigate, you will find that I was born ten months after the consort contract was enacted. Legal in every way.”

  The two princesses paused and stared.

  They met her amused gaze, and then, they both curtsied deeply. One of them said, “I beg your pardon, Imperial Highness. I did not know that you were there.”

  Tydella cocked her head. “Whether you knew or not, you were still engaged in spreading falsehood. As a lady, it behooves you to make sure that your information is accurate, especially when it involves another lady. It would be unfair, for example, if I began to call your birth into question. I mean, your stripes resemble your fathers, but also resemble the major-domo of your parents’ country estate.”

  The princess gasped.

  The other princess smiled. “Oh hush, Meia. You deserved that.”

  Tydella chuckled. “Thank you, Rohama of Rygon.”

  The princess paused. “You know who I am?”

  “Of course. I was instructed in the names and faces of all members of royal houses.” Tydella smiled and then made a slight curtsy as the queen entered the room with Rasish at her side.

  The queen’s secretary was behind her with an armload of documents. Desks had been set up, and the test was swiftly organized.

  For Tydella, it was pure fun. She knew all the answers and had no trouble with the essay questions. When she completed the test, she put her imperial icon at the top of every page, and then, she handed the stack over to the queen, who handed it to her secretary for marking.

  The queen spoke softly to her. “The final test will be after dinner tonight. You look exhausted. Will you be all right?”

  Tydella smiled. “I will be fine. I am simply short on sleep. I keep finding something in my bed that shouldn’t be there.”

  The queen blinked. “You found that?”

  “It was hard to miss.”

  The queen nodded and smiled brightly. “Very good. I will see you at dinner this evening.”

  Tydella nodded and went to her room with her guards to try and find out what was actually in her bed.

  Half an hour later, she sat there staring at the small golden pea. “Huh. That woman has issues.”

  Tomath restored the bedding to rights, and he said, “Did you feel it?”

  “No. I sleep on the other side of the bed.”

  She looked wistfully at the bed, but it was time to get ready for the dinner. It was time for her most elegant and feminine clothing. If there was going to be dancing, imperial formal would be a little too stiff. She needed to dress floaty.

  Chapter Ten

  The dinner was pleasant, and all the local nobility had arrived for the ball. She was announced when entering the ballroom, and she entered easily, walking to her parents. Her father’s formal jacket looked like it was having problems containing his shoulders. Her mother looked like the definition of elegant, but Tydella knew that her mother had at least six blades on her. Tydella was wearing four.

  Her father asked, “How are you doing today?”

  “Great. If I don’t get some rest soon, someone is going to die.” She smiled brightly.

  Her mother scowled. “How long has it been since you properly slept?”

  “Um, Zathura Station.”

  “Aw, honey. Well, one more night and you are free. Then, we can work on planning your future, with or without him.”

  The music started, and the king and queen passed them. Her father sighed and offered his consort his hand. They turned from their daughter and headed for the dance floor. As the ranking persons who were guests, they had to take a turn with the king and queen.

  Tydella smiled, and she felt a presence behind her. She turned her head and nodded politely toward him. “Your Highness looks charming this evening.”

  He smiled. “You look edible and remarkably soft.”

  She fell back on her formal education and gave him an acknowledging nod.

  Their respective sets of parents were moving gracefully around the dancefloor before four young men broke from the crowd, and each of them headed for a princess. She looked at Ador. “I believe another test has arrived.”

  A young Rasha Kiidar bowed and looked at Ador. “Please excuse me, Your Highness.”

  He stiffened his shoulders and inclined his head. “Pardon the lack of introduction, Your Highness, but I have been assigned as your dancing partner for the first two dances.”

  Ador growled. “This is Malin, my youngest brother. The other young men are my cousins.”

  Tydella smiled. “I will be pleased to dance with you, Prince Malin.”

  He smiled, extended his hand, and led her to the dancefloor where they formed up and moved easily with the music.

  Malin asked, “So, you and my older brother, huh?”

  “Apparently. It was not my plan, either.”

  “Are you really an imperial princess?”

  “I am the imperial princess. There is no other in this generation.”

  He blinked and smiled. They moved easily between the other dancers. Malin may be younger than Ador, but he was smooth on his feet.

  “If you married him, what would be your plans?”

  She shrugged. “My plans don’t fall into this. The child I carry is the imperial heir, no matter the gender. So, after the child is born, any place that we travel would have to be secured. I suppose it depends on Ador. If he would become imperial consort, he would have to renounce his inheritance here. We haven’t had a chance to actually discuss anything.”

  His brother was so stunned that only her light grip on him kept them from a collision. “Wait, he could be the imperial consort?”

  “Yes, he would be a prince of the empire and father of the next head of state.” She sighed. “Or, he stays here, and I go home and occasionally send him images of his child, possibly with annual visits.”

>   He nodded. “That sounds like a sucky situation.”

  “For me, sure. For him? He can do as he likes. I was in this position the day I was born. It is what it is. I am just lucky that I got to pick my lover as that was also being discussed the last time I went home.” She shivered.

  The music came to a halt, and she applauded lightly.

  He murmured, “This next one will be shorter but faster.”

  She knew the strains when she heard them and muttered, “That’s what they all say.”

  Stringed instruments and drumbeats started, Malin lifted her and spun her through the air, setting her down on her feet. She began to move with him through the dance, quick steps with twisting hips, spins, lifts, and being thudded into his body. When the last strains of the dance were over, she was wrapped in his arms, facing away from him, and the crowd applauded all the dancers.

  Tydella was a little sweaty, but she turned to applaud the other dancers, and they had all stepped aside.

  Malin chuckled, bowed, and took her hand, pressing his lips to her knuckles. “Thank you. I have never properly been able to take a partner for a spin before. You are only half Kiidar?”


  “What is the other half?”

  She leaned in and told him.

  His eyes went wide, and he looked over at her mother with huge eyes. “She’s...”

  “Oh, yes. It is how they met.”

  Ador was at her side and offering her his hand. “May I have the next and all subsequent dances?”

  She smiled. “Certainly, but after getting all worked up with your brother, you are going to have to take it easy with me.”

  Malin’s eyes brightened, and his laughter was just as sparkling as his gaze.

  Tydella looked up at Ador and took his hand. “Fine. But I am in desperate need of a proper night’s sleep, so I am not going to last long.”

  The mid-tempo music was playing, and Tydella let him take over as they swooped and spun around the room. “So, you have enchanted my little brother.”

  She chuckled. “Not enchanted, more intrigued. And if he runs into a few of my guards, his first rut is going to hit hard.”


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