Tacet a Mortuis (The Elite King's Club Book 3)

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Tacet a Mortuis (The Elite King's Club Book 3) Page 20

by Amo Jones

  Nate let me continue as I drove. “I didn’t know she was pregnant before that point, dawg. On my life. When Daemon told me, I cut a deal with Katsia. Only the bitch tried to get Micaela killed.” I shot him a quick look to see his eyes zoned out.

  “I believe you.” His jaw turned rigid.

  I focused on the road again. “Anyway, I should have picked it up. A few months ago, after that shit went down with Madison and Daemon and she was in the hospital, I caught Tillie trying to sneak into the room.”

  I could see Nate look at me out of the corner of my eye. “I asked her what the fuck she was doing and she said she couldn’t talk but that someone had told her that there was an incident and that Madison was hurt. I didn’t even think to look at her stomach because she was so fucking small, but the was wearing an oversized hoodie, which now that I think back, was fucked up, but her, in general, was fucked up. She was off, different. More than usual. I knew she cared about Madison, so I let her see her, but before I did she told me that Katsia had captured her after that night at the cabin.” I chanced a glance at him now. “Katsia couldn’t have known that she was pregnant at this point.” I looked back to the road. “Anyway, I said I’d get in touch with her when I need to and I let her see Madison.”

  “This shit doesn’t make sense anymore. Lines are getting blurred and I don’t know, bro, I just feel like there’s a war brewing.”

  I nodded. “Agreed which is why I’ve come to this conclusion.” I sucked in a breath. “The girls need the fuck away from us.”

  “Madison, this is bad. Just having her here with that baby is putting all of us at risk.”

  “Dad!” I snapped, putting my hands on my hips. “I need to do this.”

  His eyes glassed over. His brows were furrowed. He was worried and my heart sunk more. I was being selfish.

  “I have a solution, but you’re not going to like it.”

  “What?” I asked, defeated. “At this point, I’ll take anything.”

  “Actually, we have a solution.”

  Bishop’s voice launched butterflies in my chest. I turned to the door. “What is it?” He and Nate walked inside and then came into the kitchen. They both took a seat on a bar stool.

  “Bishop?” I urged him, leaning against the kitchen island.

  “You need to run. All three of you, and the kid.”


  “Madison…” Bishop sounded exhausted, rubbing his hands over his head in frustration. “Look, not for long, just until we sort out this war. We have never had to worry about casualties until you three came into the game. Now? Now we have you and Tillie and Tatum and for fuck’s sake a newborn baby who has a damn hit on her head, Madison. Think, be smart. You know it, we all know that this has to happen.”

  Tears spilled from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. I didn’t even bother to wipe them away, because I couldn’t bring myself to move. My arms felt like they were weighted down on either side of my body and my legs felt like Jell-O.

  “Why, what’s happening? I’m going to need to know one hundred percent of what’s going on if you want this to happen.”

  Bishop nodded, his palm cupping his mouth and his eyes boring into mine. My eyes stayed locked on his, as though he and I were the only ones in the room. “Katsia is rebelling against the Kings and has gone rogue. We have reason to believe she’s trying to build her own army and plans to either expose us, or fight us, or both.” He leaned forward, his eyes darkening. “You see, I can’t have you here when all this shit blows up, because she will come for you first, and then? She’ll find out about Micaela.”

  The realism of everything hit me like a ton of bricks. My legs finally gave way as I curled up on the cool kitchen floor, drawing them to my chest.

  “Madison,” my father started, since he had been quiet. “This has to happen. You’re too important.”

  Bishop’s boots came into view, but I didn’t look up at him. He knelt beside me and his finger hooked under my chin, tilting my head up to face him. He searched my eyes. “Do you see the importance of this, baby? I could have gone another route to drilling things into your brain, so I really hope you listen to the orders I give you.”

  “You were going to break up with me?” I whispered, searching his eyes as more tears overflowed.

  He gave me a small smile. “Almost.”

  “I’d kill you,” I stated matter-of-factly.

  He laughed, his straight teeth flashing, lighting up the room. I didn’t laugh. I didn’t even smile because I wasn’t kidding. “You laugh, but I’m not joking. I can’t—” I shook my head as terror crippled through my veins at the mere thought of Bishop not being mine.

  “Hey!” he snapped me out of the spiral that had started to spin inside my head. His thumb pressed over my bottom lip. “Yes, I was going to do that.”

  “What changed?” I asked, wiping the tears from my cheeks with the back of my hand.

  His lip kicked up in a grin. “I remembered that I love you and I promised you that I would change the things I could change—that’s what.”

  My heart warmed, and the hiccups that had formed slowly started to subside. “Ok.” I nodded, standing to my feet. “We will go, but where? I’m not leaving the US.”

  Bishop shook his head. “No, but I need you way the fuck out of here, somewhere no one would guess… so I have a plan…”

  I narrowed my eyes. Nate couldn’t contain his laughter anymore, his chuckles practically vibrating off the walls.

  “Good to see your taste in décor is still as shit as ever, Joseph.”

  I spun around to see Bishop’s mom standing there, pushing her sunglasses over her short dark hair. Then her eyes came to me. “Hi, sweetie.”

  “Oh,” I purred, and then when I registered what she was doing here, my eyebrows shot up. “Oh!”

  “Yes! Oh!” She smiled, and then walked to Nate, leaned down, pecking him on his head. “Lucky your taste in women has improved, Joseph.”

  My dad rolled his eyes. “Always a pleasure to see you, Scarlet.”

  She smirked. “I know.”

  Sometimes, I forget that my dad and their generation probably had stories on stories of the drama they lived through being Kings and associates.

  Tillie chose this time to enter the kitchen. My eyes automatically flew to Nate.

  “Oh, who is this!” Scarlet started toward Tillie with a smile on her face.

  “Mom…” Bishop warned. She pulled back, a pout on her lip.

  Nate slowly went to Tillie, his eyes remaining on her. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until Bishop said, “Breathe, you’re turning purple.”

  I let out my breath.

  Nate started. “I hate you. I will always hate you. You didn’t once try to contact me and tell me what the fuck was going on.” Tillie went to open her mouth but his hand flew up to silence her, just then I noticed Tate and Daemon sink into the background. “I’m not finished. I fucking hate you, Tillie. More than I’ve ever hated anyone, and for as long as you live I am going to make your life a living fucking hell, and hey...” His eyes dropped down to Micaela before coming back to Tillie with a sadistic smirk on his face. “Looks like you’re stuck with me for at least eighteen years.” Then he took the baby from Tillie who was visibly shaking as tears rushed out of her. As soon as Micaela was in Nate’s arms, he coos sweetly at her. As if he didn’t just verbally annihilate the woman who gave him his daughter. I get his anger, I understand why, but I’m still fuming for my best friend.

  “Nate!” I snapped at him.

  He was mouthing “shhh” with a smile on his face as Micaela curled her little hand around his finger. “What, sis?”

  I stared at him in disappointment, and when I opened my mouth to cuss him out, I came out flat. Exhaling, I shook my head. “I’m disappointed.”

  “And I don’t care,” Nate responded, taking Micaela out of the room.

  My eyes flew to Bishop who was watching me carefully. “Give him time, baby. It’s
a lot to take in, and with all the circumstances around it.”

  I rested my head on his shoulder and he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. “Mom’s going to take you all somewhere safe. She’s shooting her movie right now and I think it’s the safest place you could be because Katsia wouldn’t expect it.”

  “Why would she not expect it?” I mumbled into his shirt.

  “Because I hate all of Bishop’s girls,” she shrugged, putting a grape into her mouth. She’s such a fucking queen.

  I giggled.

  Then I pushed off Bishop’s shoulder. “Promise me a couple of things?”

  Bishop moved my hair out of my face.

  “First one, is don’t die.”

  He threw his head back in a laugh. I punched him in the shoulder. “I’m serious.”

  “Ow.” His laughter died out, rubbing the spot I just assaulted. “Okay, next thing?”

  “Look after Daemon, please…” My heart ached as the words left my mouth. The thought of Daemon being in the line of any danger was enough to not only make me sick but have my head spinning and bile rising in my throat.

  Bishop sobered. “Done. Anything else?”

  “Kick Nate’s ass and drill some sense into him.”

  He laughed again. “Can’t promise that, but I’ll try.”

  “Hunter and Jase…”

  “Baby, no one is dying under my time. I promise you this…”

  I relaxed, my shoulders falling. “Ok. I feel better.”

  “Good, because the car’s here to pick you up. Don’t miss my texts or my phone calls, and I want a song a day added to the playlist while you’re gone. Deal?” he asked, an eyebrow quirked.

  I smiled, my arms flying around his neck. I leaped up onto him, my legs latching around his waist. “Promise.” I kissed him, and then I kissed him another hundred times.

  “Madison, honey, I love you, but I don’t want to see this…” Scarlet said, hustling out the door. I was still pressing kisses to Bishop’s lips when he started walking us toward the front door.

  “Kitty, maybe we should start calling you Koala.”

  I flipped Nate off while squeezing Bishop. When we reached the door, I dropped down and Bishop hitched his thumb over his shoulder. “I need to show you your present before you leave, so I’ll be back in five.”

  I nodded, watching Bishop’s retreating back. Daemon came into view and my smile dropped. I walked to him, my hands lacing with his. “Daemon?”


  “Please look after yourself.”

  A sad smile pulled over his mouth as he took me into a hard hug. “Always.”

  Tears threatened to surface. I hate that we haven’t had a smooth run of getting to really know each other, but it has always just been easy instinct when it came to him and I. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, Madison.” My throat throbbed and my eyes welled with tears again. For Daemon to say that meant everything to me because not only was he void of emotions, but he—apparently—had a demonic case of schizophrenia.

  “Alright, baby, come here.” Bishop walked back into the foyer. My eyes shot up to him. “You didn’t need to get me anything.”

  He chuckled. “That’s cute.” Then pulled me under his arm. “I’ll see you on the day, no doubt, but I wanted to give you your present now.”

  “How come?” I asked, snuggling under his arm as he led us outside.

  “Because it’s fucking over the top,” Nate muttered, following behind us to go to Tillie. We headed toward the garage where all our cars were. It looked more like a show-car garage because the entire front—including the door—was glass. The cars were always parked neatly in their homes. It was my dad’s thing. He loved cars. Bishop opened the garage door as if this was his house. I shivered.

  “Bishop, why—” the door opened and in front of me flashed a pastel teal colored Lamborghini. I gasped. “Holy shit!” My hand flew to cover my mouth as my legs slowly carried me toward it. “Is this mine?” I squealed in excitement. “Bishop! I love it, and I love you, but this is too much! Most people just get roses or something…”

  He walked toward me and wrapped me in his arms. Kissing me softly on the top of my head, he whispered, “You’re not a most people kinda girl. You’re my people.”

  I looked up at him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “Thank you, I love it so much.”

  He handed me the keys. “Go take a look before you have to leave. I got everything custom. The paint job and the interior is all custom.” I walked around the side, it was so beautiful I was at a loss for words. It had black tinted windows and black mag wheels. It also sat so low to the ground. The teal color was a splash of sass on a car you would take seriously—my favorite color. I slid up the doors and took in the inside. Black leather encased the seats with bits of teal in little nooks and crannies. The steering wheel was teal too. The rich smell of leather and fresh rubber told me this was new.

  “No words.” I shook my head, shutting the door and turning to face him again.

  “Your mother-in-law is cracking the whip, Mads—” Tate rounded the garage and paused when she saw the car.

  “Oh yaaaasss!” She clicked her fingers. “Oh my fuck! This is perfect! Girls trips…” She jumped in the spot.

  Bishop rolled his eyes, leading us out the garage and back to the limo that was awaiting us.

  “Mom…” he warned, leaning into the window. I climbed in behind him. Nate closed the trunk and tapped it.

  “Packed some good panties in there, sis.”

  Bishop glared at him, and then came back to me. “Behave yourself, baby.”

  I offered him a smile. “I will.”

  “She won’t.” Scarlet was fast becoming one of my most favorite people.

  “Mom…” Bishop warned again, his eyes staying on me.

  “Oh calm down, Bishop. I’ll take good care of her.”

  He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. “See you soon.” Then shut the door, stepping backward as the limo pulled away.

  “Yeah,” I cleared my throat. “See you soon.”

  “Everything is going to be fine, sweetheart.” Scarlet patted my leg.

  I smiled, looking out the window. I wasn’t sold on if this was going to be fine. I had just left a whole bunch of guys that I love to fight a battle, while I went off and hid. It felt wrong and went against everything I stood for. Every fiber of my being was screaming to jump from this car and run back to them. I didn’t want to run. I understood why Tillie and Tatum did, but not me. What if something happened to Bishop. My heart cracked in my chest and sweat broke out over my flesh. I needed to squash all thoughts that involved Bishop in harm’s way. Or any of them, for that matter.

  “So,” I exhaled, hushing my thoughts. “Where are we going?”

  She looked up at me from her phone. “Just to LA. Trust me, if the baby had a passport, we would be flying out of here.” She went back to tapping on her phone as the limo continued to drive us toward the airstrip. With every mile that we took, it felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest.

  Resting my head against the headrest in the chair, I looked over at Tillie who was with the baby opposite me. We still hadn’t had a chance to talk, I guessed I was just waiting for the right time. Hopefully I’d get that time in LA. The jet engines fired up and I pulled my ear pods out, putting them in my ear and opening up a text.

  Just about to fly out. I miss you

  Seconds pass and I don’t get a reply, so I turn my phone into airplane mode and open Spotify. Pressing play on Luav “The Other,” I sink into the tune and engulf myself in the lyrics. The smooth sound of heartbreak. Looking down, I quickly add it to our playlist. That’s song one in my song a day. Hitting repeat, I let it put me to sleep like a soft lullaby.

  With Nate riding shotgun and Daemon in the back of my Maserati, I drove us back to my house. I’d been running away from this place because I knew Khales was there, but I needed to call a meeting with Dad to get to the bot
tom of whatever the fuck was happening within the Kings.

  “A Lambo? Like, really?” Nate hadn’t stopped going on about my present to Madison since we left the house.

  “Yes, really,” I deadpanned.

  “Why do you have to show us up like that? Now it’s going to make my one look shit not to mention Hunter and Jase, and I heard Saint, Eli, Chase, Brantley, and Cash all got her something too.”

  “Nate, it’s not a competition.”

  “Oh but it is, though! You know I’m an overachiever.”

  I sighed, hitting the indicator to my street. I looked in the rearview mirror. “Bonum est tibi?” Asking if the kid was okay seemed like the least I could do—since he was stuck with us for however long. I still wasn’t sure how to characterize him yet, and if it wasn’t for his relationship with Madison, I’d kill him myself for shooting her—but I couldn’t. When it came down to my rage, there was only one other feeling that trumped it. Her. I didn’t trust him, I couldn’t. I trusted no one outside of my circle.

  He nodded, then took his glare back out the window. “Ne putes illa erunt discedite?” Asking me if Madison would stay away was a given. You didn’t have to be a Madspert to know the girl goes down with her own. I open my mouth to answer, but Nate cuts me off with a scoff.


  He was fluent in Latin as we all were, he was just being a smart ass—per usual.

  I shrugged, pulling into my driveway. “Nos autem non scire nisi runs.” Because I would know if she did. I’d have my mother grilling me. I jumped out of the car and my feet hadn’t even hit the asphalt when I heard Khales’ voice.


  “Oh for fuck’s sake!” Nate slammed the passenger door after letting Daemon out. I turned to face her and watched as her eyes widened on Daemon.

  “Holy shit, is that?” Her attention followed them as they passed her and headed to the side of the house.

  I shut my door. “Daemon? Yes.”

  “I’ve heard so much about him. They call him Six.”

  “Who are they?” I narrowed my eyes.


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